OK Experts: What's the biggest Disney mistake you have made?

Not knowing that your ADR's an estimated time and not an actual set in stone reservation. So if your late, it's okay, if your early it's okay. They may take you early if they aren't to packed, but they will for sure take you late within reason (provided your not trying to get in at closing). We were soooo late getting to our ressie (45 mins.) for Ohana's due to bad judgment on time and a delay on the Monorail. :rolleyes:
I thought for sure we wouldn't get to eat there, but as the guy at check in told me we were still fine, and were still at the top of the list for when a table came open. He also explained it's not a for sure set time, it's a time set for about and hour and half before and after the time they give us, that's why some times you'll end up waiting on a table.
Now I would never try to be late because I have respect for those ahead of us getting their time as close as possible, but I'm also not going to panic if I am, makes for a more relaxed time on vaca. Those Disney people sure are smart!! :goodvibes

I for got to add, take very comfy shoes that are broken in. Also...LOTS OF MOLE SKIN! This stuff saved my feet the whole time I was there, they were practically covered in them. :laughing: I will never go without several packages of this stuff!!
Also, this isn't a contest to see who can be the cutest person in the park, dress for comfort!!! If it turns out cute....then great! :thumbsup2

Do your homework!! Find out what the weather is going to be like and dress accordingly, if it's going to be rainy be sure to have your ponchos on hand and shoes that won't be ruined in the rain.

In case of rain or wet rides....make sure you carry with you some zip loc bags!! Anything you don't want to get wet in your backpack (camera, autograph book etc.) you should have in a zip loc bags. I also pack anything in my makeup bag that can leak into a zip loc that doesn't do the zip thing across the top of the bag, the zip across the top one's leak. But I will use them for my back pack items because they are easy to get into and close up fast, this has been key a few times when I'm on a wet ride and suddenly want to take a pick or suddenly need to put a camera into the bag before a big splash is about to happen.

Make your advance dining reservations, don't be the fool who tries to walk up and then finds out you can't eat there because it's been booked for six months out and if you think I'm joking, I'm not. :sad2:
Read the boards and know what your getting yourself into, know who's going to be touring at the same time (Smidgy knows about this :goodvibes) and where they will be staying.
Don't be afraid to ask questions on here, the more you know, the better the trip will be.

Don't over plan! :laughing: Have I confused you yet? If your overly planned and your family ends up hating you because your barking orders about where to be next no one has a good time. Ask me how I know. :rolleyes: :laughing:

Also last but certainly not least, walk, walk, walk a couple of months before going! Be prepared to walk while there, and if you have a child who you think will wear out quickly and they are border line needing a stroller, get one! You won't be sorry. :thumbsup2 Were talking about walking any where from 6-10 miles a day in a park, and no I'm not making this up. :sad2:

This is not a trip you can wing and get out of it the money you put into it, this isn't DisneyLand or Busch Gardens.
Read the boards, look up AllEars.net (this place saved us) for reviews on dining and just about anything else concerning WDW, buy the books for touring (or at least look at them at the store), and I might add Tourguide Mikes isn't a half bad idea. I love TGM's personally but don't expect TGM's to plan out your inten., you have to do the work. He has sample tours and they have been wonderful for us, his site is a little confusing at first, but follow the directions and you'll get exactly what you need. Also, don't wait until the last minute to get his site, there's to much info. to gloss over to expect to get something out of it.
There is no such thing as doing to much homework to learn all you can before you go, all of these things combined you'll plan an amazing trip!

Have a Magical Time!
Biggest mistake we made..... planning around ADR's!

After the second day of working around our reservations, I went to Guest Relations and cancelled ALL remaining reservations!!!!! We managed to finish our vaction on Counter Serice meals and off hours Table Service meals (walk-ups). We never make ADR's now and have never gone hungry.

Fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants touring is how we roll in WDW!
Our biggest mistake was waiting two years to buy our DVC points. We just didn't realize how much our over-educated kids would LOVE WDW, and how close even the squabblers could become after a morning in MK and an afternoon in the pool. Disney draws out-of-country visitors because it represents something fine about America.
I lvoe the way Millie and Mickey' Best Girl contradict each other!:lmao:
just goes to show you how different people are.

now, I tend to agree with Millie. you can't spend a lot on WDW and not plan.

If however, you are a "wing it" kind of person, then I suggest no dining plan, or the quick service dining plan.
If there are any sit down restaurants you REALLY want, just make a reservation for 2 sit down meals on your trip. not so much to plan around.
(just.. please, please!!! don't make 5 reservations for the same restaurant that week, figuring you'll decide THEN when you want to eat there. it's just not fair to everyone else)
Biggest mistake we made..... planning around ADR's!

After the second day of working around our reservations, I went to Guest Relations and cancelled ALL remaining reservations!!!!! We managed to finish our vaction on Counter Serice meals and off hours Table Service meals (walk-ups). We never make ADR's now and have never gone hungry.

Fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants touring is how we roll in WDW!

OMG I couldn't agree more! Last year we had ADRs for almost every meal and found ourselves waiting around for a table (even with ADRs you still end up waiting for a table for a while) doing nothing when we could have been having fun. Honestly, the food is not that great that I need to plan my entire trip around it. I live just outside NYC and have been to Vegas a bunch of times...I've had really good food before so it is not worth driving ourselves nuts to have DISNEY food! This time we got the free QS plan and I am so happy about that. We eat when WE want that day, not when I THOUGHT we would want to eat 3 months in advance :)
Okay, so I posted this problem in another thread about guide books, but it's very appropriate for this thread too.

The biggest mistake I've made is buying the Complete Idiot's Guide to Walt Disney World (published by Penguin and Alpha Books) even though it is authored by a former (or current?) member of the Walt Disney World Mom's Panel! It clearly states that most moderates have two queen beds and lists Port Orleans (Riverside) as one of those choices.

I used the book to make my resort choice back in April when I placed my reservations but I then found out just last week that the book is completely wrong on that. The Riverside resort is all double beds unless you get a king. I am switching resorts, but because I found out so late in the game, I can't get into the moderate equivalent of Coronado Springs (which is the ONLY moderate with queens) (due to availability with my promotion) which I could have gotten back in April. Instead, I'm having to go up a category and I'm out an additional alomst $1200.00! All because someone couldn't double check facts and I believed they knew what they were talking about. I guess I should have asked Disney reservation center, but who would have thought a book could get something as important as bed size wrong - especially when the author is on the Mom's Panel!?!?!?!

The worst part is that I checked with a supervisor in the reservation center, and the moderates (except for Coronado) have never had queens according to her. Therefore, it's not like the author wrote old information - they were just completely mistaken. You would think these publishers and the author would have someone double check this stuff before they publish so they know what they are talking about. Now I'm out the $15.00 for the book and the HUGE difference (almost $1200.00) in resort costs since my cost equivalent queen bed resort is no longer available. :sad1:
I am by no means an expert, but I am a planner!

My biggest mistake was expecting everything to be perfect after hours and hours of planning. No amount of planning will account for slow buses, un-anticipated parade routes blocking your way to your ADR, or other random acts of Murphy’s law. Just relax and remember you are on vacation. :thumbsup2

A few other random mistakes...

Trying to get to Downtown Disney from anywhere using WDW transportation…it is just not going to happen fast. Save the heartache and take a taxi…or just don’t go. lol

Agreeing to take the boat back to the CR from the WL after dinner…at night…in the wind…when it was about 0 degrees Fahrenheit outside b/c DH did not want to wait for the bus. He is still apologizing for that one…I really thought I was going to lose my fingers to frost bite… :rolleyes1
One year, we didn't anticipate how cold it would be in March. We had a day where the high was in the 50s. It was the day we had tickets to a Braves spring training game at WWS -- and our seats were in the shade. That was COLD.
My biggest mistake was not booking the Magical Express till the day before. It caused a number of problems at the airport.
I've definitely learned to have more of an idea of where to use my DDP credits.
On our last trip, I only had ADR's for our character meals, and just went with whatever was convenient (or available) for the rest of our credits. I feel that I missed out on a lot of great places by not planning and researching more. We ended up using leftover snack credits on junk for the flight home.
This time, I've made all of my ADR's for TS, plus a list of CS and snacks that I'd like to try.
So far the biggest mistake we made was not buying the stroller cover for our new double stroller! Seriously, it only rains at WDW when you are not looking.:rotfl:

We had a brand new stroller, loaded to the gills with crap and a baby and 2 year old that had no where to sit b/c the stroller was soaked. Now we put the cover on the stroller at all times, we pull it back when the weather is good and cover the stroller completely whenever we go into an attraction or restaurant.
Mistake #1: I am my feet a lot for my job so I was used to walking and standing for long periods of time. DH however sits a desk w/ a headset all day. By day three he had blisters and couldnt walk. We had to have leave DHS and have "off day" for him to recover. This time around we are going walk until he feels comfort walking for long periods of time.

Mistake #2: Going Splash Mt. at 9pm on EMH night. Magic Kingdom was open until 1am that night. We had just finished the first Spectro Magic of the night and was told by Photopass person we had made friends with that it was perfect time to ride stuff b/c Wishes was starting. So we headed to Tomorrowland then Splash Mt. Well I got soaked, I am talking wet from head to toe thanks to splash cannons. Needless to say I went back to hotel that night right after getting off and missed EMH!
Our biggest mistakes include: not brining ponchos for those pesky afternoon showers, trying to cram everything in without a break, and not planning ahead for any special dining reservations. But hey, it's disney so we couldn't complain too much!
Last year we DH and I made ressies for Spirit of Aloha, but didn't know we were supposed to pick up our tickets at our resort before we attended. Since we didn't have our tickets we had to wait in another line to get checked in for about 20 minutes. This kind of ruined the "magic" of the show.

Another mistake we made is not researching what WDW has to offer before our first trip in 1996 with DD's, 3 and 5 at the time. We sort of wandered around aimlessly from ride to ride and the whole trip was more of a chore than enjoyment. At the end of our trip I commented I was never going to WDW again.

Thank goodness I did not stick by my comment. We've been back 12 times since then.
Booking a photography session at Poly in the end of August at about 3 or 4 in the afternoon (only time available).

We went to MK for the day, bringing our matching outfits with us (white pants for me and my mom, white skirt for DD, blue shirts, while overshirts for me and mom). Left MK late which made me grumpy, took monorail to Poly, tried to find a place to change and wipe off some of the sweat from a day in the parks, fix our hair/makeup. Find out in my rush to make sure I had everything, I had worn black underwear that day. :eek: Unfortunately, had to go commando. :scared: Got out to the beach as the blackest clouds I'd ever seen came rolling in. I don't know if I was more afraid that I'd get struck by lightening or that the rain would come. :rotfl: Keep pulling my shirt down trying to cover myself. :rotfl2: The wind was blowing at about 25-30 mph, we were windswept, sweaty and trying to get a decent picture or two before the storms hit. What a disaster. Pictures came out horrible but at least I made it back indoors before the rains came and outed me. :rotfl2:
My biggest mistake was forgetting to double check my ADR for CRT. It was the last night of our honeymoon trip and we had a 9:20 reservation. Apparently I couldn't read when I checked our ADR time, and I thought it was at 9:50, just before the fireworks started. We ended up booking it from carousel of progress and I tore through the crowd like a mad woman trying to figure out how to get into the castle. By the time I got to the reservation desk they told me that we were too late and would not be able to dine. I burst into tears. Did I mention this was our last night on WDW property? I was exhausted and couldn't take the bad news. :sad2:

They ended up taking us anyway, and as we sat at a table in the back and saw only bits and pieces of the fireworks through the window, I looked over to find the table front and center with our honeymoon confetti on it with two guys who looked like the last thing they were looking for was a romantic dinner together. We laughed it off by the end of the night, but to this day we still consider this my one bride-zilla moment, and it was a week after the wedding. I'm just lucky my husband is as Disney-crazy as I am. :lovestruc
My biggest mistake was going to Disney during Spring Break in March 08. I made a couple mistakes that trip. While i was there I got a case of bronchitis, I had a very difficult time walking so not renting a scooter was a mistake, and the reason I didn't get one...I didn't want to be labeled a "scooter person" as I do not look like someone who needs one (tall and fit). Second the crowds were unbelievable! The WDW resorts were completely sold out. I am very impatient and hated waiting over an hour for every ride! The fact that I didn't feel well didn't help either. I have vowed to never go during peak season again!

On another trip I made the mistake of booking a Pirate Room at CBR. The room was too far from Old Port Royale for the price we paid. For the same cost I could have stayed at AKL or WL that week. Oh well you live you learn. Next trip I am staying at BWI and doing the trip EXACTLY how I want it! Let's see if it works out that way lol.
Love this thread ...

Our biggest mistake was actually more my parent's mistake than mine. When I was 17 (many moons ago), my parents and my uncle's family decided to go to WDW together. So, this gaggle of family (14 of us in all) set off for WDW with only hotel reservations and driving directions. No one considered that it was President's Week and the parks would be crowded, nor did anyone bother to purchase a guide book. We'd arrive in the park each morning, I'd run and get a map and we'd "wing-it" from there ... Bad move, especially with such a large group.

This mistake led to mistake #2, which is when I finally got to take my own family, I hyper-planned. I didn't allow us a free moment to sit and enjoy the parks or the resort. We stayed at Yacht Club and between my having made too many ADR's and making sure we hit every attraction in the parks, we only went swimming once for about an hour in that beautiful pool. I also exhausted my family, including my mother and father who had joined us for the trip.

Lessons learned, we now love our time at WDW.
My biggest mistake was staying off Disney property...thought it was cheaper. Once I stayed on-site, I was hooked. For me...staying at a Disney resort is all part of the magic.
My biggest mistake was staying off Disney property...thought it was cheaper. Once I stayed on-site, I was hooked. For me...staying at a Disney resort is all part of the magic.

I ran into that last fall. My parents generously offered us the use of their off-property timeshare -- for free -- and we found that it would have been more expensive to do that than to stay on property. I had to do the math several times, but between having to rent a minivan (there are 5 of us, including an infant at the time, so 3 car seats) and losing free dining, it was considerably cheaper to book a Disney value resort. Then we got an upgrade offer, so we ended up at SSR!!


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