Out of the mouths of babes - Funniest things heard/overheard at Disney parks?

Disney related:

My DD (3) is mad on the film Tangled and for some reason she especially likes the character Mother Gothel. Her lastest thing to say is that "Father Christmas is going to bring me a mother"!!!
Luckily she hasn't said this outside of the house anywhere (yet!) so it can't be mis understood by any passers by taking pity on her!

We are going to be in WDW for Christmas so I'll have to see if I can track a "mother" doll down in one of the stores (we don't have one in our Disney store here in the UK)!

Claire :)
I still like watching the video of my DD7 asking Crush at Turtle talk, "Crush, do you have a crush on any girls?"

Got the crowd laughing, and Crush had a cool response. Something like. "Yeah little dudette, I do. My wife. Her name is Shelly. She's my turtle dove. " (playing off the whole turtle and ocean theme)

Not my daughter, but another boy on a previous trip asked Crush if he liked turtle soup. Crush just sat there with a weird look on his face, and finally said something like "Dude, you have a weird sense of humor!" :lmao:

Watching one of the parades my son says - "Look Mommy - its Snow White and the seven twerps!" :lmao:


When my oldest was 2, I took her to the movies for the first time.

When my hubby came home from work, he asked, "What movie did you go see?"

And she replied, "Snow Wipe and the Seven Dorks." :lmao:
We were at AK one day, looking at one of those animals with the zebra-like stripes on it's rear end (maybe an Okapi??). The little kid next to us said "Mommy, why is that zebra only half dressed?"
We laughed about that the rest of the day! :rotfl2:
We were on a bus going back to the resort and there was a family sitting across from us. The boy (around 11 or so) was looking at his mom's camera and started just freaking out about how many pictures she had taken on their trip. He was like "You took 1,000 pictures in 7 DAYS!?!?"... lol... I laughed under my breath thinking to myself, it was only our first day and I had beat that amount on my own camera... lol...
We were waiting in line to meet Alice and the White Rabbit. They went on a short break and only the White Rabbit came back out. This little girl behind us who was probably about 3 or so, asked mother where Alice was. Her mother explained that Alice had gone to get a drink and a snack and she would be back soon.

The little girl then asked "Doesn't Alice need to go to the potty Mummy?"

Mother said yes, Alice would need to use the potty sometimes. The little girl then asked VERY loudly "Is Alice pooping?"

Everyone in line thought it was very funny, including the character attendant and I think the White Rabbit was amused too....
When DS16 was probably about 3, we were walking through Epcot on our way to dinner. We told the boys we were going to LeCellier Steakhouse. DS asked, "Is that a house made out of steak?" We still refer to that, whether we're going to Le Cellier at WDW or Outback at home!
Disney related:

My DD (3) is mad on the film Tangled and for some reason she especially likes the character Mother Gothel. Her lastest thing to say is that "Father Christmas is going to bring me a mother"!!!
Luckily she hasn't said this outside of the house anywhere (yet!) so it can't be mis understood by any passers by taking pity on her!

We are going to be in WDW for Christmas so I'll have to see if I can track a "mother" doll down in one of the stores (we don't have one in our Disney store here in the UK)!

Claire :)

Cute! FYI- I'm in the states, but our local Disney Stores just very recently started carrying a Mother Gothel (Barbie type) doll, so you might keep an eye on your store. The UK Disney Store Website also currently has a set of small dolls that has Rapunzel, Flynn, Mother Gothel, and then Rapunzel in short hair in her wedding dress.
Cute! FYI- I'm in the states, but our local Disney Stores just very recently started carrying a Mother Gothel (Barbie type) doll, so you might keep an eye on your store. The UK Disney Store Website also currently has a set of small dolls that has Rapunzel, Flynn, Mother Gothel, and then Rapunzel in short hair in her wedding dress.

Thanks I will keep a look out! It was one of the Barbie size dolls that I would be looking for as she has all the other Princesses that are that size!
I had seen the other set that is on the UK website and that was my back up plan if I couldn't get the Barbie size one!


Claire :)
We were driving on the freeway in Texas just a few days after returning from our first trip to Disney World. My then 4 year old daughter got really excited pointing out the window. Mom, look! There's Ep--cot! She was looking at a water tower with a round top!

Epcot was her favorite park - mostly I think because it didn't have a lot of rides. Since it was just me, DD4 and DD 9, I took her on a lot of attractions like Pirates and Haunted Mansion that I might not have if it was just the two of us. She didn't complain, cry, or get upset at all -- until our last day. We were outside the Mexico pyramid at Epcot. I parked the stroller and went to lift her out. She held on to the sides of the seat and refused to let go. She didn't cry or get angry, or even say anything - she just refused to let go. She was just knew that pyramid held something scary and she wasn't going to take it anymore!

She's now 18 and has been back to Disney several times. She won't admit it, and will ride them, but I know she still doesn't like Pirates and HM very much.
Ours was at AK when a small dragon fly started circling around my then 3yr old DD. She started jumping around saying "get it away". My other then 15yr old DD rolled her eyes and said "here we go..." really tired of her little sisters day of drama. All the sudden my 3yr old stops the crazy dance, has this epiphany, stands there and back hands the dragon fly. As it's on the ground stunned she puts her hands on her hips, shakes her head and says "STUPID BUG!", turns and walks away. The three of us just look at each other, laugh and follow. :lmao:
We were eating lunch at CRT when we see Ariel (my niece's favorite princess) round the corner.

My niece stands up and runs over to Ariel and gives her a huge hug then looks up at her and says "I know all your songs"

Ariel then looks at me and tears well up in her eyes I thought she was going to break character, but then she starts laughing and tells my niece how wonderful it is that she knows her songs!

It all happened in a split second but it is a memory I will have forever!
This didn't happen in the parks, but it is still Disney related.

About 6 months ago I took DS to a local library storytime. The librarian was reading a book, and pointed to an illustration of a big, silvery, moon and asked the kids if they new what it was called.

My son yells out "EPCOT"!

So, my two year old can't identify the moon, but has no problem naming park icons. There's a proud parent moment for you! :rotfl2:
I still like watching the video of my DD7 asking Crush at Turtle talk, "Crush, do you have a crush on any girls?"

Got the crowd laughing, and Crush had a cool response. Something like. "Yeah little dudette, I do. My wife. Her name is Shelly. She's my turtle dove. " (playing off the whole turtle and ocean theme)

Not my daughter, but another boy on a previous trip asked Crush if he liked turtle soup. Crush just sat there with a weird look on his face, and finally said something like "Dude, you have a weird sense of humor!" :lmao:

Whoever does the Turtle Talk is awesome. My nephew (he was 9 I think at the time) got to ask him a question. "How old are you?"

Crush's mouth hung open. "Dude, that's rude..."
When my DS4 was first starting to talk, his first words were dada, mama and no. It was a joke in our family that we could be having the best time and if you asked my son if he was having fun he would say no. We have it on video - Christmas morning, trip to the zoo, etc., are you having fun? No! usually with a smile on his face.

When he had just turned 2 we took him to WDW. He loves music and one day as we were walking down Main St. in MK, the brass band started to play so we stopped to watch. DS was mesmerized. We then noticed the Dapper Dans were singing by the Plaza Restaurant so we walked over there. My son again was mesmerized. While they were singing, my husband started video taping DS and asked him if he was having fun. The answer - yes! first time ever. gotta love WDW!
Dd4 was tired as we rode the boat back to the GF. She announced "I'm tired. I want to o back to the Show-N-Tell!"
Back in '04 our family of 4 went on ToT. As we were dropping my youngest DD ( she was 5) screams Daddy there is air under my butt.

When we got off she said she would not ride that again. Since then she has only gone on it once and that was last April.
Our first trip we missed Epcot because one of my kids got sick on our last day. All through the next trip they kept asking when we were going to visit Apricot. We still call it that 6 years later as a joke. Last year a kind lady on the bus corrected them. :rotfl:

3 years ago we surprised the boys with a trip to Disneyland. We live in Ohio. Two flights and 7 hours later we are in California. That is the farthest they've ever flown so my sons both repeatedly thought we were in another country. When a CM was talking to them and asked where we were from they replied "we're from America." On our last day they were chatting with another guest and he asked them if they were having fun. They said, "yes, but tomorrow we have to go back to America."
flortlebap said:

Originally Posted by jollyollygoodtime

What's so funny about that? I'm in my 30s and I still say that.

Me too!

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