Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Bobbi glad the Phillies won and Donald, sorry the Astros lost. I do have vague memories of YEARS ago going with my close Houston cousins, grandma, and dad to the old Astrodome. Dodgers and Reds have no score in the 4th. Footballmouse, I hope the Reds do well and also of course the Dodgers out here⚾

There was only one time we went to an Astros game at the Astrodome, and that was in the summer of ‘77, a year after we moved back to Texas from No Cal.
It was fun, and the Astrodome was still pretty cool back then…!!! 🙂
Good Sunday morning. 61 now, going to be sunny and 81 later. Warming up to 90 again by the middle of the week.
Going to try and get all the yard work done today, hopefully.

Just got, had a hard time falling asleep last night.
Nothing new here.

Have a nice day

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Hope you have a nice day, as well…!!! 🙂

I rarely get more than 4-5 hours of sleep a night, and it’s been that way for years, yet, somehow, I’m still able to function.
Maybe you can get a short nap in between tasks…!
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They had a problem, but nothing like some of their friends.

Oh my…!!! 😟
I hope it all gets repaired soon…!

One of my BILs and his wife live down in Houston. Sounds like the only issues they had was a loss of power for a, relatively, short period of time, and the wind kept blowing their back door in.
Scary stuff though, and the downtown area is a mess.
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Very sad. Another house in their area.

Such a shame.

DS works in oil, and the oil field he is responsible for is unfortunately under water and has been for a week.

Traditionally, Houston gets an inordinate amount of rain. There are many bayous that get flooded periodically.
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Very sad. Another house in their area.

View attachment 861140
Such a shame.

DS works in oil, and the oil field he is responsible for is unfortunately under water and has been for a week.

Traditionally, Houston gets an inordinate amount of rain. There are many bayous that get flooded periodically.

It’s better the tree fell mostly on the SUV than mostly on the house, but obviously it would have been best if it fell in the street.
And yes, Houston has had much flooding over the years, but this is the first time I can remember them having straight-line winds like that when a hurricane wasn’t involved.
Hugs and extra prayers to all who live and have family in Houston. Dad and I have close cousins who live there. I remember visiting my cousins and beloved grandma when she lived out there many years ago. Houston sure can have some crazy weather. Please stay safe dear friends wherever you are, you know that:hug:

Donald, that sounds like a fun game⚾💤prayers to you, my friend. As I have shared, due to all I am going through feet wise, my own sleep cycle is out of whack. I am truly blessed with all rest and to be able to catch up on sleep during the day. I sure can empathize that being tired yet not falling asleep is no fun.

Quiet Sunday. I'm looking forward to watching online worship a little later when I'm more awake. Have a great afternoon, friends.
It’s better the tree fell mostly on the SUV than mostly on the house, but obviously it would have been best if it fell in the street.
And yes, Houston has had much flooding over the years, but this is the first time I can remember them having straight-line winds like that when a hurricane wasn’t involved.
I'm out of the loop because of being quite busy as well as ill the last few days.

But straight-line winds can be something else. One year they tore down my street, uprooting trees, blowing stuff around and knocking out power, with a tree in my front being the culprit for our immediate area. My house was surrounded by downed lines and I had to leave through the backyard and use a neighbors walk to get out front.

Meanwhile, a plastic lawn chair had been sitting on top of a small picnic table, where I put it up while I had mowed grass. It was still sitting there, about 50 feet from the street as if the wind out front had never happened.

Anyway, that experience and others taught me that big old oaks, pines, and maples sitting close to houses or cars is not a good plan. I now have only ornamental trees such as crape myrtle, japanese maple, quince, plum and lilac around my house. Closer to the street leyland cypress but we trim them to about 20 feet tall each year. Total trees removed that could have crushed my house equal 8. I love trees. My neighbor begged me to cut one on my property that could have creamed either of us. They weren't offering to help pay so eventually I saved the money to get it done.

Meanwhile there is still a 30 year old maple that is a problem on my other neighbor's side. It used to be mine and started as a seed when I owned that property and I allowed it to grow. It covers my deck in 'stuff' this time of year and then leaves in fall, plus later on will be a serious threat in wild weather. One of my 'younger me' mistakes. I could have transplanted it to the back where it could flourish and I could enjoy it, far enough away from any possibility of damage. Live and learn.
I have been AWOL here, but I have been reading along. I tried to do an update a couple of times but was having issues with something.

Anyway, it has been a busy couple of weeks. My dad and Michael had their birthdays, Dad turned 88 and Mikey is now legally an adult as he turned 18, two days before dad. We had a party for dad and of course in my normal clumsy fashion I fell in the shower that morning. It was my own fault as I cleaned the shower the day before and I must have missed a spot when I rinsed it all out plus my mind was racing with all I needed to do that day. Banged my bad knee AGAIN and bruised my ankle. The knee just rolls with the falls anymore. The ankle is still a bit sore as I bruised it pretty badly. We have decided I may need to be wrapped in bubble wrap for my own safety. The party was really nice, and dad had a great time being showered with all of the attention. Mom even let him cheat on his diet just a little. A friend made a "Buffalo" cake for him, and I found buffalo picks to decorate the cake mom got. I think the Buffalo cake looks a little like a "Heeland COO" otherwise known as a Highland Cow
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I also got a picture with my dad, me and 3 of my brothers. I have 4 of them but one has refused to talk to us for close to 15 years now. Dad was happy to have the rest of us there especially as my one brother drove up from Manassas VA where he lives

Earlier that day my Ben got his First Holy Communion and even though I am very uncomfortable in his church I was there for him. They had a retreat the night before and the priest asked the kids where the best place is you could ever hope to be. Of course, he wanted Heaven as the answer or something along those lines. Not my Ben - he said HAWAII! I really love that kid, the priest wasn't amused
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I got Ben a Skeleton Skateboarder necklace as his gift. He loved it.

My Chewbacca rounded out the busy celebrations with her 10th birthday. She held that treat in her mouth like that for a few minutes and I had to get a picture.
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Other than that, we have been busy with Drs appointments. Jim has a nerve issue in his back from when he fell so now has issues with his knee. The orthopedist we saw said there isn't a whole lot that can be done for it as the knee is structurally sound other than some mild arthritis. This is complicated with the issue from his foot, so he is now on a walker. We are "debating" that at the moment as I feel he would be safer with a rollator. Right now, he looks like Aunt Edna from the Vacation movie. He gets the Watchman procedure on Tuesday, and I am a tad nervous about that, but my daughter has reassured me it is a safe procedure, and they know his medical issues so he should be fine.

I finally got Mikey's passport application in and paid to expedite it as I was worried about how long it could take to come in.

Still have a few busy weeks coming up as the end of school nears and we prepare for Mikey's graduation. My daughter is doing a Ratatouille themed graduation party since Mikey took culinary arts in school and he likes the movie, It is a little difficult to find decorations but we will work something out. The cake will be a chef's hat. Now I am working on the menu and am stuck on desserts. I need to find some finger food type desserts.

The weather is finally starting to get a little nicer. We have had rain every weekend so that the work in the back has not gotten done yet. Hopefully next weekend will finally be good. I want to plant some vegies and flowers out there.

Hope you all have a nice rest of the night and a good week
So, it went quite a bit over the originally predicted 90 degree high for today, but not quite into triple digits again like yesterday.
It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I hope y’all all had a great one…!!! 🙂

Donald, that sounds like a fun game⚾💤prayers to you, my friend. As I have shared, due to all I am going through feet wise, my own sleep cycle is out of whack. I am truly blessed with all rest and to be able to catch up on sleep during the day. I sure can empathize that being tired yet not falling asleep is no fun.

It was fun, and pretty cool to see a game there…!!! 🙂

And, thank you regarding my sleep situation…!
When I was a kid, teen, and up into my mid 20’s I remember sleeping for hours like a stone. I was always ready for a good sleep after a long day of playing outside, sports, etc.
Once we started having children, I was awake at every little noise, especially when our super-preemie middle child (DS) finally came home from the NICU. He was born at 1lb. 4oz. in Oct. of ‘92, and spent 4.5 mos. in the NICU. He came home on a heart/apnea monitor (we also had an oxygen supply) for the first year. As he grew, the heart/apnea monitor had to be recalibrated every 30-ish days. It was crazy how often that thing went off during the night towards the end of each of those 30 days, but we never disconnected it, as we figured that would be the one time something went terribly wrong, and we’d never be able to forgive ourselves.
Anyway, for some reason, I’ve rarely gotten 8-ish straight hours of sleep since then…!!!!! 🤪🤣😉

I truly hope your feet issues can be resolved ASAP, as that’s got to be very frustrating and uncomfortable…!

A pic below of DS in the NICU, shortly after he was born…notice the nurses Bic pen…



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