Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good Morning. Cold mornings here still, 35, with temps heading into the 60s again. Yesterday was a nice day. I went to the Lake over 2 towns and walked for a while. It is always peaceful and I listen to the birds. I walked around the complex too to get in all my steps. Today it is supposed to be cloudy and then rain showers today and tomorrow. Just in time for my early morning ride down 495 and route 3 tomorrow. At least it is getting light earlier in the morning now.

Off to work. Have a good day.
Hugs Snowysmom, that indeed sounds so peaceful. I'm truly grateful you have the blessing of nearby natural places to explore and walk. Be still, dear friend. Know He is forever with and loves you. By His grace we all love you, too.
Good morning. Another 75+ day on tap.
I'm taking a break today, I did way too much. In addition to trash, cleaning ceiling fans, washing car inside and out, I cleaned off the front porch, did all the blankets and stored them. Then I decided to finally paint the porch swing, I'd been putting it off until it was nice outside. So now it's the same color as the house trim. I have to get some spray paint today for the chairs and table that are out there.
I came in and took a break, had a tuna sub for dinner, and then decided to pass the riding mower again, in case it rains today, tomorrow and Friday. Now it's down to it's normal level. It's been growing like crazy.
Watched a couple of shows and went to bed and chatted with my friend until almost 1.

Off to the market

Have a great day

This morning I went to war with the deer that are eating all my stuff in my back yard.

Blueberries - I'll use some fencing and screen.
Patio - Last year I picked up some panels and used them to make it more difficult to jump over the stone wall onto my patio. Looks like I need more. One side is now walled in with the greenhouse. I've installed shades on three sides for when it's too sunny but I can't leave them down as I'm afraid the deer will wreck them.

Tomatoes that I haven't even bought to plant yet. I may have to cover them at night. Between deer and gopher I'm having a difficult time staying ahead. Going to the plant place today also.

This morning 4 deer were right up to my deck. I've already decided I have to bring my garden box up onto the deck. That's where I grow parsley and other herbs. They barely moved when I walked out, not until I walked down the steps did they turn and jumped into neighbors yard. Then 2 doors down someone let a little dog out and they flew off over all the fences. Not only do they eat stuff, they bring back fleas and ticks. Oh and I forgot the day lilies. Last year they ate many blooms. Have to figure out that also.
Off to work. Have a good day.
Hope your day was good, and your drive tolerable.
It's been growing like crazy.
Oh man, has it ever! This time of year and also around late Sept./October around here it's just crazy how it grows.
This morning I went to war with the deer that are eating all my stuff in my back yard.
Luckily we are in a position to get a crop permit yearly, and my husband tries hard to grow a small field/crop to divert the deer from our grapes. But we still see a chomp here and there... one of our DIL's has a small cut field on our property and she's had a loss or two, but luckily not to bad so far this year....still we 'remove' several deer per year.
Hi! 83° as we are in VA. Wasn’t nearly this warm when we were in WDW last month. Going through the DC area is always the worst part of the drive. Glad DH is driving.

Enjoy the day!
It was absolutely beautiful here on the eastern shore of MD today. Just lovely. Try using those HOV/Easypass lanes around DC if they are open north when you are headed back. They help a lot. Sometimes we take 301 after Richmond up thru Waldorf and that area instead of around DC - depends on the day and time of day of course. Driving to our NC offices back and forth a few times per month we are always trying to time it right!

Turkey/cranberry/veggie burgers tonight. I think pasta & meatballs (Rao's...I'm totally phoning it in recently!) tomorrow. I'm on the road tomorrow and back in the office Friday. Then off to NC offices on Sunday-
Youngest has a contract on a house, they should be going to settlement in a few weeks. Proud that both my boys were able to purchase homes by the time they were 26. This one is in Glen Burnie, MD and near BWI - I think it's a wise investment for the area all things considered. Meanwhile NEITHER of the dogs have made any moves to move out, much less buy a house....it's as if they expect to live here forever:smooth:

Looks like Ill be going to Disney in the not so distant future.
That sounds fun, hope you have a great time. What resort are you planning on staying at?

Having no real vacation on the horizon is bugging me a bit....we have a Capitol Gains situation, and once that is settled I'll feel better about making a vacation plan. Once I have the IRS paid off I can sleep a bit better!!! ha ha!!! Tax time is fun, isn't it!?!?!

Have a pleasant evening everyone.
Good morning! We did use the EZ Pass lane as we headed west, and it helped. The Eastern redbud trees are in bloom in Virginia, and I love their color. This morning we will stop in Waynesboro VA, to a PBuckley Moss Gallery. Then on to Pigeon Forge TN. We are looking forward to the “I Will Always Love You” festival at Dollywood.
Good Morning.☔

Rainy, rainy day today! Rained off and on yesterday but really coming down this morning. Expected to be like this all day.🌧️

Worked from home yesterday and I had a little helper for the day :love:. Mia's babysitter is on vacation this week so she came over yesterday and spent the day, even did a Zoom call with me. She was facinated with seeing other people on the computer screen, she just kept waving to them. She's very big into clapping now. She clapped after every song we sang, and then she clapped for me when I sneezed. That one cracked me up!:rotfl2:

Watched Survivor last night. Tried watching the Reds game but with the rain, it was delayed. They have a day game scheduled for today but I doubt they'll play that.:confused3

That's about it, have a great day! :wave:
Good morning. Sun was out when I got up, then we had a few spotty showers, calling for steady rain today and tonight, maybe tomorrow. Then winds on Saturday. Can't get the rest of the tree down in that. Temp stayed at 64 all night long, we're going to 70 later.

Got grocery shopping done and a few errands. Dave may come today if it rains and we'll use his truck to get the new fencing, mulch and I want to look at the rose bushes. I need a couple of new ones for the sides of the shed

Watched Survivor, happy with who went home. But they could have done that episode in a hour, instead of dragging it out

Have a good day

Good morning. Sun was out when I got up, then we had a few spotty showers, calling for steady rain today and tonight, maybe tomorrow. Then winds on Saturday. Can't get the rest of the tree down in that. Temp stayed at 64 all night long, we're going to 70 later.

Got grocery shopping done and a few errands. Dave may come today if it rains and we'll use his truck to get the new fencing, mulch and I want to look at the rose bushes. I need a couple of new ones for the sides of the shed

Watched Survivor, happy with who went home. But they could have done that episode in a hour, instead of dragging it out

Have a good day

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I'm in and out trying to do mowing. I wanted to start with the area in the back surrounding my house as thats where I spend time. Front will need mowing also but can wait a bit.

First problem, couldn't get the spark plug out of the push mower. Put that aside for Handy Guy.

John Deere started up in one click so ran that around in circles creating a pile I have to bag as I don't have a bagger. Won't get one as I prefer to just mow often enough that it mulches in. Just more equipment for me to store.

Needed a short water and snack break.

Back out again now.

One scene from the lovely display window at the P Buckeley Moss Gallery in Waynesboro!

Just bought a small print of an Owl, guardian of the night. Will frame it as a gift for DSis for her birthday.

Slight rain in VA!

@easyas123 …DH smiled as I read what you said about your dogs staying put!:dogdance:
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Bobbiwoz Have a nice trip! Nice picture.

Footballmouse Mia sounds so sweet and cute.

It wasn't too bad driving into work today. It only rained a bit coming back. We are supposed to get more rain tonight and tomorrow morning. Of course I took tomorrow off to go see a friend a bit further than my office is. I hope the heavy rain is done by the morning. Then I am having lunch with my usual lunch friend after that. Then Kenny wants to borrow my car to pick up some lumber. Saturday Jeff and I are heading to meet with the funeral director to prepay and preplan Chris' oldest cousin's services. She is in a nursing home but fairly healthy, a bit of senility, at 86. She just can't live alone. Kenny is the health care proxy and so far nothing major. Poor Jeff is the power of attorney and he has had his hands full. I try to help where I can but no one will listen to me as I have no power. Not sure if we will be stopping by to see her this time. It all depends on Jeff's schedule.

The big boss at work is wanting people in our group to come in every Thursday. One coworker was going to switch off weeks with another coworker but that is a no. The boss seems to be getting back to his old not so great ways. If he starts asking for more days in the office it is a hard No for me. Then it is decision time. I know I have to go in to do deposits one day a week but others don't have to do any office time. They should be able to stay home and work like most others in the company.

Have a good rest of the day.


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