Relax! Vacation is therapy! Things will be fine.


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 1999
This is for everyone who worries about their upcoming trip to Disney.
If you are reading this board, then chances are you REALLY NEED A VACATION!!! Let it be therapeutic! Plan to pamper yourself. Give yourself private time, one-on-one time with your family members, group memories... Take care of yourselves and your families. Plan for ways to make everything as easy and relaxed as possible. It doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to be strong. It doesn't have to be the 'trip of a lifetime' and you don't have to solve every problem. Just take it easy, enjoy where you are, don't think you have to see and do everything, don't hold yourself to unreasonable schedules. Make it as easy and convenient as possible, and PLAN to relax wherever you are - in the parks, in the resorts, in the restaurants, at the pools. You need it! You deserve it! You have been through enough! Vacation IS therapy! Let it work! Take it easy, relax, you are going to one of the world's most therapeutic and accessible environments, where people are hired on the basis of their ability to be nice and rewarded for making people feel welcome. You will be surrounded by people who are also there because they need a break, they have been through plenty themselves, and most of them will be sympathetic and respectful. What more could you ask? Thank God for WDW, a great place for those of us who REALLY NEED our vacation!
Thanks Teri,

(8 days to go)

What a great attitude. This post fits in well with my latests thinking. On the General board there is a thread about whether or not to take your kids out of school for WDW. Many who do, justify it because their child is a "straight A " student. I say heck ! Who needs to justify it ! WDW is as joyfull learning experience as it is ever going to get...lets have some balance ! We all can use week of bliss.

I think the problem with vacations is so many people are working so hard to have fun, that they aren't really having fun.
Some of our best times at WDW have been what other people would call "wasting precious touring time.: I've sat in almost every place there is to sit at WDW and watched katrina draw.
When we have taken the kids out of school and they had homework to do, can you imagine a neater place to do your math than sitting in the Living Seas watching the fish go by?Ω

SueM in MN
Moderator disABILITIES Board
I got so frustrated with search, I just started oging through old posts one by one, and decided to bump this, shamelessly, for everyone to see!

I am also frustrated with search. It will only find one post on a specific subject when I personally have psoted more than one!!!
I think every one of our old threads needs to be bumped up once in a while.æ

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Thanks for bumping! I missed this entirely - and it is such good advice!

I really worked harder on this trip to REEEEELAX as opposed to the one the year before -and you could tell the difference - in everyone!

Well - it also helped that I added on 2 more days. I wonder if people who only go for a few days really feel the pressure to go, go, go. I say, if you can only afford timewise or moneywise to take a few days - DON'T race through everything. You can't do it all in a few days. The relaxation is such an important part - i really think it was the relaxation that energized all of this time. There were a lot more smiles all around!

Again - excellent post to bump up!
bump for toni!


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
It's so hard to remember that I don't have to fix the world in one day. I worry about everything to do with the kids. And I am so overprotective of them. I have heard great things from other autistic families about disney that I am sure we will have a great time. And the best part in that MIL, FIL, and SIL will be there, so I have 4 other set of eyes to keep track of the boys. and DH and will even get some alone time!!!! I am so excited about this. We never go anywhere or do anything because son's prohibit public places right now (ds cries "bye ma-mart" walmart) and babysitters are not an option. Son wouldn't mind, but they do. That's probably more me though! They really are good. And I am often informed by others that he only throws tantrums for me.

Anyway, thanks. I'll try to relax. but just in case, I'm bringing tissue!

Not only can you not fix everything in one day, some things you can't fix at all. So, only try to fix the things that you can do something about and try not to worry about the other things.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES
Oh, toni! You want perfect babysitters who love autistic kids? Boy do I know the right folks for you, when you are at WDW, if you need an adults night out! The Fairy Godmothers Child Care Service has excellent babysitters, they have no problem at all with special needs kids. It isn't cheap compared to home babysitter prices, but they are very good. Their number is (407) 969-9847 and toll free 877-611-4314


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
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WOW - What great advise!! I've never seen this thread before. We are at our 60 day mark and I'm starting to get nervous. It's our first family vacation as well as my first vacation in my wheelchair. I keep telling myself everything will be fine, take it slow and have a great time. We don't need to do everything and see everything out first trip. It will give us all the more reason to go back!!! LOL!!! I just have to stick with my own rules.:D


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