Official 2013 MNSSHP Guest List Thread

Going on October 6. 2 adults and 2 kids. Undecided on costumes. Trying to convince dh to go on 10/3 too.
We're going on Halloween. I'll be dressed as Meg from Hercules with my Stitch bag as Hercules (if I can find something suitable). My boyfriend will be coming along but I doubt he'll dress up. It's hard enough to get him to agree to come along no need to push my luck. :lmao:

Going on 10/18 7 people 6 adults 1 child
Costumes Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Angel & 2 undecided.
We're going Oct 24: 2 adults 2 children 7 and 5.
Me 50's with 'Persephone' Poodle Skirt
DH 50's with Bowling Shirt TBD
DS Cursed Pirate
DD Princess - update 6/8 - Snow White - DD just decided to give herself a hair chop today, so she now has a bob style! Perfect for Snow! 
2 adults, 2 kids going on Halloween. Undecided on costumes. Lots of ideas. Just finding it hard to get the whole family to agree to one theme. DH wants to be a pirate. DS6 wants to be a wizard. DSwillbe2 loves Cars and Buzz Lightyear. I wanted to be a Disney or Pixar themed Character.
Oct 24 - 2 adults and 1 toddler. Definitely dressing up. Tentative costumes are me as Wendy, my sister as Tink, and the nephew as Peter.
Oct 22- 2 adults & our 5 children. Tentative costume plan is to be the cast of Gilligan's Island. DH- Skipper; DD1- Ginger; DD2- Mary Ann; DD3- Mr. Howell; DD4- Mrs. Howell; DS- either Gilligan or Prof, I'll take the other one.

First trip to DW...very excited! :cool1:
October 24th - 2 Adults 1 Child - No idea what costumes yet, but will be dressing up for sure!!
October 27 2A/2C Kids will be dressing up, but don't know what as of yet. DH and I will probably just wear a Halloween related shirt.
Iowatater----I was thinking Dr. Who (9th) and Rose but the DH said there was no way he was walking around in a leather jacket all night

I want to go as Rose Tyler as well, but having a hard time convincing DH into dressing up as #10...

DH is going as #11 and I look nowhere close to Amy:rotfl:

I'm not quite sure how he's going to pull it off right now. I think he'll get too hot but he's got the suspenders, Converse, bow tie and sonic screwdriver. Maybe I'll get him a fez in Morocco. :goodvibes
We are going on Oct 24th, DD will be Cinderella, DS will be Captain America, I will be Wonder Woman and DH is still undecided :goodvibes


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