OK...It's official, Ryno needs his very own Fan Club, who is with me!


We love everyone on the podcast. But someone made a thread dedicated to Ryno, so we're all just running with it. ChiiiiiLLLLLL.
I can assure you no one is losing sleep over this.

I couldn't sleep last night, this thread must be the reason..........
Aw how come
I could start a fan thread for you too but Someone might get jealous

I might be able to swing an all moderators post

Would that work ?

Oh I gottit

I'll just put it in here!!!

I LOVE ALL MODERATORS THEY ARE COOL AWESOME FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC they have a super hard time weeding thru thousands of posts and truly are heros for all the crap they have to deal with.. I honestly can say you rock because me myself I'd be kicking people off here left right and center

My hats off to all of you and the hard job you do keeping this a place people want to be on.

Petes entrusted you with his baby, I know you won't let him Down.

Party on!!!
No Ryno is safe for now
Me and Jes are Stalking JL (@imjenilynn ) first
But she knows already so I'm sure she's got the cops on alert already!

And Kathy (aka @safetymom ) is on board with with me stalking her when I go to MK next year, in fact I'm going to Periscope Kathy as she Periscopes one of the parks.

And Teresa knows I'm going to stalk her at the welcome center

The rest... We'll they will just have to be ready for whatever happens

Lol, brilliant.

Aw how come
I could start a fan thread for you too but Someone might get jealous

I might be able to swing an all moderators post

Would that work ?

Oh I gottit

I'll just put it in here!!!

I LOVE ALL MODERATORS THEY ARE COOL AWESOME FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC they have a super hard time weeding thru thousands of posts and truly are heros for all the crap they have to deal with.. I honestly can say you rock because me myself I'd be kicking people off here left right and center

My hats off to all of you and the hard job you do keeping this a place people want to be on.

Petes entrusted you with his baby, I know you won't let him Down.

Party on!!!
@Andrea1973 you know that @newmouse2008 is Teresa yeah?
Now I'm going to stop before I say something rude and I'm going to keep admiring the good in the world like how Ryno loves his mom and how adorablely sweet he is unlike the person who high jacked my post just to be a bit of a tool and judge me before they have all the facts...

Oh and you know what, Ryno appreciated me recognizing him and it made him feel good after a hard time he was having and so if I can bring even that little bit of happiness to ONE person then I am far ahead of a lot of people in the world that are just out for themselves

You said in your post above that you would "stop before I say something rude" but yet you did anyways by saying that I "high jacked" your thread, calling me a "tool", and then went on to bring up personal topics about Ryno and his "hard time" which I really do not understand what that has to do with my original post and opinion in said post.. Please do not take my personal viewpoint as a personal attack and do not imply that I am somehow being inconsiderate, if you do not agree with me you are welcome to express so as you did before you stated the above and as others did before you. As I stated before, I think all the Podcasters do an incredible job (including Ryno) and I was simply stating a personal observation as I have seen this thread on the top of this board for quite sometime..
Don't you just hate it when people just need to rain on a parade quite upsetting

Makes me want to start a thread 'how many trolls does it take to kill a mood'

Thanks Jes I suck I knew that but I had a moment and forgot
Regardless the mods on here and moderators in General have hard jobs and should be thanked as much as possible .
Don't you just hate it when people just need to rain on a parade quite upsetting

Makes me want to start a thread 'how many trolls does it take to kill a mood'

Thanks Jes I suck I knew that but I had a moment and forgot
Regardless the mods on here and moderators in General have hard jobs and should be thanked as much as possible .
You definitely DONT suck! But don't thank any one or single them out at being awesome, you might hurt other people's feelings.
I guess I first saw this thread as showing a lil luv for the new guy. You know, let him know that he's received the podcast-fan seal of approval? I vaguely remember the thread about JL...same concept, right?

I love ALL of the podcast-crew, if there were fan-thread for each of them I'd probably post there too. :lovestruc
Okay folks.

I'm going to come to the defense of MrKnight on this thread. I don't like the word 'tool' and 'troll' being thrown around. He was stating an opinion. I don't agree with him - but that's okay. Much the same way I didn't agree with everything said on a particular show a few weeks ago, I still defend their right to say it.

Let's not be petty. Embrace opinions - even the ones you don't necessarily agree with.

I apologize Pete, but I do not agree with his calling my heart felt show of appreciation to Ryno as he put it... Silly.
As I stated in the rebuttal to his post, I have show support for many of the Dis Team, you included. (several months ago I posted to your page on May 21st this year) I am not sure if you had a chance to see it or not so in case you didn't here it is.

You wrote on his Timeline.
May 21 at 8:06pm
Pete Werner,

I just finished watching the "Get to know the team" pod cast. All I can say is thank you, although a thank you is not even fitting, you all deserve so much more.

Each of you put your lives out there, not only at your highest times, but at your lowest, and that is a brave thing to do. So many people in the world, me included, go about our days pretending that we are okay and try to hide who we are or how we feel; but all of you, day in and day, out put your lives on display for everyone to see.

Each day you stand up and say, this is who I am, this is what I believe in, and each of you should be commended for it.

By the sounds of it, you all have had personal battles and you all turned your lives into something great and something to be proud of.

The most amazing aspect of it all; is that all of your stories and personal life experiences are experiences that most of us have faced at one time or another. I, myself, can relate to making bad decisions that continually got me into trouble like Craig, I have had my share of bad relationships that I should have walked away from sooner then I did, a husband that lost a really great job when it was not expected like Teresa, starting a business from literally nothing like you Pete, and so many other similarities to aspects of my own life, I can relate to each one of your stories and life experiences; but none more closely then your stories of Disney.

From watching Disney movies on CBC, to the first movie I remember my dad taking me to (The Fox and the Hound), to the first, second, thrid and fourth time I went to The Magic Kingdom. Now at the age of 42, I can really appreciate all that Walt envisioned when he created his master pieces. Each detail so in-tune with what his vision was.

It may have taken a few, somewhat wasted, years but I finally "get it". I guess it just means that I have grown up enough to where I can see past the chaos that others see when they think of Disney, and can simply enjoy the real "magic" of the Magic Kingdom.

It is now through things like the DIS pod casts and your experiences, that I can live a Disney type life until my day comes that I can live, breathe and work Disney, similar how you all are.

So until I can finally meet you all in person, and tell each of you thank you for making a difference in my life.... I will close with this...A dream, can be a dream come true. With just that spark, in me and you.

Thank you DIS Unplugged team for keeping that little spark burning for all of us.

As with the post on your page, this little Ode to Ryno, I was trying to do something that was, in my opinion, supportive and a gesture of good will.

I am in agree that everyone deserves an opinion, but I do not agree to someone judging me first, and calling a GOOD WILL Gesture "Silly" or inappropriate when MrKnight does not know me or could think out side the box and have an appreciation of what my intentions were.

His negativity was not appropriate, nor was it appreciated. Someone recently on the show mentioned something to the effect, if it does not concern you, then ignore it, and that is what he should have done, again, in my opinion.

Again, I apologize Pete for calling him a tool, that was wrong of me as I do not know him, but his actions spoke to me negatively and I have no time for people that cannot have an appreciation for looking at the good things in life. I too have not had a great life, and have battles daily with various things in my life, I come here to partake in a positive way and get away from all the bad stuff I deal with on a daily basis. There is far too many people that insert themselves into things in a negative way as he did.

I respect you Pete, and will refrain from further comments
Okay folks.

I'm going to come to the defense of MrKnight on this thread. I don't like the word 'tool' and 'troll' being thrown around. He was stating an opinion. I don't agree with him - but that's okay. Much the same way I didn't agree with everything said on a particular show a few weeks ago, I still defend their right to say it.

Let's not be petty. Embrace opinions - even the ones you don't necessarily agree with.


Thank you so much Pete for taking the time to comment on this thread and jumping to my defense, this really means a lot to me, I acknowledge that my statement was very opinionated and it was truly not my intent to offend anyone on this thread, as you stated I was simply expressing an opinion. I have the upmost highest respect for you and for everything that you have done and continue to do with the entire DIS community, you have an amazing team and community behind you! I look forward to having the opportunity to one day meet you in person, hopefully in the near future. Thank you again Pete and keep doing what you are doing! I look forward to the next podcast!

I would like to get back to what I had intended to do in the first place...
Show my appreciation, my way, for someone who brings joy to my life, three times a week.

The cute, squeezable Ryno!

So If anyone else has pics with Ryno from the meets etc, share them here, along with where you spotted him, and let us know how the experience was!

Thanks so much everyone who appreciates Ryno for his humor, knowledge and cuteness. And thanks to everyone that posted pics and will post in the future.
I can't believe that Craig had to point out AGAIN that his teasing of Ryno is all in fun and that its just his sense of humour.

I genuinely don't ever get the feel that he's being serious about it.
Did anyone else crack up laughing when Ryno told the story of him "putting it in the bank" over Sarah Connor as a kid, "before it went down" (or something to that affect)
Imagine cute little straight Ryno lusting after a movie character. It made me giggle that he is so willing to have a joke at his own expense.

I'm not sure I've expressed myself well there but y'all know what I mean!


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