Out of these Top 100 rated TV shows

I'll go first! :p

1. Hill Street Blues
2. Star Trek
3. Seinfeld

I would add St. Elsewhere, Bonanza, The Honeymooners
Love Everybody Loves Raymond. There are times where college completely stresses me out, and 20 minutes of the Barones makes me feel so much better.

Get Smart...I have seen every single one of those episodes far too many times. And reference them on a regular basis.

Star Trek: TNG...got me started on Star Trek when I was seven years old. Love it still

Golden Girls...because who doesn't like four sassy old ladies?

Big Bang Theory is easily my favorite TV show on currently

Seinfeld...Because there is a Seinfeld-ism for just about everything.

I was kind of surprised NCIS wasn't on there. I've lost interest without Ziva, but it's still pretty popular.
Get Smart and I Love Lucy were contenders for me, also.

Thought of a couple more I'd add - The Waltons and Little House on the Prarie
Designing Women should definitely be on this list also Northern Exposure.

I've watched many of these shows again since the advent of Netflix. My favorite would have to be Gilmore Girls, but right now I have been watching The Office.
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Family Ties (which should be ranked much higher, IMO)
The Muppet Show

I can pretty much always enjoy those three.
I'd watch these at anytime:

True Blood
Monty Python's Flying Circus
How I Met Your Mother (currently watching this for the first time, actually!)
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Happy Days
The Muppet Show
Star Trek: TOS
The Big Bang Theory
The X-Files

I would probably add:
Once Upon a Time
Bates Motel
That 70s Show
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (hey, Fresh Prince is on there...)
Bob Newhart
Murphy Brown
Golden Girls
Dick Van Dyke
Carol Burnett
Mary Tyler Moore

I'd add Designing Women and Andy Griffith.
I would add NCIS and CSI to the list only because I usually watch one of them every day.

My list would be almost all the shows that have been on in the last 10 years.

I use to love old shows and would watch them all the time, but anymore I just don't enjoy them. When DH is home, he will watch all the old Westerns and things like The Rockford Files. When I was taking care of mom, all she would watch was Little House, Waltons and Cosby. That may have been when I developed my dislike of old shows. When she went to bed, I was able to watch something current!
Hill Street Blues
Monty Python's Flying Circus.

I would drop everything to watch those three shows

I have watched via Netflix

Star Trek
West Wing
King of the Hill (Not on List)
Twilight Zone
Grey's Anatomy (Not on List)

Missing from the List The Andy Griffith Show. Great Homespun Show, Family Values. I would also include Gunsmoke and Bonanza. It looks like the list was created by a bunch of millennials.
I still watch Frasier, Cheers, Star Trek (original and TNG) and MASH
If I were to rewatch anything it would be Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond...maybe Cheers and Will and Grace. Not many.

My DH was just telling me (again) how excellent Breaking Bad is, but I just have no interest.
I'm not clicking through all of those....so not sure if these are on the list or not:

1. Criminal Minds
3. Without A Trace
4. The Brady Bunch
5. Father Knows Best
I know why it's gone*, but it was such a big show during my adolescence that it's sad on one side that The Cosby Show isn't there anymore. I'm just thinking about the show -- I watched it for the kids. That is who I related to when watching.

* I find him repulsive and beyond words to say how disgusting it is he got away with what he did.
I know why it's gone*, but it was such a big show during my adolescence that it's sad on one side that The Cosby Show isn't there anymore. I'm just thinking about the show -- I watched it for the kids. That is who I related to when watching...

I know what you mean. It was a good show, and it's a shame to take that away from all the other actors because of one.

As for my list, I don't have time to click through the slide show right now, but I'll try to look later.


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