OFFICIAL Avengers: Endgame Discussion Thread (will contain spoilers once the movie is out)

I guess I pretty much disagree with all of this.
-Thor lost everything he had in his Trilogy, and had one chance in IW to take Thanos out. He failed, but the team had a plan to reverse it at the beginning of the film. He (they) failed because Thanos destroyed the stones. Why wouldn't Thor essentially go and leave the world?
-Professor Hulk is a thing in the comics, and Banner told Hulk they needed to figure it out in IW. 5 years later, they figured out that they could live harmoniously together, having the best of both worlds - brains and strength.
-This was a send off to the original Avengers, they absolutely handled the ensemble perfectly.
-Thanos, without the stones is still all powerful, and can hold his own against the 3.
Good Points. I just dont see Thor's body doing that.. not being a God and all. Sadness yes, bodywise I cant see it.
I immed thought of Lebowski so I am glad they made that joke right away too.

I think (for just sake of your last one) that the MCU Thanos is different than the comic Thanos. MCU is a lot less powerful and has shown that a good number of times.. Take for instance the fight at the first bit where they kill him.. I know he was weaker due to destroying the stones but the comic Thanos had energy blasts and was unharmable...
Because it's a 3 hour movie and because there is no break, i need those of you who have seen it to confirm for me (without spoilers) that the best time to use the bathroom is either 1) when the san Fransisco title card is displayed, 2) when hulk is having lunch, 3) and when the new jersey title card is displayed.... and i've read don't even think about going during the last hour.... confirm without spoilers????
Hey, if I can make it the entire 3-hour movie without going, ANYONE can! Trust me.
And this was with drinking beer while watching, and before watching.
I personally wouldn't want to go during ANY part simply because you have no idea how long you'll be gone. Base it on your own theater's bathroom options I guess. The one we went to last night only had 1 and with the staggering of the movies and it being on 8 screens it meant there was always a group gathered to go, just getting out or just going in.
I loved the Hulk lunch scene and while yes, I'll go during that for future viewings I wouldn't want to miss.
Title card scenes are way too short
We saw it last night and I am having a strange reaction to it. It certainly did not feel like 3 hours-- there was never a dull moment and I loved about 95% of it. It definitely is extremely entertaining and fun to watch. After the fact, I started feeling like I am done with the Marvel movies. I started feeling like as much as I love Marvel and all the previous movies that this was truly an "endgame" and I don't have a lot of interest in what happens from here on out. I feel kind of like the characters who are getting movies in the future don't have a connection between them anymore. To me- it feels disjointed now and like the thread in the middle is gone. I didn't expect to feel this way. I hope that feeling changes. My DD who is an extreme Marvel fan seems to feel the same way---last night she said she was done buying Marvel things which is a very unusual reaction for her-- I hope that changes too- although I would be happy for her to quit begging for stuff--- I suspect when the new Spiderman movie comes out that might change since she has been Spiderman obsessed since the last movie.

We saw the first IMAX showing and it was completely sold out. There was cheering and clapping multiple times throughout the movie. Interestingly, we noticed that at the end, the clapping was about 1/2 or less what it had been throughout the rest of the movie. The end clap was definitely lackluster compared to the rest of the movie.

I would say don't think about it or try to analyze it too much after the movie. Enjoy the movie while you are watching it-- but let it end there and don't try to break it down. LOL. For us, it was a very cliche ending which my DD had predicted months ago in almost exact detail. My DD feels like it was not original at all and was something done in, and borrowed from, too many movies and I have to say I agree. When we started to analyze the premise of what they did as a whole- what happened started to seem full of holes and nonsensical - and it started to feel like a cheap trick designed to set up all the Marvel series on Disney's streaming service and to make sure that they are at a point where they can do absolutely anything they want in any movie or show.

That said- definitely enjoyed most of it and for entertainment value it can't be beat.
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I would T
Hey, if I can make it the entire 3-hour movie without going, ANYONE can! Trust me.
And this was with drinking beer while watching, and before watching.
I personally wouldn't want to go during ANY part simply because you have no idea how long you'll be gone. Base it on your own theater's bathroom options I guess. The one we went to last night only had 1 and with the staggering of the movies and it being on 8 screens it meant there was always a group gathered to go, just getting out or just going in.
I loved the Hulk lunch scene and while yes, I'll go during that for future viewings I wouldn't want to miss.
Title card scenes are way too short
I would say the San Francisco part is the best time - although pretty early on
I have to say much like Infinity War, Endgame is not the best Marvel movie.....
However much like Infinity War, Endgame is the perfect movie for what it is and what it set out to do.

Both IW and EG juggled multiple plots/characters/humor/relationships so wonderfully. To do in those two movies what the Russos did is nothing sort of amazing. Everything came together in a perfect storm.

They are historic movies. Movies that will never be done again. Even though Marvel movies will go on, and still be awesome, and even though Avengers movies might still go on this is an end of a era. The credits show as much. The cast signing off and lack of post credit scene gives the MCU a sense of finality even as it still goes forward.

OMG! This movie was amazing.

I am going to try and see it one more time before it leaves the theaters. So much happened in 3 hours
Just one more, my top viewing for the theaters is Star Wars original, 11 times. That's when it was hard to find a 2 plex screen, much less a 20 like we have now.
But we'll see it several more times for sure. We always see them at least twice more to catch the details we missed after the initial viewing (total of 3 in the theaters)

Finally it drove me crazy that an armor less, glove less Thanos was still that strong. That would not happen and Iron Man, Cap, and Thor together would destroy him.

Even if not the hype with Captain Marvel and for her to show up for only a few mins. may be the biggest part of that argument for me. There was so much build up with her.

Again overall I loved it and just was nit picky about those points internally... but the fun and enjoyment over weighed them for me so nothing to really complain about.
YES! To both of these.
DH and I discussed in depth while heading home last night.
I didn't buy that ALL of them together, Scarlet Witch especially added in, couldn't beat them. I don't believe it for a second that if they'd gotten Thor (and Cap's) lightening going, Scarlet Witches powers and Captain Marvel's, all streamed to Thanos at once, that they wouldn't have beat him. They didn't write it that way but THAT is how he should have gone. I'll admit here in front of everyone I did not like how they opted to end him and his ilk. Not one bit. I'm ok with the loss of Iron Man and we all more or less knew, based on who didn't resign with Marvel, we were going to lose, it was just a matter of how.

And yeah, what is up with Captain Marvel and having so little use. I mean, what they did use her for was momentous but I feel like part of her role was left on the cutting room floor or something, which is what made it feel lacking. I have a sneaking suspicion that it was originally more extensive or at least had a few more key moments.

Now, can someone explain to me how Cap aged? I thought he wouldn't/couldn't?
$60+ million in Thursday tickets breaking The Force Awakens record.
I thought Infinity War held the current records? That's what they've been saying on the TV
Collider and Deadline both said TFA held the record for that. Hollywood Reporter as well. Previous record was $57 million.
Go figure they wouldn't do proper research, we have pretty crappy local news. Beginning reporters, low budget with little in the way of fact checking I suppose.
Now, can someone explain to me how Cap aged? I thought he wouldn't/couldn't?
I watched a video on this last night that helped explained it. It has to do with the ending scene and him going back in time. He ran a parallel timeline which then had him aging and living out a life with Peggy Carter. So he still lives his Captain life as we know it but also a parallel life to essentially get the best of both worlds. Then the handing off the shield is essentially what happened in the comics.
Now, can someone explain to me how Cap aged? I thought he wouldn't/couldn't?

I thought Infinity War held the current records? That's what they've been saying on the TV

His serum just brought him to the "peak" of human ability

In the final scene he was 119 years old or so. (aging to the peak as well).

In the normal timeline he was frozen so in the MCU caused the aging to stop while he was.. he would grow old slowly in that one too (he was older in the time travel and his younger self was more fit than his older self)
We saw the first IMAX showing and it was completely sold out. There was cheering and clapping multiple times throughout the movie. Interestingly, we noticed that at the end, the clapping was about 1/2 or less what it had been throughout the rest of the movie. The end clap was definitely lackluster compared to the rest of the movie.
I thoroughly, completely enjoyed the movie. It is not however, one of my tops in the series. Infinity War felt more epic and with the tragic losses at the end, was way more emotional.
I was at a theater where all 8 screens were End Game last night. And the only theater we have in town that offers reserved seats so it was all sold out.
The folks there were all geeks for sure. I was surprised that there was not once where the audience cheered or gasped or anything. They were mostly silent for the entire thing. Even the end.
There were times I wanted to clap/cheer but when no one else did, I stayed silent.
Now, there were tears. You could hear folks talking about where they cried and how hard at the end. Even the guys there were not ashamed to talk about crying.
I still thought there were cheer worth moments too.
I thoroughly, completely enjoyed the movie. It is not however, one of my tops in the series. Infinity War felt more epic and with the tragic losses at the end, was way more emotional.
I was at a theater where all 8 screens were End Game last night. And the only theater we have in town that offers reserved seats so it was all sold out.
The folks there were all geeks for sure. I was surprised that there was not once where the audience cheered or gasped or anything. They were mostly silent for the entire thing. Even the end.
There were times I wanted to clap/cheer but when no one else did, I stayed silent.
Now, there were tears. You could hear folks talking about where they cried and how hard at the end. Even the guys there were not ashamed to talk about crying.
I still thought there were cheer worth moments too.
I think they only cheered in mine when Cap. took the hammer
I watched a video on this last night that helped explained it. It has to do with the ending scene and him going back in time. He ran a parallel timeline which then had him aging and living out a life with Peggy Carter. So he still lives his Captain life as we know it but also a parallel life to essentially get the best of both worlds. Then the handing off the shield is essentially what happened in the comics.
No, I know that. That's not what I mean.
I know he went back and was with Peggy and all that.
But I thought the chemical things done to make Steve Rogers into Captain America also stopped his aging process.
No, I know that. That's not what I mean.
I know he went back and was with Peggy and all that.
But I thought the chemical things done to make Steve Rogers into Captain America also stopped his aging process.
@Tandy explains that part above.
His serum just brought him to the "peak" of human ability

In the final scene he was 119 years old or so. (aging to the peak as well).

In the normal timeline he was frozen so in the MCU caused the aging to stop while he was.. he would grow old slowly in that one too (he was older in the time travel and his younger self was more fit than his older self)
I guess. But I thought way back in one of the movies his not aging was specifically discussed.
I mean, I can buy it but I felt it was one of their disjointed stories.
I think I have the opposite thoughts on Captain marvel.

I enjoyed her movie by itself.

But I didn't like her in this, and I'm glad her screen time was short.

1. She has no connections with anyone in this movie except fury. Who really wasn't in it.

2. She has a little Superman thing going on. Which is a big problem. At this point, she seems all powerful. No known weaknesses, I mean, she showed up and destroyed a huge battleship in 2 seconds. I hope when Thanos hit her with one of the individual stones during the end of the fight did something negative to her. Because all powerful superheroes are boring.

3. Her appearance didn't seem earned. She's only had one movie and it just happened two months ago. I didn't want her to show up and Superman the whole thing, I wanted to see the characters i'd followed for years solve it.

So I'm glad Marvel's screen time was limited. And I think future movies for her are a problem. Because unless that Stone did something to her at the end I don't really know what could even present a problem for her.
$60+ million in Thursday tickets breaking The Force Awakens record.
This is what our news was talking about - OPENING weekend, rather than Thursday night
Avengers: Infinity War currently has the record for biggest opening weekend of all-time with $257 million, but it looks like Endgame will break that record easily. The bigger question is whether or not Endgame will reach the vaunted $300 million mark on its opening weekend.
This is what our news was talking about - OPENING weekend, rather than Thursday night
Avengers: Infinity War currently has the record for biggest opening weekend of all-time with $257 million, but it looks like Endgame will break that record easily. The bigger question is whether or not Endgame will reach the vaunted $300 million mark on its opening weekend.
This certainly has the best shot to reach that.
I think I have the opposite thoughts on Captain marvel.
2. She has a little Superman thing going on. Which is a big problem. At this point, she seems all powerful. No known weaknesses, I mean, she showed up and destroyed a huge battleship in 2 seconds. I hope when Thanos hit her with one of the individual stones during the end of the fight did something negative to her. Because all powerful superheroes are boring.

3. Her appearance didn't seem earned. She's only had one movie and it just happened two months ago. I didn't want her to show up and Superman the whole thing, I wanted to see the characters i'd followed for years solve it.

So I'm glad Marvel's screen time was limited. And I think future movies for her are a problem. Because unless that Stone did something to her at the end I don't really know what could even present a problem for her.
I guess if you are strictly looking at the movie franchise but if it's the actual character, then she is what she is. It's not like she's created by someone just for these movies or anything. They have to work with the characters as they are given to them. And she's powerful.


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