Question about GayDay 2007?

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DIS Legend
Jul 5, 2003
Me and my family will be going June 2nd like right in the middle of GayDay and I have a question. We will be taking my mother who is very narrow minded. And I was just wondering like on June 3rd on the events thing it says they will be at Epcot. I don't want my mother bickering or making comments so if we avoid Epcot would we run into many gay people? She'll only be there that day so I'm not worried about the other days, it doesn't bother me. Please no judging its just for my mother...

Thank you.:)
There are gay people at WDW every day of the year, visiting and working at the parks. You know your mother best. If she cannot see a gay person without making snide comments, then perhaps WDW is not the best place for her.
Well she's old and she's always wanted to go. Could somebody please answer the question? I can't help what my mother thinks?
Generally, FWIR, the Gay Days crowd tends to either congregate at the designated "park of the day" or tends to blend into the regular crowds.
Well she's old and she's always wanted to go. Could somebody please answer the question? I can't help what my mother thinks?

You'll find that most of the Gay Day attendees follow the schedule so that they can enjoy the acceptance and comraderie. If that would bother anybody, then a visit to a different park might be in order that day.

But then again, maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks. You never know until you try.
If I were you .. I would just plan your vacation another time ... surely you could do that. That way there would be no problems with your mother... or anyone else that it may bother. Like another poster said, there are tons of "gay" people visiting and working there everyday ..... if you KNOW that there will be something that "may be offensive" to your mom.... WHY TAKE HER RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT TIME ??? Any questions, don't do it !!

Disney is supposed to be a happy place, I would hate for something like that to ruin it for her, or for the people around her, know what I mean ???? :confused3
We go every year during Gay Days-it's been our end of school tradition for 26 years. Unless you mention something to your mom,she'll never know.
I don't want my mother bickering or making comments so if we avoid Epcot would we run into many gay people?

I'm not gay, however I have some friends who are. And I have to say that this post is quite offensive, especially the quote above. Like another poster said, there are many people who are gay that visit WDW at all times of the year. I understand that your mother has a 'problem' with gay people, but I was just curious as to what she does while living her everday life? Does she not go out of the house to avoid people who are gay?

I don't celebrate Christmas, however I would go to WDW in a heartbeat during the holidays to enjoy all of the Christmas decorations and festivities. I may even learn something that I didn't know before!

Point being, maybe your mother should open her mind and not be so concerned with how other people choose to live their lives. It's 2007, not 1957, the world has changed...

Just my two cents... :rolleyes1
I'm not gay, however I have some friends who are. And I have to say that this post is quite offensive, especially the quote above. Like another poster said, there are many people who are gay that visit WDW at all times of the year. I understand that your mother has a 'problem' with gay people, but I was just curious as to what she does while living her everday life? Does she not go out of the house to avoid people who are gay?

I don't celebrate Christmas, however I would go to WDW in a heartbeat during the holidays to enjoy all of the Christmas decorations and festivities. I may even learn something that I didn't know before!

Point being, maybe your mother should open her mind and not be so concerned with how other people choose to live their lives. It's 2007, not 1957, the world has changed...

Just my two cents... :rolleyes1

Well said :thumbsup2
I don't think the OP can help what her mother thinks. There are a lot of older (and waaaaay too many younger) people who think that people choose to be gay, and don't understand. I think what the OP was saying was that s/he didn't want the mother to be opining about gays and wanted to avoid controversy. She said herself that her mother is narrow-minded so obviously she doesn't agree. She asked that we please don't judge her (the OP) so I think we should respect that.
OP, just avoid the scheduled activities and you will be fine. Wouldn't your mother be amazed to find out how many of the people that she interacts with every single day (and likes) are gay?:)
I understand your question, I'm sorry your mother feels that way, my grandmother is the same way, embarrasing the things she says in front of my kids, I've taught them to be accepting of others, not to judge, so when she says some things, they always look at me :) Anyhow, I'm sorry some on here are attacking your question, you have the right to ask and most people on here are very patient and kind with my silly questions (not that yours is silly,just meaning they're usually very kind on here). We were there for gay days last year and we only saw some gay couples in matching shirts holding hands at the parks not on the gay days schedule. Obviously they don't all follow the schedule, but most do. The only place that we noticed some wild and crazy partying was downtown disney in the evenings. There's an article on this dis board under "events" on gay days, maybe you could read that for another view.
I do not think the OP was being rude in anyway for being "honest" and asking a question. I too have many gay, and Bi friends and I took it as the OP was concerned how his mother would behave. He wasn't asking to avoid every gay person everyday of his life...just if they stuck to the schedule.
Anyway to try and answer the OP, I have been during gay days and while yes the majority do seem to follow the schedule, many will find the parks crowded and venture off. Like another poster mentioned...most of the time you will not even notice, and hopefully your mother will not either. I am not going to lie to you either...there are a few over the top people there...both gay and str8, not to mention the teenagers and almost teenagers running around in clothes that their butts are hanging out of. My mom would take more offence to that then any gay couple.
I would suggest making sure your mother knows ahead of time that this is gay days and that it would be best if she kept any comments to herself. I am very close to my mom and she know I tell it like it is so she would not take offence to me telling her to overlook it. I understand our parent's grew up in a different time and their are times I have to tell my mom and dad to watch it because I don't want my kids being taught that.

Hope things work out for you!
I suggest reading the article here By Pete Werner, DIS Founder/Webmaster (who happens to be gay himself)

Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

Here is a quote from that article and one of the reasons I would not plan a trip around that time:
Pete Werner said:
I can’t help but think of, and feel sorry for – the unsuspecting family who saved for years for a once in a lifetime trip – only to arrive and find that Disney had in fact, been invaded by he-women and shaved down muscle boys. By itself that would not be a problem, but the sheer number of people who seem to go out of their way to rub their sexuality in everyones face during this ‘event’ is nothing short of disgraceful. Is the Magic Kingdom REALLY the place for a 5 year old to ask his father why those two men are kissing?

I agree that you may want to change the dates of your trip if you feel your mother would be offended and upset. If you can't change the dates, then I agree that you should find out what the Gay Days schedule is and plan your parks accordingly.
I suggest reading the article here By Pete Werner, DIS Founder/Webmaster (who happens to be gay himself)

Why I’m not going to Gay Days this year

Here is a quote from that article and one of the reasons I would not plan a trip around that time:

I agree that you may want to change the dates of your trip if you feel your mother would be offended and upset. If you can't change the dates, then I agree that you should find out what the Gay Days schedule is and plan your parks accordingly.

Excellent Post!!! I had read that article before, but couldn't find it. It is very honest and has great advice.
Since I found out that my husbands nephew is gay (Im the only one in the family that knows) I have become a LOT more open minded about things of that nature. I guess the reason is that I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that when the rest of the family does find out he will most definately be (for lack of a better word) disowned. He is a great boy and I dread it for him so I want to be there for him when this happens. But I guess what Im getting at is I know exactly how the OP feels. I would definately try to plan around something like that if my parents were going because my dad and mom are VERY outspoken and it could or I should say would ruin our trip for them to go during that time. I would reschedual if your mom is anything like mine. I think in some areas of the country its more accepted than in others because I read on here all the time about how accepted it is but in my area it is by far NOT accepted. I was included in that group till I found out about my nephew by marriage. He is so sweet I couldnt imagine disowning for that.
My family has been a few times during Gay Days - it always coincides with when my kids get out of school. Personally, I like the smaller crowds - most schools aren't out yet at that point. :cool1:

Will you run into gay people? - yes. Will they be blatantly identifiable? - maybe. Could you possibly be "exposed" to some outrageous personalities or behaviors? - possibly

We have never run across any "offensive" behavior in the parks. We have seen same-sex couples holding hands, wearing matching shirts and sneaking a kiss in the line for Big Thunder Mountain. I've also seen straight couples doing the same thing. It depends on your comfort level (or your mother's). :confused3

We were staying at the Poly during one visit, and although we were avoiding the scheduled park of the day to avoid the crowds, we still saw many attendees on the monorail. They were all wearing the official red Gay Day shirts. My youngest thought they were just a bunch of grownups on a field trip - her school had the kids dress alike for outings. So - even though we saw probably hundreds of Gay Day attendees that day, the matching shirts were the only thing that caught my little one's attention. ;)
Thank You...

That article really helped. The reason we're going then is because of the dicount and I'm a cheapo. There were some posters that understood exactly what I meant by the question, so thank you... i do love my mother and cannot help what she thinks...

Once again thank you...
thank you to the poster that attached the article link, that's the article i was mentioning but didn't attach the link, good job! I was in line behind a straight couple that were tonguing each other the entire 30 minute line, while I was trying to keep my kids looking another direction (many other families doing the same). So, I think sometimes it does't matter if they're gay or straight, it's how they behave and there are bad apples in BOTH groups.
I have been biting my tongue, but here goes it.......

OP, we visited during Disney during this time in 2005 and were very concerned about what might be seen. Honestly, we avoided MK on Saturday as we read the crowds would be ridiculous and it really was not a big deal. Other than seeing some groups of red t-shirts here and there, there is not really anything that would call your mother's attention to the fact that she was there during gay days. Also, wanted to add, most of the things I have seen in WDW that I found most appauling were not from gay people. ;)

Go and have a good time and do not worry about it. You'll be in Disney after all!!!

For those of you who are so offended by a belief other than your own - disagreeing with homosexuality is not narrow-minded. People have their own beliefs and those should tolerated as much as you feel those things others disagree with should. You can disagree with what people do without it meaning that you hate them or refuse to accept the human.
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