October 2020 WISH Challenge - A Bunch of Hocus Pocus

Thanks for the information @piglet1979

Had a good day working from home. A little bit of trouble now and then with twins and their computers during class, but eventually got those resolved.

We finally got our security system working at school! This year we haven't been able to see or open our front door and now we can do that and joy of joys! another door, too! We requested that years ago and now we have it! The office was so excited, they sent me pictures and told me to come look. So I did and it is so exciting. Such little things that make us so happy!
@PollyannaMom i believe it is your birthday today? Happy birthday!! :bday:
Yes, thank you! And you too @MickeyMom76!

DH and I originally intended to plan a trip to Nashville/Dollywood/the Smokey Mts. this week to celebrate both our 50ths (his is in two months) but decided to put it off when the pandemic hit.

We still want to go eventually, but for today, we stayed local and went to my favorite zoo. I decided “zeros don’t count” and I was five today.:rotfl: I love animals!



531421Then we got lunch at a place we l on the way home. (And I had chocolate mousse for dessert!)

~ Social Saturday ~
What spooky movies or tv shows are you watching? I started Haunting of Bly Manor. Soooo good!
If you aren’t into the spooky then what do you watch instead?
(I’m not a huge scary movie fan. I scare very easily)

I’m not usually into scary movies either. My Halloween favorites tend to run toward Disney and Snoopy - Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, The Great Pumpkin...
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~ Social Saturday ~
What spooky movies or tv shows are you watching? I started Haunting of Bly Manor. Soooo good!
If you aren’t into the spooky then what do you watch instead?
(I’m not a huge scary movie fan. I scare very easily)
I tend to like the scary movies that are suspenseful...but the problem is I only really like them the first time. Because after that, I know what’s going to happen and it isn’t as suspenseful. But I’m not big on the horror movies.
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Hi wish peeps.
Hope you are all well.
We are in a "well could be worse" situation here. Unfortunately my dad was diagnosed with cancer during his hospital admission. He is now out at a rehab center and radiation will start soon. Fortunately from what they can see the cancer is currently only in his stomach and the doctors have a positive outlook on radiation possibilities. Now that the immediate danger is past we are in fix forward mode.
If you have a moment thoughts/prayers/good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
I hope to be able to join you all again in November. By then I'll probably need to do some serious work on getting myself back in fighting shape.
Hi wish peeps.
Hope you are all well.
We are in a "well could be worse" situation here. Unfortunately my dad was diagnosed with cancer during his hospital admission. He is now out at a rehab center and radiation will start soon. Fortunately from what they can see the cancer is currently only in his stomach and the doctors have a positive outlook on radiation possibilities. Now that the immediate danger is past we are in fix forward mode.
If you have a moment thoughts/prayers/good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
I hope to be able to join you all again in November. By then I'll probably need to do some serious work on getting myself back in fighting shape.
You seem to have a good mindset on the situation. So glad to hear the doctors are optimistic. Prayers for you dad to fight this, the doctors to care for him and you and the family to stay strong and have faith. 🙏
Hi wish peeps.
Hope you are all well.
We are in a "well could be worse" situation here. Unfortunately my dad was diagnosed with cancer during his hospital admission. He is now out at a rehab center and radiation will start soon. Fortunately from what they can see the cancer is currently only in his stomach and the doctors have a positive outlook on radiation possibilities. Now that the immediate danger is past we are in fix forward mode.
If you have a moment thoughts/prayers/good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
I hope to be able to join you all again in November. By then I'll probably need to do some serious work on getting myself back in fighting shape.
I'm sorry that you are going through this. Sending virtual hugs. :hug:
Hi wish peeps.
Hope you are all well.
We are in a "well could be worse" situation here. Unfortunately my dad was diagnosed with cancer during his hospital admission. He is now out at a rehab center and radiation will start soon. Fortunately from what they can see the cancer is currently only in his stomach and the doctors have a positive outlook on radiation possibilities. Now that the immediate danger is past we are in fix forward mode.
If you have a moment thoughts/prayers/good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
I hope to be able to join you all again in November. By then I'll probably need to do some serious work on getting myself back in fighting shape.
Sending you and your family healing supportive thoughts.
Also not a fan of scary movies, don't like the stress I guess. When I was in high school I cut classes one afternoon and went to see Exorcist with some friends... then couldn't sleep for three days because I thought the bed was moving and finally had to fess up to my parents about what was going on. I saw Blair Witch Project when it first came out but found it mostly annoying after a while, kind of a one trick pony. I did quite like The Others, with Nicole Kidman, but that was more hauntingly mysterious than horror. For Halloween I like the lighter funnier stories like Hocus-Pocus.

My favorite types of movies are usually historical period pieces, or stories that submerse you in a different place/time. Or something with great set design, like the classic Meg Ryan romantic comedy movies of the 90's... I wanted to live in every one of her apartments. I watched You've got Mail about a month ago and still wanted to live in her place. Speaking of which, ten or so years ago I did a trip to NYC with my Sister, who we joke only knows 'the world' thru things she's seen on TV. So I booked a tour that went to movie and television locations around the city and we went to the shop that they use for her bookstore... it was a cheese shop at that time.

Self-care tomorrow is getting my massage in the morning, then I need to go thru the cleanse stuff and lay out my plan, which is going to be a stripped down version of only what I know I can do including which foods I will eat. And then the football game is in the late afternoon which will be followed by puttering around the house picking up and getting ready for the week.
What spooky movies or tv shows are you watching? I started Haunting of Bly Manor. Soooo good!
I saw that on Netflix today and was toying with the idea of watching it but wasn't sure how spooky it might be ... I also am not a horror fan.

We still want to go eventually, but for today, we stayed local and went to my favorite zoo. I decided “zeros don’t count” and I was five today.:rotfl: I love animals!

Sounds like fun - is that bird in your pictures by any chance an Aussie Kookaburra? I love Kookaburra's they have the most wonderful laugh :)

If you have a moment thoughts/prayers/good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
I hope to be able to join you all again in November. By then I'll probably need to do some serious work on getting myself back in fighting shape.

Oh no - I am very sorry - :goodvibes being sent your father's way - I hope everything goes as well as the doctors expect :hug:

"Rocky Horror Picture Show.

When I was younger - I can't even really remember what age now - I want to say maybe around 10 - my same aged cousin and I were sent with her older sister and the sister's then boyfriend as 'chaperones' to the drive-in and Rocky Horror was on - This was my first time seeing it and didn't really realise it wasn't really horror - and when you think about it very adult themes for 10 year olds lol - anyway not sure the chaperoning went all that well - we promptly got sat in the front seat and told not to turn around lol - then we took ourselves to the food stand and then got lost and couldn't find the car - and there we were trailing an attendant with a torch through the drive-in until the older cousin saw us and called out. I re-watched Rocky Horror many times - loved it and it was always an instant dance floor hit in my family growing up - we used to have a lot of parties - it just doesn't seem to happen like that anymore - seems my parents and that generation loved a party lol

my Sister, who we joke only knows 'the world' thru things she's seen on TV.

This reminds me a little bit of DD and I - we love watching shows and being excited about having been places we see - but I will say that even though we went places looking for some movie/tv locations when we were there - it did take us a away from the centralised tourist hotspots and we saw some wonderful places we may not have seen otherwise ;)

Well - not too much to report here - spend today running twins all over the coast for their social lives! DS16 has been on some dates the last 2 weekends (same girl) it is all very cute - we have known her since Prep (our year of school before grade 1) - today they wanted to climb Mount Coolum about a 20 minute drive and neither has a licence yet ... and DD16 wanted to go the beach with one of her friends about a 15 minute drive. So by the time I dropped/picked them up and then drive DD to work later in the afternoon - I had NO me time today. But I am happier they are out about and active than being at home. We are still on a good streak here with no community based Covid cases in my state for 30 days now only a couple here and there of returning international Australian's and they have to quarantine in designated hotels for 14 days and they are being picked up in the quarantine. This is the only reason I am somewhat calm about the fact that a work colleague just emailed to say she was tested today as she developed cold symptoms over the weekend and I did spend several days at the office last week and she is NOT good a social distancing! So fingers crossed but I am mostly thinking it is fine - but admit the doubt does sneak in - as our State Premier's catch phrase is at the moment - it only takes one case to cause a cluster - get tested! I am probably heading to the office tomorrow and she will be off until she gets the results - think I am going to disinfectant spray everywhere!
If you have a moment thoughts/prayers/good vibes would be greatly appreciated.
I hope to be able to join you all again in November.

Of course!! Virtual hugs to all of you. I does sound like you have a great attitude, and it sounds like they caught it early.

is that bird in your pictures by any chance an Aussie Kookaburra? I love Kookaburra's they have the most wonderful laugh

Yes! (And that pic is now my phone lock screen.)

When I was younger - I can't even really remember what age now - I want to say maybe around 10 - my same aged cousin and I were sent with her older sister and the sister's then boyfriend as 'chaperones' to the drive-in and Rocky Horror was on

Yeah, that might have been a little mature for 10-year-olds. 🤣

It reminds me of a story, though. We did use the Time Warp song (Alvin and the Chipmunks version) at one of DS's birthday parties, and I think he was 10 also. (None of them had seem the movie.) It was a sleepover, and we didn’t want them up all night, so we came up with a time warp theme. We reset all the clocks in the house to different times, and only the adults knew which one was right. Each party activity was from a different decade - “malt shop” ice cream sundaes for the 50s, tie dye for the 60's, etc. - and we played the Time Warp song and let them dance around like crazy each time we changed decades. (We also maaaay have leaked false information on a certain clock, so they thought they were going to bed at 1:00am when it was really 10:00pm. 😉)
When I was younger - I can't even really remember what age now - I want to say maybe around 10 - my same aged cousin and I were sent with her older sister and the sister's then boyfriend as 'chaperones' to the drive-in and Rocky Horror was on - This was my first time seeing it and didn't really realise it wasn't really horror - and when you think about it very adult themes for 10 year olds lol - anyway not sure the chaperoning went all that well - we promptly got sat in the front seat and told not to turn around lol - then we took ourselves to the food stand and then got lost and couldn't find the car - and there we were trailing an attendant with a torch through the drive-in until the older cousin saw us and called out. I re-watched Rocky Horror many times - loved it and it was always an instant dance floor hit in my family growing up - we used to have a lot of parties - it just doesn't seem to happen like that anymore - seems my parents and that generation loved a party lol
Wow! I love this story. 10 years old is definitely too young, but what an adventure you had that night!

I was exposed to Rocky Horror as a teenager, and always wanted to watch it at midnight at the theatre where everyone dressed up, brought props, and participated in the movie. I never got there. I had a few opportunities, but it was never at the right time.

DD being a theatre kid has hosted Rocky Horror parties...I still can't get the image of her friend...a guy...in fish nets, but I digress...

We, of course, have more than one copy of the movie on DVD, and unfortunately with the pandemic, there haven't been any parties at my house since New Year's Eve 2020. I don't expect that there will be for quite some time.
Rocky Horror Picture Show
I didn’t think of RHPS as a Halloween-time film but you’re right! I love it. I took a friend to an interactive screening at a movie theater. They made everyone who hadn’t seen the movie come to the front and get a V in lipstick on their face (V for Virgin). It was a great time
So I booked a tour that went to movie and television locations around the city and we went to the shop that they use for her bookstore... it was a cheese shop at that time.
I didn’t know this existed!! That sounds like lots of fun.
I saw that on Netflix today and was toying with the idea of watching it but wasn't sure how spooky it might be ... I also am not a horror fan
It was spooky, though not as spooky at Haunting of Hill House. I feel like I’m not a good judge. I don’t like that kinda stuff but always watch it anyway haha
I saw that on Netflix today and was toying with the idea of watching it but wasn't sure how spooky it might be ... I also am not a horror fan.

Sounds like fun - is that bird in your pictures by any chance an Aussie Kookaburra? I love Kookaburra's they have the most wonderful laugh :)

Oh no - I am very sorry - :goodvibes being sent your father's way - I hope everything goes as well as the doctors expect :hug:

When I was younger - I can't even really remember what age now - I want to say maybe around 10 - my same aged cousin and I were sent with her older sister and the sister's then boyfriend as 'chaperones' to the drive-in and Rocky Horror was on - This was my first time seeing it and didn't really realise it wasn't really horror - and when you think about it very adult themes for 10 year olds lol - anyway not sure the chaperoning went all that well - we promptly got sat in the front seat and told not to turn around lol - then we took ourselves to the food stand and then got lost and couldn't find the car - and there we were trailing an attendant with a torch through the drive-in until the older cousin saw us and called out. I re-watched Rocky Horror many times - loved it and it was always an instant dance floor hit in my family growing up - we used to have a lot of parties - it just doesn't seem to happen like that anymore - seems my parents and that generation loved a party lol

This reminds me a little bit of DD and I - we love watching shows and being excited about having been places we see - but I will say that even though we went places looking for some movie/tv locations when we were there - it did take us a away from the centralised tourist hotspots and we saw some wonderful places we may not have seen otherwise ;)

Well - not too much to report here - spend today running twins all over the coast for their social lives! DS16 has been on some dates the last 2 weekends (same girl) it is all very cute - we have known her since Prep (our year of school before grade 1) - today they wanted to climb Mount Coolum about a 20 minute drive and neither has a licence yet ... and DD16 wanted to go the beach with one of her friends about a 15 minute drive. So by the time I dropped/picked them up and then drive DD to work later in the afternoon - I had NO me time today. But I am happier they are out about and active than being at home. We are still on a good streak here with no community based Covid cases in my state for 30 days now only a couple here and there of returning international Australian's and they have to quarantine in designated hotels for 14 days and they are being picked up in the quarantine. This is the only reason I am somewhat calm about the fact that a work colleague just emailed to say she was tested today as she developed cold symptoms over the weekend and I did spend several days at the office last week and she is NOT good a social distancing! So fingers crossed but I am mostly thinking it is fine - but admit the doubt does sneak in - as our State Premier's catch phrase is at the moment - it only takes one case to cause a cluster - get tested! I am probably heading to the office tomorrow and she will be off until she gets the results - think I am going to disinfectant spray everywhere!
I'm glad that you are on a good streak. Australia is so far ahead of the USA...I mean, basically every other country/continent in the entire world is ahead of us in how they have handled Covid.

It is a shame that there are so many stubborn, thick-headed, selfish fools in the United States. This should have been over a long time ago. Where I am in the northeast, we are better off than most areas of the country, but since schools opened, and we have entered phase 3, the cases have started increasing again. I mean, duh, send us all back to school while there are still non-compliant idiots who think this is all a hoax or are just too selfish to wear masks, and this is what will happen.

Sorry for the rant...I'm just losing my patience with people. To quote Buzz Lightyear, "There seems to be no signs of intelligent life anywhere."
"It reminds me of a story, though. We did use the Time Warp song (Alvin and the Chipmunks version) at one of DS's birthday parties, and I think he was 10 also. (None of them had seem the movie.) It was a sleepover, and we didn’t want them up all night, so we came up with a time warp theme. We reset all the clocks in the house to different times, and only the adults knew which one was right. Each party activity was from a different decade - “malt shop” ice cream sundaes for the 50s, tie dye for the 60's, etc. - and we played the Time Warp song and let them dance around like crazy each time we changed decades. (We also maaaay have leaked false information on a certain clock, so they thought they were going to bed at 1:00am when it was really 10:00pm. 😉)"


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