Over the river and through the FUN!

I feel so honored to be in MeMom and Jill's TR!!! A mention and a picture!

I have one to add. One with a MeMom!


I have to add that I was unsure about what MeMom looked like due to the extreme lack of pictures of herself in her TRs! The constantly working camera tipped me off though!
I feel so honored to be in MeMom and Jill's TR!!! A mention and a picture!

I have one to add. One with a MeMom!


I have to add that I was unsure about what MeMom looked like due to the extreme lack of pictures of herself in her TRs! The constantly working camera tipped me off though!

Woah! A real MeMom sighting!! And such a beautiful woman she is!

And score MeMom -- getting to leave early on the day before spring break. I am sure you were as giddy as the students were yesterday afternoon!
I feel so honored to be in MeMom and Jill's TR!!! A mention and a picture!

I have one to add. One with a MeMom!


I have to add that I was unsure about what MeMom looked like due to the extreme lack of pictures of herself in her TRs! The constantly working camera tipped me off though!

Oooooooooooo! You're gonna be in TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! You posted an entire MeMom picture. She is gonna get you!
Yeah for getting to leave early and for spring break being here for you. I am sure you will enjoy your break before the trip...you are sure posting away to get this report done!

A MeMom pic wow---- I will never understand why you don't let us see you! You look great!
I was going to say the same thing Jill. She's gonna be in trouble. But, MeMom has a beautiful smile and everyone should see it. Plus, did anyone ever tell you that you look like MeMom? :)
Memom: YOu asked you shall recieve!! Here is a picture I took of Caleb this morning that no other thread has (I posted the same pictures on a couple of other threads)

Here he is in his Indians onesie. He just looked to cute in it. I should have taken a picture of him this AM in his buckeyes t-shirt but he threw up on it before I could.:headache: He's ok...just acid reflux STILL!!


What a sweet baby boy! It was just no time ago that we were following along as you prepared to have him. I think I told you you were about to experience a love like none other you have ever known...and there it is! Creating new life and then loving it as intensely as we do - both are such awesome blessings.

I feel so honored to be in MeMom and Jill's TR!!! A mention and a picture!

I have one to add. One with a MeMom!

I have to add that I was unsure about what MeMom looked like due to the extreme lack of pictures of herself in her TRs! The constantly working camera tipped me off though!

I thought you were my friend, but then you go and betray my 'hiddenness'! :snooty:
Next time, we let your husband hold the camera when we meet up. :laughing:

That's funny that you figured me out by watching me take pictures. I hope I wasn't doing any of those ground angles or anything like Jill likes to claim I do!

Woah! A real MeMom sighting!!
And score MeMom -- getting to leave early on the day before spring break. I am sure you were as giddy as the students were yesterday afternoon!

All the teachers were shocked. They've never done that on a spring break day. I was happy to stay in the building and not go out for lunch, because I never go out for lunch anyway. Worked for me!

Oooooooooooo! You're gonna be in TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! You posted an entire MeMom picture. She is gonna get you!

Wasn't it your job to swipe her camera and dispose of the evidence while I had her distracted? ;)

I have to start thinking of ways to get her ba....um, repay her kindness. :)

Yeah for getting to leave early and for spring break being here for you. I am sure you will enjoy your break before the trip...you are sure posting away to get this report done!

A MeMom pic wow---- I will never understand why you don't let us see you!

I'm trying to finish this before I leave. I thought I had all the pictures loaded all the way to the end of the trip, but I don't see the last day on there. I'll have to see what I can do to find them. Pretty much all we did the last day was pack the car and run over to Magic Kingdom for a couple more rides through Fanatsyland, and then when left. We were there for maybe an hour, so if I have to finish up with just this last night at Epcot, that still pretty much covers it all.

I have always hated pictures of myself, even when I was young.

I was going to say the same thing Jill. She's gonna be in trouble. ... did anyone ever tell you that you look like MeMom? :)

About a zillion people have told her that. I know she thinks, "Oh my gosh, I hope I don't end up being a snoring, limping old woman like her, too!"

I used to look just like Jill looks now - same eyes, same hair, young and thin. My high school pictures are just about an exact copy of what she looks like now. She's always on me because I gave her my wonderful flat hair and bad eyesight, but at least I held back on adding the stark white skin tone.


Okay, enough of the 'Fun with Pictures' game. We've all seen the Hidden MeMom revealed, so now it is time to tuck her safely away again and focus on some pretty things in Epcot, which I will try to get to today.

I am trying to get the main bathroom painted - started last night and hopefully will finish today. In opening the window to have ventilation, I noticed that some of the caulking around the panes was gone (looks like old and/or frozen and cracked off in little pieces), so I have to get some caulking for that, too. I also have to start packing. I thought about going to the grocery store, but then I decided going Tuesday morning would be better. If I go now, they'll just have everything eaten by the time I leave!

Anyway, I hope you all have a nice Saturday, whether it be a relaxing one or a productive one or one which finds you traveling or working or just whatever you are doing. Enjoy your family and friends, and be sure to put a little Disney magic :smickey: in your day by spreading some good feelings to others along the way!
MeMom, you are beautiful! Thanks for letting the picture stay posted so we could see you. How excited are you? You only have 4 more days until you leave!
Old Genie Boy!! That is the best thing I have heard all day!! I'm gonna call him that forever now! :)

MeMom you should take millions of photos of yourself because you look gorgeous and fabulous!!! I never realized how much you and Jill look alike! And we have the same camera strap! :)
Brooklynn with genie boy is soooo cute!

My grandparents had a cuckoo clock. I would love to have one. I always thought it was so neat.

I can't believe I actually got to see Memom. The first thing I thought was boy is the person who posted that in trouble. You do look great. You should be in more pictures. My mom hates to be in pictures also. She is always hiding.

Great update and pics as always.

Have a great weekend.

what a nice suprise to log on this AM and see a picture of MeMom. You look great. I was going to comment that Jill looks just like you too!! Now that you are revealed...you have to keep posting pictures with you in them!
Hope you have a nice weekend. My mom is keeping Caleb today so I can get some organizing done. Haven't gotten much done other than lunch and unloading the dishwasher but I guess it is a start!:thumbsup2
2 great updates that I just had to get caught up on...your Epcot pictures are all so good! I love that Brooklynn called the genie "that old genie man" :rotfl: she's a riot!

When do you leave MeMom?! Get excited! :yay:
From one who prefers NOT to be in the shots, I can understand. But I agree with declansdad, its nice to see this pic.:hippie:
Wow! You do look alot alike. Very nice pic. It's so nice to see your smile. Now, maybe we will get some more pics in the future ...:hug:

Brooklynn was all tired out from a long day, so sweet. :cutie:

I'll have to get one of those bears when we visit Canada in Epcot. My Dad was an RCMP so it will be an extra special souvenier. ;)

Lexi told me she wants a collection of characters from the different countries around Epcot like my Disney friend MeMom has. :) She may have to settle for some pics because that could be expensive. :laughing: She remembered them from your dinner pics many months ago. :laughing:
Julie, excellent MeMom picture, and MeMom, it's a great photo! :thumbsup2

Hope the painting is going well and that you are getting more and more excited about your soon-to-be Disney trip!
How excited are you? You only have 4 more days until you leave!

I'll be excited when I get there. It's just very different this time, so it's been a little weird. The kids are more excited for me than I am for myself, at ths point, but I know I'll be giddy when I finally get there.

Yep! Look just like her and very proud of it :hug:

You are so sweet, and I love you very, very much.
All the way past Pluto!

You should be in more of these pictures.

I'll try not to. ;)
I prefer staying behind the camera.

Old Genie Boy!! That is the best thing I have heard all day!! I'm gonna call him that forever now! :)

I never realized how much you and Jill look alike! And we have the same camera strap! :)

I'll probably think 'old Genie boy' from now on, too!

We look alike, only she's a thousand times prettier.

Jill, John, and Brooklynn gave me the camera strap. I think John saw me looking at it once, and then within a day or two, I was the proud owner of one.

When Drew used to use that camera, he would always change out straps before he left the house. Can't imagine why. I'm quite proud to show my Disney pride, but I guess he didn't think his friends would think it was quite as cool. :cool2:

Brooklynn with genie boy is soooo cute!

My grandparents had a cuckoo clock. I would love to have one. I always thought it was so neat.


The cuckoo clocks are so detailed. Some of them are very expensive, but you know a lot of work goes into them.

Hope you have a nice weekend. My mom is keeping Caleb today so I can get some organizing done. Haven't gotten much done other than lunch and unloading the dishwasher but I guess it is a start!:thumbsup2

I know you appreciated having some time to work alone and relax alone. I know how much Jill values her rare off days when John is at work and he takes Brooklynn to school. She gets a lot done and has some time to scrapbook or watch a show she's waited to see or just take a good nap.

2 great updates that I just had to get caught up on...your Epcot pictures are all so good! I love that Brooklynn called the genie "that old genie man" :rotfl: she's a riot!

When do you leave MeMom?! Get excited! :yay:

I appreciate you being excited for me. I'll be excited when I get there, but so far, I've been too busy to think much about it, and when I do, my first thought is that I'm going to have none of my kids with me. I'll be giddy when I get there, though, I know.

I just clicked on the tr and Memom's pic came up...I read the caption and thought the EXACT SAME THING!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao:

You can probably relate to what I'm feeling, since you just went without your kids. You had fun, but it was just very different.

Julie is such a sweet girl.
I'll forgive her error in pictorial discretion...this time! :laughing:

From one who prefers NOT to be in the shots, I can understand. But I agree with declansdad, its nice to see this pic.:hippie:

Are you calling me a hippie?

I did have a flower power bedspread once when I was a teenager. It looked just like the flowers at the Hippy Dippy pool!

When we have a Dis meet and get a group picture, you and I 'call dibs' on the back row, right?

Wow! You do look alot alike. Very nice pic. It's so nice to see your smile. Now, maybe we will get some more pics in the future ...:hug:

Brooklynn was all tired out from a long day, so sweet. :cutie:

I'll have to get one of those bears when we visit Canada in Epcot. My Dad was an RCMP so it will be an extra special souvenier. ;)

Lexi told me she wants a collection of characters from the different countries around Epcot like my Disney friend MeMom has. :) She may have to settle for some pics because that could be expensive. :laughing: She remembered them from your dinner pics many months ago. :laughing:

Only accidental ones, if I can help it.

Brooklynn was still in a stupor from sleep, as you can see in the pictures.

I think the Canada bear will be a perfect souvenir for you to remember your dad, as well as a way to remember a great trip.

Lexi can think about getting one friend from one country on each trip, and when she's grown, she'll have a very cute collection. My students love looking at mine, and when they see a familiar flag in a book, they come and point it out to me, so they're educational, sort of. :)
Hope the painting is going well and that you are getting more and more excited about your soon-to-be Disney trip!

The painting is done. We need to re-caulk the tub now. One day I want one of those one piece surrounds put in there. This house is 30+ years old, and the tub and tile don't look so great.

If I stopped taking Disney trips, I could do something about that, but every time I think new tub or Disney trip?, the trips just seem to win out.

It would make it a lot easier on me if we could just go down there and have a lousy time on one of these trips!


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