Official L Word Thread

Maggie- I don't think it's weird at all that you liked QAF, we absolutely loved it! I cried during the whole last because I knew I wouldn't be able to watch it anymore. They had some amazing story lines and I thought they kept it going really well. They also covered soo many different subjects that it made it easy for lots of different people to be able to relate.

Sunday nights episode (L word) was hilarious, I was yelling at Bette not to do it when she was with the senator, and DP was yelling "Gofor it!" "Do it!" mainly cause I get my panties in a bunch when she is all for someone getting it on with And then DP looks at me and goes, She might as well, Tina already cheated on her with that art guy. And I looked at her and said, Honey, that was Lindsay who cheated on Mel with the art guy on QAF! LMAO :lmao:

I am also excited about seeing Patricia Arquette come back, I too don't want Shane and Carmen to break up, but we gotta have some kind of action. What with Alice getting back to normal, and everything else so blah. And what happened with the social worker, I mean it was such a huge focus and they were so worried about it. And now that she had been there and it was so disastrous, they aren't even concerned? I would think they would aleast mention it.

Ahhh oh well, guess we will just have to wait and see!
T&KHayes said:
I am also excited about seeing Patricia Arquette come back
I like her a lot. When the storyline first started between her and Shane it was good. Then it turned dark and painful to watch. Can't wait to see where they're going with it this time.
Hey All...Just finally caught up with L Word. (Love that Tivo) I have to admit that I am not really sure what the heck is going on this season? I was pissed about Dana and Alice. What the heck happened? And Tina out in cyberland with a man? Holy Cow! But, most of all Jenny's new woman....could she be more unbutch! If that is a butch lesbian, I am straight! I don't know a single butch who would be caught dead with long hair like that and her build? Please! I guess it is great that they are introducing a "butch" character, but she could be butchier! And before I get flamed, my partner is butch. She gets called sir and we have had some encounters in public restrooms because people think she is a I have experience in this area. Moira (spell??) is too wimpy my opinion.
But for heaven sakes can Tina and Bette please stay together...if they split up again....I am going to freak!
Can this day get any better? Super Bowl Sunday & The L Word? I don't think I can handle all the excitement! :teeth: Go Hawks!!!! :cheer2:
Tinker: I totatlly agree with you and few posts back said much the same. What is it with our culture? We really don't like butch women and I for one am proud to say that I adore butch women. I'm aghast at the notion that they're going to transform Moira, not that I have anything against transexuals - bring it! But come on, let us have a couple butch women on TV.

T&K: Ooops, let me fix that for you, I believe you meant to write, "Go Steelers!" Your welcome :) Plus, talk about excitement, my DP Gwen is a real dog lover and one of our best friends is too and what we are watching as we "speak" is the puppy bowl on Animal Channel. OMG! I love agility. I'll even watch dogs jump in the water after a stick. But watching puppies bite each other on a football grid for 3 hours is NOT my idea of high drama!
Well, I think IMHO.. last night finally made me laugh. It was good, and not too weird..
At least Bette confronted Tina, and didnt let this go on all season...
I was surprised that Shane went to the beach, but then again, this is a drama.. (sort of)...
I felt bad for Moira , out trying to get a job, and that guy giving her a hard time in that interview.. isnt that illegal to ask those kinds of questions in an interview, or is that just NY state...?

I think the writers finally pulled some stories together!

And Yeah Stealers!! woo hoo!!

(oh yea, 4 more days til WDW!! woo hoo!)


I agree, there was a lot more movement last night and, yes, Shane's youthful indiscretions do provide drama.

More important, have a great time at WDW!
mickeem said:
(oh yea, 4 more days til WDW!! woo hoo!)Traci
Hey, wait a minute! You guys aren't supposed to go back without us!! ;) Have a great time!
Well atleast my day didn't end on a bad note. lol

Viki- I have been watching the Hawks since I was a little girl...however, DD is a Steeler's fan. So life in my house is not going to be very fun for me this week. :guilty: Oh well, maybe next season.....

I was totally disappointed that Shane went to the beach too, however, like DP said, it is a drama and they can't stay together forever. But I guess I would rather Bette & Tina just break up and get it over with. But Tina with a man?
And no not every state has laws on discrimination against sexual orientation, yet. I was so pissed when that guy was talking to her like that, and even more pissed when Jenny turned her into a "guy". I guess if that's what she really wants, but I agree with the rest of ya'll and wish they would just let her be butch. It would be cool if they just helperd her build her self image, and taught her how to stand up for herself.
I will be evn more pissed if they kill off Dana's character though! I mean this isn't a daytime soap where they could bring her back from the dead :rotfl: .

Till next week....Kim
just popping in - i can't believe it took me so long to find this thread! i adore this show. everyone except jenny that is....i have had enough jenny :rolleyes: but all the other characters on this show are great and the show is so well done. i love everything about it...except that it's on cable! i don't have cable. :sad1: so i will have to run out of here before i accidentally expose myself to any spoilers....see you when season III comes out on DVD :wave2:
love LOVE this show...and i am a huge shane fan!!! i was a little disappointed that she went to the beach house, a way i was kinda glad too...i felt that was a little more true to shane- course, maybe i was just a little upset at that big fit that carmen threw. and oh--i love dana--heck, i just love this show altogether!! well, scept for that jenny...Bleh!!
I thought this was a good episode. Much more watchable than the first couple.

I know we all are saying that Shane is crazy to go to Cherie, but Shane was so over-the-top in love with her before, that it made sense. I like Rosanna Arquette a lot - she brings real power, control, and sexiness to the character.

The Dana cancer storyline is really sad. But I'm hoping it will bring Dana and Alice back together as best friends. Not too sure about vampira lady for Alice.

Hopefully, Bette will tell Tina to take a hike. That's so gross. Also bizarre was Max, and his "package" :rolleyes2

I'm starting to like Helena, but she really doesn't do well picking potential partners!
penny- your point about shane being so in love with the arquette character to start with is exactly how i feel about the whole thing...she was the only one that could really capture shanes attention, mind, and body for a long time. while i know a lot of people love the shane/carmen storyline, even tho i love the idea of shane being with someone, theres something about carmen that ive just never really loved (maybe its cause my gf loves her so ;o) ) as far as helena-- i cant stand her, was very disappointed when they brought her back this season....but i am into her new conquest. i first got the hots for alexandra hedison whenever she started appearing places with ellen...glad to finally see her in something, and i hope it lasts!! oh and all the comments on shanes hair--i thought she looked the best in season 1---how can a hairdresser not have a better do?? lol...but by now it has grown on me...i guess it quirky and "la" but yeah its shane so i can pretty much forgive her anything....can anybody else tell who my fave character is on the show?? a huge law and order svu watcher, and i thought kate was hot on there when she had a guest spot....but then i had no idea until this show premiered...sheesh...i need to go watch season 1 again :-D
quietgirll said:
alexandra hedison whenever she started appearing places with ellen...glad to finally see her in something, and i hope it lasts!!
She does look really good. I didn't know she acted; I thought she was a photographer. I hope she sticks around too.
I actually enjoyed this episode quite a lot. Yes, probably because Carmen was wearing hotpants :teeth:

I forgot to checked who directed this particular one but it flowed well and, don,t call me crazy, but it had a certain Melrose Place-ish dramarama aspect to it.

And then the weirdest thing happened....after downloading this episode (don't flame! yes i am a pirate pirate: but would pay if it was available on itunes and i still buy the DVD's!!) I got another file...containing next week's episode. I don,t know how it got leaked but me and Val watched Episode 6 last night.
PennyW said:
I thought this was a good episode. Much more watchable than the first couple.

I know we all are saying that Shane is crazy to go to Cherie, but Shane was so over-the-top in love with her before, that it made sense. I like Rosanna Arquette a lot - she brings real power, control, and sexiness to the character.

The Dana cancer storyline is really sad. But I'm hoping it will bring Dana and Alice back together as best friends. Not too sure about vampira lady for Alice.

Hopefully, Bette will tell Tina to take a hike. That's so gross. Also bizarre was Max, and his "package" :rolleyes2

I'm starting to like Helena, but she really doesn't do well picking potential partners!

I agree!
oh im jealous that youve seen next weeks far as directors, i could be wrong, but i think i remember seeing kimberly pierces name pop up there...anybody else??
Hi everybody! I just finished watching tonights episode (2/12). It was good. I love this show. I am an admitted straight woman (married, children the whole nine yards) but VERY gay proud. I am a huge supporter (GLCC, GLADD, HRO), have several friends and family members who are gay and secretly wish I was gay. Sshhhhh!
Anyway if there ever was a woman who was my type it would be Shane. She really is beautiful. She may sleep around a little too much but me likely, alot.
I am so glad this board opened up on the DIS. I think it is a great addition. It's so nice to have a place to go to, to not only talk about gay and lesbian issues but the L word and QAF! :wave:


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