Pixie Dust, or Pixie MOUNTAIN? A Grand (Roy) Disney TR *NEW TR LINK 8/11!*

I have enjoyed your report. I will make it over to your dining reports as 3/3 is ADR day!
I seriously miss the old Villains stage show followed by the meet and greet but I love Hocus Pocus and this show is fun!
I liked the Hocus Pocus show more than the old Villains show, but I would really like a meet and greet option again. Not that there's much time to meet many characters, but let's not open that can of worms again....

I may be breaking DIS rules here by moving right on to another day instead of ending an update with the end of a day, but for the sake of getting this TR done this year, I'm doin' it!
Rebel. She's out of control! Alert the administrators. :rotfl2:
(imagine wavy lines going up and down like on Wayne's World when the did a flashback...................)


I'll be going to MNSSHP again this year and I really hope they have cool pp shots again!

That's great you our going back this year they do have the coolest PP pics :maleficen

I love Hocus Pocus and this show is fun!

You had a great spot we love Hocus Pocus and have to watch the movie every Halloween

I'm with @buzzrelly about having to be dragged out :-)
Awesome! I have 3 more trips planned this year but all are at WL. Which is fine by me, but I guess I'll have to force myself to stay elsewhere next year! At least I knocked Movies off our list last month and last year added the GF :goodvibes

Poor you! LOL!

Hoedown? Country dance party maybe? We can just call it "unexpected characters moseying and yeehawing in the street"


That works.


This is perfect!! I need this one!
Nothing like joining in on a TR when you have one day left to report on! :rotfl2: I normally only hang out on the DRs board, and haven't been on that too much over the last few months. I decided a few days ago to come mosey on over here to the TRs board to see what I'd been missing, and apparently I was missing out on a lot! Wow, the Roy Disney suite! That is some awesome pixie dust! I also, apparently, like using a lot of exclamation points! :blush: I thoroughly enjoyed spending time over the last two days catching up on your report/reports. I'm still somewhat confused as to which posts went to what report, but it was fun & entertaining all the same. I'm so bummed that you, and Melinda aka @pepperandchips were at WDW in January the same time I was there! That's what I get for not keeping up with Trip & Dining reports, darn it! That trip was a trip like none other that we've ever had, in some ways good, in some ways great, and in some ways so so not good. Never the less, we have a trip coming up in 25 days! Yippee!!! My sister and I are flying out very early on March 28th, for some quality girl/sister time, staying at Coronado our first night, then switching over to AKV Jambo House the next morning for three nights, and then the husbands fly in late Sunday, the 31st, and we all move over to Kidani for the week. They leave on Sunday, April 7th, and my husband is running the Star Wars half marathon that day, so he and I move over to the Yacht Club the day before, on the 6th. Should be an interesting week of resort hopping.

Our January trip was the first time we've ever been to WDW in January, and I'm pretty sure it will be our last. I'm just not a cold weather Florida vacationing kind of girl. We were bringing our oldest son and his family on this trip, as our middle son and his family went with us in December 2017. We now have four grandsons, and one step/bonus grandson! Our daughter, her husband, and their at the time 3 month old baby boy, went on both trips with us. Well the baby didn't go on the December 2017 trip, lol, as he wasn't even a thought at that point. I mean, he was a thought, as they were going through IVF treatment at the time, and he was conceived that January 2018, and born on October 5th! Wow, I didn't mean to get into all of that! Anyway, my point of going in January was that the two grandsons going on the trip with us were turning 13 (bonus grandson) on January 18th, and 6 on January 21st, and their mom really really wanted to go to WDW for their birthdays. I explained that that was the MLK holiday weekend, and that it would be very busy, but that didn't dissuade her. Against my better judgment, I booked the trip, January 17th-24th. We stayed at AKV Jambo in a two bedroom, as well as a studio for my daughter, her husband and the new baby. It was the first time for us going during the Festival of the Arts, so I was looking forward to that. Sadly, we really didn't get to experience any of the food booths, or any of the cool FOTAs happenings, so it made me feel slightly better after reading your report that the booths didn't hold a candle to F&G and F&W. My husband & I are all about the food at WDW, but I had to keep telling myself this trip wasn't about that. It really didn't work, lol. The best part of the trip is that my 6 year old grandson had a blast, was everything you'd want a 6 year old to be at WDW, was so well behaved, so sweet, so excited, and just thrilled to be there that it made everything else worth it. Well, not everything else that happened, but most of it. He had been only once before when he was 9 months old, so that trip is like it never happened, to him. He'd been asking me for over a year if Mom Mom & Pop Pop would take him to Disney World, so I'm so happy we could do it. It was definitely a trip for the books. :laughing: I think the only trip that could surpass this one in things you could never expect or plan for is the trip we took back in October 2013, the trip my 6yo grandson was 9 months old on, when I thought it would be a great idea for all the grandparents to go and see all the grandkids on their first WDW trip, including my ex-husband, his wife, her daughter and sig other, and the daughter's two year old son. Yea, sometimes I'm overly optimistic, or an idiot!:rotfl:
I seriously can't believe the pixie dust you got on this trip! I'm sure it was hard to leave!
It was! We walked VERY slowly out of there that last day lol

But I think it's very smart the way you try to have a late flight on your last day and get some park time in.
This is what we prefer but sadly it didn't work out that way our last two trips, or for my May trip :( I guess I shouldn't complain since I'm going/have gone 5x this year lol but I'm hoping for Dec. at least we manage a park on departure day. Given our schedule for our work trip in Oct I don't think I'll be able to do a park day on the day we leave.

Pixie Dust explosion ending is sad but man you were so lucky!! What a neat experience for you two!
Pixie dust up the wazoo :rotfl2: And we did have just the tiniest bit of pixiedust: on our last day in MK; more of a continuation of what we'd gotten I guess but it was a nice way to end it all.

I’m pretty sure they’d have to drag me out of that room...if I was ever luck enough to be in it! What a story and memory you’ll have forever though :love:
:laughing: True, we are very thankful for the experience and we'll never forget it!

Last days are always the worst... but especially after so much pixie dust was piled on you! The close of that trip had to hurt extra badly! :headache:
It certainly was harder to leave than other trips! Speaking of trips I see you finally have a new ticker :thumbsup2:thumbsup2

I have enjoyed your report. I will make it over to your dining reports as 3/3 is ADR day!
I'm glad you've enjoyed it and thank you for following along :goodvibes Hopefully I can move faster on the dining report than I did here lol

I feel your pain at having to leave, especially such an AWESOME suite!!!

I do feel bad that you had to leave your luxury accommodations, and I am jealous of all your slippers and toiletries LOL
Well thank you for your sympathy :rotfl2: I'll try gathering some more toiletries as long as they still have them at the WL in May and I'll spread the toiletry love!

I liked the Hocus Pocus show more than the old Villains show, but I would really like a meet and greet option again.
That M&G they used to do when they came down off the stage was the best! True we never got to all of them since they were down there just a short period of time, but we'd always get at least 4

Not that there's much time to meet many characters, but let's not open that can of worms again....
:rotfl2: :rolleyes1

Rebel. She's out of control! Alert the administrators. :rotfl2:
I'm so crazy :crazy:

I'd be sad to leave that room, too! Can they make you leave? What are the Florida laws re: squatter's rights? :scratchin

Darn we should have checked out the laws lol! Don't think we didn't discuss hiding in one of the THREE bathrooms :P
That's great you our going back this year they do have the coolest PP pics :maleficen
I'm so excited that we're going with work!!!
I can imagine how hard leaving that room was! :sad: It's so pretty!!!
Wasn't it gorgeous??? I seriously hope at least one more of us DIS regulars gets to experience this kind of pixie dust at some point, I'd love for any one of you to get to stay there!

This is perfect!! I need this one!
I hope they have it this year, I love this one! You're going to the party this year right?

Nothing like joining in on a TR when you have one day left to report on! :rotfl2:
:rotfl: But better late than never, so :welcome:

! Wow, the Roy Disney suite! That is some awesome pixie dust!
It was totally unbelievable! The few times we've walked by the suite windows outside the GF since our stay, we both look up and still find it hard to believe. And sad that we aren't back in there lol

'm so bummed that you, and Melinda aka @pepperandchips were at WDW in January the same time I was there!
I wish I'd known! Hopefully we have a trip overlap in the future!

we have a trip coming up in 25 days!
Yay and now it's less! Even though I've already been twice this year I feel like my May trip is too far away.............

Our January trip was the first time we've ever been to WDW in January, and I'm pretty sure it will be our last. I'm just not a cold weather Florida vacationing kind of girl.
::yes:: Yup it was cold! We had our jackets on a couple days over MLK weekend and even brought our gloves to the park one day which shouldn't happen in Florida. Our trip last month was MUCH warmer and pleasant!

We now have four grandsons, and one step/bonus grandson!
Awesome!! I love having a granddaughter but am seriously looking forward to our grandson coming in July.

Sadly, we really didn't get to experience any of the food booths, or any of the cool FOTAs happenings, so it made me feel slightly better after reading your report that the booths didn't hold a candle to F&G and F&W.
Well like I said, I really don't think you missed much. Of all we tried I think we like 2 things? I'm glad overall you enjoyed your trip!!
I may be breaking DIS rules here by moving right on to another day instead of ending an update with the end of a day, but for the sake of getting this TR done this year, I'm doin' it!
Wait, there are rules?!?!

Hey Lesley! Ugh, sadly we've cancelled our DL visit because neither of the boys wants to go and we don't feel like dealing with them :(:mad: I'll get out there again someday!
Oh no!!!! :(
I honestly cannot believe that after almost 6 months, I'm on my last update for our Sept. trip :sad1: While I'm proud of myself for finally finishing it was so awesome reliving our perfectly pixie dusted trip and I'm sad to leave that behind.

I guess it helps that today we changed our New Years Eve stay from the WL to the Poly :cool1: You all know WL is my favorite, and I can't wait to stay there in May AND Oct. However I think location wise being at the Poly will be a huge plus that time of year, and if either of the boys comes with us it's a new resort for them! Only 9.5 months to go for that one!!!!

In other homefront news, my stepson Eric's girlfriend asked if I'd babysit our grandson (due in July!) when she goes back to work!! It'll only be for a few hours 4 days a week so it won't cramp my extremely busy social calendar :rolleyes: and of course I'm over the moon about that! She did just start a new job this week so fingers crossed she keeps it so I can actually babysit..............

And now I move on to the inevitable,

-Continuation of our final Disney Day-
After leaving that GRAND Roy Disney suite for the last time, we walked to the boat dock at the GF to catch the ferry to the MK, our last park of the trip. We had to wait a bit for the boat so I took a few pictures:


I LOVE this shot! And here's the monorail going in the other direction:


Once the boat came I took more pictures on the ride including this one of the wedding pavilion:



And then we were there! As soon as we walked in, these guys were gearing up to serenade us. This trip was the first time I've seen their fall costumes, earlier in the trip, and I was thrilled to hear them again:


When they were finished we went right to our last day first fastpass at 7DMT. Steve kept his phone out this time and got some neat shots at angles you don't always see:


I swear I made these pictures smaller..................and these two:



The kids get freaked out if we hold our cameras on the coasters but I always want to. I got a neat shot on top of one of the BTMRR hills once......once.

Our next FP was up and it was for BTMRR speak of the wild west, so we made our way there only to find out the ride.was.down. :headache: You know that feeling right? You're heading toward your ride, anticipation building, and then you see a crowd milling around doing nothing. CM's standing in two's looking serious. And if it's an outdoor ride, NO cars moving. Such a let down!! The CM"s were yelling that everyone's FP would turn to an anytime FP. We only had about 2 hours left before we had to leave and we really wanted to ride Big Thunder, so we didn't want to use that anytime in case it came back up quickly. The app said Space was only 20 minutes so we headed that way.

By the time we got there it was 55 minutes so we figured what the hell, we'll use our anytime. Lo and behold, when Steve checked to make sure the anytime was there, we were surprised to have TWO anytimes!! We realized that the one was our final Grand Sept. trip bit of pixiedust: and that like all the other days, we were given an anytime FP on our departure day. Thanks Roy, you did right by us.

We breezed through the Space FP line and then decided to get our sweaty selves (It was HOT today as you'll see) on a calmer ride which we hadn't done yet this trip:


Hot and sweaty on the PeopleMover! Or the "pooper" as my sweet friend and future shopping buddy Casey @kastoney calls it. I'd only made those 2 FP's due to our limited time available in the parks today. We did have that one anytime left; BTMRR wasn't back up, and we only had about 25 minutes until our lunch reservation. Therefore, the PM was our final ride for the trip. Not a bad attraction to end on!

We still had something to look forward to besides lunch and that came in the form of a DISMeet! I was finally going to meet Alyssa @amalone1013 and her DH Zack, who had a lunch reservation at the Plaza just like we did. They were done and we were going to begin, so we met up outside the restaurant. We chatted about our upgrade, their trip so far, their plans for the rest of the trip. It was super nice meeting them as we all melted in the intense heat; looking good or not we had to get a picture or #itdidn'thappen:


NO idea what's going on with my face?? Am I growling? Bearing my teeth? Whatever, Alyssa it was great meeting you guys!!
We had to wait about 10 more minutes to be called in to lunch. With sweat in places it never should be it was a very long 10 minutes but finally we were called in to the sweet a/c of the Plaza.

I do have pictures of our meal but since I'm just about at my picture limit I won't share them. We had a great meal, I got the awesome fried green tomato sandwich again and it was just as good as the first time. I do have room for one more pic so I'll leave you with this excitement:


We'd had alcohol on previous trips at LTT and of course it had been available at BOG since the beginning, but the last time we ate at the Plaza it was not there. But on this day I had 2 glasses of a delicious sangria!!

With that, we had to go back to the GF to catch the Magical Express home. Was it hard hanging in the lobby instead of going back up in the classy elevator to our suite? Yes. Were we grateful as anything for the time we did have in the suite? More than you know.

There it is guys, our trip full of Pixie Dust wrapped up in a way too long TR! I'll be back to do a little wrap up soon but if you don't get back here, a great big :thanks: to you all for following along :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes
Speaking of trips I see you finally have a new ticker :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Yes!!! Finally is right! What are the chances you'll be there for another August trip... :rolleyes1

In other homefront news, my stepson Eric's girlfriend asked if I'd babysit our grandson (due in July!) when she goes back to work!!
How exciting!!!

Lo and behold, when Steve checked to make sure the anytime was there, we were surprised to have TWO anytimes!!
The :wizard: knew no bounds that trip :goodvibes

Thanks Roy, you did right by us.

I was finally going to meet Alyssa @amalone1013 and her DH Zack
Awesome! Dismeets are the best.

We had to wait about 10 more minutes to be called in to lunch. With sweat in places it never should be
Been there... :sad2: :laughing:

What a wonderful, magical trip! Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us!:goodvibes
And then we were there! As soon as we walked in, these guys were gearing up to serenade us. This trip was the first time I've seen their fall costumes, earlier in the trip, and I was thrilled to hear them again:
You know, I don't think I have ever stopped to listen to them for any length of time. I really should slow down to experience this kind of thing instead of running to a ride.

The kids get freaked out if we hold our cameras on the coasters but I always want to. I got a neat shot on top of one of the BTMRR hills once......once.
I am too nervous to hold a phone or camera up on a roller coaster. I think there would be some great pictures if I did, but knowing my luck I would drop it.

Our next FP was up and it was for BTMRR speak of the wild west, so we made our way there only to find out the ride.was.down.
If that happened to me on my last day I would be very upset.
I guess it helps that today we changed our New Years Eve stay from the WL to the Poly
Even though we all love the WL, the Poly will be a great place to be for New Year's Eve. If you choose to stay at the resort then you will have a great view of the fireworks. :)

In other homefront news, my stepson Eric's girlfriend asked if I'd babysit our grandson (due in July!) when she goes back to work!!
That will be nice to be a part of the baby's life. :) By the way, is Eric the one who went to Florida with you to meet a girlfriend?

Steve kept his phone out this time and got some neat shots at angles you don't always see:
I love the detail that Disney put into this ride and this area. It all looks very real.

we all melted in the intense heat
It was a very hot September. At least you were able to cool off with a sangria. :)


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