REVAMP of Whispering Canyon Cafe BEGINS

I thought I read that this restaurant had instituted flip cards several years ago for this very reason? So that diners could opt in or out of the antics.
The atmosphere of the restaurant is listed on the Disney website so the only complaint people could have is that they didn't read it when they booked, which is not the problem of the restaurant or anyone at WL. The information is there. There shouldn't have to be a failsafe "are you sure you want to book this restaurant, there's antics?!" to save people from their own ignorance.

I've never seen the flip cards, but you're not the only one who mentioned them so maybe I just didn't notice them. I don't think most people read the restaurant description or even know they need to beyond the menu and prices. When you make an ADR, unless you click "Learn More About..." you only see the Name, a Picture, Location, Type of Meal (TS, QS, Signature, Themed, etc...), and available ADR times. Perhaps, they could add "Antics" to the meal type field like so - "Table Service/Themed/Antics". Maybe even add it to the filters, so you can search specifically for meals with/without antics.
I've never seen the flip cards, but you're not the only one who mentioned them so maybe I just didn't notice them. I don't think most people read the restaurant description or even know they need to beyond the menu and prices. When you make an ADR, unless you click "Learn More About..." you only see the Name, a Picture, Location, Type of Meal (TS, QS, Signature, Themed, etc...), and available ADR times. Perhaps, they could add "Antics" to the meal type field like so - "Table Service/Themed/Antics". Maybe even add it to the filters, so you can search specifically for meals with/without antics.

We ate there 2 years ago and had a flip card when we were seated. The hostess told us about the card and what to expect. Our server was funny/silly without the "antics".
I went when I was a kid and I didn't like the antics at all. I felt embarrassed. Although I do respect others enjoy it.
Been there twice and honestly the last time was so gross, I wouldn't go back regardless of what they did. Simply dreadful food.
I thought I read that this restaurant had instituted flip cards several years ago for this very reason? So that diners could opt in or out of the antics.
The atmosphere of the restaurant is listed on the Disney website so the only complaint people could have is that they didn't read it when they booked, which is not the problem of the restaurant or anyone at WL. The information is there. There shouldn't have to be a failsafe "are you sure you want to book this restaurant, there's antics?!" to save people from their own ignorance.

Several people have reported that they no longer have the cards. It was a good idea though.

Sure, Disney could probably do a better job describing it online. But as a guest making an ADR there has to be some personal responsibility for knowing where you are going to eat. There are lots of places that could come with warnings.....Sci Fi might be too dark for some people, Biergarten might be too loud...etc. If I showed up at a random restaurant knowing nothing about it and then didn't like the atmosphere, that's on me not them.

I agree on Sci-fi, if the name made it clear it was a Drive-in restaurant. It doesn't really, but that could easily be corrected. For the others, most people go to a German restaurant expecting German food. At 50's, they would expect comfort, diner food. At RR Irish Pub, they'd expect Irish food. Coral Reef would leave you to believe it's primarily seafood. The names say nothing about the atmosphere. Do you research the atmosphere of every restaurant you eat in every time you go out to eat? My guess is no. For a lot of people, Disney is no different. Most would expect a restaurant called a 50's diner to have some throwback decorations, but why would they expect the antics? I've been to several 50's diners. If I didn't read this board, I'd expect the one at WDW to be similar to the rest. It doesn't really surprise me that people don't research every detail of their vacation. In my family, I'm an oddity. Most of them choose a destination & wing it. They would choose a restaurant based on the type of food, but never give the theme a second thought. Honestly, I think those of us here who obsess over our vacations are the unusual ones. We shouldn't expect people to research like we do, because that isn't reality.
I am someone who has posted in the past that maybe they should be more upfront with the antics or what goes on in their restaurants.
But at the same time I chuckle..........because Good Lord it's not like it's a Nude Beach & you don't know until you walk in :lmao:
I would assume that she's not acting autonomously and that she has the support of the people above her. From reading this thread I've gotten the impression that sales at WCC are down (based on several people mentioning that it frequently has a lot of empty tables, and others commenting that the antics have gotten old for them so they haven't been making ADRs there), so this new GM is probably working with Disney to develop a way to make WCC appealing to a wider variety of people. Obviously there is a group of people who are unhappy with these changes, but if Disney feels that the "antics" are causing the restaurant to lose money, they're going to make a change. And having a GM who is on board with making those changes is going to be to their advantage.

Honestly, I have no horse in this race because I've never been to WCC and have no personal investment in it. That being said, Disney must be weighing the number of people who have expressed unhappiness with the change against the number of complaints they have received about the antics and chosen the path that they think is right. And as others have said, we don't know WHAT the changes will be, just that there will be changes. They could decide to introduce a whole new "show" aspect, and they are just toning down the existing one in the interim.

I think you are spot on. I believe the rationale is, "Well, since sales are down anyway, what have we got to lose if we try to shake things up and try a different way?" Worst case: sales continue to drop, in which case, a new plan is developed. But if the new plan works out and sales increase.....


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