Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning. Another hot one on tap today and tomorrow before expected rains on Thursday. We hit 88 yesterday, will hit 90 today and tomorrow. I just put the garden sprinkler on a timer so that it will water in the early morning before it gets too warm out. Mixed up some Miracle Gro and did the roses, and all of the flower baskets and planters. Took the trash down to the street and washed the car.

I procrastinated against turning the AC on yesterday, but it may go on in a little while. With the blinds closed and the ceiling fans on, it's comfortable right now.

Going to make my grocery and errand list, and then find something else to do.

Have a nice day

Good morning all.

I'm unhappy at the moment because the Costco in my area has discontinued cinnamon raisin bagels. I've been a member since 2008 and they've always had this flavor, al though they did at some point change to a different company/version of bagel, the present ones being water boiled and they taste very much like Einsteins to me. I buy and freeze immediately and these stay soft and chewy if I do that.

It's the little things.....
Good morning. Another hot one on tap today and tomorrow before expected rains on Thursday. We hit 88 yesterday, will hit 90 today and tomorrow. I just put the garden sprinkler on a timer so that it will water in the early morning before it gets too warm out. Mixed up some Miracle Gro and did the roses, and all of the flower baskets and planters. Took the trash down to the street and washed the car.

I procrastinated against turning the AC on yesterday, but it may go on in a little while. With the blinds closed and the ceiling fans on, it's comfortable right now.

Going to make my grocery and errand list, and then find something else to do.

Have a nice day

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Hi Lynn! What fertilizer do you use on your tomatoes?

We are going to 83 today, 87 tomorrow.
Just a quick update. I had an early morning as I needed to be up at 4 AM to get Jim to the hospital by 6 AM. Of course I needed to stop for gas and some coffee. Thankfully the Dunkin on the way accomplished both things.

The procedure went well. I should be able to see him soon and he may come home today, fingers crossed as it is a long drive. We will know in about 3 months if it worked and if it does, he can come off of the blood thinners. Since he is now a Fall Risk being ion the walker that is the goal. It will also save us around $2000 a year for the one med so I really would like that part of it.

Will update again later and thanks for the prayers and well wishes.
Hi Lynn! What fertilizer do you use on your tomatoes?

We are going to 83 today, 87 tomorrow.
Hi! I put all purpose garden granular fertilizer in the ground when I plant, and I use Miracle Gro on them the rest of the season. I sprinkle powdered lime on them a couple of times during the season, it seems to make them sweeter tasting
Hi! I put all purpose garden granular fertilizer in the ground when I plant, and I use Miracle Gro on them the rest of the season. I sprinkle powdered lime on them a couple of times during the season, it seems to make them sweeter tasting

Thanks! I've done the first two but have never used lime.
Hugs and thank you always dear friends for all your constant love and prayers. I appreciate each of you so much.

PT Company just called and said at this time they have no one available in my area. Grace of God this morning, I spoke with a member of the church I was so active in pre pandemic named Richard. Richard, I used to see at church often during the week when I worked and volunteered, when he came to teach a senior exercise/dance class. My friend Terri shared Richard has a degree in kinesology. She and another friend, Judy, told me Richard does PT.

I spoke with Richard this morning. He was most kind. He lives a good hour from me. He said he will keep me in his prayers. He might be able to come out once to see where I'm at recovery wise. He also kindly said he would try to find someone who lived closer and could help. I will keep all of dear you updated. How blessed I am by God to have a new option.

Taz, extra hugs and thinking of you!
Hi everyone…. Went to my Grief support group today. I’m happy to always come home with a new way to look at things.
We have the potential for bad storms tonight… they just issued a tornado watch. Hopefully it won’t amount to much.
Bobbiwoz… glad to hear you had some success with your machine, baby steps🙂
Mona… many prayers for your quest for PT
Tazdev… saying prayers for Jim and you.
Snowysmom… I hope your therapy appointments brought you some peace.
Good morning 🌞

@dazedx3, glad you had some new insights!

My number was 79 this morning, but I am very sleepy, groggy. During one potty visit, I nearly fell, I was so out of it.

Today we have doctor visits, in the morning, but for dinner, we will meet my DSis and a friend, Tina. We are celebrating Tina’s great promotion at work!

Even though our temperatures are more moderate, in 70’s, yesterday the sun kept me from working in the garden. I have to remember to work outside in the early mornings.

The pond’s waterfall was sending a spray of water away from the pond, so the problem was fixed by repositioning some of the rocks. At least that was an easy fix!

Good Wednesday everyone!
Good Morning @bobbiwoz

I've got a doctor appointment this morning as well. Going to look in my ear again.

I feel as if I've lost a month of Spring because of this ear and throat issue.

Yesterday I collected a rose bush over at Costco in Mount Vernon, Knockout pink for 9.97. I was tempted to buy 10 of them, but no guarantee I can find someone to dig that many holes! At least one is manageable by me! There were also blueberry and raspberry marked to 2.97 so I took a few of those as they were still healthy. I'll add them near my existing plants.

Much of my painting is now done. I picked up some air duct registers to refresh as the old ones are pretty old and not white which is what I've decided goes better with the new paint.

Then after my 3rd Lowes, I found multi packs of door handles, so will replace all of the existing interior ones. Buying multipacks saved $65 so I deserved lunch.

High today of 87 and then tomorrow a bit cooler starting with rain and thunder in the morning.

Couple of weeks ago I bought a beautiful Mandevilla with a palm in the center. I sat it in my pot to transplant a few days later, but ended up gifting it to a neighbor who lost their mother. Went back to get another and they were all gone. I get them every year so may have to go to the nursery, but still happy I had something to gift (without having to order.)
Good morning, all 🙂

Nothing very exciting to write about. I drove over to the vet yesterday to pick up the cats' flea & tick preventative and stopped at a cute shop I like that's near it, talked on the phone with my Dad, and made sausage sandwiches for dinner. (I've been feeling like "summer" foods lately.)

I've been working on pumping the rain water off the pool cover so we can open it this weekend. (Of course, tomorrow is supposed to be rainy, so it will set that back a bit, but we'll get there!)

I need to do something about our lawn service. He just does not mow frequently enough. (It's always something - equipment problems, bad weather, not enough help...) Part of me wants to just get someone else, but part of me wonders if I've simply been too mousy in asking for what I want because I hate confrontation.
Good Morning Everyone.:flower:

Rainy, rainy day! ⛈️ Huge thunder claps and lightning, definitely scared the heck out of my dogs. Luckily I'm working from home so they aren't too scared.

Went to the library craft night last night. We decorated wine bottles with colored stones. My friend already ordered a couple of strands of mini lights to put inside of ours. They actually look nice.🙂

If anyone watches the Voice, could you tell me who won. I fell asleep when they were talking to the last 3 people left. I must have dozed off for 10 minutes because I woke up to the beginning of the news. Hate when that happens.🤨

I was watering my flowers the other night and I noticed 2 baby tomatoes already! Yay tomato plants!!!! Hopefully that;s a sign that they'll do good.🍅

I have a meeting in a little while so I guess I need to pull myself together. Have a great day! :wave:
Good sunny morning. Another 90 degree day on tap, and hopefully another day where it stays cool enough in the house not to turn the AC on. I like having the windows open, as do the cats. If they get too warm, they just lay on the cool kitchen floor under the fans, lol

@PollyannaMom The winner of The Voice was Asher, from team Reba

Summer texted me last night that she'll talk to me today about other options for after graduation since they're calling for rain. I'm not going if it's going to rain and it gets moved indoors. They're only allowed 4 tickets if it's indoors, and I think it should be Summer, her husband, Mary, and Lily's boyfriend. So we're all going to have to play it by ear until we see what Saturday brings.

I'm off to the grocery store early before the heat builds up.

Have a great day

Going to get warm enough here today that I decided to put on the AC. Goin into the upper 80's and I want Jim to be comfortable.

Jim was discharged around 3 yesterday and I was able to make it to my doctors appointment. He wants to use an oral antibiotic as unfortunately Athletes Foot is becoming resistant to the topicals they have used for a few years now. Of course I forgot that the antibiotic makes me very sick to my stomach but thankfully my pharmacist had it flagged on my chart with them, He even looked for lower costs for me as my out of pocket for the med would have been around $140. I opted not to get it and called for a different med today. I do love using the pharmacy at my grocery store for the convenience but also because they know us.

The doctor had a chat with me about Jim's feet also. The realization is that for many reasons he will be walker dependent for the rest of his life. Jim and I had a long chat about it today, I was sound asleep by 8:30 last night after a very long day, and I will be ordering a rollator this weekend. It will allow him to move about easier. The cardiologists also had a chat with me about his meds. I have been trying to get him off the one because long term usage is discouraged. They took him off of it and do not want him back on it. His kidney function is not good and that of course impacts the heart. After all we went through with my dad this past summer I could see similarities and his brother died from a stroke and kidney failure. I was so thankful somebody shared my concerns. We see the family dr. on tuesday so I will be chatting with them about what to do. I may also call the diabetes doctor to give them an update. My daughter was very happy that the heart doctors took action as we shared the concerns before about this one med.

The only downside to all of what has happened is that Chewie is very upset. She could not get up on the couch with Jim yesterday. I let her up there today but he has strict orders to keep a pillow over his lap to prevent her injuring where the surgery site on his leg is. She is his dog and has been since his strokes. She will stay with me in the morning until he comes down but then she doesn't leave his side. I think she needs to be near him to make sure he is ok. Even the cats won't leave him alone today.

Not much else going on here today. My grandson and I were supposed to order the supplies for the back yard but he had to cancel as he needs to get LJ as soon as he is done work. Hopefully tomorrow as I really want to get the back done soon. We are putting the basement off until the fall as his work schedule is crazy right now.

Hope you all have a good day


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