Polk County FL residents: re-DOG

Thank you so much, yes it is pretty stressful around here. The other dogs are very quiet and the oldest had some confusion issues to begin with ( she will be 16 in Sept ) which have increased since he's gone.
I have not updated in awhile Today is one month since GILBERT slipped through a too wide space in a deck railing that was replaced and made too wide. We are so bewildered here. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers for anyone on FB can you please post this ? If you open the ad there are 4 good pictures and a detailed physical description of him. Thank you
I'm sorry to hear that you have not found him yet. I hope that things work out soon for you and Gilbert.
Hugs to you Ruthie. I assume if you had found him you would have posted here. :grouphug:

I'm so sorry about your friend.


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