~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

I'm here!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Way to go on getting back into routines. I agree that you have to jump right back in or it's really hard to fall off the wagon!! But you are doing awesome!! Oh and I just love Target clothes too...and since we no longer have Target in Canada...I tend to go a little nuts when I go to the US :))
Seriously page 3 already????
So looking forward to this TR.
Work has been crazy. Mad dash to year end . And to top it off we had a dusting of snow . Thank goodness it turned to rain and it didn't stick.
Agh! Silly job had made me not get here until page 3!!!! I'll try harder to not lurk on this one!! IM going to be fully chatty! Lol
Welcome back!!! I'm sure you'll have another trip planned soon.

I bought my favorite pair of jeans from Target years ago. I'd love to find another pair just like them, but have had no luck finding the same fit at my local Target. I think they're Mossimo, or something like that. I'm an odd shape so it's rare I can find the right fit.

Thank you - I hope so! :)

That's the thing about Target - which bothers me... Once you find something you like - it's rare that they keep it around for long. So then I fall into the "must buy it all" mentality - which sucks for my budget. LOL

I agree with you on the Target clothes. They really have some cute tops and sweaters. And now I'm thinking about looking at the boots.

Yes - almost all of the tops I wear come from Target... I am a pretty simple person though... Ahhh - take that back - I wear a TON of the Lands End modal long sleeved shirts - they are super comfy, warm and light weight in the winter. ::yes:: However - if it isn't winter - Target tops, it is. ::yes::

I used to think that I needed to buy the really expensive boots... Then last year I discovered that typically - I only wear my boots for 1 or 2 years - and living here, I really only wear them for 2 seasons... No reason to purchase expensive boots if they aren't going to get much wear. 2 years later, when they are out of style/worn out - it doesn't hurt so much to throw out/donate $30 boots versus $100+ boots - ya know? :scratchin So, yes - check out their boots... Now if I could find a cute pair of booties with a low heel - I'd be a happy girl. ::yes::

I'm here too! Looking forward to hearing all about your latest trip!

Yay!!! I am looking forward to sharing it!

Well, I'm finally here. In my defense yesterday was a long day at work! I got up and went to my boot camp class. Came home jumped in the shower and headed to work for a 10 hour day. Makes for a long day.

I'm looking forward to your TR. Hopefully you find a way to add another trip to your plans. I didn't have a trip plan, but now that the business convention is in Orlando next year, I may just be planning another trip!

Good luck on getting back into the swing of things. I know how hard it is. I'm trying (yet again) to get more fit and lose some weight. So far I'm doing well, but as you know it's the long-term that's so difficult. Seems like our bodies revolt against changing!

Yay!!! Thanks for stopping in! Yes - that is a long day - great job for taking care of you and getting work done! A+++++ :woohoo:

THanks! i hope so too... It's going to be a tough year next year and trying to find time - with V graduating and going to Europe... If we do it again - it will have to be in the fall... It will depend a lot on both Girls' school schedules - if we can sneak something in after Allison graduates and right after V comes home, but before she starts college. :scratchin

Thanks - I am doing well... I am not going Whole30 yet - however - I am doing pretty strict Paleo/Primal at the moment - as usual - these first few days always shock me at how quickly my body sheds the bloat... I am feeling good and that is so important. ::yes:: My body is definitely revolting...

Now I must know more about the sweet potatoes!!

Hahaha... I'll go see if I can find the link - it's on Pinterest... Ummm... Ok - I guess it isn't on Pinterest. I don't remember where I saw it now. :(

OK - so you put a large piece of tin foil on the bottom oven rack. Turn the oven on to 425°... Prick your potatoes... Smaller potatoes only need to be cooked for 45 min... Larger potatoes for 1 hour+... Once the time is up - turn the oven off and let them sit for an additional 30 min... The potato separates completely from the skin - and you can literally peel the potato with your fingers. Super awesome and this totally changes my sweet potato consumption game. LOL

Can't wait to hear about your trip! I have followed all your other trip reports, you have a wonderful way of writing! And of course All of your bags are Amazing! :love:

I am so excited to share it here! Thank you for continuing to follow my reports. :lovestruc And thank you for the compliments.

Here! Anxiously waiting to hear your trip details!

Yay!!! Welcome! :lovestruc

Really enjoyed your last report and looking forward to this new one

Thank you! I am very happy to have you here and reading along! :lovestruc

So excited to see your TR, I saw some of your I spy pictures on Facebook. My daughter and I were there in October as well.

Thanks! We had a great trip and I am so excited to get started writing the TR!

Can't wait to hear about the trip!

What is the method of cooking sweet potatoes?

Yay!!! Welcome!!! :lovestruc

I wrote it above, so I'll just copy and paste it here... OK - so you put a large piece of tin foil on the bottom oven rack. Turn the oven on to 425°... Prick your potatoes... Smaller potatoes only need to be cooked for 45 min... Larger potatoes for 1 hour+... Once the time is up - turn the oven off and let them sit for an additional 30 min... The potato separates completely from the skin - and you can literally peel the potato with your fingers. Super awesome and this totally changes my sweet potato consumption game. LOL

How great that you were able to do your heavy lifting without an issue yesterday.

How great that you found some cheap boots at Target.

So sad to hear your Polka-Dot Vans rubber is coming off. How great that Vans customer service was easy to deal with and that they will send you a replacement pair

Home made meatloaf sounds yummy.

Starting on next weeks custom order sounds like a good idea if you get bored and needs something to do

Yesterday I got a letter from Norwegian Public Roads Administration saying my old car don't have insurance and that they would take my license plates if I don't get an insurance. So today I had to
go to my insurance company and ask what was going on. Because to my knowledge the car has an insurance that is payed and everything. I also told them that it says in the letter that the insurance company has to contact Norwegian Public Roads Administration and tell them the insurance is ok. The person I talked to at the insurance company said everything was ok with my insurance and that they sent a message to Norwegian Public Roads Administration while I was standing there. So everything should be ok now. I get so stressed when things are not as they should be. But I'm glad it's now fixed and that I can drive my old car without worrying that they will take the license plates.
I'm going to get rid of my old car soon, but until that happens I need my license plates.

Yikes!!! That would make me so nervous and upset too... So relieved for you that you were able to get it straightened out. Hopefully everything is OK now and no need to worry. :)

My baked sweet potato recipe is as follows:
buy sweet potatoes
wash sweet potatoes
stick them with a fork several times
bake them in an oven for more than an hour at 375 degrees
take them out
cut them open
scoop out insides or eat like a baked potato

Now - what is your recipe? ;)

Hahahaha... Mine is a little different - almost the same though...

OK - so you put a large piece of tin foil on the bottom oven rack. Turn the oven on to 425°... Prick your potatoes... Smaller potatoes only need to be cooked for 45 min... Larger potatoes for 1 hour+... Once the time is up - turn the oven off and let them sit for an additional 30 min... The potato separates completely from the skin - and you can literally peel the potato with your fingers. Super awesome and this totally changes my sweet potato consumption game. LOL

I'm in, too!

Yay!!! Welcome!!!! :woohoo:

I'm here!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip. Way to go on getting back into routines. I agree that you have to jump right back in or it's really hard to fall off the wagon!! But you are doing awesome!! Oh and I just love Target clothes too...and since we no longer have Target in Canada...I tend to go a little nuts when I go to the US

Thanks - I am super excited to start writing!

Thank you - it's super important to me to immediately go right back to it - focus on it and work hard... It just resets my routines and habits. I already feel as if I didn't skip a beat..

Yikes - I couldn't believe how much I missed Target, and I was only gone for 10 days. LOL I hope you are able to stock up while you are here. It must feel like Christmas? LOL

What the?! How am I so behind?! Great start!!

Welcome!!! It's super great having you here! :woohoo:

Seriously page 3 already????
So looking forward to this TR.
Work has been crazy. Mad dash to year end . And to top it off we had a dusting of snow . Thank goodness it turned to rain and it didn't stick.

Welcome Lynee!!! I am really looking forward to starting it!

Yikes - I am NOT ready for snow! Glad it didn't stick around - it will be soon though. I am tired of winter already. LOL

Agh! Silly job had made me not get here until page 3!!!! I'll try harder to not lurk on this one!! IM going to be fully chatty! Lol

Hahahaha... It's hard being responsible. LOL No worries - happy to have you here and reading along!


I worked out right away yesterday morning... My abs are still a bit sore from Tuesday and Wednesday's work outs, and I pushed through. I had a great eating day and I am feeling much better. ::yes::

Since Photobucket wasn't cooperating at all - I made the executive decision to go back to bed. LOL I took a nice 1 hour nap at 10am... I don't think I have ever done that before? At least not in the last 10 years. Surprisingly I was able to sleep.

I went to town... Did another massive shopping trip at Target - shame on me! I recieved a notification in my Cartwheel app that many items were on sale for 31% off - and these were items that I typically stock up on and needed... So, back to Target again - where I spent another $70... My savings yesterday were amazing though - as I started off at $117. Now we have TP to last us until spring. ::yes::

I picked V up from school - she'd had a really tough day, and wasn't in the best mood. I brought her home to change and then took her to work.

I made a huge batch of curry chicken for dinner last night - considering it was just Josh and I for dinner - we have a TON of leftovers! Guess what's for dinner tonight? LOL

I sat around last night on Pinterest, being lazy... It was really nice!

Today - it's a heavy lifting day... I will do that shortly.

It also appears that Photobucket is finally up and running = so I will be writing my first TR update too. :woohoo: I am so excited to get started on this!

I have to pick V up from school early - take her to an appointment - then take her directly to work....

That's all for today!!!

I hope you all have a marvelous day! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you!!! :lovestruc

The Day Before​

I always start my TRs the day before we leave... Ahhh - there is just NO better day to write about - right?

All of the dreaming... All of the planning... All of the anticipation... Everything - it all comes down to this last day - where all of it comes together and the magic awaits. :woohoo:

This day was a typical day for me... I had to wake up early and check in for our flight at 6:10am... For those of you who know me - you know this isn't really "early" by my standards - it was just the fact that I had to remember to do it in the first place. LOL I checked in on my Southwest app, and we received decent boarding numbers for both flights...


Victoria went to school and I worked out - as usual.

Then I worked on the last of my packing and weighing my luggage... I thank God that I heavy lift - as getting my luggage down stairs isn't an easy task. LOL My biggest piece weighed in at 43 lbs - which isn't too bad for me - I've had it much closer to the 50# mark on previous trips. ::yes::


Once I was done with that - I tried to organize all of my "last minute" packing items - so they were all in one place in the morning.

Then I got ready and headed into town early... I decided to have lunch at Chipotle... Mmmmm... My favorite!


Before I knew it - it was time to pick V up from school...


We were sooooo excited!!! Vacation has officially started!!!! :woohoo:

We went straight to Starbucks to grab a coffee...

Then straight to the nail salon to have our nails done. Typically - the owner does my nails - however, after many failed attempts by the other technicians to do my girls' nails - they will only let the owner do theirs too... Which means - events like this - where we both (all) need our nails done, takes hours. It's worth it though... Both of our nails turned out really cute! ::yes::



We grabbed - um - I think it was Jimmy Johns for dinner, and we were home at a decent hour.

When we got home - V checked the mail immediately - we were waiting on our final item for the trip. On Oct 1, I'd ordered a shirt for V to wear to the Halloween party - I figured it had 2 weeks to get here - it would be close, but it should be fine. By the 7th - it hadn't even shipped (it still hasn't shipped actually - but that's a different story) - so I put out an SOS to some of my sewing friends - someone was able to take on the rush order... Not only did she have to make the design, she shopped for V's shirt, she screen printed it and got it in the mail to us with just enough time to spare! This shirt was V's favorite on the trip - and she loved it - so I am super thankful and happy for my sewing friends and this person in particular! :lovestruc


Victoria packed all of her final items and hauled her luggage downstairs, where we did the final organization of our carry-ons. We ended up with 3 checked pieces of luggage and 3 carry-ons. I am not sure I could ever do a long trip like this with only one checked bag again? :scratchin As it was - I don't know how we did it with 3 total? LOL Coming home was no picnic.

We were in bed by 8pm... According to my Fitbit - I was sleeping by 8:07pm and for the most part - I slept well...


Link to Day 1 Part 1

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Sounds like you had a good day yesterday.

Great start on your trip report :woohoo:

How great that some sewing friends could help out making V another shirt.

I haven't been driving my old car my self for a few weeks now. But this weekend I will only drive my old car since Ulf is away on Tai Chi. I drove Ulf to the airport. It was so weird sitting so low to the ground and so close to the steering wheel. But beside that it was no problem driving a non automatic car and it was so much easier not having to always think about how much space I need on the road when driving my new car.
How can it take an hour and forty five minutes to fly to Midway? Great seat position by the way. :)

I've had trouble getting birthday presents in time for my son's birthday, which is before Christmas because the vendors assume that you want the item for Christmas. Is that what happened with the Halloween shirt? Lucky for V that you found a solution. The shirt looks great.
I'm in! I NEED that Donald Duck bag in your first pick. AMAZING!!!!!
I am a Shades of Green frequent stayer... LOL. Be there again in May. And, then off to Universal. So, I am so interested in reading your adventures! <3
So glad to see the start of the trip D! Starbucks and a manicure, nothing better. I loved both of your nails.

That shirt is too perfect for V! So nice of friends to step in. I have noticed certain sites are now really taking a long time to ship unless you choose their very expensive overnight or 2 day.

You had some really good flight times to Florida. Well done!

Can't wait to see the first day at SOG and elsewhere!

Sending a huge hug!
Popping in to say, you can boil sweet potatoes the same way. Wash whole unpeeled sweet potatoes, cover with water in a pot, and boil until tender. Let them cool until you can handle, and they slide right out of the peel! I never buy the canned ones anymore for casseroles, pies, etc.
The luggage weighing ALWAYS gets me into trouble!! My husband and I are always stuffing stuff in each other's bag to get our own bag lighter. We fly Delta so we try our best to make do with only 1 checked bag apiece since they charge for EVERY bag except a carry on.
Great day before your trip, it is always an exciting day, I love being off work and finishing the last minute things. Love the shirt and your nails look great.


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