Parents of the High School Class of 2017/College 2021

I am lucky that DS 20 is my kid that has always rolled with the punches. Freshman move in day, my FIL passed away and he had to come back and miss the first few days of class. No hiccups last year, but this year my grandmother passed away and the funeral was his move in day. He and DH had planned a day together (school is 3 hours away) but he ended up being a pall bearer, lunch, quick change, and driving himself with his car full of stuff in order to get to the housing office before they closed.

Good news is, he's in and made it back before football camp started. He had a pretty uneventful summer working the same internship he worked last year, and is set up for his new internship starting next summer in Big 4 Accounting.

Now to catch up on this thread!
My son leaves on Friday and my daughter on Saturday. Son is 3 hours away and my daughter is about 30 minutes without traffic. My husband is taking off on Friday but unfortunately we don't trust our van for a 6 hour round trip so we are taking our two other cars. We can relax on Sunday and get ready for our trip to Disneyland - sorry kids you'll be in school!
We have had an interesting development...

I’ve been bugging my DD to see her advisor ever since she changed her major this past January 2019. She didn’t do it then. I asked her to make the appointment last Spring when she scheduled her Fall 2019 classes. She didn’t do it then either. Last week she found out that a Public Relations Major also requires a Minor of the student’s choosing. Finally, she made an emergency appointment with her advisor to declare a Minor. (I was not too concerned because she’d already started and abandoned 3 different Minors, so she could easily just finish one of those and not get behind).

The appointment went ok, but there were some surprises. 1) She added a completely new Minor in Business Leadership for 18 credits. 2) The advisor mistakenly told her she HAD to graduate in Dec 2020, or she’d get charged double tuition (This has to do with a Va State law that says if you exceed 125% of the credits you need to graduate without earning your degree, you no longer get instate tuition and must pay double). I knew about this, but dual enrollment credit earned in high school is not supposed to count in the 125% calculation. A quick call to the Registrar got it straightened out, but DD was freaked out! 3) During this whole exchange, DD mapped it all out and realized she actually can graduate a semester early even with the new Minor and only take 15 credits a semester to do it (Thank you dual enrollment!). 4) She can’t decide if she actually WANTS to graduate early. She wants to be done with the classes but not done with the FUN! 5) DH and I told her she has 2 choices: she can graduate in Dec 20 with her Major and 1 Minor OR she can graduate in May 21 with her Major and 2 Minors. We’d pay for her to finish one of the other Minors she already started (12 or 15 more credits depending on which one she chooses - Political Science, Global Engagement, or International Studies) because then she’d have meaningful classes to take that last semester, which would make her even more marketable. We won’t pay for her to take filler classes or to do 12/12/12/9 credits for the next 4 semesters so she can prolong her fun. So now she is torn. She kind of wants the best of both worlds - to graduate in Dec 20, and then just stick around and work a college town job during the Spring 21 semester, but this may interfere with her campus job recruiting/starting her career job. And if she does this, DH and I think she’d need to pay her own rent and expenses during her post graduation “all fun, no classes” semester. Argggggg!!! This girl of mine is so grown up on the one hand and still such a child on the other.
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Moved my daughter into her off campus apartment on Sunday- Sept 1st in Boston is total chaos- 60,000 kids moving into all their off campus apartments, moving trucks, rental trucks, vans all over the place. I borrowed a friends van and paid a guy I know to drive us up along with the son of a friend to help move- she had to stop at storage and get all her boxes out and then it all had to be walked up to the second floor apartment. Got it all done and the apartment was very nice, she had 3 room mates in a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment so they each have their own space. Its about a 25 minute walk to campus or a 10 minute walk to the train, bad weather she can just uber, she only needs to be on campus 3 days a week. It is cheaper living off campus- the apartment is 4,400 a month so each kid just pays 1100. She starts her on campus job today and her classes this afternoon.
First day of school for my DD today! She stopped by home last night at 9:00 looking for her bike lock. She has her bike but needed the lock today because she's riding her bike to class since it's a tiny bit too far for easy walking distance. Of course, it was no where to be found ... at NINE O'CLOCK at night. Dontcha think you could look for it a little earlier? As @Mrs. Ciz says, they are adults in so many ways and still kids in other ways.
I also asked this question as a new thread of the community board...

Have any of your kids done a Global Brigades trip? Would like to hear about how it went....

My DD has the opportunity to do the Dental Brigades in Panama.
DH is a bit overprotective of our only, and isn't sure about safety/medical issues, etc. while in Panama.
I also asked this question as a new thread of the community board...

Have any of your kids done a Global Brigades trip? Would like to hear about how it went....

My DD has the opportunity to do the Dental Brigades in Panama.
DH is a bit overprotective of our only, and isn't sure about safety/medical issues, etc. while in Panama.

Congrats on your DD's acceptance to the program!

I hope you get some feedback. Have you tried googling or searching college confidential for info?
Is Marquette connected to this prgram, or is it something completely separate from school? They might have some input for you.
Congrats on your DD's acceptance to the program!

I hope you get some feedback. Have you tried googling or searching college confidential for info?
Is Marquette connected to this prgram, or is it something completely separate from school? They might have some input for you.
I haven't looked at college confidential, but I certainly will!

The program is through Marquette, which I like a lot. They are on top of student safety on campus....heck DD lives in downtown Milwaukee, next to a fairly crime ridden area....

DH's biggest "hold up" is the physical distance and his/my general lack of knowledge of this remote area of Panama. The fact that we cannot get to DD quickly if an issue arises.

Yes, hoping for some good feedback, thanks!
Has anyone child had any issues with their roommates hygiene issue?

Advice needed

My dd has three roommates and they all get along. The only issue is one roommate smells. My daughter said the smell just lingers every time the girl walks by or she’s around. Sitting next to her it’s bad. None of the other girls have said anything so not sure if they feel the same way.
The one roommate that has an Oder issue did say that one of her roommates said it smelled last year but that girl was a b and they didn’t care for her. I told my dd well there’s the answer there was an issue about Oder last year . This is my dd’s First time rooming with her.
My dd is getting super grossed out and feeling sick from the smell that she even loses her appetite. She doesn’t want to come across as being a B ,mean or hurtful. My dd has said something in the apartment smells weird but the girl doesn’t say anything and brushes it off. She doesn’t shower everyday and when she does dd can still smell the Oder. Doh said maybe the girl doesn’t use soap🤷🏽‍♀️.

Anyone deal with this and what’s the best way to handle this
Has anyone child had any issues with their roommates hygiene issue?

That's a tough one and no we haven't had that issue. If there was a gift giving occasion coming up maybe the roommates could put together a little "spa" basket that includes body wash, deodorant, perfume? It's a hard thing to bring up and not upset her.

Talked to DD yesterday after she had two more job interviews. One was really not a cultural fit for her, and the other one isn't graphic design. On the other hand, her remote job for a start-up really picked up this week so we're thinking maybe that will continue to grow and she will look into other freelance or remote work to supplement. She does like the work that she does for her current company, it's just that some weeks it was only like 4 hours a week. This week nearly full time.
Has anyone child had any issues with their roommates hygiene issue?

Advice needed

My dd has three roommates and they all get along. The only issue is one roommate smells. My daughter said the smell just lingers every time the girl walks by or she’s around. Sitting next to her it’s bad. None of the other girls have said anything so not sure if they feel the same way.
The one roommate that has an Oder issue did say that one of her roommates said it smelled last year but that girl was a b and they didn’t care for her. I told my dd well there’s the answer there was an issue about Oder last year . This is my dd’s First time rooming with her.
My dd is getting super grossed out and feeling sick from the smell that she even loses her appetite. She doesn’t want to come across as being a B ,mean or hurtful. My dd has said something in the apartment smells weird but the girl doesn’t say anything and brushes it off. She doesn’t shower everyday and when she does dd can still smell the Oder. Doh said maybe the girl doesn’t use soap🤷🏽‍♀️.

Anyone deal with this and what’s the best way to handle this
I wonder if it could be a medical issue. Maybe something is going untreated, like a vaginal infection, or she has a metabolic condition. Or maybe she's on a medication, and body odor is a side effect. If the smell is still there even after she showers, it could be something else other than poor hygiene.
That's a tough one and no we haven't had that issue. If there was a gift giving occasion coming up maybe the roommates could put together a little "spa" basket that includes body wash, deodorant, perfume? It's a hard thing to bring up and not upset her.
I already told dd a cute spa set for each roommates bday or Christmas that way it’s not obvious and feelings aren’t hurt
I wonder if it could be a medical issue. Maybe something is going untreated, like a vaginal infection, or she has a metabolic condition. Or maybe she's on a medication, and body odor is a side effect. If the smell is still there even after she showers, it could be something else other than poor hygiene.
I was thinking the same thing. Dd said she smells like yeast and dirty water. I told dd maybe she’s diabetic, hormone issue, canida in her mouth or hormones or yeast infection 🤷🏽‍♀️. Dd said the girl doesn’t shower daily and it’s been super hot where they go to school. The girl started the gym and said if it’s late night she has no problem going straight to bed without showering. Dd also mentioned the girl is very immature and when she eats she has food on her lips, mouth or cheek and doesn’t use a napkin. She also licks her fingers while she eats. Dd thinks it’s just hygiene issue from being lazy.🤷🏽‍♀️ I guess she’s basing it on her actions like not cleaning up after herself, not showering daily, and how she Doesn’t like help cleaning and a few other things that made me 🤦🏽‍♀️

Dd wants to hangout with the girls but the smell makes her nauseous. Dd wants to find a solution but doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Tough situation
@Libbysmom2000 sounds cool! Hope she has a great time! Is it just a semester or a year?

Sort of update on DD's remote freelance job- she was called in to the new office so she was worried they would tell her business just wasn't picking up and they would have to let her go. But actually they told her starting in 2 weeks she could have a desk and a computer for any days she wanted to work there, but she can still work remotely as desired. They want to make her a full time W-2 employee by the end of the year and majorly increase her pay. So IF the business grows enough to make this work, she will be in a pretty ideal situation🤞
@Libbysmom2000 sounds cool! Hope she has a great time! Is it just a semester or a year?

Sort of update on DD's remote freelance job- she was called in to the new office so she was worried they would tell her business just wasn't picking up and they would have to let her go. But actually they told her starting in 2 weeks she could have a desk and a computer for any days she wanted to work there, but she can still work remotely as desired. They want to make her a full time W-2 employee by the end of the year and majorly increase her pay. So IF the business grows enough to make this work, she will be in a pretty ideal situation🤞
That sounds great, I really hope it works out for your DD!!
DD finished her language requirement this week. She did 2 classes online and she is GLAD it is done.
She had interviews for summer internship last week and more interview offers are trickling in.
I don’t think I had shared she made dean’s list last year.
Her high school friend transferred in for this year, DD now believes they will live together next year in an apartment. DS is in her dorm this year and they see other usually once a week, sometimes they run into each other in the dining hall line so they eat together.
Tonight navy BF paid for her to fly to visit him thru the weekend-he is the one who leaves for a couple of years early next year. She leaves after last midterm today.
I made her the pumpkin care package DH will see her Monday so I’m having her take it back with her, I got other stuff too so it doesn’t all fit so I save on shipping. I’m going to slide a Wendy gift card in it. She eats there on Wednesday because she despises the greasiness of the fried chicken served every Wednesday in her dorm. and she got her flu shot this week.
DD finished her language requirement this week. She did 2 classes online and she is GLAD it is done.
She had interviews for summer internship last week and more interview offers are trickling in.
I don’t think I had shared she made dean’s list last year.
Her high school friend transferred in for this year, DD now believes they will live together next year in an apartment. DS is in her dorm this year and they see other usually once a week, sometimes they run into each other in the dining hall line so they eat together.
Tonight navy BF paid for her to fly to visit him thru the weekend-he is the one who leaves for a couple of years early next year. She leaves after last midterm today.
I made her the pumpkin care package DH will see her Monday so I’m having her take it back with her, I got other stuff too so it doesn’t all fit so I save on shipping. I’m going to slide a Wendy gift card in it. She eats there on Wednesday because she despises the greasiness of the fried chicken served every Wednesday in her dorm. and she got her flu shot this week.
It sounds like she's been BUSY!

I am so thankful that my DD took 4 years of french in HS which qualified for her language requirement at her college. As far as I know, my DD doesn't have an internship planned for the summer. She should probably get one in OT to apply to OT school, but every time I worry about her she proves to me that she has stuff covered. So, she may have one planned but just hasn't told me yet. She's pretty private about her life once she moved out and doesn't share a lot. I have to pry things out of her!
New step into adulthood- this week she adopted a cat! I admit it will be really nice for her to have something around the apartment since she works from home, but wasn't sure if she should take on the expense. She's looked at the ARL a few times but didn't fall in love until this one. So far she is very calm and lovey at 5 months old.


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