Push Presents???

had a woman I work with ask me what my "push" present was..My reply..A beautiful healthy daughter.She said she asked for a bracelet from Tiffanys.I swear every passing year I lose more faith in mankind I think a man bringing a gift to his wife after the birth of a child is a loving and romantic gesture. I think a woman who is demanding or even asking for a gift and using the term "push present" is disgusting.

I agree 100%!!! If you husband or significant other wants to give you a gift that's great. But for someone to complain that they were in labor for so many hours and do you know how much pain I was in for this birth I better get the diamond ring I wanted is just crazy!

Having a child was not a chore for me it's something we wanted!
Anyone demanding a gift for any occasion is rude, grabby, and selfish. However, big huge however, if a man would like to commemorate the birth of a child with a gift then why would anyone judge that negatively???? It is quite possibly a romantic gesture to give a keepsake of one of life's most special days.


DH bought me a GORGEOUS blue topaz necklace (DD's birthstone) for me when DD was born... however, he didn't actually give it to me until my birthday 2 weeks later. It was intended to be a "push present" but DD was due December 31 and he wasn't sure if she's be born in December or January so he couldn't buy it in advance. She ended up being born December 31 and by the time he had the chance to go to the jewelry store and design it and have it made, it was my birthday so that's when I got it.
I got a tv after DD was born (LOL! - an excuse for DH to buy one) and a Tiffany bracelet after DS was born. However, we didn't call them push presents nor did I ask for them; he just gave them to me.
I used to work in a jewelry store, so I've sold plenty of push presents. When I was pg I was sick every single day so my parents brought me choc covered strawberries in the hospital and my dh brought me a huge bouquet of flowers. Dh is a pretty big present buyer and he felt really bad at how hard the pg and delivery were for me - 24 hrs in I had a csection - so if he'd known of the idea of a push present he might have gotten me something bigger, but he didn't and I didn't care enough to tell him and basically ask for a present. HOWEVER I don't think less of someone that wants to feel like the 9 months of work she went thru for her family is appreciated! Yes, the baby is the best gift ever, but my dh didn't spend 9 months hugging the toilet, eating the blandest food he could find with ankles the size of grapefruit!

Sounds like you had hyperemesis? I did too. It was terrible:( I lost 18 pounds and had to be on home IV therapy for months via a PIC line inserted in my arm. So maybe my laptop gift from DH had more to do with that and Dh feeling bad about it and less to do with pushing, lol.
I was watching the news and I saw that women are now wanting " push presents" for giving birth?............ Really?....... You need a gift AFTER you just gave birth?.......I'm sorry I feel this is wrong. My "gift" was my health daughter.

Just wondering what everyone else thinks! :goodvibes

I haven't read all of the responses, but I heard about this 6 years ago when I frequented another board on the internet. There were some moms very upset when they didn't get a present. And some told their DH's what to get them. I never thought of it. I had a sweet, healthy wonderful baby. I figured that was God's gift to me. I didn't know I was supposed to ask for something else. ;)
DH bought me a bracelet from Tiffany's when I had DS, but I sent it back. The gesture was beautiful, but we have more important things to spend our money on!

Our healthy, happy, beautiful, sweet boy is gift enough.
I think that the jewelers are suffering due to the economy, and they are pinning their hopes on convincing the average American man that he owes his wife/baby mama an expensive gift for producing an heir.

There's a sucker born every minute!

I'm just waiting for a ratings scale...

Easy conception/Easy pregnancy= $25 ring from Kmart
Difficult conception/Easy pregnancy= $50 earrings from Kohls
Easy conception/Difficult pregnancy= $100 bracelet from the jewelers
Difficult conception/Difficult pregnancy= $200 necklace from the jewelers

For every hour of labor over 5 hours= Add $10 to the amount you must spend
For c-section= Add $50 to the amount you must spend
For each life threatening complication to baby or mother= Add $50 to the amount you must spend

Gotta say, I would have raked in a small fortune.

This sort of nonsense is what happens when God isn't at the center of your life. You turn what should be a sacred event into a festival of capitalism. Sad, sad, sad.

I wouldn't turn up my nose at any gift...but giving birth is taking part in the miracle of creation. It's God giving you the opportunity to participate in changing the universe forever. To reduce this to a little blue box with a white bow...well, that explains a whole lot about what is wrong with society!
I think that the jewelers are suffering due to the economy, and they are pinning their hopes on convincing the average American man that he owes his wife/baby mama an expensive gift for producing an heir.

There's a sucker born every minute!

I'm just waiting for a ratings scale...

Easy conception/Easy pregnancy= $25 ring from Kmart
Difficult conception/Easy pregnancy= $50 earrings from Kohls
Easy conception/Difficult pregnancy= $100 bracelet from the jewelers
Difficult conception/Difficult pregnancy= $200 necklace from the jewelers

For every hour of labor over 5 hours= Add $10 to the amount you must spend
For c-section= Add $50 to the amount you must spend
For each life threatening complication to baby or mother= Add $50 to the amount you must spend

Gotta say, I would have raked in a small fortune.

This sort of nonsense is what happens when God isn't at the center of your life. You turn what should be a sacred event into a festival of capitalism. Sad, sad, sad.

I wouldn't turn up my nose at any gift...but giving birth is taking part in the miracle of creation. It's God giving you the opportunity to participate in changing the universe forever. To reduce this to a little blue box with a white bow...well, that explains a whole lot about what is wrong with society!

Only thing I'll be wanting after I push this baby out (as well my other 2) is a big juicy cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake. This mama is hungry after her labors and deliveries. :lmao:
:rotfl2: This thread is funny.

I don't recall demanding anything...my hubby had flowers at home waiting for me and the babies. Except the third, he was too busy taking care of the other two to get some flowers. Oh well...

On a different note, for each birth after my first, we did get the other kids a small gift and said it was from their new sibling...just something small to make them feel special when they came to the hospital to meet the new little guy that was going to be taking up LOTS of mommy's time!!! LOL
My dh bought me an eternity ring, which is apparently traditional.. maybe that's just a UK thing. I didn't ask for it- he read about it in a book, and took me to choose it. I thought it was a lovely thing to do, but certainly would never have dreamed of asking for anything. I cannot believe that there is actually a term for it 'Push Presents' Ugh it's awful!
I find "push" presents absurd! Seriously. Who the heck came up with that? My son was "present" enough for me after he was delivered via c-section.
Only thing I'll be wanting after I push this baby out (as well my other 2) is a big juicy cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate shake. This mama is hungry after her labors and deliveries. :lmao:

LOL YES! After my DD1 was born, I remember clearly saying to my DH "get me a Coke NOW - I am SO thirsty!" :lmao: I couldn't eat during my 27hr labor (dr's orders since I was induced), so I promptly ordered my dinner and ate it while admiring my little bundle of joy.

No push presents here. But usually a month or two after baby's born, DH sends me out to the salon for a hair cut or a pedicure. Love him.
After DS I got a big healthy boy and a Wendy's frosty.

After DD I got a 9 pound baby girl and Chikfila cookies and cream shake and a pizza.

Sounded good to me.:lmao:

Next time I will insist on Thai food delivered.
After DS I got a big healthy boy and a Wendy's frosty.

After DD I got a 9 pound baby girl and Chikfila cookies and cream shake and a pizza.

Sounded good to me.:lmao:

Next time I will insist on Thai food delivered.

I begged for Chocolate. My theory is that my body wanted quick sugar to replace energy. I have never had a craving like that in my life!!!

Dh brought me flowers both times.. but those babies were the gift for both of us. I don't begrudge anyone who gets a gift.. unless they demand it I guess.
Doughnuts... I adore doughnuts, and they just are not on any pregnant woman's diet plan! I had to walk by the doughnut shop twice a day, minimum, for every day I was pregnant, and let me tell you, they were hard to resist. However, resist I did, but frequently reminded my DH that the FIRST thing I was doing after delivery was buying a doughnut. Well, I didn't have to buy it... he and my sister brought me two wonderful, custard filled doughnut sticks, one with chocolate frosting and one with maple frosting!

BTW, God is NOT at the center of my life and there was NO festival of capitalism, demand, or little blue box involved here. Sorry... people are selfish, greedy, demanding, whatever simply because they are and not because of their religion or lack thereof, and it's a little offensive to be categorized and dismissed this way.
I got really nice "push presents" when I had both of my daughters. I didn't demand them, it is something my husband wanted to do for me. He asked me to pick them out and for each of the girls, I picked timeless jewelry pieces that I intend to give to them when they have children of their own someday. (God willing).
I also bought my husband some nice art when each of our children were each born. It was a "Thank you for giving me these beautiful children and for dealing with difficult me" for 9 months gift. (The guy version of a push present).
I love that when I wear the jewelry or pass the art in our home, I think of the AMAZING 2 days when I was blessed with my daughters. I also want to pass the gifts on to our girls.
Demanding a gift in any way is tactless. Exchanging gifts because you feel like celebrating can be a wonderful thing.
BTW, God is NOT at the center of my life and there was NO festival of capitalism, demand, or little blue box involved here. Sorry... people are selfish, greedy, demanding, whatever simply because they are and not because of their religion or lack thereof, and it's a little offensive to be categorized and dismissed this way.

Thank you for stating what I couldn't exactly say...while I'm a believer and do allow God to guide my life, the PP apparently thinks that if you receive a gift, you are aren't quite up to her standards????? Funny how we find the littlest things to judge one another over. :confused3
I concur with the previous "push presents aren't to be demaded but welcome from caring husbands when they suprise you with something special to commemorate a special day" vibes going on here.

I do ask for jewelry on my anniversary and demand a day of vegging out and order pizza for dinner on Mothers Day.
BTW, God is NOT at the center of my life and there was NO festival of capitalism, demand, or little blue box involved here. Sorry... people are selfish, greedy, demanding, whatever simply because they are and not because of their religion or lack thereof, and it's a little offensive to be categorized and dismissed this way.

Exactly this! (I was actually trying to reply to the PP's post regarding the subject and the hubby decided to start messing with the internet connection. :P)

Anyway! :thumbsup2


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