Nursing 6month baby/carseat ?


Earning My Ears
Mar 5, 2001
We will be at WDW during mid June, my baby will be 6mths at that time and still nursing. I've read about the babycare centers, but I still wonder if there might be other places I could nurse/relax with the baby?? It seems that one center per park is not enough concidering the size of the parks. Although my baby does sit in a sling at times I've not mastered nursing in it and do plan to pack it. Any suggestions? Also, will the towncar transfer from airport provide a carseat if I reserve ahead of time?

[This message was edited by jother on 03-07-01 at 12:25 PM.]
Welcome to DIS!

I nursed my daughter at WDW at 4 months, 8 months, 11 months and at 14 months. I will probably still be nursing her on my summer trip and my NYE trip ;). Personally, I just nursed where ever I was and didn't worry too much about it. Even without the sling you really can't see a whole lot unless your baby is at the gawking stage. Yikes! I just have a hand ready to cover up.

I only ran into a problem once, at Tony's in the MK. They seated us in a booth which is impossible to nurse in. I grabbed a chair to nurse the baby and a couple of the CMs yelled at me for having a chair in the aisle. My husband spoke up and told them they could have the chair back when I was done nursing. They left us alone after that and even ohhed and ahhed over the baby later on.

The baby care centers are a wonderful place! Cool in the summer, warm in the winter and quiet. We make it a point of taking a break in every park.

And yes, you can request the towncar to have a carseat with them. Make sure you double check before you leave. I've heard of some of the drivers who have fogotten the car seat and it's a long drive to WDW. Then again, you can always bring your own. You'd be able to use it on the plane if there is an extra seat.

-- Robin
just got back from WDW with my 5.5 year old and my 21 month old who is STILL nursing. Nursing there was no problem whatsoever. I would not be worried if I were you. I get a little self consciouse since she is so old and pulls and turns and basically does gymnastics when she nurses now so its tough at times to keep covered up but for the most part its really easy. I never used the baby center but I heard they were nice and a good restroom stop as they are generally cleaner than the other restrooms.
One funny thing though, every show we saw, whether it was in Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom or MGM, she insisted on nursing through out. I think she was a little spooked by the dark theatres and would nurse for comfort throughout the show.
She also nursed NON-STOP (ugh) on the flight home but at least I knew her ears would be okay!
Have a great time!
oh, and yes about the car seat. We requested a car seat for the baby and a booster seat for my 5 year old. We had a van pick us up to accomodate that and the two adults. It was great and no problem at all!
I have nursed both my kids (one to 20 months, 1 year old still going), although I could never bring myself to do it in public (except on an airplane). We did not travel when the kids were little, but I suppose if they were hungry and I was in WDW I would just feed them.

I don't have any hangups about seeing someone else nursing in public. I was always just a little too uncoordinated in public and I guess, embarrassed. But, if you are far away from home and won't see anyone you know, I say go for it. I would probably practice a little with covering up before I left home though. Like someone else said, it's the gawking child that I would be prepared for.

I was nursing my 5-month-old last year when we went. I was a little shy to be nursing in public, and the baby care centers (as nice as they sounded) were never really convenient for me. I would pump a bottle or two the night before and keep it in a small cooler under the stroller. During the day I could either choose to feed the baby (usually in the bathroom), or have my husband give him a bottle while I pumped a new one! I found I could be a little more flexible that way.
I just got back and I tried to nurse my 10 month old when we were at a show or on a ride that was slow. It was funny because everytime we sat down for something like a movie or ride in the dark she got in the nursing position! I nursed on a bench if I needed to and just put a cloth diaper over us. No one noticed and if they did I usually heard "Isn't that precious!" Shelley
Mine did the same thing, I think she did it out of nervousness when the rides and/or theatres got a bit dark. She also nursed nonstop on the fight home EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Thanks for the the weeks go by I've become more coordinated and at ease nursing out and about. I'm sure we'll find plenty of spots to feed. My fear is he'll want to nurse as we are standing in a long line! Oh well, now I need to find a good nursing-swimsuit. Thanks!
jother....nursing in the sling was something I always found difficult, but here are some things that helped.

Loosen up the sling completely before putting baby into the nursing position, then cradle baby with one arm (sling against baby and arm outside)while tightening the sling around baby and you with the other. Adjust the fabric as needed.

Keep baby's legs hanging out of the sling.

Also once my baby was sitting up I would often nurse her upright in the baby in the sling as if doing a hip carry but more in the front where your breast is. Then loosen the sling so that baby's head is at nursing level. Baby's head keeps you well covered.

Also let me suggest a few nursing shirts....they make breastfeeding on the run a bit easier. I made some from t-shirts that I sewed a square of fabric over the front (sewing just top and bottom edges) and then cut a nursing slit in the middle of the tshirt in the front that can be accessed from the sides of the fabric square.

For a nursing swimsuit check out Motherwear. I have the black crossover one and its very nice, though kind of pricey. You don't say where you are from...but if you're in Mass. check out their outlet.

Our Chef Mickey's photo was taken while my dd nursed!

And a big LOL to you other mom's of nursing toddlers....this is when it gets really fun doesn't it? My dd is only 1 and the acrobatics have already begun!


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[This message was edited by Lesley on 03-19-01 at 05:33 PM.]


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