Packing Dillema


Earning My Ears
Jul 11, 2003
OK I admit it I am a packaholic:D
I always pack more than I would ever need. I just can't help it. I overthink what I will need and have to pack a little bit of everything (you never know what situation will arise). I never wear half of what I pack. So I need your help disney experts. Help me be a smart packer without breaking my back..LOL
Shoes are one of the biggest and heaviest items. My DW always picked out her outfits then matched shoes to them (resulting in many pairs). For this trip I've asked her to do what I do. Pick out a couple pairs of shoes and match her outfits to those.
I used to be a packa holic, but now we travel with our daughter and all her stuff. I really limit myself. I always buy a few new shirts in WDW so i don't bring as many tops as I used to. I used to bring shoes for every outfit (still not sure what I was thinking) now I only bring 2 pairs of sneakers. I
I used to do the same thing and with 5 DCherubs it can get back breaking. So I limit to 1 outfit per day, no towels-use the resorts, no hair dryer-they usually have one, 1-2 pairs of shoes per person, etc. I also limit toiletries if the hotel provides them. If the kids go through too many outifts, I have brought a roll of quarters along as well as laundry soap and will do the laundry. This is a lot easier for me than trying to pack it all!
Pack about a week before you go, and then a few days before you leave open your suitcases and "repack". Take out all the stuff that you think you won't use. I use to over pack to, then I started bringing outfits that I can wear at least twice, but with different shirts...and think about it...if you wear the same outfit two days in a row, who is going to notice (other then your family). What are the odds that you will see someone you seen the day before, and they will even remember what you had on the last time you seen them.
Here is an incentive. My last trip ( air) they charged me $25 for one bag because it was 56 lbs. If your bag is over 50 lbs you usually have to pay $25 if you are flying. That will help you pack less, I know it will help me pack LESS this trip, ha ha!
DH has a great incentive to keep me from over packing. He always says, "If we forget anything, we'll just buy it when we get there." Always a good excuse to buy a new Mickey sweatshirt.;)
I always pack clothes for half as many days that we're going. For a seven day trip, I'll pack 4 days' worth of clothes. I always do wash on vacation (I can't stand the thought of doing it all when I get home). I don't wear the same clothes 2 days in a row on vacation (even though the clothes don't look dirty-think about all the not-so-sanitary surfaces they've touched throughout the day-yuck!).

Then there's the luggage weight issue. Besides the clothes, there are bound to be souvenirs that will help weigh down your suitcase.

I also only pack one pair of long/sweat pants each (we usually go in the summer, and the odds of needing a pair of pants are slim to none). If for some reason I would need a sweatshirt, I'll just buy one there.

Good luck!

Shoes are the worst space killer in a suitcase as others have said. I always wear my tennis shoes on the plane and bring one pair of black sandals and one pair of brown sandals. This covers pretty much any outfit in the summer and since I wear the bulkiest pair to and from my trip on the plane I have more room in my bag.

If you must bring your own toiletries, pack travel size. No sense in bringing the big bottles of shampoos and hairspray.

I only bring one night gown. I am clean when I go to bed so I just rewear it each night to bed, same thing for the kids.

Pack basic color shorts and mix and match. - black, navy, khaki, and denim shorts and then do a load of laundry in the middle of your trip. Every shirt should go with atleast two shorts and every short should go with atleast shirts. This way when you do laundry you have all "new" outfits.

Keep jewelry to a minimum. I pack one pair of basic gold earrings and one pair of basic silver earrings.

I pack lightweight sundresses to wear in the evening. They take up little room.
Okay for all of you that are pros at this packing thing what about going in the winter months? What to pack if we are going in March? I live where it is very cold even in March but have no idea what kind of clothes to pack for this trip. There will be just my husband and I so if I have to do laundry it is no big deal. Thanks to everyone for the input, DIS has certainly made planning our dream vacation much easier.
Originally posted by vfb2girls
Okay for all of you that are pros at this packing thing what about going in the winter months? What to pack if we are going in March? I live where it is very cold even in March but have no idea what kind of clothes to pack for this trip. There will be just my husband and I so if I have to do laundry it is no big deal. Thanks to everyone for the input, DIS has certainly made planning our dream vacation much easier.

I see that you live in N.D. if there is any way that you can leave the big bulky jackets at home or locked in your car at the airport I would do that. That is one thing less to have to keep up with. The most you would probably need in WDW is a light jacket. Layer what you are wearing on the plane. Wear a t-shirt, with a light sweater and a sweatshirt over that to the airport to combat your hometown cold. You will be glad that you can start peeling layers as you get down to the south. I think khakis and jeans are adequate and I have never really thought that it gets THAT cold in florida. Florida's coldest days are pretty mild compared to what you are used to. It warms up fairly nicely in the middle part of a sunny day so don't dress too warmly and layer your clothes once again. You don't need a different sweater or sweatshirt for everyday. One or two for a week with cute layered t-shirts underneath is plenty.
We went this past March and the weather according to the weather channel online looked VERY unpredictable and like it was going to be constantly changing while we were there. For five days I took 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts (one denim, one khaki), and two pairs of khaki capri pants. That way, I was sort of ready for anything. I wound up wearing the shorts the whole time, though, surprisingly. It was HOT....upper 80s and low 90s...Hot for March. I took mainly tank tops for shirts, but took one t-shirt (with my Greek letters!), but didn't wear it because it was so dark it would be hot. I think I took 2 sweatshirts and only used them in the car. Two pairs of sneakers (in case one got wet) and flip flops for the pool. That's it!
It's easy to pack when you know it will be hot or cold the whole time. It's when you don't know that you get in trouble. At DLR last March we packed half long pants/long sleeves and half shorts/short sleeves. It was warm the whole time but by the last day we had to wear the long/long because that's all we had left.

Take a good look at what you are bringing and use travel sizes or move to a smaller container. Packaging takes up lots of room.

BUT, with that said, if you are willing to tip a few dollars here and there you barely have to touch your bags, so why not bring what you want?!
that you are packing for a large family. I have four children. When you multiply everything you bring by 4 (or 5 counting spouse!) it seems like too much, so you cut way back. I pack for half of the days and do laundry (it's not like doing laundry at home with mounds of clothes plus towels, sheets, etc--all you have is about 2 to 3 days' worth of outfits per person). For unpredictable weather, bring t-shirts, a sweatshirt and light jacket. That way you can add the latter two if it's really cold (as cold as Florida gets).

I studied abroad in college and had to pack everything I needed for 5 months (Jan-May) in only 2 suitcases and a carry-on. I learned about layers, rolling clothes, stuffing things into crevices, handwashing clothing in the sink, and wrapping my wardrobe around as few shoes as possible. Also, pack an empty tote bag or gym bag to bring back souvenirs or stuff that just didn't fit when you try to repack.


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