Once Upon a dream TR: Intimate WP/ Citricos Chef's Domain/ Grand 1/ Tour/ COMPLETE

How far in advance can you book the cruise?

I'm looking into doing the same thing since I'm under four months away now. You can book cruises 90 days in advance. They let you cancel either 24 or 48 hours in advance, which I'm glad in case it's pouring rain that night. If you're wearing your formals on a wet, uncovered boat, it might not be as much fun.

I called the Grand 1 reservation line and found out it has a maximum capacity of 13 passengers (and I'm expecting 14 guests right now, including bride and groom). The pontoon boats have a capacity of 8-12 (there are three types of boats), so I might have to settle for two pontoons. I say "settle" after seeing all the luxuries aboard the Grand 1 compared to the pontoon boats.
HI everyone,

Sorry about the delay -- I was away from my computer for a bit.

Thanks for the info about the cake, my Fiance wants the Chocolate cake with the chocolate mousse too.

We are going to do a wishes cruise too, as I read your intro the hairs on my arms were standing up and then I watched the video, all I can say is wow! It looks amazing, my fiance walked in whilst I was watching it and said "are you crying" lol, yes I was crying but out of shear joy. It was so touching to see you both at the front watching and having a little kiss.

How far in advance can you book the cruise?

I can't wait to go now :banana:
Only 10 months and counting

Trust me I know exactly how you feel. In December when Maggie posted her pictures I spent hours going from picture to picture literally drooling (and gasping over) every detail. When DF woke up and came out to the living room he said: "Hey, I thought you were supposed to be studying for tax...what are you doing looking at pictures." But 5 minutes later he was drooling too ;)

The Grand 1 was certainly an amazing experience. I'll never forget standing there with DH...and I'm so glad we could share it with those who were attending the wedding.

If you want the Grand 1 it's a bit different than the pontoon boats. You call a line to the marina 407-824-2439 (it'll prompt you to reserve the Grand 1). But it's so weird....all you get is an answering machiene and you leave your information and they call you back. I called exactly 90 days out at 7AM. They called me back later in the afternoon and took my information. You can order private dining too if you're interested. The number for that is 407-824-2473

For the poontoon boat I think the number is 407-939-PLAY. You also have to wait until 90 days in advance but it's through the recreational services department. I believe the pontoon boats include pretzels and chips if I remember correctly.

I remember being so stressed out until I actually found out that I got the cruise...

Good luck! I would reccommend calling at 7 on the 90 day out mark, just to be safe.

I was rushed earlier when I read your last post. I didnt get to watch the wishes video because I assumed it was just a regular video of wishes, nothing that you actually were a part of. Boy was I wrong, and I sure am glad I watched it!! I cannot begin to explain how jealous I am right now that you got to do that. I wished that DH and I had dont something like that the night of our wedding. Truely amazing. While we did get our own private cruise to watch the electrical light parade-- im sure that cannot compare to seeing wishes, in your dress, beside the man that you love. :cloud9: You truely were a part of a fairy tale!! It was so sweet whenever you both would lean over and just shortly embrace one another with a kiss-- soo cute! I really liked how everything wasnt so perfect and clear-- its kind of like when Randy does his photography and focuses in on some things and it leaves others somewhat blurred. The video seemed artistic in a way!! KEEP THAT FOREVER! SO sweet...:hug:

Awww...thank you :hug: I'm sure you had that moment too....I remember reading all about your YOMD, my heart welling up inside. I think "the moment" comes at different times and in different ways for brides, which is what makes it so special. But, you're right, that was it for it -- it was just so overwhelming, I was so happy, and so thankful. I'll never forget that feeling!

I'm just glad that I splurged on it, it was DF and my dad that pushed me to make it a part of the day.

I'm looking into doing the same thing since I'm under four months away now. You can book cruises 90 days in advance. They let you cancel either 24 or 48 hours in advance, which I'm glad in case it's pouring rain that night. If you're wearing your formals on a wet, uncovered boat, it might not be as much fun.

I called the Grand 1 reservation line and found out it has a maximum capacity of 13 passengers (and I'm expecting 14 guests right now, including bride and groom). The pontoon boats have a capacity of 8-12 (there are three types of boats), so I might have to settle for two pontoons. I say "settle" after seeing all the luxuries aboard the Grand 1 compared to the pontoon boats.

Oh it'll be phenomonal on the pontoon boats as well. You know, I wanted a pontoon boat -- I liked the idea od everyone gathered together so closely...I think that will also be a very special aspect of the cruise! I'm so jealous because it's such a great thing to look forward to :cloud9:
More... More:hourglass

I'm getting there :lmao:

About 2/3 done. But I was distracted by watching Caroline's sneek peek and reading all the new new TR posts

OK I'll get back to it

p.s. DH right now feels neglected -- he's pouting. (p.s. he says he's not -- but he is -- and said thanks for letting us know about Mickey and Minnie)
haha-- my DH doesnt understand why I love this thing. He and a buddy are in the other room working on the hardwood flooring in the sunroom (we just pulled up carpet and laid new flooring-- so its ME time).

I know what you mean about all these TR's... I can barely read and respond to one before someone else has updated theres... :)
When I woke up and I caught the first glance of that beautiful room I was just elated. I just lay there smiling. As I looked around my eyes fell upon my beautiful dress draped across the couch. My smile disappeared. Ugh -- the first twinge of post-wedding day depression.

But after a couple minutes of persuading myself that this wasn’t the end but merely the beginning I hauled my butt out of bed and walked towards the balcony. I walked out, feeling the cool concrete on my feet and looked left. It’s the happiest place on earth. And I was going to be happy.

DH loves to sleep in but I’m just notoriously an early riser. I pulled the chair so the castle would be in my direct line of sight and began to jot down some notes so I wouldn’t forget any bit of that wonderful day. I listened to the sounds of the Magic Kingdom opened and smiled.

It was nice to have those quiet moments to reflect. After DH and I had packed up we enjoyed more time on the balcony as we had a cup of tea.

We stayed there as long as possible before heading downstairs to bell services. We had our overnight bag and my wedding dress (in the garment bag) sent to POFQ and left his tux there (we had let Carolyn Allen’s know that that’s where we were staying the wedding night).

So where do you go to get that party started?

You guessed it…Chef Mickeys.

As we took the monorail over we put our ears on for the first time. Now, poor DH, although he wanted to wear the groom ears, couldn’t find any that fit. So he opted for Sorcerer Mickey ears instead.

We had an 11:10 reservation, which meant that it was relatively quiet by the time we got there. If Chef Mickeys can be quiet. It was the perfect place to go for a post wedding day breakfast. We were each given a “It’s my special day placemat” and a celebration cupcake. We had a napkin twirlin’ good time.



When we were stuffed to capacity we headed back to the Magic Kingdom. It was January 5th and I hoped the traffic in the park would have died down. Ugh no such luck. It seems that the vacationers were replaced by marathoners.

We decided to get a fastpass for Phillarmagic and wait for Pirates. We really enjoyed Pirates! Especially because it was closed for refurb the last time we went so it had been like 10 years since either of us had been on it. And the movie is one of our favourites.

As we headed back to Fantasy land we stumbled across the infamous dolewhip. I just had to see what the fuss was all about, so DH and I split one as a snack. It wasn’t half bad. I’m not a huge pineapple juice fan, so I should have known it wouldn’t be my favourite. But I liked it - it was light and refreshing.

We finished it just in time to go for our fastpass. I love Phillarmagic! It’ one of my favourite things to do at the Magic Kingdom. I especially love the uber-flattering glasses you get to borrow.

As we laughed (again) at Donald stuck in the wall, we headed back to Fantasyland. I really wanted to ride Dumbo. But for some reason the line for Dumbo is always SO long! 40 minutes? For a flying elephant? I refused to wait 40 minutes for Soarin’. So although I really wanted to ride Dumbo yet another Disney trip went by without me securing one of those elephants. Oh well…another reason to go back next year.
Next up: Day 1 as husband and wife part 2
It might also because of my protruding lower lip that DF actually agreed to ride the teacups with me. He hates spinning rides, but after reminding him how I dutifully rode the Tower of Terror, and how disappointed I was about Dumbo he gave in. I had so much fun, and he…well he didn’t lose his lunch.


We couldn’t resist rising the Golden Carousel before we left the land of fantasy.

After grabbing a fastpass for Buzz, we headed directly for Stitch’s Great Escape. Now I love Stitch, but I hate chili dogs…so I remembered to hold my breath this time. You only make that mistake once.

And after the escape, guess who we found?

(“Ohana means family”)

I had noticed a rocket ride that was orbiting above Tomorrowland. I was intrigued. I couldn’t remember seeing that ride before -- the Orbiter. So I somehow managed to use all my feminine wiles to convince DH to go on another spinning ride. Now at the time it seemed like a good idea to cram into the rocket together. I mean, we were married, we were honeymooners, we were all about doing things together. And as we tried to finagle our way into the rocket we realized -- we were too big. Or it was too small. One or the other. That ride was painful. You’d think I would have known better. I mean, I took highschool physics -- I know all about centrifugal force. NB: if you are an adult you should get your own rocket. It was painful, that’s all I’m saying. That and there’s no way I’m getting DH on another spinning ride.

And then -- it was game time. Buzzlightyear! Unfortunately I just may have the worst hand-eye coordination known to man-kind. If you could get a negative score, I’d get it. I think DH outscored me by the gazillions. But he was still nice enough to let me turn the cart. That’s right ladies, he’s a keeper. He lets me turn the cart…and he even lets me hold the remote control. And he cooks. Can you believe it.

After getting what seemed what was a lower score than the last time (how is that possible? Can you get less than 0?) we sauntered around Tomorrowland. You wouldn’t believe who we saw -- it’s almost as if they put him there on purpose.:lmao:

We had a 5:45 dinner reservation with Cindy, so there was just enough time to watch the Dream along with Mickey show and tick Big Thunder Mountain off our list.

The show was ok, it reminded me a lot of Cinderellabration with Mickey and Minnie added. But it was cute, and a nice break.

We knew we were pushing it as we hiked over to Frontierland. It was about 5:10 and our reservation was at 5:45. Yikes! Ladies and gents here comes reason #1 why you should wear the ears and or buttons. The guy at the front of the standby line looked at us, said congrats and then said, “Here, have this…”

It was a rider switchpass! He told us to go to the fastpass line right away. How nice! We glowed all the way to the front of the line and giggled through what is one of my favourite rides.

After it was over we discussed how lucky we were and went back to say thank you but he was already gone.

We hurried over to CRT and got there just in time to meet up with my family. All 6 of us would be dining with Cindy for dinner. We checked in and were given a card with a number on it. Apparently that corresponded with the number of photo packages we could have: 2 for 6 people. I thought that was strange because of we were 3 sets of 2 we would each get a photo package. But because DH and I had been there the year before we let my brother and his GF take the one photo op and we shared the other with my parents.

Now ladies (and gents), if you have your heart set on CRT, book it after your wedding. Because as we found out -- Cinderella is kind enough to send you home with parting gifts when you’re honeymooning: champagne flutes!

I think it’s neat to eat in the castle -- and now that I’ve been spoiled enough to do it twice I think that that’s enough. The food is not spectacular -- the money that you spend is solely for the experience of being inside the castle. As long as you keep that in mind, you won’t be disappointed. I’m glad that I’ve been, and we had a good time while we were there, but I won’t book again. There’s just too many tasty restaurants in the world showcase I want to try.


As if we weren’t spoiled enough, DH’s mum had bought us tickets to Cirque de Soleil. So after we had finished our dinner we hurried back to the hotel to drop off Cindy’s gift and hopped the riverboat to get to Cirque just in time. When we got to the hotel we were happy to find 2 more towel swans with a note: “Happy Honeymoon”. Uh oh -- the swans were multiplying. We thought it was super sweet that the room attendant had left them for us, but we did also joke (with now a grand total of 3 swans) that we would have a whole fleet after 9 days.

I had never seen Cirque before, so I was just amazed. It was like an hour and 40 minutes of non-stop fun. What a treat! We were so lucky that DH’s mum and dad splurged. And it was nice to get to spend some time with them.


On the way back to the riverboat we stopped for ice cream at Ghildaerlli’s, which was very tasty (as Fairy Tale Bride promised).

After another long day we fell into bed.

Next up: Day 6 - Everyone loves a parade!
YAY for first day as husband and wife part 1!

I must say-- I heard a lot about dole whips prior to our last disney trip myself. We got one... and it tasted like frozen yogurt with pineapple juice. Is that all it is? Cause I could make dole whips at home! I did like it though- It kind hurt my stomach and didnt make me want to eat my supper (shame on me:sad2: !)

I love that view from your room at the GF! Beautiful!
YAY for first day as husband and wife part 1!

I must say-- I heard a lot about dole whips prior to our last disney trip myself. We got one... and it tasted like frozen yogurt with pineapple juice. Is that all it is? Cause I could make dole whips at home! I did like it though- It kind hurt my stomach and didnt make me want to eat my supper (shame on me:sad2: !)

I love that view from your room at the GF! Beautiful!

That's exatly what it is!! :yay:

To be honest, both DH and I liked the pineapple frozen yogurt but could have passed on the juice. It was ok, but (and I'm afraid to offend the DIS powers that be here) it didn't live up to the hype!
I wanted to go to CRT-- but only for the flutes! How horrible is that:sad2: ! I heard the food wasnt WDW's finest... so we did skip it. But im so glad you got them.... maybe i should look on e-bay and see if i can get them there (I can only imagine how much they are going for!). Do they give them away for anniversaries?? Hmm.. now theres a thought!

I would love to here more about cirque de soleil... thats so neat.

I love the photo of you and DH in the astro orbiter-- he LOOKS like hes having a good time!!

You all got to meet so many characters-- how awesome is that!
I wanted to go to CRT-- but only for the flutes! How horrible is that:sad2: ! I heard the food wasnt WDW's finest... so we did skip it. But im so glad you got them.... maybe i should look on e-bay and see if i can get them there (I can only imagine how much they are going for!). Do they give them away for anniversaries?? Hmm.. now theres a thought!

I would love to here more about cirque de soleil... thats so neat.

I love the photo of you and DH in the astro orbiter-- he LOOKS like hes having a good time!!

You all got to meet so many characters-- how awesome is that!

That isn't sad at all -- it's exactly why I booked it :lmao: I love free stuff! We don't even really drink champagne.

Cirque is so hard to describe -- plus we weren't allowed to take pics. There were just phenomenal feats that happened -- the "you have to see it to believe it" kind. Boy, we were lucky, because I wouldn't have thought about booking the tickets at all. But DH's mom got us all seats like 3 row back from the stage. I was completely impressed by the show -- check that -- spellbound by the show.

And you're right -- he LOOKS like he's having a good time....all the while saying "how did you talk me into this, how did you talk me into this?" and I'm saying: "ow ow ow ow ow....I didn't know it was going to be like this....

Kinda funny

I highly doubt I'll get him on eother the Orbiter or the teacups again :sad1:
I so agree with you about CRT. We had dinner there on our Honeymoon as well. It was just before it switched over to the 2TS Character meal. We got those beautiful glasses too! we enjoyed it very much but i am in total agreement about it being for the atmosphere more than the food! I almost booked it this anniv trip but we decided we could spread out TS meals better without CRT.

Can't wait to
Hey! I just saw your link to your TR in my TR thread!! I can't believe I missed it somehow. Probably because you originally posted it while we were in WDW. I can't wait to go back and read it now :) :) :)

Ok, all done. I am SO happy for you! I laughed and cried, I give you 2 thumbs WAY up!! This was my favorite line

Because sometimes, you just gotta twirl.

I completely agree. I'm going to go see your dining report now. Congrats again!
Hey! I just saw your link to your TR in my TR thread!! I can't believe I missed it somehow. Probably because you originally posted it while we were in WDW. I can't wait to go back and read it now :) :) :)

Ok, all done. I am SO happy for you! I laughed and cried, I give you 2 thumbs WAY up!! This was my favorite line

Because sometimes, you just gotta twirl.

I completely agree. I'm going to go see your dining report now. Congrats again!

Aww....thanks so much.

I have to admit -- I stole that line. It was a tribute to my parents who surprised me over the summer. DH and I never dreamt in a million years that anyone but us and us alone would pay the cost of the Intimate wedding. I worked miracles with our budget and we decided we could do it. Then...at dinner my mom gave me a card.

On the outside the card had a blurred picture of a little girl spinning around. On the inside the card said: "Sometimes, you just gotta twirl". They included a cheque that covered the cost of the wedding.

I was dumbfounded.

Coincidentally enough, without thinking about the card...while we were waiting to make out grand entrance...there I was twirling around like a little kid. :goodvibes
ForKeeps... I just wanted to thank you for sharing your trip reports. My DH and I were married at home and honeymooned in WDW (10 years ago), and I always wondered about what a Disney wedding would be like. It wasn't right for our family (for many reasons!), but your reports made me feel as though I was there!
A NOTE ABOUT THE MARATHON: The Disney marathon swept through town on January 6th and 7th. Somehow DH and I managed to avoid the chaos of the event. Our guests were not so fortunate. It was just a matter of chance that DH and I (and my brother and his GF) headed to the Animal Kingdom on the 6th. The half marathon was going on that day, and it doesn’t go through the AK. On the 7th DH and I headed to Blizzard Beach. The full marathon was going through all 3 parks that day.

Both my parents and DH’s parents felt that the marathon was a major problem during their days at the park. My dad said it was like moving gridlock. DH’s parent and sister were completely blocked from getting to Everest.

Now, I’m a long distance runner (as are my dad and DH’s dad), so we certainly can appreciate the accomplishment of everyone who participated. :cheer2: I can’t imagine how they did it, but some folks ran both the half and the full marathon! But for those of you who may be planning a trip during the time the marathon is on (and aren’t planning to run in it), you need to know that it isn’t a minor inconvenience. My dad said that the full marathon cut right through Cinderella’s castle - bisecting the park in half. They had a hard time getting through. Everyone left the parks frustrated. I would suggest avoiding the parks that day.

It wasn’t intentionally to avoid the half marathon, but DH, my brother and his GF headed to the AK super early. The plan was to head directly to Everest and get a fastpass. Then proceed immediately to Kilimanjaro Safari, return to Everest, ride it and get another fastpass for later on. You can see me just waiting here…waiting to speedwalk to Asia as soon as they drop the rope.

Let me tell you ladies, the time I spent on the elliptical machine paid off. We were up against some serious competition. DISers with families had heard that the secret to the AK was to send the husbands off to get fastpasses - they were quick and agile without strollers.

We made it and amidst the chaos at the fastpass machiene got the golden tickets and got the heck out of there. Phew. No time to rest -- time to power walk to the Safari. When we got to the truck we all plunked down and breathed a sigh of relief. Now it was time to just have fun.

I love the safari, I could do it over and over again. My favourite part is the elephants!

After the safari, following the plan, we headed back to Everest. This was DH and my second time riding (we had gone in May) and the first time for my brother and his GF. We walked right to the front of the line and were seated at the very rear of the train.

Whoo hooo! I love that ride!

We decided to head back to the trails in Africa to kill time before they started serving lunch at the Tusker house. I loved seeing the gorillas.

I love hitting the Tusker house. It’s my favourite counter service. It’s great to plan to go early because there are no lines at all. We were there at 10:55 (we’d skipped breakfast). The people who put the food together were so nice. They saw our ears and asked when we got married. When they found out we’d only been married for a day and a half they were so sweet. They all started telling us about their experiences -- and they would have given us free cake, but we already had dessert from the dining plan.
After devouring the tasty food we headed back to Everest.

My brother wondered if that was such a good idea…but I was confident that we all had iron stomachs. This time DH and I were seated in the very front of the train. Is it me, or does it seem faster in the front?

After another great ride we decided to head over to Nemo and wait in line for good seats. We weren’t allowed to take pictures in the theatre, so we took a picture of the poster outside the theatre instead.

I really thought the show was quite good. I had to admit though, that in the cool darkness of the theatre and after sitting down I started nodding off. But really…it was good! I felt guilty because it was so good. It turned out that everyone else was pretty dozey too. It seems we were up a bit early that morning.

We searched for coffee but found milkshakes instead and decided to substitute sugar for caffeine. After looking at the trusty times guide I realized we had just enough time to visit the characters before catching the 2:30 Lion King show. We started with Goofy because his line was shortest. I told him that I loved him because he made me feel short.

Donald was cute - he demanded that I give him a kiss and then admired my ring. Aww…Donald.

Minnie was up next -- she looked festive in her holiday outfit. As DH and I slowly exited the line, waiting for my brother and his GF to get their pictures taken we were approached by a woman.

Woman: “Congratulations…when was the big day?”

Us: "Thursday." Beaming with gigantic smiles.

Woman: “Oh wow, did you get married here?”

Us: “Yes, it was so beautiful, we just loved every minute…we wish we could do it all again”

Woman: “Awww…that’s so nice. Hey, what are you doing for the rest of the day…what do you think about being part of the parade.”

Huh? Vaguely I could hear Stacey in my mind: “first you’re watching the parade…and then poof…you are in the parade”

Could it be? We were being asked to be a part of the parade.

Duh - yes, she just asked you silly. Say something before she takes it all back!

My brother and his GF approach.

Woman: “Oh are they with you?”

Me: “Yes, this is my brother and his girlfriend”

Woman: “So how many are there in your party?”

Me: “Just us 4 today”

She nods.

Woman: “So, what do you think about the parade?”

I look at DH who’s smiling. What’s funny is that we had a mantra this trip: no parades. Last time after being annoyed at the Once Upon a Dream parade, and experiencing true craziness at Spectro we decided we’d take the opportunity to do more rides while the lines were low. But we’d never thought….never dreamed…

Say something silly!

Me: “Of course! We’d love to!”

So she gave us the details, and told us where we needed to be. And poof - she was gone.

We all looked at each other in disbelief. Did that just happen? Did she say…we’re going to be in the parade.

DH and I headed to guest services to try to reach our parents (who we thought might be back at the hotel) to come to the park while my brother and his GF rode Dinosaur.

The whole plan was scrapped. There’d be no Lion King…there’d be no “It’s a bug life”. Nope…we were in the parade.

This is us waiting to go backstage.

There we other families and couples there too. We were called in party by party, dressed up in festive clothing, given earplugs (because the music was so loud) and brought back to the float.

It was so cool to see all the characters interacting.

It was so much fun! We didn’t even mind one bit that the same 3 minutes of Christmas music played over and over.


DH even managed to take a video clip of it with his digital camera.

As the parade turned the last corner and rolled backstage, we hopped off the float and said thanks. It was just a mesmerizing experience. DH giggled…so I guess no more “no parades”. I’ll never forget the way that my brother smiled that day.

Next up: Day 6 - part 2: One duck, two duck, bride duck, groom duck.
ForKeeps... I just wanted to thank you for sharing your trip reports. My DH and I were married at home and honeymooned in WDW (10 years ago), and I always wondered about what a Disney wedding would be like. It wasn't right for our family (for many reasons!), but your reports made me feel as though I was there!

Oh wow, that's such a great compliment. I'm glad that I could share the experience with you. It's so important to know what's right for your family. I was just lucky for our situation that Disney actually worked. What a dream come true.

Thanks for reading!!!! :goodvibes


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