OT - Need original baby boy name...

My son is Micah (named after our favorite passage in the bible Micah 6-8 which just happened to also be his birth weight.).

We love the name but we got a lot of mixed reactions from people at first.

I have a Micah, too - he is 12 now:) I LOVE his name. When I named him I thought there wouldn't be too many, but we have known two or three others he's gone to school with. I also have a son named Josiah, and his nickname is Jo Jo:)
Two boys names I love that I haven't seen yet are Emmett and Damon.

We wanted names that weren't too popular and went with Brady, Caleb and Paul. There have been quite a few Brady's around (ours is 12). And there are lots of Paul's my age, but I only know of one more who is my son's age (2). We als have Maya, Taryn and Brynn for girls.

Good luck! I think naming babies is one of the most fun jobs to have!:goodvibes
My name does have a correct spelling, but it's an ethnic spelling (silent letter). I dreaded the first day of school, and even at doctor appointments, I can tell it's my turn, when the nurse hesistates, before calling me Mrs. ****. Most of my kids have very common names, no change to be mispronounced, and even my unique named dd has a name easily pronounced. I actually spell my name phonetically a lot, so that people won't be confused.

I have one, too, and I married one as well (that one is German as opposed to Irish, but still...) I don't have a problem with spelling for people. My mother used to spell phonetically at businesses, but I hated that, because they never "got" that she was just doing that to show them how to pronounce it, and I was always having to fight to have records corrected because they thought that the phonetic spelling was the real one.

DD has an ethnic Irish name, and I did not choose it. DH did, though he isn't an Irish speaker. It's a very common name in Ireland, but uncommon in the US; my MIL got all huffy about that. DD will be dealing for years with people who mistake it for another more common name, but since she'll be spelling her surname all her life anyway, I figured that one more wouldn't matter.

I DID have a lot of fun pretending to lobby DH to name her Caiomhe, though. ;) It doesn't go with his surname at all, but it has the most difficult spelling of all the feminine Irish names. (For those who've never heard it pronounced, that's KEE-VA, or sometimes KWEE-VA, depending on where in Ireland you are.)

Emmet is a popular name for boys in Ireland, after Robert Emmet the Irish patriot martyr. It has political connotations, though; it marks a child as coming from a republican family, just as Saoirse will for a girl.
We had hte same trouble and we have a Colin & Oliver, never run into ANY Olivers tho I've had several pregnant mom's stop me and ask about his name (it's stitched on his baby bag). I told DH fab now everyone will have it a grade behind him....

Colin will have at least 5 Aiden, Braden, Kadens all spelled various ways in any given class. We know 4 alone that were born within a year of him. We hardly run into any Colin's either and if we do they typically have 2 L's. If we have another boy it'd probably be Eliot.
Wow! I'm kinda shocked to see my son's name listed a few times, LOL! Though I have heard that on the East Coast, Brady is pretty popular thanks to Tom Brady, ;)

We're huge Michigan fans but my Brady isn't named after him ;)

We had a hard time picking a name not already in use in our families, and something not to "blah" because we have a "blah/common" last name. I also wanted something that would make it through the school years. I a teacher of nearly all boys, so many names were out for reminding me of students, :rotfl2:

Brady passed all those tests ;)
My son's name is Grayson. I've never run into another one personally, but I know they're out there. If I had another boy I would use Beckett.

Beckett is my Oliver's middle name. I still love it!
My DS 5 is Avery. He was going to be an Avery even if he was a girl. My husband was not crazy about it in the least. I picked it from Charlotte's Web. My DH's father was killed in a snowmobiling accident about 16 years ago and his name was Noble Dale (everyone called him Dale). My baby name book said that Avery meant Noble and my husband was sold!
Our DS(3)'s name is Lucas. Hardly ever come across another one of those. I liked that name and DH is a huge Star Wars fan, so it's funny that he gets to say "Luke...I am your father". ;)

We have a Lucas, too. They are EVERYWHERE! Never heard it on a kid 5 years ago when I named him, but now it's so popular near me!

How about something relating to your heritage, if that's of interest to you. My family is Scandinavian, and my son's name is Soren. It's interesting and unique (but not so unique that you can't pronounce it...).

My church must have a lot of Scandinavians too, because one evening when I was working we had a Bjorn, Siri, Signe, (pronounced Sig-knee), Solveig (pronounced Sol-vay), and my own Soren. LOL. And I have also heard of somebody who named their son Espen (which is a real name), and were disgruntled when people assumed that it was because they loved ESPN on tv.

LOL - before I looked at your screen name I thought to myself "she must be in MN!".. Love the name Soren!

If you like Aiden, what about varying the name slightly and calling him Kaiden. I friend of mine had a baby in October and called him Kaiden

Kaden and all forms of it are way way way overdone.

Heath...DS's great-grandmother's maiden name, also dad & grandfather's middle name. Very few out there. His pediatrican (big practice) is probably around 65-70 years old and has never had another Heath. The only problem is that people often think you are saying Keith.

We gave out Heath bars when he was born :)

Wow - I know of 4 Heath's just from my high school (grad 13 years ago). Heath is pretty common around here. Weird how different regions of the country are!

If we are ever blessed with another boy, this is our list:

If we are ever blessed with another boy, this is our list:


Just so you know, Nicholas is very popular, and has been for years, and my sister has a Henry, and she says there are tons of them in the U5 crowd.
My 29 year old son is named Bryceton. We have never encountered another.
WE have Cody and Shane, which are old names, but not too trendy (now)

I LOVE Holden and Caleb (although Caleb is used a lot now)
We had a hard time coming up with a name for my ds 3. Finally, we decided on Russell Garrett. I taught school for 17 years and never had a Russell or a Garrett in my classes. Aiden, Mason, Gage, Wade, Colin, and Jacob have been popular in the last few years.

I know OP asked about boys names, but I just have to say, one year I had 8 Laurens in one of my math classes. 3 of the Laurens all had a last name that started with S. I had so much fun trying to call on a particular Lauren.
This is my first post on here but my oldest son is Landan and my baby is 7 months old is named Ryker i havent heard that one on here yet so i take it that it is pretty unique
I really like the name Rory. I was considering naming our third DS Rory, but we ended up naming him Adrian. Our other two DS's names are Christian and Gabriel (Gabe):thumbsup2
Well if this baby were a boy, his name would have been Sebastian. Backups were Oliver and Luca. Clearly though, none of those are very unique as they have been in this thread many times! ;)

My son's name is Henry Joseph. We meet a ton of Henrys here in DC, but I hear it's pretty uncommon elsewhere.


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