Poll for Canadians Edited... I got one dose of ... and I got the my second shot (two votes allowed)

What vaccination type did you get?

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Thanks to all for writing your reactions (or no reaction), I am glad I always have lots of tylenol and advil on hand (I get migraines a lot). I have a walmart grocery order for pick up in the morning and I wonder if I should move it to Friday just in case. We have plenty of food around any way, I just like to have them set up regularly now as it can be harder to get a spot.
This took me a little off-guard. I was vaccinated with AZ this past Monday. No reaction whatsoever, none - I couldn't even see or feel the spot where the needle went in. Now here 6 days later, the vaccination site is warm and feels like a bruise - not muscle soreness, just painful when pressed on. Of course it's nothing to be alarmed about but it does strike me as weird for it to be so delayed. :confused3
This took me a little off-guard. I was vaccinated with AZ this past Monday. No reaction whatsoever, none - I couldn't even see or feel the spot where the needle went in. Now here 6 days later, the vaccination site is warm and feels like a bruise - not muscle soreness, just painful when pressed on. Of course it's nothing to be alarmed about but it does strike me as weird for it to be so delayed. :confused3
Mine was similar. I didn't feel anything for the first few days. Then the spot where I had the injection was sore to the touch for a few days. Everyone is different.
24 hours post-AZ shot. Last night dh had body chills and a fever of 101.5. He called in sick to work today, though his fever is now gone. He's just super tired (plus he had an awful sleep). My arm is a bit sore and I had a headache, but overall feeling pretty good so far.
my husband and I got our first AZ vaccines today at 11:30am. Went for a hike afterwards and felt fine. I’m feeling a bit tired and a little blah now at 5:30. That’s okay though Godspeed immune system!

* A little update to help others know what to maybe expect. :) Last night was rough. It started with hip/sides of stomach pain and by the 11th hour full body aches, cold and feeling very flu'ish. I'm not sure if I had a fever but if I did it was mild and I sweat it out. This morning I feel mostly ok, almost like the day after you are ill if that makes sense. So on a whole not bad at all. :)
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my husband and I got our first AZ vaccines today at 11:30am. Went for a hike afterwards and felt fine. I’m feeling a bit tired and a little blah now at 5:30. That’s okay though Godspeed immune system!

* A little update to help others know what to maybe expect. :) Last night was rough. It started with hip/sides of stomach pain and by the 11th hour full body aches, cold and feeling very flu'ish. I'm not sure if I had a fever but if I did it was mild and I sweat it out. This morning I feel mostly ok, almost like the day after you are ill if that makes sense. So on a whole not bad at all. :)

Right? That AZ plays games. "I'm totally fine. I'm lucky. I feel great." ** 4 hours later ** "I want to crawl in a hole and cry."
Right? That AZ plays games. "I'm totally fine. I'm lucky. I feel great." ** 4 hours later ** "I want to crawl in a hole and cry."
It was almost embarrassing. Every time I told my husband or someone that I felt fine, I’d end up sick and weepy an hour or two later . It took a few days to get back to normal completely.
So my husband started feeling the side effects less than 12 hours after getting the shot (we got it 11am on Sunday morning). Headache, fever, chills. My best friend got her shot yesterday at 10am and within 8 hours had the same symptoms. I also had the same symptoms but they didn't hit me until yesterday afternoon (so maybe 26 hours after getting the shot?) AZ definitely likes to play games with ya ;-) Dh is feeling much better and is back at work today, I'm feeling much better (just a bit of a sore arm still), bestie is still feeling yucky.
GenX sporting AZ here! And it was POISON 🤣🤣 6 hours after the shot: fever, chills, body ache so bad there was not a single comfortable position to be found. Sat on the toilet whilst barfing into a bin for most of the night. Throbbing headache for 2 days. Worth every second though. I was so relieved when I booked the appt that I sat down and ugly-cried for about 15 minutes after.
GenX sporting AZ here! And it was POISON 🤣🤣 6 hours after the shot: fever, chills, body ache so bad there was not a single comfortable position to be found. Sat on the toilet whilst barfing into a bin for most of the night. Throbbing headache for 2 days. Worth every second though. I was so relieved when I booked the appt that I sat down and ugly-cried for about 15 minutes after.

That's an intense reaction! Just think of how well your body will be prepared to fight the virus now. Hope you are feeling better now!
A quick update. As I have posted before, got AZ first dose last week Tuesday [one a week ago]. Next day was "where is that bus?!" with aches, headache, fever, sore arm. Day after that felt fine except for lingering sore arm.

And a small dime-size solid pink/red circle spot at the injection site. That was extremely itchy but did not look like a "rash" per se, more like a big hive. The upper arm there was still sore. And warm. The "spot" grew by the next morning [Fri] to a spot shaped somewhere between a heart and the shape of Australia, about 1 3/4 by 1 3/4 inches and still resembling something like a single weirdly shaped pink/red hive. Still very itchy etc. Saturday it was a bit bigger about 2" x 2". Sunday it started being less red and itchy [finally!!]. Monday it shrank. Today it appears to be gone, no more itching, and arm wasn't sore anymore by this afternoon.

Googling suggests this fits with what is known as "Covid Arm" -- except all the discussion for that is about it happening after Moderna, and NONE I could find is about it after AZ. Even with Moderna it is a "rare but known" side effect and CDC and everyone else says one not to be worried about. Basically a delayed hypersensitivity reaction and totally safe to get second dose [when with Moderna apparently most don't have it the second time and those that do it is usually less].

FWIW, taking extra antihistamines kept the itchiness tolerable [not gone, but this is POLLEN SEASON people... any antihistamine I take right now is overwhelmed by the chemical festival my immune system likes to put on, particularly since one of my worst, birch, is pollinating like crazy].

So a week of weirdness.

But so so happy to have that first dose !!!


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