Question about Military kids


Aug 18, 2007
My DH has applied to work for the State Dept. and our kids would be known as Diplokids/tots. We would serve at a U.S. Embassy any where in the world for two years, serve at another embassy another two years, and hopefully after that, be able to request where we'd like to serve there after.

My question is, how do military children cope with moving and being in a new location? My kids are ages 9,7,6 and 13mos. This lifestyle adjustment would be huge for them. Any suggestions? If my kids attend school abroad, how will their courses be effected if/when we return to the states? I've only moved once in my life (after getting married).

I'm hoping our first assignment will be in New Zealand; an exotic destination would be nice.

Thanks for any advice in advance.
Kids are amazingly resilient. Your oldest ones will have the most adjusting to do, and they will probably hate the idea at first because they will be leaving friends. But particularly since you will be going overseas, you may be surprised to find that they love the adventure once it actually happens. What great experience for them. :) I was a shy kid so I hated the moving around and making new friends, but in my experience most kids adjust to that better than I did. I guess a lot of it has to do with personality. The up-side is that most military kids move around, so as long as they go to school on or very near the base they are much less likely to run into firmly established cliques where everyone has known everyone since preschool. What I found to be the hard adjustment was when my father retired and we moved away from the base, and I went to a high school in a small town where everyone knew everyone...and nobody knew me. I felt kinda like a bug under a microscope for awhile.

I don't know how it works with the diplomats, but GIs kids usually basically go to American schools on base so it really doesn't affect anything as far as classes and requirements go. Also, since there's no "credits" until high school, it shouldn't be an issue for your kids any time soon. I would think that at most they will go through some placement tests when they re-enter American schools, much the same as I did when leaving private school and going to public school.
They will do very well and be better for all the great things they will learn.
Your children will do great! I assure you that you will go through more of a tough time than they will. I am sure there may be an adjustment period and know they will all react differently. The most important thing will be communication leading up to the move. It is best that children are involved and in the know as much as can be. Let them know that the feelings that they have are ok.

We have never been stationed outside of the US and I am sure that adds a whole other aspect. We may be getting stationed in Japan after my husbands deployment in June. We have already spoken to our boys about it. One is 8 and the other 3. I know that my little on can't understand! But, my 8 year old is thrilled at the opportunity as are we. I feel that these experiences are awesome for our kids! How many children will get to experience what yours will? Imagine all of the memories they will create and be able to look back on! They will be amongst others in their same situation. Plus, they are kids and they make friend super fast :)
Remember, they determine a lot about how they should feel about something by watching their parents! If you and your husband are very positive and excited about the new experiences you will all be having it will help tons! Discuss it as a family adventure, you will all work together, it will be challenging at times, but fun. Be ready to answer a gazillion questions and try hard to alleviate the fears they are having, remind them that the 6 of you will always be together and that is the most important thing! :goodvibes
Remember, they determine a lot about how they should feel about something by watching their parents! If you and your husband are very positive and excited about the new experiences you will all be having it will help tons! Discuss it as a family adventure, you will all work together, it will be challenging at times, but fun. Be ready to answer a gazillion questions and try hard to alleviate the fears they are having, remind them that the 6 of you will always be together and that is the most important thing! :goodvibes

Well said! We are a military family with several moves and the kids were always great! Be positive about the moves, and they will too.;)


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