Poor Sportsmanship in the NFL

It says a lot that people are spreading rumors about his religion and trying to link it to his actions.
I know people love to make veiled, on the sly comments so they can deny what they really think but when you spread things that are only found on extreme, slanted "news" sites, you lose credibility and show your true colors.
So by slanted "news" sites i assume your referring to CNN, MSNBC, and Huffington Post. You know those slanted news outlets.
Colin doesn't look black to me....at all. He does look Muslim and he recently converted to Islam. That would say a lot to me on why he refuses to stand for our anthem. Just highlighting the white elephant.

Well that is pretty much a racist statement. I know Muslim isn't a race but I think it fits.
My nephew is "half" black. I know in life he will be considered a black man. So do his parents. Mixed doesn't matter.

Exactly! Some of my ancestors were black. Some were native. I'm white. Being black or white in North America is more about appearance, than about ancestry.
Plenty of black people are of mixed race, that does not mean we aren't black. When I look at him I see a light skin black man.

I'm not saying you're wrong to see him that way, but it wouldn't have been my guess. To me, he resembles the Croatian immigrants who have come to my area in recent years.
Not these boards but overall I wonder if people can can distinguish his right to protest from agreeing with his reasons to protest

There's more than just that. Along with right to protest and reasons to protest, there's appropriateness of the means of protest. Personally I don't feel it's appropriate, but that's my own opinion. Then there's all the backlash that has nothing to do with his protest but about how people connect the flag and national anthem to the military.
Not these boards but overall I wonder if people can can distinguish his right to protest from agreeing with his reasons to protest

I can tell you that many of the people I know in real life can't distinguish between the two. Many of them are the loudest ones who stomp their feet about upholding the constitution to a T, but when this guy quietly protests, they are ready to abandon any amendments and ship his *** to the Middle East "where he belongs." It's quite sad, but a little bit funny at the same time to see how these people are so quick to worship specific amendments for certain issues, but totally ignore it for others.
I've really changed my opinion of this situation from the way I felt at the start. I am enjoying how this non-violent protest has made some people go bat **** crazy. I still think it is silly and I wouldn't have done it myself, but people have certainly made this into an issue which is what he wanted. I guess we will never learn to ignore these things and let them die out on their own.
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My nephew is "half" black. I know in life he will be considered a black man. So do his parents. Mixed doesn't matter.

Very few black Americans don't have some traceable European ancestry. However, I have seen mixed-race people with one noticeably white parent are often treated differently by their peers.
I'm not saying you're wrong to see him that way, but it wouldn't have been my guess. To me, he resembles the Croatian immigrants who have come to my area in recent years.

Croatian? I've known many through sports, and they're universally considered white. Or are you just thinking of facial features independent of skin tone? I've heard of the "plaster cast" argument - about what one would guess about racial background from looking at a plain bust made of someone's head. Colin Kaepernick obviously has darker skin and kinky hair. But shaved head and based on the shape of his face I would think he was sorely of European ancestry.
Very few black Americans don't have some traceable European ancestry. However, I have seen mixed-race people with one noticeably white parent are often treated differently by their peers.

If you mean they were treated differently by their black peers, that happens to black people with 2 black parents as well. Colorism is a huge taboo issue within the black community. We can thank colonization, slavery and centuries of being beat over the head with European standards of beauty for that.
So by slanted "news" sites i assume your referring to CNN, MSNBC, and Huffington Post. You know those slanted news outlets.

None are reporting as a fact that he's a convert to Islam. Some fake news websites have. A lot of this reminds me of those newspapers in Asia that find an article from the Onion and rereport it as fact. This one makes that claim, including clearly incorrect info, such as there being a "CBS13" in San Francisco. The local CBS station is Channel 5.



The Scooper is a satirical website is in scope and intent. Sometimes it’s funny; often it is not. We provide fake news and social criticism in a satirical setting. Our intention is not to fool or trick anyone, but obviously it happens. We firmly believe that you can soften a person’s willingness to listen by injecting irony, and yes sometimes humor, into the conversation.​
None are reporting as a fact that he's a convert to Islam. Some fake news websites have. A lot of this reminds me of those newspapers in Asia that find an article from the Onion and rereport it as fact. This one makes that claim, including clearly incorrect info, such as there being a "CBS13" in San Francisco. The local CBS station is Channel 5.



The Scooper is a satirical website is in scope and intent. Sometimes it’s funny; often it is not. We provide fake news and social criticism in a satirical setting. Our intention is not to fool or trick anyone, but obviously it happens. We firmly believe that you can soften a person’s willingness to listen by injecting irony, and yes sometimes humor, into the conversation.​

I apologize, I didn't articulate myself properly. I wasn't claiming that those outlets were claiming he is muslim. Really could care less about to spend the next three months in a muslim country, met plenty of wonderful and kind people there the last time I was there. What i had intended to point out is that all media outlets have a bais. Just because one is telling you what you want hear doesn't make is so. Try to find multiple sources form both sides then use your discernment and life experience to make an informed opinion. Even then we can find ourselves on the wrong side of truth from time to time.
None are reporting as a fact that he's a convert to Islam. Some fake news websites have. A lot of this reminds me of those newspapers in Asia that find an article from the Onion and rereport it as fact. This one makes that claim, including clearly incorrect info, such as there being a "CBS13" in San Francisco. The local CBS station is Channel 5.



The Scooper is a satirical website is in scope and intent. Sometimes it’s funny; often it is not. We provide fake news and social criticism in a satirical setting. Our intention is not to fool or trick anyone, but obviously it happens. We firmly believe that you can soften a person’s willingness to listen by injecting irony, and yes sometimes humor, into the conversation.​

I sure hope those fake news websites aren't accurate. When professional athletes convert to Islam, you know the rest of us are in danger. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaq, Hakeem Olajuwon, and the like are probably plotting something evil as I type. Good thing Mohammed Ali has passed away. I'm certain he had something nefarious up his sleeve.

I'd like to say that I am curious as to why Kap's religion and possible conversion has entered into this conversation, but I know the answer and I am not at all surprised.
Croatian? I've known many through sports, and they're universally considered white. Or are you just thinking of facial features independent of skin tone? I've heard of the "plaster cast" argument - about what one would guess about racial background from looking at a plain bust made of someone's head. Colin Kaepernick obviously has darker skin and kinky hair. But shaved head and based on the shape of his face I would think he was sorely of European ancestry.

Yeah, I would consider a Croatian "white" which is why it never occurred to me Kaep was "black" when I first saw him as he resembles them quite a bit - and keep in mind he had very close cropped hair & little facial hair at one time. And there are plenty of dark complected Caucasians.


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