Our Great Escape - Morocco/Canada/Attic/Sago Cay TR *DisneyWeddingBlog Nomination*

How was your reception? I hope you had a wonderful day. I think one of the best things about having a destination wedding is getting to celebrate the happiest day of our lives TWICE :-)

Wishing you many many years of happiness together. :lovestruc

I'm bummed out that your TR is over! I keep watching for more updates! Hope your at-home reception went well!

Thanks, you are both so sweet :goodvibes I'll try and update with the at home reception by the end of the week!
Hey there! Sorry I haven't been over here sooner- how'd your interviews go? I hope you had a blast at your at-home reception! If you have some time you should post a few pictures b/c I'd love to see more of your location (it looked so pretty!) TTFN! :goodvibes
Hey there! Sorry I haven't been over here sooner- how'd your interviews go? I hope you had a blast at your at-home reception! If you have some time you should post a few pictures b/c I'd love to see more of your location (it looked so pretty!) TTFN! :goodvibes

My interviews went well, but I just found out I didn't get the job for one, and the other one doesn't have a position available until fall (unless they suddenly get busier). So it is back to applying for me! Ugghh :headache:

Our at home reception was awesome, exactly what we thought it would be (a drunken ruckus). :lmao: I don't have many good pictures yet, but should have some coming soon! I'll see what I have and post any that turned out!
At Home Reception

We just had our at home reception last week (although it wasn't really at home since it wasn't in the same city) and we had an amazing time. We didn't have a professional photographer, so the pictures I have are not great, especially since everyone taking them was drinking :rotfl: Anyway, here is what I have so far, hopefully I will have better ones later!

We had a pottery platter "guest book" for people to sign, and had a digital frame with all our WDW pictures playing

Our favours were chocolate dipped pretzels wrapped two to a pack with our stickers on top that we made awhile ago

The centerpieces that we kind of put together last minute, but they looked really nice in person, and now we have tons of candle holders/vases left over!

We had a table that displayed a lot of our photos, including one of our shutterfly books

The food was really good, it was a lot of hor derves and cheese fondue!




We also did a lot of catching up (since we don't live in the same city as 90% of the people there) and a lot of drinking. I don't have too many pictures of that...hopefully more people have some.




Our family and friends brought us lots of amazing gifts. We decided to use the cash as a deposit for the Mediterranean cruise (through Disney), and the rest as savings towards it, but we will still wait until I get a job until we book it. We also received a lot of really nice stuff for our apartment, which we had registered for previously. We were definitely very lucky. :goodvibes

So unless I am sent more pictures from people that turned out better, this pretty much wraps up everything. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped and supported me the whole way (even if you just said "nice pics"). I didn't always have a lot of people supporting me, so the boards here have really played a huge role in my DFTW planning as well as provided a great place to share my joy with after.

I hope I can keep in touch with all of you, those who are still planning, and those who have already had their big day :goodvibes
I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how your interviews went - but I was not near a computer so I couldn't comment :( I think that everything happens for a reason though, so your opportunity will come!

Your home reception looks like it was a lot of fun - and one of your guests really looks like someone I know! lol It is not actually her, but it is a pretty scary resemblance in one of the pictures.

I hope that you get to go on that Mediterranean cruise real soon! (and that you write a TR about it lol)

I also hope that you are enjoying married life!
The at home reception looks great! I love the favors and the food looks so tasty! I'm so glad you shared your wedding day with us and I hope you'll stick around :goodvibes. I definitely know what you mean, while most of my family is excited about the Disney aspect, no one really cares about the details like the girls here do. Plus it's nice to have people going through the same thing. ;)

I hope you get a job soon and can book your cruise. That sounds awesome! :goodvibes
Good luck with the job hunt. DH is looking for a new job at the moment as well. I hope you can come to London when you do your med cruise it would be great to meet up.

Your at home reception looks like it was fun.
Your at home reception looked amazing! We are having ours next week. I LOVED your idea of the digital photo frame with pictures! We are going to do that now :rotfl: I just put together a Disney photo album of pics from our honeymoon...but it's nice to have a digital version near the guest book! Did you have fun wearing your dress again?? Looks like it was a great time!! :goodvibes
Just finished catching up! I am sad your TR is over! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Your at home receptions looks great! You def got lots of use out of your dress! Which is very awesome, its usually a one time use. I thought of you when walking around Canada this week!
The "at home" reception looks like a lot of fun and just my kind of party :cool1:
Your dress looked lovely. Thank you for sharing your details and special day with us all.

Good luck with the job hunting. My DF was laid off on Friday with two weeks notice as his goverment contract is no longer funded. So he is job hunting as well.

Have a wonderful married life
I was thinking about you the other day, wondering how your interviews went - but I was not near a computer so I couldn't comment :( I think that everything happens for a reason though, so your opportunity will come!

Your home reception looks like it was a lot of fun - and one of your guests really looks like someone I know! lol It is not actually her, but it is a pretty scary resemblance in one of the pictures.

I hope that you get to go on that Mediterranean cruise real soon! (and that you write a TR about it lol)

I also hope that you are enjoying married life!

Thank you! Married life isn't that different, considering we lived together for so long before! Considering we live close to you, you may know some of the people in the pics (and if so...maybe I should take them down :eek:) Most of the people in the above ones are DH's extended family...for some reason I had a lot of pics of them!

The at home reception looks great! I love the favors and the food looks so tasty! I'm so glad you shared your wedding day with us and I hope you'll stick around :goodvibes. I definitely know what you mean, while most of my family is excited about the Disney aspect, no one really cares about the details like the girls here do. Plus it's nice to have people going through the same thing. ;)

I hope you get a job soon and can book your cruise. That sounds awesome! :goodvibes

Thanks! I hope I get a job soon so that we can still go to WDW at Christmas as well as the cruise!

Good luck with the job hunt. DH is looking for a new job at the moment as well. I hope you can come to London when you do your med cruise it would be great to meet up.

Your at home reception looks like it was fun.

Thanks:goodvibes The cruise leaves from Barcelona, but if we have the time and $$ we would love to go back to London since DH's brother lives there. We haven't been there for about 6 years, and we were young and only there for a few days since we did the whole UK (separately...we didn't know each other than)

Your at home reception looked amazing! We are having ours next week. I LOVED your idea of the digital photo frame with pictures! We are going to do that now :rotfl: I just put together a Disney photo album of pics from our honeymoon...but it's nice to have a digital version near the guest book! Did you have fun wearing your dress again?? Looks like it was a great time!! :goodvibes

I loved wearing my dress again! People did like the digital frame...they stood there and watched it :rotfl:

Just finished catching up! I am sad your TR is over! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Your at home receptions looks great! You def got lots of use out of your dress! Which is very awesome, its usually a one time use. I thought of you when walking around Canada this week!

Ohhh, thanks! I think everytime I visit "Canada" now I will get super emotional!

The "at home" reception looks like a lot of fun and just my kind of party :cool1:
Your dress looked lovely. Thank you for sharing your details and special day with us all.

Good luck with the job hunting. My DF was laid off on Friday with two weeks notice as his goverment contract is no longer funded. So he is job hunting as well.

Have a wonderful married life

Thank you so much :goodvibes

The only bad thing about our reception is that it was so hot that day! Everyone (who came to our DFTW) kept saying how funny it was the it was so much hotter during our at home reception than it was in Florida. My hair, which normally I can get to hold a style well, fell out immediately, and all the other brides I saw there (people get married in the hotel atrium) had the same problem. It was awful, and made me appreciate even more our lucky weather on our real wedding day. Anyway, I'm not posting any of the close ups of me, since the humidity and excessive alcohol consumption have left me with some of my worst pictures ever (but at least I had a good time) :lmao:

I have a few last pictures to post, and that's it! I am officially done my TR:goodvibes



Sporting the Mickey ears...everyone loved it!


which cruise where you thinking of doing? I've just been eyeing up the 20th July cruise, as a 30th birthday treat for DH, as his birthday is the 26th. I think its more of a treat for me than him though.
Your last update is done :( But I guess now you get to start the real fun of being married! That is quite ironic that you had warmer weather for your at home wedding, but I find (at least where I live) that the heat here is so much more humid - which makes it harder to hold a hairstyle. I love the dry Florida heat so much better.

I wish you all the best with your new husband!
which cruise where you thinking of doing? I've just been eyeing up the 20th July cruise, as a 30th birthday treat for DH, as his birthday is the 26th. I think its more of a treat for me than him though.

We were hoping for the May 28th one (the 11 night) since we wanted to go before school was out for kids. However, we might have to push it back to the summer if we still end up going to WDW Nov/Dec of this year, so that we have more time to save! Let me know if you decide to go! The prices just dropped on the May one by about $500 a person, so hopefully the other months will drop soon too!

Your last update is done :( But I guess now you get to start the real fun of being married! That is quite ironic that you had warmer weather for your at home wedding, but I find (at least where I live) that the heat here is so much more humid - which makes it harder to hold a hairstyle. I love the dry Florida heat so much better.

I wish you all the best with your new husband!

Oh I know...they humidity here is just awful! I find 30 degrees here feels so much hotter than 30 in Florida! Thanks for following along! I can't wait to see your wedding!
Don't think we'll be able to book till about Feb next year so hopefully they have cabins left!
My interviews went well, but I just found out I didn't get the job for one, and the other one doesn't have a position available until fall (unless they suddenly get busier). So it is back to applying for me! Ugghh :headache:

Our at home reception was awesome, exactly what we thought it would be (a drunken ruckus). :lmao: I don't have many good pictures yet, but should have some coming soon! I'll see what I have and post any that turned out!

Bummer! But all good things come to those who wait...so I'm sure that this has happened for a reason and better things are on the horizon. (did I get enough cliches in there!) Really though, I'll keep sending my pixie dust and I'm sure all will be good. I'm so glad you had a great time at your home reception. The pics you posted look good. The location seems so cozy! And yay for using those stickers you had made so long ago! :thumbsup2 I'm so happy for you! I hope you keep me posted on your winter trip to WDW. Hopefully it'll work out and we'll be there at the same time! :goodvibes
Boardwalk Bride,

I just found your TR (I linked over from another TR) and started reading. I hope I don't cause any trouble by asking (as I haven't read the entire thread), but why are the posts deleted? I loved the pictures in your signature, so I wanted to hear all about your big day!
Don't think we'll be able to book till about Feb next year so hopefully they have cabins left!

I'm sure they will! When I was looking at the ones for this spring and summer, all categories were available even a few weeks before!

Bummer! But all good things come to those who wait...so I'm sure that this has happened for a reason and better things are on the horizon. (did I get enough cliches in there!) Really though, I'll keep sending my pixie dust and I'm sure all will be good. I'm so glad you had a great time at your home reception. The pics you posted look good. The location seems so cozy! And yay for using those stickers you had made so long ago! :thumbsup2 I'm so happy for you! I hope you keep me posted on your winter trip to WDW. Hopefully it'll work out and we'll be there at the same time! :goodvibes

Thanks for all the kind words:goodvibes

We really enjoyed the reception; it was very "cozy" and felt more like us. We love the rustic ambiance of places like WL and AKL, so this suited us a lot! I will keep you posted on whether or not we have a winter trip!

Boardwalk Bride,

I just found your TR (I linked over from another TR) and started reading. I hope I don't cause any trouble by asking (as I haven't read the entire thread), but why are the posts deleted? I loved the pictures in your signature, so I wanted to hear all about your big day!

Hi! I beleive I only deleted a few, that after re-reading, may have contained info about people that I didn't want out there (I can't remember if this was the exact reason, but I'm sure there was a reason at the time). I believe almost all my pics are still up though!
Hi Karen,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back over here. I think I used to come on everyday just to read your updates and look at the new pictures.:)

Thank you for sharing the at home reception pictures. It looks like everyone had a great time and you got to wear your wedding dress one last time.:woohoo: I was wondering how long it took for you to get the book from shutterfly. I don't remember reading much about it. Was it hard to make? I'm not very creative.
Hi Karen,

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back over here. I think I used to come on everyday just to read your updates and look at the new pictures.:)

Thank you for sharing the at home reception pictures. It looks like everyone had a great time and you got to wear your wedding dress one last time.:woohoo: I was wondering how long it took for you to get the book from shutterfly. I don't remember reading much about it. Was it hard to make? I'm not very creative.

I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the pictures! I loved wearing my dress again, now I just need to remember to clean it before Ontario's new tax kicks in!

Okay, just because you asked (and I'm bored) I'll do a post with the Shutterfly books!


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