Prayer and pixie dust requests--Updated May 2

Please add my mum, Paula & my Uncle Bill to your prayer list. There was an accident in my mother's house and they have been hospitalized due to carbon monoxide poisoning. From what information I have received, it sounds like my mum was worse than my uncle. They are currently at UCSD Med Ctr and both have been through a session in their hyperbaric chamber. My mum was intubated at first and my uncle wasn't, but both are on oxygen. My mum is awake and somewhat coherent according to my brother. Thankfully he lives near her and with them being at UCSD, it is even better as he actually lives in San Diego. One of my cousins is down for my uncle. Since he is a doctor, he can get a bit more information about the two of them.

My mum was just up visiting my uncle for a week and then he came down with her for three weeks. My mum was doing so much better since she put my dad in a home for his Alzheimer's. Her health had really gone down hill because she was his sole caretaker. She had really turned around since November. I was in the process of making travel plans for June to see her. I will definitely be going now.

Thank you.

Please add my mum, Paula & my Uncle Bill to your prayer list. There was an accident in my mother's house and they have been hospitalized due to carbon monoxide poisoning. From what information I have received, it sounds like my mum was worse than my uncle. They are currently at UCSD Med Ctr and both have been through a session in their hyperbaric chamber. My mum was intubated at first and my uncle wasn't, but both are on oxygen. My mum is awake and somewhat coherent according to my brother. Thankfully he lives near her and with them being at UCSD, it is even better as he actually lives in San Diego. One of my cousins is down for my uncle. Since he is a doctor, he can get a bit more information about the two of them.

My mum was just up visiting my uncle for a week and then he came down with her for three weeks. My mum was doing so much better since she put my dad in a home for his Alzheimer's. Her health had really gone down hill because she was his sole caretaker. She had really turned around since November. I was in the process of making travel plans for June to see her. I will definitely be going now.

Thank you.
Yikes! How scary!

I'll keep them in my prayers for sure.
Relapse of sorts, heading back there (ER) today with dd. Please pray for immediate pain relief. Thank you.

*update Thursday morning; I'm exhausted from just sitting in the ER for hours. It took longer this time for the medicine to kick in. Worried about her building up a tolerance. But for now we are home and she's sleeping.
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Sorry to hear about your daughter again, LTF. A bummer. She'll be in my prayers that things improve and she stays well.
Sorry to hear about your daughter again, LTF. A bummer. She'll be in my prayers that things improve and she stays well.
Thanks so much. It's a tbi from an auto accident almost 2 years ago. Migraine is constant but other concussion symptoms have recently flared back up.
Please pray for me. Went to the doctor due to gastrointestinal issues. They did a CT scan with contrast and found that my liver is enlarged. Waiting to get into a specialist.
I'm so worried that it might be some kind of liver cancer or some other kind of cancer. I don't have any of the risk factors for hepatitis or schlerosis.
Please pray for me. Went to the doctor due to gastrointestinal issues. They did a CT scan with contrast and found that my liver is enlarged. Waiting to get into a specialist.
I'm so worried that it might be some kind of liver cancer or some other kind of cancer. I don't have any of the risk factors for hepatitis or schlerosis.
Hi Erin. Easier said then done, but try not to read to much into things right now. Hopefully you will see the specialist soon to relieve your concerns.

You will be in my prayers for sure. Best wishes, Erin. :hug:'s
Hi Erin. Easier said then done, but try not to read to much into things right now. Hopefully you will see the specialist soon to relieve your concerns.

You will be in my prayers for sure. Best wishes, Erin. :hug:'s

Thanks, Dan! I'm trying not to freak out and to have faith. Your prayers are more than appreciated!
Not a single word! My appointment with the specialist is June 22. My PCP did go ahead and run some blood tests to get a jump on the specialist's appointment. It showed no marker for liver cancer and no hepatitis, so those were reasons to give thanks and praise. I'm at Disneyland and feel a little bad sometimes, but not terrible. In the middle of the night is when I wake up and imagine the worst....

If you wouldn't mind continuing to pray for me, I'd sure appreciate it!

Do you know anything yet? I'm keeping you in my thoughts.
Update- also posted on the thyroid thread as well.

The gastroenterologist finally got me in June 22. The specialist sent me for more tests, and I had an echocardiogram on June 22; the specialist's office called back a couple of days later and said there was nothing concerning.

Then I had a liver ultrasound on June 27. It showed the liver inflammation is likely due to right-sided heart failure. I'm very scared. The cardiologist appointment was set for July 14, but they had a cancellation and moved it up to July 12. There is no history of heart failure or disease in my family. I am 45 years old and weighs 130 pounds. I don't drink or smoke. The gastroenterologist called me after this info about possible heart failure and mentioned that she still trusts the echocardiogram results...and that whatever I have has probably been there a long time. Cardiologist appointment coming up.

However my dad had to have part of his thyroid removed and my younger sister has to go every couple of years to have her thyroid checked because it is enlarged and she has some places that they are watching. One of the blood tests that they did only show that my Thyroid Peroxidase AB was 121; the normal range is under 9. So my PCP did a thyroid panel and levels were in "normal" range. My PCP said that thyroid levels can go up and down. She ordered a thyroid ultrasound and it was slightly enlarged. My PCP has started the referral process to an endocrinologist, but they have not called yet.

During all of this, we went to Disneyland. I had some days there where I felt kind of crummy- we even gave up FPs for Space Mountain since I just really wanted to go to bed. This is totally not like me at all, LOL! This was when I first started really noticing my neck feeling swollen, although I had wondered about it in the shower a couple of times several months ago. I've had various other symptoms that have made me wonder whether I have Hashimoto's or lupus. I sure never saw the heart thing coming!
Hi again, Erin.

Good to hear you have seen the specialist and various other specialists are working on the entire diagnosis. Once they have it nailed down, then you are off to getting it fixed or managing it. So much can be done today.

Heart failure sounds so much worse than it can be. We have an uncle who has had heart failure for years. He manages it well. I really think they should change the name to something else. You are going to do fine, Erin. Keep up with the doctors, don't let them lag or put you off. Ask questions.

You remain in my prayers, Erin. :hug:'s
Hi again, Erin.

Good to hear you have seen the specialist and various other specialists are working on the entire diagnosis. Once they have it nailed down, then you are off to getting it fixed or managing it. So much can be done today.

Heart failure sounds so much worse than it can be. We have an uncle who has had heart failure for years. He manages it well. I really think they should change the name to something else. You are going to do fine, Erin. Keep up with the doctors, don't let them lag or put you off. Ask questions.

You remain in my prayers, Erin. :hug:'s

Thanks, Dan! Good to hear that about your uncle because I really don't know anything at all about the condition and the terminology does sound very scary. I appreciate the prayers!
"Heart failure" really just means "the heart isn't pumping as well as it should be." So it can be very mild.

Thank you! As I mentioned, I don't know anything about it; I've been trying to make myself stay away from googling more health stuff since I was just making myself more worried. I see the cardiologist on Wednesday.
May I please ask for prayers? We lost our dear cat a week ago and as of today just found out that our precious dog, who we brought home from the ER, has inoperable cancer. We brought him home with us today for the hours or days he has left. We are beyond heartbroken, devastated, and blindsided. I appreciate any prayers you can spare for us.
May I please ask for prayers? We lost our dear cat a week ago and as of today just found out that our precious dog, who we brought home from the ER, has inoperable cancer. We brought him home with us today for the hours or days he has left. We are beyond heartbroken, devastated, and blindsided. I appreciate any prayers you can spare for us.
So sorry to read this, dumboiu. :hug:'s You had told me about your your cat, so sorry to hear of his passing so soon. And now your dog. :( Those days towards the end are always so tough. Our pets are our friends, our families. Always know, the Rainbow Bridge is there. Your cat is there, your dog will be there also, both waiting to rejoin some day. I know ours will be there, yous will be also.

You all are in my prayers.

(and I owe you a reply PM, I know :blush:)

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...

May I please ask for prayers? We lost our dear cat a week ago and as of today just found out that our precious dog, who we brought home from the ER, has inoperable cancer. We brought him home with us today for the hours or days he has left. We are beyond heartbroken, devastated, and blindsided. I appreciate any prayers you can spare for us.

I am very sorry and sad to hear about your pup. We lost our Great Pyrenees last year, but it helps to know I will see her again one day. I am praying for comfort for all of y'all....
TexasErin, hang in there! You just don't know and of course that is horrible. The waiting and wondering get to be nerve-wracking and that is so unfair. Try to stay away from Doctor Google! :hug:

Dumboiu, losing two furbabies like that is so hard. I see a wonderful cat in your posts and of course now your dog. I'm so very sorry. :hug:


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