RIP President Bush

I only saw a little this morning. I got teary when the casket was being taken out of the hearse and the band played Hail To The Chief.

I saw on the news tonight the clip of George W breaking down. Was hard to watch. I did love the humor they wove into the day though. There were some really funny things said that got a lot of laughs. Was nice to see the lighter moments.

All I kept thinking was all the presidents that were there had to be thinking that this is what it will be like for them when their time comes.
Seeing George W break down was heartbreaking. I can’t imagine giving the eulogy for a parent. I couldn’t do it.

My sister and I did not speak at our parents funeral. They passed just five months apart. We were still planning Mom’s memorial when Dad passed because he was kind of dragging his feet about it, so we did one service for both. That was tough. I can’t imagine doing it in the public eye and feeling like you had to stay composed the whole time.

I haven’t watched a lot of the coverage because it brings back so many memories, but I have kept up by reading about it. I did see the clip of George W and cried . . .
Bob Dole got me. He couldn't stand up with his own power, he was clearly very weak but it was clear that he WAS going to stand as tall and as proud as he could to pay his respects. In front of the eyes of millions he was humble and let everybody see that he needed to literally be lifted up by another man so he could stand. Says a great deal about him and his generation as a whole IMO. It was very touching. Also one clip shows Jimmy Carter wiping away a tear got to me as well....
This may sound silly but throughout the sadness of his passing I feel PROUD to be a part of this country. It's like we all came together as one this past week.

I felt so proud of the service, but I was streaming the service on nbc news or something online and the comments being made were so horrendous that i felt sick.
Bob Dole got me. He couldn't stand up with his own power, he was clearly very weak but it was clear that he WAS going to stand as tall and as proud as he could to pay his respects. In front of the eyes of millions he was humble and let everybody see that he needed to literally be lifted up by another man so he could stand. Says a great deal about him and his generation as a whole IMO. It was very touching. Also one clip shows Jimmy Carter wiping away a tear got to me as well....

There was a rededication ceremony at our local courthouse a few years back & there were many veterans on hand - many in wheelchairs; some looking quite frail. But, when the flag was unfurled, there wasn’t a one of them seated. It was very humbling.
I felt so proud of the service, but I was streaming the service on nbc news or something online and the comments being made were so horrendous that i felt sick.

I don't even bother reading online comments made on most media forums since they are frequently written to rile "the other side" or "cheer on the home base"; just jhs/ middle school juvenile and I've no idea if they realise it. Thank goodness there are at least 2 media forums (opposite sides) I know of where people try to act like adults who can spell, write semi-grammatically, and attempt to not play silly games: WSJ and NYT.
I watched C-Span's coverage. I love their simple way of just showing things without commentary.

They are repeating today's events right now. I have it on in the background and plan to watch the train portion.


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