Nothing to See Here...

Here is the THIRD installment for today!!!

Thank you guys for bringing my TR to the ‘300,000 views and beyond’ mark! Those views have taken over 4 years to earn, but they are still more than 300,000 views and very much appreciated!

I have lots of lurkers - come out, come out, wherever you are!! Join in for the final 10 pages of this thread, and as I make my way through the rest of this December 2012 TR!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 2 - Monday, December 10, 2012 - Part 11

Up on the rooftop reindeer pause
Out jumps good old Santa Claus
Down thru the chimney with lots of toys
All for the little ones
Christmas joys

In the last TR installment, I left the creature comforts of Critter Country and ventured off to Adventureland (that was some sentence, eh? Lol!).

I could have spent more time in Adventureland but I knew I wanted to get to Toon Town at some point to get a couple of pictures of the hideous Christmas trees. I did not get photos of these trees back in 2011.

Because I had spent so much time in New Orleans Square earlier, time flew by. I can’t recall what time it actually was when I started to think about it, but it occurred to me that the first Candlelight Processional/Ceremony would be taking place at 5:30 p.m. and the sun was already slowly beginning to fade.

I wasn’t sure if I was going to try to stand around and watch the CP, or try to flee Disneyland like I was escaping from Alcatraz before it began – Lou Diamond Phillips was not my narrator of choice and I didn’t have a great urge to stand around in a mob, trying to watch him speak over tall people’s heads. I was going to kind of play everything by ear and see how I felt when the CP was close to starting. I figured I would assess the crowds around Town Square and if it looked like I could stand somewhere and have a good view, I might go for it. But I wouldn’t count on seeing the CP – I would just see what happened when I got there. In fact, I was pretty much assuming that I would just leave Disneyland and go elsewhere.

If I wanted to get to Toon Town to get a couple of ‘ugly tree’ pictures and then high-tail it to Main Street to decide about the CP, I knew I had to get movin’!

I left Adventureland and began walking towards Fantasyland.

I thought the leaves on this plant were interesting…






As I passed through the Castle, I stopped to get a better photo of this clock than the last one I had gotten in 2010 – again, it’s all about improving, and the last photo I took of the clock was very blurry! I had to remedy that! (Deejdigsdis knows this clock well, as she has taken pictures of it in the past! But Deejdigsdis has also disappeared from this TR, so she won’t be able to see that I improved my clock photo!)


I was drawn to this particular shot because of the various types of ‘peaks’ in the frame – there are turrets and a roof, as well as the sun-dappled Matterhorn in the distance…


And this is the one that I call “Just horsin’ around…”


I’ve never taken a photo of any part of the Carousel in the past – this was a first for me!


Hello, Toon Town! (Notice that Roger Rabbit is wearing his Santa outfit?)


I’m not really sure why Roger has pieces of candy in his wreath? The wreaths and garland in Toon Town are themed to their designated areas, and they all make sense except for this one!




And there it was…the awful Toon Town tree…





Pluto’s Dog House…


Daisy’s Diner…


Goofy’s House (the first photo is too dark – I should have Auto-fixed it)…



I decided I couldn’t handle the horror of the Toon Town trees enough to even try to get a photo of Mickey’s tree and Minnie’s tree. The main city tree was plenty. I am just bitter and resentful that the ‘good’ trees that used to be part of Toon Town’s décor were replaced with eyesores, so I can only take so much torture.

On my way out of Toon Town, I passed It’s a Small World Holiday and double checked some of the wreaths around the area to be sure none of them had changed since my photo spree in 2010.



Hmm…was this one new? I got photos of every single one of the IASWH wreaths in December of 2010, and I don’t remember seeing this one, with the small nutcrackers hanging in it! I remember another nutcracker wreath, but not this guy…



But….just as I was going to start taking pictures of each and every wreath again, to be sure I had up-to-date photos for my Disneyland at Christmas Superthread, I realized that it was time to race over to Town Square and make an impromptu decision about whether or not to try to see the Candlelight Processional, or try to escape from the park before crowds got terrible.

So, although I would be revisiting It’s a Small World Holiday a bit later, I would have to leave my IASWH wreath odyssey for another trip.

Up next, in Part 12 of Day 2 – what I almost ended up not doing at all ends up being a highlight of my entire trip, as I wait for Lou Diamond Phillips in the cold night air with friendly strangers!

Candlelight, here I come!
Once again I should have been taking notes! :goodvibes

I loved all the pictures of the unique tree in the shop in Critter Country. The honey ornaments, tiny bumblebees, all great!

The mask pictures in Adventurland were outstanding :thumbsup2 feel free to keep with that theme :lmao:

Of course I love 'horsin' around' but your picture with the fountain in Toontown was super! The composition was great.

I really liked the wreath with Roger Rabbit~

As an aside...even in my sickly state my family was able to get about 180 photopass pictures...

Hey - only 9 more possible pages to your super trip report thread!
Okay, I'm back! I was so sleepy last night when I posted the TR installment that I could barely even do that, let alone try to reply to your comments.

Again, I really appreciate that you took the time to go through the posts and find things to comment on!:goodvibes

I need people to speak up - it's very strange how sometimes all sorts of unexpected folks come out of the woodwork to say hello for certain reports, and then other times no one will speak up even though it is clear that there are many, many people viewing/following along.

Okay, let's see - since I am not sure which photos or things you are commenting on below (no photos), I will just address the ones that I can figure out by the descriptions. I'll post my comments in red!

It's been so long since I commented. I think I wasn't over losing my trip yet.

Following Trip Reports is a big time investment. Plus, there can be TR burnout. I'm sure you've been quite busy.

I love the Mickey Mouse nut crackers! They are so cute. What a fun decoration that is.

I love them too! I kind of wish I had bought one. They were new to this season, but who knows if the same ones will be released next season?

I was thinking about and your scarf torture when you were talking about the guard. You managed to tease yourself so I won't. :)

I always get a kick out of the guards who are a little bit too the one from a few years ago who asked me about my dangerous scarf!

I have never taken a picture of the sign. When my son went in November he did. I kind of got a giggle out of that.

The sign/plaque above the tunnel into Disneyland? I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who had never taken a photo of it (prior to this trip). I don't know why I had never taken one. I finally figured I'd better get one for my own collection because it is such an integral part of entering DL.

That that flower arrangement is gorgeous!! Wow! The colors are so beautiful and vibrant.

The red/green/white flowers at the Candlelight stage? Yes! I kind of wondered why no one reading the TR seemed to be impressed by them because they were quite a bit more stunning than many other flowers we see at DLR! As I mentioned, I didn't even think they were real at first!

Okay, the table and the people sitting down with you was a bit uncomfortable for me. The younger woman just was a nasty sort wasn't she? You were at the table first right? Wow!

I was definitely at the table first - in fact, those people were nowhere around when I sat down. I always look around the area to be sure nobody is closing in on my table! I was starting to dig into the ice cream when the first lady approached, and you know the rest of the story. And, again, it wasn't a bench-like situation where they could sit at one end while I sat at the other. This was a round table so we were all facing each other. It was uncomfortable. Even if the younger lady was annoyed at the older lady for sitting with a stranger, she made ME feel uncomfortable with the vibes she was giving off. I was trying to eat my messy ice cream in peace!

Funny but we had the same thought about the snap dragons. I think that is some of what the flower beds looked like for our Valentines trip. :/

I wouldn't not be surprised. It's odd how the flower situation works at DLR - sometimes they put up totally perfect, ideal flowers for certain seasons, lands, themes, etc. So I see those flowers and assume the flowers will be like that all the time - holiday-ish flowers for Christmas time, etc. But that is not always the case. One year there might be perfect flowers for Halloween Time, and by the next Halloween Time season there are Spring-ish flowers in place of the Halloween ones. Sometimes there are poinsettias in certain areas during the holidays. Sometimes there aren't. I guess my point is that the flowers are often perfect for their settings, but they are not consistent at all. You can't necessarily expect to see perfect Halloween, Valentine, Christmas, etc.-themed flowers for those seasons! Even the Mickey floral was lacking this time around!

Oh that purple and silver decoration is so beautiful! I love the combination of instruments and masks. I would hang them in my bedroom at any time of the year.

The masks and instruments work well together! I really liked the purple masks (I think there were two specific ones that had a purple theme?).

I wouldn't have left. If they were uncomfortable they could have left. They were the interlopers not you. If I were not replying as I read along I would put a mad face here.

Fortunately, by the time I finished my cone and left the table I would have likely been leaving anyway - even if those people hadn't been there too - but I just sped up the leaving a bit because it was so awkward!:rotfl2:

I had to look at the next arrangement a few times before I could spot the masks. I think maybe this one I might not hang up. lol

Okay, this one ^^^ I wasn't sure about. I'm not sure which mask it is you were referring to, but I know there were one or two where it was hard to see the faces!

The colors they use in New Orleans Square are so wonderful. They are non traditional and they don't need to b traditional.

Yes! And the funny thing is that, when I walk around NOS and see all of the beads, feathers, jewels and masks, I don't really think "Christmas," BUT it doesn't bother me at all! There are enough other types of Christmas decorations (traditional and non-traditional) around the entire resort that I don't mind that the NOS decor mainly says "Mardi Gras." I just love that NOS gets its own special themed stuff - for whatever holiday it is! - and I hope that Disney doesn't sneakily remove the masks little by little over time. I really love the NOS Christmas tree too - that sparkly blue color scheme is really appealing!

Wow it seems to me that they had a bunch of new ones this year didn't they?

That's what I thought - to me, it seemed like the number of masks increased substantially since 2010 (and I could be wrong), but I didn't pay attention to them in 2011 to know what was up at that point.

I would love some of these masks! They are just beautiful! Some are a bit dramatic for me but for the most part I am intrigued.

I think it would also be cool to have miniature models of the masks - like a big collection or set of some kind, in a big frame or on a big board of some kind, for hanging!

Peacock feathers even? The creative is just great!

Yes! I think whoever it is at Disney who came up with the mask idea is a genus!

First off, I LOVE all of the mask photos and I feel that at least this way I am getting to see them. Thank you! Now is that a treble cleft on that one mask with the gold peacock feathers?

I think so! I am not looking at it but I know that there were one or two masks with musical notes.

That white and gold one is so beautiful! It screams Christmas to me!

That one was one of my favorites because it seemed so elegant - and that one was not new at all. I remember it from 2010, but it seemed more elegant to me in 2012!

The red and gold mask is beautiful! I rather like the next one too.

Again, this is a situation where the vibrancy of the red impressed me (just like vibrant red flowers impress me) - and this is another mask that was not new. I remember it from 2010, but it looked fresher and more vivid in person in 2012!

I love the tree and the garland. Our tree is never traditional so I really like this.

The NOS tree? Yes, that's one of my favorite trees. I love the little shiny crescent moons on it.

This latest mask arrangement goes well with the tree I think.

Not sure which mask this is^^?

Like Laurie I love your mask photos. Seeing them this way helps me to feel at least like I got to see them.

Thank you, Michele! I know I am certainly not the first to take mask photos, and it certainly wasn't even the first time that I took mask photos. I just wanted to do a better job than what I had done before - I knew I could - and in the process I stumbled upon so many different treasures!

I think that the masks are a great bunch of art. I have 4 that I hang in my bedroom but I would definitely like to add more. I have seen them at the hobby store ready to be painted and decorated I think I may study your photos and use then as examples of how to make some new ones to hang in here.

What a fun idea! The masks look so involved, with the lace and the ribbons and the beads and jewels - it would certainly be a nice craft/art project to work on!

How cute and homey the decorations are in Critter Country! I love the homespun look. The flowers are beautiful! It has been so cold here that the flowers make me feel a little more springy.

It has been a particularly chilly winter so far. Of course I like it but that doesn't mean that my hands (and apartment) aren't frozen! They are! Someone in the Christmas thread was saying that they were surprised by how cold it was on their recent DLR holiday trip. I told them to never listen to anyone who tells them it doesn't get cold out here. Yes, there are crazy times when it is 85 degrees in winter, but often times we dip down to 30 degrees and below. In Lancaster it was like 19 degrees last week! I don't care what anyone says, that is cold! California does get cold! We don't get blizzards or blankets of snow covering Downtown Los Angeles, but it is crisp out there!

Oh my gosh the tree is so cute! I love a cute tree. The fancy ones are pretty but not as much fun for me as the cute ones. I love the ornaments with the honey on them.

I agree - I love the Critter Country/Pooh Corner tree and the homespun look, as you said. I like a mix of trees of all sorts - that's why a place like DLR is so fun during the holidays. You literally find trees of all kinds - from the cute, wacky and whimsical, to the elegant, classy and stunning, to the themed or classic. There are so many different types of trees in so many color schemes and themes around the entire resort - you can really find any kind of tree you like!

I never noticed those were paws! lol

I think they are supposed to be paws?:confused3 At first I thought they were just hands, but given the location I decided they must be paws. I could be wrong, though. Maybe I can't tell my paws from my hands!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I love the Adventureland photos and I admit I am like you and don't normally stop to take photos there. I think it is because it is so bleeping busy in that area!

Thank you, Michele! I know - isn't it sad? Adventureland is actually a great spot, theme-wise, but who ever really stops to take photos there (unless you specifically go into the Tiki Room waiting area or on the Jungle Cruise)? I think that we all think of it as just a thoroughfare - it's just a path to get from one area to another area, and as you said, it is usually (insanely) busy/crowded. So I think I have taken a lot of the Adventureland details for granted because it is just hard to see them when you are being pushed in every direction by a million people. Now I kind of wish I had spent a little more time there, getting a few more pictures, but it will be there the next time I go back (whether that's in September, October, November or December!).
Once again I should have been taking notes! :goodvibes

I loved all the pictures of the unique tree in the shop in Critter Country. The honey ornaments, tiny bumblebees, all great!

The mask pictures in Adventurland were outstanding :thumbsup2 feel free to keep with that theme :lmao:

Of course I love 'horsin' around' but your picture with the fountain in Toontown was super! The composition was great.

I really liked the wreath with Roger Rabbit~

As an aside...even in my sickly state my family was able to get about 180 photopass pictures...

Hey - only 9 more possible pages to your super trip report thread!

Thank you, TK!:goodvibes

Yes, there are a sad little 9 pages left and then it is the end of the thread forever.:( I have quite a bit more TR left from this December trip, so it will be a nice way to finish off this 4-year epic!

I'm glad to hear that you all were able to get quite a few PhotoPass pics, despite being ill. You were certainly a good sport! At least the PhotoPass Plus deal didn't end up being a total waste.

Critter Country has some cute, theme-specific decorations - and I'm not sure why I didn't feel like spending more time there at that moment, but there's always next time. It bothers me that they took away the banner that used to say "Merry Critters and Happy Pooh Year." Maybe I have held a grudge against them for it ever since!:rotfl2:

The Adventureland photos were filling a void for me because I ran out of New Orleans Square masks!:rotfl: But when I was taking the pictures in Adventureland, I kept thinking that I didn't want to take them if anyone else had recently taken the same photos. I like to TRY to be somewhat original, if I can. I couldn't remember if I had recently seen any Adventureland photos like that - and then it dawned on me that Deej has taken quite a few photos in that land. So I may have unintentionally copied her if she got those same photos.

I love the Roger Rabbit wreath - not sure why there was candy in it, as it didn't seem to fit with his theme like the other Toon Town decorations fit with certain themes, but it is cute and I love Roger's little Santa outfit (much like Flik's little Santa outfit at the entrance to Flik's Fun Fair in A Bug's Land during the holidays)!

Thank you! That fountain picture was something spontaneous - I had never thought about that particular composition in the past. So I was looking around for photo opportunities and I thought, "Hmm...I wonder if it will work to try this angle..." And it did!

Ten more months until the next Hallmark Channel "Countdown to Christmas" weekend marathon begins!
Finally! Evidently it takes a national holiday for me to find enough time to catch up on my reading! :surfweb: I read the majority yesterday and got all caught up to here this morning. Whew! That was a lot of reading! :laughing: Forgive me for being late and responding somewhat randomly to posts from way back at the beginning of this year’s report but I wanted to let you know I really was here and paying close attention! :thumbsup2

Sherry, I am in awe! :worship: You truly are the queen of early risers! I cannot imagine being deprived of sleep thanks to noisy neighbors, starting my first day of our trip at the early hours you do and still managing to find a way to be ready and out the door 30 minutes early. Kudos to you! It does look like being the early bird works very well for you. Impressive that you were able to score the upgrade to a park view yet again! I am glad that you DID NOT end up passing out on the floor at Paradise Pier. After reading about your first morning, I can possibly see the appeal of starting out the day so early but it would only work for me if I were also able to do it alone.

I am so glad you watched the CP and enjoyed it so much. Should have known it would have been an excellent presentation to add to you love of all things Christmas. We’ve only seen it twice, once in DL and once at WDW, so you are already caught up with us. I did love it at the train station but perhaps because I have only seen it a couple times I am not as opposed to it being moved as I am sure those who have seen it for years would be. Also, having attended when the weather was iffy, with lightening flashing in the near distance, :scared1: and wondering whether or not it might be canceled mid show I can certainly see the practicality of moving it to an indoor venue. As a huge fan of the story of Christmas from a religious view point I am also all for bringing the story to as many people as possible which would also be another benefit of relocating it to an area where more people can be seated. The only negative side to me is in the breaking of tradition. However, I would much rather see them move it than do away with it all together. BTW, thanks for the highlight reel of photos! Simply beautiful.

Sad for you that you did not get to spend as much time as you might have liked with your friends. Phooey on Shawn for being a no show and non responsive. :headache: Jackie and Bob are obviously a much better choice to spend time with at the park than some of those past so called friends... who of course, shall remain nameless. Very sweet of them both to make a special effort to let you know they really care about you... like a true friend should. A few of your other buddies could stand to take a few notes.

I am so glad you did get some quality time in with your camera so we all have lots of photos to enjoy. Every time I see your photos I can hardly believe that we have the same camera! You are a way better photographer than I am. I am sure much of it has to do with determination and your persistence. For me, I point, I shoot and cross my fingers in hopes that I come home with a few decent shots. My only saving grace is that I have some lovely family members in my photos so they usually help to salvage some photos even when my skill is less than it should be. lol! You on the other hand have come home again with a multitude of fantastic photos and we are lucky that you are here sharing them with us. You did an amazing job capturing a nice assortment to share, especially with all the masks and flowers. And, yes, I do agree. :scared: Jesters are creepy and those Toontown trees are still horrible!

So, after this trip, you now think 4 days will do you? Before long you will indeed have yourself talked all the way up to 2 weeks like me! I agree that age has something to do with needing a little extra time to do it and see it all. Only for me, I am beginning to think that I am going to have to start reducing our days just so I can make it to the end without doing myself in! 14 days is a lot of extra walking on poor old tired legs…. But as my DH says…. getting old ain’t for sissies! Oh well, if I make it long enough, my oldest daughter has promised that she will wheel me in when I can’t make it on my own anymore. :lmao:

Sorry that you came home and ended up sick. :flower3: We always do too. I have always assumed that it was the change of climate for us but I guess in reality, as you mention, there are so many germs floating around it’s a sheer miracle that anyone makes it home without coming down with something. Let’s face it, when people get sick on vacation they are still going to try to manage to pull off as much time as possible as they can in the park no matter how crappy they fill simply because they have so much time and money invested. I’m guessing that a good majority of people probably will not get another chance to do it over again like many of us do around here.

From the sneak peek photos I would say that my favorites are the first beautiful PP Christmas tree, the sepia sign post, Roger Rabbit and the horses. ::yes:: I also enjoyed many of your unique shots of the tikis. Emma and I actually spotted several Tiki gods we did not remember. Funny that you should mention that getting better castle shots as one of your goals. Seems like it being such an icon image in the park it would be one of those photos we all had plenty photos of but I know I always come home and always have way too few. Think I am I adding more castle pictures as a top priority on our next trip. I am loving ALL of the photos that you are weaving through your trip report. Not sure I can pick out just a few favorites there. Too many to choose from! Emma did say she loved seeing the gingerbread houses. I kinda liked Storyteller’s 2012 version with all the little details outside in the snow. Whitewater’s is impressive too but on a much smaller scale.

You lost me on the celebrity’s because I really don’t pay very close attention to what’s on tv but I do admit that I had to go back and look up some of the Sheena Easton songs you mentioned on youtube. Was a fun blast from the past… if not a little humorous. :rolleyes1

Bummer that you missed out on Goofy’s Kitchen this trip but glad you enjoyed Surf’s Up as a fill in. Sometimes there is just not enough time or money to do it all. It is good to have those places that are your favorites and you really want to go back to time and time again. On the other hand, it’s an even better thing that there are some things that just don’t trip your trigger enough to always go back to. I know when it comes to planning I always have enough trouble squeezing in just a few favorites every year. Bet Goofy’s is at the top of your list next year!

I am so sad! I never made it to Ghirardelli’s! (another note to self… must make up for missed samples next time!) We also missed the snowfall and Santa this year too. And, I really hate that we didn’t get to listen to the carolers on Buena Vista Street. We actually spent a lot of down time trying to go easy on DH’s recently repaired knee. Also, my legs were really hurting, which I found out after we got home was due to fluid build up on my hip and a possible bone spur. Then, during our second week Emma was sick several days. With all this going on we spent a lot less time in the park than we typically do so we ended up missing out doing quite a few other things as well. :sad2:

Glad you finally got your hands on some decent peppermint ice cream and enjoyed some of your other favorite treats. You know, you made me wonder something that I hadn’t thought of before. When Starbucks takes over Market House where will we be able to find our beloved Mickey Ear Gingerbread Cookies?!!!! :confused3 I suppose I should remain calm because I am sure they are already sold in other locations in the park but I just had to panic there a minute because Market House is always the first place we seek out when we are having one of those cookie cravings!

As for the unwanted visitors at the ice cream cone table I probably would have done the same thing you did… not wanting to be rude by just leaving but just sat uncomfortably and tried to scarf down my ice cream as quickly and less messy as possible. I too would have breathed a great sigh of relief after escaping the table.

I promise it has not been me over at Photobucket bogging the site down! I actually plan on heading to Smugmug but I am still in such a trip report writing funk after Webshots evicting all my photos and still coming out of my Disneyland withdrawals I am not sure when or if I am even going to attempt uploading all the photos and doing a report from this year’s trip. Still too soon to tell…. After all it did take me 5 months to finally get around to it last year. Lol! Now you on the other hand… I have no idea why you would even consider not carrying on with a new thread! Of course you will!!! While this 4-year epic masterpiece may be coming to an end just think of all the other Disneyland adventures that lay ahead! You have followers out here and you know we have got to have some place to find you and keep up with what’s going on! :hug:
Hi, Marie!:cool1::banana::hug:

I knew you'd pop in again at some point before this thread comes to an end (seeing that you are one of the original folks to post here back in 2008), but I know how busy you are and how much time it takes to get caught up with a TR if you've fallen behind.

You know, when I was recently starting a new Christmas Superthread (only because the old one had finally just about hit the 250-page point, and we usually have to close threads when they get to that length), I did a whole separate post on the first page for holiday TR links (both the in-progress reports and the completed ones). I included the link to your "Turkey Day With the Mouse" pre-TR in the section for in-progress reports, and I still have the link to one of your other report threads in the completed reports section, but...considering your Webshots nightmare, I knew that the process of putting together any new trip reports or replacing the photos in the old ones would be too much to handle for you right now.

Anyway, I'll put my answers in red below, like I did for my replies to Michele above.

Finally! Evidently it takes a national holiday for me to find enough time to catch up on my reading! :surfweb: I read the majority yesterday and got all caught up to here this morning. Whew! That was a lot of reading! :laughing: Forgive me for being late and responding somewhat randomly to posts from way back at the beginning of this year’s report but I wanted to let you know I really was here and paying close attention! :thumbsup2

It's okay, Marie! I know that when you DO get caught up, you like to be thorough and go through everything that you have missed and the comment accordingly, which I appreciate. I knew that you were going back to even before I started the actual TR, when just gave the rundown of the highlights!

Sherry, I am in awe! :worship: You truly are the queen of early risers! I cannot imagine being deprived of sleep thanks to noisy neighbors, starting my first day of our trip at the early hours you do and still managing to find a way to be ready and out the door 30 minutes early. Kudos to you! It does look like being the early bird works very well for you. Impressive that you were able to score the upgrade to a park view yet again! I am glad that you DID NOT end up passing out on the floor at Paradise Pier. After reading about your first morning, I can possibly see the appeal of starting out the day so early but it would only work for me if I were also able to do it alone.

It is very hard to be up early when I haven't had any sleep the night before. Sometimes I can power through it better than other times. On this recent trip it was really wearing me down (the lack of sleep). I have different stages of getting ready, and I wasn't completely finished when the shuttle guy arrived, but I was ready enough to be able to throw my things together and walk out the door, I guess. Believe me, I would not want to do that every day - get no sleep and then head to DLR. It's something I can manage maybe once or twice a year. When you have a lot of family to deal with, I'm sure it's an entirely different scenario trying to get up and out early.

I am so glad you watched the CP and enjoyed it so much. Should have known it would have been an excellent presentation to add to you love of all things Christmas. We’ve only seen it twice, once in DL and once at WDW, so you are already caught up with us. I did love it at the train station but perhaps because I have only seen it a couple times I am not as opposed to it being moved as I am sure those who have seen it for years would be. Also, having attended when the weather was iffy, with lightening flashing in the near distance, :scared1: and wondering whether or not it might be canceled mid show I can certainly see the practicality of moving it to an indoor venue. As a huge fan of the story of Christmas from a religious view point I am also all for bringing the story to as many people as possible which would also be another benefit of relocating it to an area where more people can be seated. The only negative side to me is in the breaking of tradition. However, I would much rather see them move it than do away with it all together. BTW, thanks for the highlight reel of photos! Simply beautiful.

I'll talk more about the CP in the next few TR posts when I finally hit that point in Day 2, but yes, it was wonderful and beautiful. I loved it and I'm so glad I decided to take the time to see it instead of passing it up. I am just glad that I had a chance to see it twice, when it may relocate to a theater. It will really be quite remarkable for DLR to break a 50-year tradition and move the CP out of Town Square - that is very significant, if they do it that way. I think that if the CP were going to continue to happen for only 2 nights, they would leave it in Town Square. But the fact that the nights were increased so much leaves more chances of bad weather. At the same time, it's California. Sometimes we don't get rain until January!

There are also crowd concerns but I didn't really find the crowds to be too unmanageable - just momentarily inconvenient. Holding the CP in Town Square gave it a sort of intimate, personal feel. You could actually sit close to the narrator's podium and see him well, as well as see the faces of the people singing. I fear that putting the CP in a big theater like the Hyperion is going to ruin the whole intimate vibe and make it more like a concert. But, if DLR moves the CP to DCA, it is likely because there is going to be a Christmas party in Disneyland, and that will bring with it other scheduling, weather and crowd issues. So it is basically just trading one event for the other.

Sad for you that you did not get to spend as much time as you might have liked with your friends. Phooey on Shawn for being a no show and non responsive. :headache: Jackie and Bob are obviously a much better choice to spend time with at the park than some of those past so called friends... who of course, shall remain nameless. Very sweet of them both to make a special effort to let you know they really care about you... like a true friend should. A few of your other buddies could stand to take a few notes.

Well, you know, things have even been weird with J&B too now! I have no idea what is happening. I post or send messages (like "it was great to see you; thank you for coming to see me; happy birthday" messages), and they go totally, completely ignored. BUT, other people post messages saying happy birthday and other things, and those messages are "liked" or responded to. This doesn't seem consistent with the way J&B acted when they saw me - all hugs and "I miss you; I wish you could move down here to Orange County," etc. Within a week or two I am totally ignored again, in favor of everyone else. That kind of stuff hurts my feelings because I don't understand why it happens or where it's coming from - I'm human. I start to wonder, "What in the heck happened since I saw them? I don't understand it."

I am so glad you did get some quality time in with your camera so we all have lots of photos to enjoy. Every time I see your photos I can hardly believe that we have the same camera! You are a way better photographer than I am. I am sure much of it has to do with determination and your persistence. For me, I point, I shoot and cross my fingers in hopes that I come home with a few decent shots. My only saving grace is that I have some lovely family members in my photos so they usually help to salvage some photos even when my skill is less than it should be. lol! You on the other hand have come home again with a multitude of fantastic photos and we are lucky that you are here sharing them with us. You did an amazing job capturing a nice assortment to share, especially with all the masks and flowers. And, yes, I do agree. :scared: Jesters are creepy and those Toontown trees are still horrible!

Thank you for the kind words and compliments, Marie!:hug: Not all of my pictures are winners, of course, but I thought that I came back from this trip (and from my November day trip) with an interesting assortment of photos, covering many things - and a lot of them are pretty good! Persistence and determination has a lot to do with it. Also, being solo and having solo time is a big factor. As you know, I cannot go on photo sprees when I have people with me. But my mind is always working and thinking about interesting photo ideas or shots I can take the next time I'm at DLR. I'm always 'creating' in my mind, but I don't always have the chance to execute my ideas until much later in the year!

Yes, jesters are creepy and the TT trees are just awful!:rotfl2:

So, after this trip, you now think 4 days will do you? Before long you will indeed have yourself talked all the way up to 2 weeks like me! I agree that age has something to do with needing a little extra time to do it and see it all. Only for me, I am beginning to think that I am going to have to start reducing our days just so I can make it to the end without doing myself in! 14 days is a lot of extra walking on poor old tired legs…. But as my DH says…. getting old ain’t for sissies! Oh well, if I make it long enough, my oldest daughter has promised that she will wheel me in when I can’t make it on my own anymore. :lmao:

Well, I know I could have easily made use of 5 days/4 nights, or even 6 days/5 nights. Three nights and 3.25 days are really not enough for me, given the sorts of things I want to do, though I was very grateful to have 3 nights this time around - because I didn't think I would be able to do a multi-night stay at all. I am not go-go-go in commando mode all the time, so I need time to be able to do what I want and rest! I wonder if I would be able to handle a week? I know I would have enough to take photos of to keep me occupied in a week but I wonder if I would burn out in that time.

Now if you cut your trips back from 2 weeks, what would you choose? I am so used to your family taking those 2-week trips! Would you cut back to only a week (I say "only" a week as if that's a little stopover when anyone would be thrilled to go for a week or may even think that a week is too much!:rotfl2:)? Maybe instead of 14 days you'd go for 10 days? What's the magic number?

Sorry that you came home and ended up sick. :flower3: We always do too. I have always assumed that it was the change of climate for us but I guess in reality, as you mention, there are so many germs floating around it’s a sheer miracle that anyone makes it home without coming down with something. Let’s face it, when people get sick on vacation they are still going to try to manage to pull off as much time as possible as they can in the park no matter how crappy they fill simply because they have so much time and money invested. I’m guessing that a good majority of people probably will not get another chance to do it over again like many of us do around here.

Yes, there are so many people running around DLR who are sick - I heard so much coughing, sneezing and nose-blowing while there - that it IS a sheer miracle that anyone comes home healthy! All of the sick people then put their hands on railings in ride queues or on safety bars in ride vehicles...or they touch merchandise in the shops. I don't think illness can be avoided! I was just relieved to come back and get sick at home, rather than get sick at DLR (like in 2011)!

You're absolutely right - many, many, many people will be at DLR only once in their lives, or maybe just a few times spread out over decades. So if they invest a lot of time and money in their trips they will likely try to function as normally as possible while at DLR, despite being sick. Many people will not go back to a hotel room to rest (like I will do!).

From the sneak peek photos I would say that my favorites are the first beautiful PP Christmas tree, the sepia sign post, Roger Rabbit and the horses. ::yes:: I also enjoyed many of your unique shots of the tikis. Emma and I actually spotted several Tiki gods we did not remember. Funny that you should mention that getting better castle shots as one of your goals. Seems like it being such an icon image in the park it would be one of those photos we all had plenty photos of but I know I always come home and always have way too few. Think I am I adding more castle pictures as a top priority on our next trip. I am loving ALL of the photos that you are weaving through your trip report. Not sure I can pick out just a few favorites there. Too many to choose from! Emma did say she loved seeing the gingerbread houses. I kinda liked Storyteller’s 2012 version with all the little details outside in the snow. Whitewater’s is impressive too but on a much smaller scale.

Thank you, Marie. Interesting! As I've said, I always like to hear which photos stick out and catch folks' attention! A vote for the sepia sign post pic! And you like the tikis too! And the horses get another vote!

I loved the gingerbread houses too - and I was disappointed that I didn't get to see the one in Carthay Circle or the (supposed) one in Fiddler, Fifer & Practical Cafe.

My nighttime Castle and nighttime IASWH photos needed serious improvement over my older attempts. I last attempted the Castle at night in 2009, and I think I attempted IASWH at night in 2008. I was determined - it was a mission I had to see through - that in 2012 I was going to get better photos of those two things at night. I was going to come away with something non-blurry if it killed me! The only problem is that somehow those pictures resized themselves before the photos were taken and became narrow! I have absolutely NO clue how that happened, but it happened. It's never happened to me before! At one point a CM took my camera to try to get a picture of the Castle at night because he was taller than I am and he could get a better view. I wonder if he accidentally changed a setting on the camera? All I know is that somehow the pictures changed size after the Candlelight Processional, but by the time I got to IASWH and the Castle and they are smaller and more narrow. I don't think they can be resized in the camera, or at all, without becoming even smaller.

You lost me on the celebrity’s because I really don’t pay very close attention to what’s on tv but I do admit that I had to go back and look up some of the Sheena Easton songs you mentioned on youtube. Was a fun blast from the past… if not a little humorous. :rolleyes1

Very humorous! I didn't even like Sheena Easton's music when she was popular!

Bummer that you missed out on Goofy’s Kitchen this trip but glad you enjoyed Surf’s Up as a fill in. Sometimes there is just not enough time or money to do it all. It is good to have those places that are your favorites and you really want to go back to time and time again. On the other hand, it’s an even better thing that there are some things that just don’t trip your trigger enough to always go back to. I know when it comes to planning I always have enough trouble squeezing in just a few favorites every year. Bet Goofy’s is at the top of your list next year!

I will have to try Surf's Up again at some point. But I really, really missed Goofy's Kitchen. A trip is not the same for me if I don't get to eat there. It was on my list this year - it's just that Shawn never showed up and she would have been my Goofy's companion! If I'm solo, I won't do character meals. I think that character meals are fun with people.

I am so sad! I never made it to Ghirardelli’s! (another note to self… must make up for missed samples next time!) We also missed the snowfall and Santa this year too. And, I really hate that we didn’t get to listen to the carolers on Buena Vista Street. We actually spent a lot of down time trying to go easy on DH’s recently repaired knee. Also, my legs were really hurting, which I found out after we got home was due to fluid build up on my hip and a possible bone spur. Then, during our second week Emma was sick several days. With all this going on we spent a lot less time in the park than we typically do so we ended up missing out doing quite a few other things as well. :sad2:

Goodness! With all of that going on I'm surprised you all had an enjoyable trip at all! It's tough to have fun when you're in pain, recovering from surgery, sick, etc. I hope that everyone is okay and out of pain/illness by now! Is your hip okay?

You never even saw Santa? None of the Santas?

Glad you finally got your hands on some decent peppermint ice cream and enjoyed some of your other favorite treats. You know, you made me wonder something that I hadn’t thought of before. When Starbucks takes over Market House where will we be able to find our beloved Mickey Ear Gingerbread Cookies?!!!! :confused3 I suppose I should remain calm because I am sure they are already sold in other locations in the park but I just had to panic there a minute because Market House is always the first place we seek out when we are having one of those cookie cravings!

I think the cookies will still be available in other shops, like anywhere that sells candy (Marceline's in DTD has them) or baked goods. I saw them in Trolley Treats, in Candy Palace, Pooh Corner, etc. But I will miss the Market House being just the Market House and not a Starbucks. Thank goodness I can still find the 'real' peppermint ice cream at DLR since my stores only carry the inferior stuff!:rotfl2:

As for the unwanted visitors at the ice cream cone table I probably would have done the same thing you did… not wanting to be rude by just leaving but just sat uncomfortably and tried to scarf down my ice cream as quickly and less messy as possible. I too would have breathed a great sigh of relief after escaping the table.

Yep - I was relieved to be getting up from that table! You betcha! I thought it was odd that they sat with me to begin with - but I could have misunderstood what was being asked of me when the lady asked for my chairs - but it was just weird after that. I was trying to wipe up random peppermint drops from my face pants and hands while these strangers sat there. And then I started thinking, "Should I be more chatty? Should I be talking to them? Am I being rude?":rotfl2: Suddenly I was worried about being rude to people who sat at my table while I was trying to eat! I felt bad, though, because I have a feeling the younger lady was angry at the older lady for sitting at my table - and was probably going to let her know as soon as I left.

I promise it has not been me over at Photobucket bogging the site down! I actually plan on heading to Smugmug but I am still in such a trip report writing funk after Webshots evicting all my photos and still coming out of my Disneyland withdrawals I am not sure when or if I am even going to attempt uploading all the photos and doing a report from this year’s trip. Still too soon to tell…. After all it did take me 5 months to finally get around to it last year. Lol! Now you on the other hand… I have no idea why you would even consider not carrying on with a new thread! Of course you will!!! While this 4-year epic masterpiece may be coming to an end just think of all the other Disneyland adventures that lay ahead! You have followers out here and you know we have got to have some place to find you and keep up with what’s going on! :hug:

I remember that you said you were going to Smugmug, but I would bet that a lot of disgruntled Webshots folks went to Photobucket - even just temporarily. Photobucket changed the layout of their site and that is slowing things down, too.

I don't know what the year is going to hold for me in terms of anything, let alone Disney trips. There are none on the horizon. I don't even know if Catalina Express will be extending the free birthday offer again this year. I guess I can try to look ahead to a DLR Halloween Time day visit, perhaps. So it will be a good while before another TR pops up from me, if I do one at all - they require so much time and work, and my computer just doesn't function well. I'll play it by ear and see how things go as the year moves along. I definitely wouldn't start another thread unless there is an actual trip to report!

But if I do ever start another TR thread, I'm glad to know you'll be there, Marie!:goodvibes There are a lot of people out there for this thread too - most of them just don't want to speak up, or they only speak up for one TR and then disappear by the next one!

I'll always be visible and active over in the Superthreads too!
Very nice updates Sherry.

Nice up close pictures of the Christmas trees at Critter Country. CC barely gets anyone in that area since it is in the backside of the park.

I see that you were in MTT and got pictures of those ugly Christmas trees. It was nice to see that you were able to go to most of the lands at DL to get pictures of the Holiday decorations.

Got a few pictures of the IASW Plaza wreaths that are very interesting to look at during the Holiday season.

Nice updates and I will be looking forward to the CP.
Hi Sherry!!!! I am a recent lurker on this site and I read your whole trip report. Took me a few days, but I enjoyed your trip report immensely. Like others have said, you have a knack for writing, which makes your trip report easy and fun to read, despite the length.

I love reading about your "finds" like the masks and the different flowers, etc. You find and photograph stuff that most people take for granted and would overlook.

Only recently did I get an AP, after about 8 years of not going to Disneyland. Decided to jump right in and get a premium AP. So far, I've gone to both parks a few times. I have gone on some rides, like RSR. Mostly, I just go to people watch, take pics of random stuff, and to shop and eat. I love the pork loin at Flo's V8 Cafe. I have also eaten a turkey leg (I took it home and it took me a few days to finish), and have eaten at Paradise Grill (love Mediterrranean food).

I've also gone and purchased candy at Trolley Treats, like their handcrafted marshmallows, their chocolate and caramel dipped marshmallows on a stick, the chocolate dipped pineapple on a stick (which is NOT that good since pineapple and chocolate don;t really mix), and some of their cookies. Yeah, I'm a foodie:goodvibes.

Like you, I also enjoy going to parks solo and have been doing that since I got my AP. I don't stay all day at the park. I usually come in the afternoon and stay till evening. I usually eat a meal there, do a bit of shopping, go on a ride if I feel like it, and people watch, and take pics. I do have a DSLR camera, but my pics are no way as good as yours. I enjoy doing things solo in regular life and will eat out by myself, travel by myself (I am going to Hong Kong at the end of Jan., by myself, just to visit and see sights I haven't seen in over 25 years. I will see my uncle but only for a day or so).

Look forward to reading more of your TR.

Before I moved back to CA, I did go to Disneyland a few times, and stayed at the PPH, the Disneyland Hotel (before the renovations), and once at the DCH. Like you, I found it fun to feed the koi at the koi pond, to go on the paddleboats and to explore the waterfalls. I miss those things at the Disneyland Hotel. I like the DCH, for the look and for the closeness to DTD. But when I stayed there, the prices were NOT as high as it is today.
Very nice updates Sherry.

Nice up close pictures of the Christmas trees at Critter Country. CC barely gets anyone in that area since it is in the backside of the park.

I see that you were in MTT and got pictures of those ugly Christmas trees. It was nice to see that you were able to go to most of the lands at DL to get pictures of the Holiday decorations.

Got a few pictures of the IASW Plaza wreaths that are very interesting to look at during the Holiday season.

Nice updates and I will be looking forward to the CP.

Bret -

Thank you, as always!

You know, I only got a photo of one of the ugly trees in Toon Town! I never made it over to Mickey's house or Minnie's house to get pictures of those ugly trees. I just got the main tree. That was bad enough. I couldn't take anymore!

You know, speaking of stopping in each land to get pictures, I realize that a lot of people probably appreciate the fact that there are some areas of DLR that are not decorated for the holidays at all (Tomorrowland, Adventureland, Condor Flats and most of Pacific Wharf come to mind), but I think that Disney could come up with some really interesting themed decorations for Adventureland, especially. I wonder why they don't do it. Adventureland is not all that big so they wouldn't have to spend too much money, but they could do something. Do they put any kind of Christmas decorations in the Treehouse?

My next post is going to be the first of the CP pictures and description (like how I got my seat, etc.). Stay tuned!

Hi Sherry!!!! I am a recent lurker on this site and I read your whole trip report. Took me a few days, but I enjoyed your trip report immensely. Like others have said, you have a knack for writing, which makes your trip report easy and fun to read, despite the length.

I love reading about your "finds" like the masks and the different flowers, etc. You find and photograph stuff that most people take for granted and would overlook.

Only recently did I get an AP, after about 8 years of not going to Disneyland. Decided to jump right in and get a premium AP. So far, I've gone to both parks a few times. I have gone on some rides, like RSR. Mostly, I just go to people watch, take pics of random stuff, and to shop and eat. I love the pork loin at Flo's V8 Cafe. I have also eaten a turkey leg (I took it home and it took me a few days to finish), and have eaten at Paradise Grill (love Mediterrranean food).

I've also gone and purchased candy at Trolley Treats, like their handcrafted marshmallows, their chocolate and caramel dipped marshmallows on a stick, the chocolate dipped pineapple on a stick (which is NOT that good since pineapple and chocolate don;t really mix), and some of their cookies. Yeah, I'm a foodie:goodvibes.

Like you, I also enjoy going to parks solo and have been doing that since I got my AP. I don't stay all day at the park. I usually come in the afternoon and stay till evening. I usually eat a meal there, do a bit of shopping, go on a ride if I feel like it, and people watch, and take pics. I do have a DSLR camera, but my pics are no way as good as yours. I enjoy doing things solo in regular life and will eat out by myself, travel by myself (I am going to Hong Kong at the end of Jan., by myself, just to visit and see sights I haven't seen in over 25 years. I will see my uncle but only for a day or so).

Look forward to reading more of your TR.

Before I moved back to CA, I did go to Disneyland a few times, and stayed at the PPH, the Disneyland Hotel (before the renovations), and once at the DCH. Like you, I found it fun to feed the koi at the koi pond, to go on the paddleboats and to explore the waterfalls. I miss those things at the Disneyland Hotel. I like the DCH, for the look and for the closeness to DTD. But when I stayed there, the prices were NOT as high as it is today.

Hello, guineapiggie, and welcome!!:cool1:

Thank you so much for coming out of the shadows and for making my TR your first post on the board! I have quite a bit more to do on this current December 2012 TR, but the whole thread will be ending soon (in about 9 or 10 pages).

Thank you for the kind words and compliments! I really appreciate it, and I appreciate that you went back and read the whole thread.

You know, I often worry that so many of the lurkers don't speak up now because they feel like they have to read the whole thread before joining in. I've tried to set it up in such a way that allows for people to just jump in to whatever my current TR is (like this December 2012 one that I am in the middle of) without going back to the reports I did in 2008! To be honest, I don't even really think I began to hit my TR stride until at least 2009, if not 2010. But I have a list of the reports I've done on the first page, so if anyone did want to go back to the most recent ones they could do that too. I simply wanted to put all of my reports in one thread so that they were all in the same place and easier to keep track of - but by no means do I expect any newcomers or lurkers to start at page 1! So, again, I am very thankful that you did that!

Also, I try to do my current reports (well, going back to 2010 up through now) in such a way where that, if I didn't take a lot of photos for some crazy reason, there will be a 'story' to make up for it and entertain the readers. On the flip side of the coin, if there isn't much of a story to tell, I try to make sure I have enough photos to keep people interested (like in the case of my June 2012 Cars Land preview TR and the November 2012 day trip, for example). And if it is a trip that yielded a lot of photos as well as some stories, I try to keep the narrative/stories to just the specific points in the trip that are applicable and fill the rest with photos.

In any case, there is a method to my madness!:rotfl2:

I think I take photos of a lot of things that the general, non-Disney obsessed people I know would overlook. However, on a board such as DISboards it is tough to come up with things that people don't notice! These days there are lots of people taking those photos of the "finds," and some are very talented and detailed at it. So I have to constantly try to locate angles or subjects that I haven't seen a lot of in recent trip reports, which can be difficult!

I have yet to eat at Flo's or at Paradise Grill so you are ahead of me in the dining area, for sure! I've heard such mixed reviews of Flo's food. However, the Grill gets pretty good reviews.

I have not bought anything from Trolley Treats thus far (though I loved their fun ribbon candy garland hanging from the ceiling and light fixtures). The chocolate-dipped pineapple spears do not appeal to me! I have been puzzled by them since June. I love pineapple - and Disneyland sells some of the best spears in its fruit carts - and I love chocolate - but not together!

I'm sure your pictures are great! Those DSLR cameras are so good for getting crisp nighttime shots, fireworks shots, etc.! I think I just get lucky with some of my pictures every now and then - as I always say, some are winners; some are clunkers. That is the case for everybody. There are times when I am not pleased with anything I've taken a picture of, but I am determined to get better pictures of whatever that subject is sometime later on and I try to do my best, I suppose. And I can definitely not get a lot of photos when there are people with me. Thank you for the very nice compliment, though.

A solo Hong Kong trip! Wow! That would be simultaneously exciting and scary for me! I think I can manage solo trips to places that feel comfortable and familiar, but I think I would be completely nervous to go somewhere I had never been (especially on another continent) by myself! I admire you for that! Have a great time on your trip!

I agree - the prices at the Grand Californian are crazy! The first time I stayed there was in its first year (2001) and I thought it was pricey even then, but fast forward to 2013 and the cost is insane! I have only stayed there twice (the last time being in December 2007), and, yes, the close proximity was great, but I think I'll stick with the PPH (even though it is too costly now too)! I just love that PPH Christmas tree, after all!

The old version of the Disneyland Hotel was so cool - and I think that many people don't realize that there was so much 'more' to it. You'll remember, of course, that in addition to the koi pond, marina, pedal boats and waterfalls there were many more shops and restaurants! There were a couple of different lounges/nightclub-type places. During the holidays they did the whole Candy Cane Lane thing. It was truly much more of a "resort hotel," if that means, by loose definition, a place where you could spend the day without ever going into Disneyland.


I have another TR installment coming right up - with the first part of my Candlelight Processional/Ceremony pictures/description!

Here is the FIRST installment for today (hopefully I can get another one posted before the night is over)!!!

Candlelight and Cannonballs! Aunt Betty’s Do-Over Christmas Trip

(Sun., 12/9/12 – Wed., 12/12/12)

Day 2 - Monday, December 10, 2012 - Part 12

We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar.
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.

O star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.

In the last TR installment, after spending time on Main Street, in New Orleans Square, in Critter Country and in Adventureland (with a very quick stop in Fantasyland too), I gasped in horror at the awful Toon Town Christmas tree and took a few photos of other wacky Toon-ish things before deciding that I’d better head to Main Street if I was going to even consider seeing the Candlelight Processional…or Ceremony…or whatever it is actually called now! I hadn’t made up my mind on the CP just yet, but I felt that once I got to Town Square and assessed the crowd and seating situation I would decide.

When I reached Town Square it was not long before the first Candlelight Ceremony of the evening was due to begin. The area around the perimeter of Town Square was roped off and all of the seating was in place. There were many, many white fold-up chairs positioned side by side, with not an inch of wiggle room between them. Recalling what the seating looked like as I passed the CP set-up on my trip in December 2011, I think that the number of chairs put out for this event had substantially increased by December 2012. I’m sure this was because the Candlelight Ceremony was more widely publicized and advertised this time around, and Disney wanted to be sure that as many people could view it as possible over the 20 nights it was being held.

While I saw a lot of people shuffling past the Candlelight area, I didn’t necessarily see a lot of folks waiting (translation: camped out) for good viewing spots or spare seats. I knew that there were many folks (myself included) who had not won the Annual Passholder lottery for seats, so I imagined that all of the non-winners would be hanging around the area, clawing their way to the front of the roped sections.

In other words, from all that I had heard of Candlelight Ceremonies of the past I suppose I expected to see mobs of people all huddled together, clamoring for any decent place to stand and watch the show. It wasn’t really like that on this evening. Now this is not to say that there aren’t nights like that here and there – maybe depending on which night of the week it is and the narrator of the evening – but I didn’t witness the kind of scenario I had envisioned on this Lou Diamond Phillips-narrated evening. I am guessing that on the Kurt Russell, Dick Van Dyke and John Stamos-narrated nights, the crowds were heavier.

I had to make a decision on the spot, as the Cast Members manning the area around Town Square were moving us along so that we either exited Disneyland or got inside the roped area to wait for the CP (or CC, if we are referring to it as the Candlelight Ceremony). I figured that I would get inside the roped area, where it didn’t seem to be packed with people, and wait for ten minutes or whatever was left until show time. I would keep debating on whether or not I would actually stay for the show while I waited, and then if I changed my mind I would just climb under the rope and let myself out.

If you think of the whole area that encompasses the ‘middle’ of Town Square as something of a horseshoe-ish shape (which it really is not, but for the purposes of explanation I will use that comparison) with its ends facing the train station – or the stage, in this case – I went straight to the upper right ‘end’ or corner of the horseshoe, nearest to the narrator’s podium, inside a roped section. Another way to look at it would be to say that I was standing close to the little Guided Tours stand and close to City Hall. I deduced that if I were going to stay and watch the Ceremony, I would want to see the narrator up close (Lou Diamond Phillips).

I was actually a little surprised at the lack of people in that specific spot. I saw what appeared to be a few folks sitting on the ground, around the side curve of the horseshoe. When the Cast Member instructed us (anyone who wanted to stand for the CP/CC) to get inside the roped areas, they said we could stand anywhere in the roped areas. In other words, there was no official, organized “line” of any kind. We could literally walk right up to that upper right end of the horseshoe and stand there without ‘cutting’ in front of anyone.

I’m not sure if the people who were sitting on the ground thought that they were in some kind of line because they had camped out, but it didn’t turn out that way. I kind of think they wasted their time by sitting on the ground for who knows what amount of time, but I suppose there was no way to know what the viewing situation would be in advance.

Only a few moments passed before I noticed some of the ground-sitters beginning to get up, and a couple of them walked up to a Cast Member near us to remind him that they had been there for hours (translation: “Give us seats”). I felt kind of bad for them because they had been there so long and, seemingly in the blink of an eye, a whole bunch of us standing in that end of the horseshoe were being pointed to seats, including those of us who had just walked up within 10 or 15 minutes prior!

I hadn’t even completely made up my mind as to whether or not I was going to stand and watch the CP when, suddenly, a Cast Member in a dark, elegant suit was telling me to “follow Jay” to my seat!

I think I said, “Jay? Who is Jay?” Lol. I looked around, surveying the territory and looking for anyone who could be Jay.

I noticed that a couple of the latecomers to the end of the horseshoe had walked in behind me. When I said, “Who is Jay,” a man trailing me said, “I don’t know but let’s find him fast!” I realized that I was leading a group of people to Jay, whoever and wherever he was! The fate of our seating was in my hot little hands! Lol.

When I caught sight of another dark-suited CM ushering some folks into a row of seats in a different section, I walked up to him and said, “I’m just one…I’m solo. I just need one. They told me to find you, I think?”

This dark-suited CM (who must have been the famous Jay) said, with a surprised tone, “Only one?!” He looked at the empty seats – and there were many – and said, “I think we’ll have you sit right here,” and motioned me towards the 4th row.

I had gone from not even knowing if I would stand to see the show inside the roped horseshoe area or leave the park for the night to escape crowds, to suddenly sitting in the fourth row, dead center, right behind the Conductor!! Thank you, Jay!

It all happened so fast – it was like I literally got to the right place at the right time, and my decision was made for me! As soon as I realized I was getting an actual seat – and a good one at that – there was no turning back! I was going to see my very first Candlelight Processional/Ceremony, which I had wanted to see for years but thought it would be too difficult to pull off!! I almost couldn’t believe it had been that easy, after all of the build-up and discussions of winning AP lotteries, invitation-only events and such!

As I have mentioned in this TR and in previous trip reports (especially my December 2011 TR), I am a huge lover of all things Christmas and Christmas music. Also, as I regularly went to church as a child and early teen, I am very well-versed in the more religious Christmas music (along with the more playful, non-religious songs). I even participated in a couple of Christmas shows at school and in church as a kid – singing “The First Noel” and “Away in a Manger,” respectively, among others.

My current religious beliefs aside, I just really, really love pretty Christmas songs. If they have beautiful melodies and music, whether or not they are heavily spiritual, I enjoy them! If they make me think of Christmas and the magical time of year that it is, that’s all I need!

The Candlelight Ceremony is, at its core, a religious show. There are no two ways about it. The narrator reads the story of Christmas (no room at the inn, the three wise men, etc.), and most of the music that is played is of the more religious variety. If that is something that you are uncomfortable with or simply not interested in, then this show is not for you.

However, if you enjoy beautiful Christmas music being sung by gifted soloists and choirs, and especially if you have any kind of background in church-produced Christmas concerts, this is the show for you!

I was chatting a bit with the couple sitting next to me – one of whom was the man who had been trailing me as I looked for Jay – and they were delightful, friendly people. They really, really wanted to be there. They loved Christmas. They, too, were Annual Passholders who had entered the CP lottery and lost. So they figured they would try their luck at getting a seat anyway. They didn’t expect much, and they were shocked at not only getting a seat but at how good the seats were!

Not that I had anything to do with their luck at all, but I felt really good about the people around me who managed to score seats because it seemed we all really wanted to see the CP. It wasn’t like it was a half-hearted group who didn’t really like Christmas or Christmas music but wanted to be there to ‘see what all the fuss was about’ (though I’m sure there were some of those types in the audience). This group in my immediate area was happy and grateful to have such good seats, especially since the seats were so sought after. There was an overall positive vibe in the air and everyone was full of holiday cheer.

Honestly, if I had been sitting with my friends they probably wouldn’t have been as chipper and happy as these strangers were. I wish I had gotten the names of the nice folks next to me so I could say a big hello to them!

I happened to observe the interesting mix of people in the CP seats. There was a good blend of younger people and older people, and everything in between. The older people didn’t appear to be guests who had spent the day in Disneyland, riding the rides. To me it seemed as if the older folks in the crowd had put on their elegant holiday best and come to Disneyland specifically for this event. Some were clad in flowing capes and some in sequins. This was a big deal to them and they were dressed for the occasion!

The lights dimmed and the Ceremony began with the actual “Processional” part of it, in which the choirs quietly walked up Main Street holding lanterns and candles. This was a dramatic beginning that set a rather haunting tone. Some of the young people took their posts down in front of the stage, stoically holding lanterns through a couple of songs. I tried to get a photo of them but there were some folks’ heads in my way and it was too dark. The others made their way up to onstage risers.

I was instantly swept away in the glory of the Christmas music, as the fantastic orchestra led the talented choirs through very powerful renditions of songs such as “Angels We Have Heard on High,” “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and “Joy to the World” (which was a real crowd favorite!).

The Conductor, whose name, I believe, is Nancy Sulahian (I looked it up online, because she deserves a shout out!)…




This particular choir formed a Christmas tree…




Our narrator for the evening, Lou Diamond Phillips (he actually narrated 6 ceremonies – 2 shows per night for 3 consecutive nights – and this was the first performance on his second night), takes his post at the golden podium…


Choir singers and part of the orchestra…




The tree singers…


These singers (who sang “What Child is This”) had lovely voices…




More LDP…



Notice the herald trumpeters on top of the train station – I loved them!


LDP was enjoying the music, and was mouthing the words to the songs in between his speaking segments…


Then, a guitarist came out to accompany this young man on a stunningly beautiful and stirring rendition of “Silent Night,” begun in Italian (at least I think it was Italian – I was so hypnotized by his voice that I barely paid attention to the language!) and finished in English. He had the voice of an angel – perfect pitch, rich vibrato, operatic precision… I’m sure he was classically trained. I wish I knew his name.


The angelic singer walked over to center stage and, with a big smile, invited us all to sing along with him on “Silent Night.” This was an incredibly moving moment in the show…one of those moments that move you, but you’re not even sure exactly why it moves you. You just feel it. Maybe it was the beauty of the music. Maybe it was the spirit of Christmas. Maybe it was something intangible or unexplainable. But everyone sang aloud, in unison – it is one of those songs to which most people know at least one verse - and more than a few folks were getting a bit choked up.




LDP, back at the podium…



One of the things I loved most about the show/ceremony is the lighting – it wasn’t obnoxious, garish lighting. It was appropriately moody and dramatic, changing from a greenish glow to purple to red, etc.



Up next, in Part 13 of Day 2 – A little more Candlelight…and I give some final thoughts on the CP before heading off to Fantasyland!
Just curious, how long is the Candlelight Ceremony? Also, with the seating, was most of the seats good vantage points for watching the Ceremony?? I'm really short (a bit over 4' tall) and if I don't find a good seat for the parades, I find it hard to look over people.

The few times I was at Disneyland recently, I saw people waiting in line to be seated. Overall, it looked like something interesting, but with all the crowds on Main Street and such, I opted not to stay to see if I could get seats.
Just curious, how long is the Candlelight Ceremony? Also, with the seating, was most of the seats good vantage points for watching the Ceremony?? I'm really short (a bit over 4' tall) and if I don't find a good seat for the parades, I find it hard to look over people.

The few times I was at Disneyland recently, I saw people waiting in line to be seated. Overall, it looked like something interesting, but with all the crowds on Main Street and such, I opted not to stay to see if I could get seats.

I was actually going to mention the length of time in my next CP segment, but since I don't know if that segment will be up tonight or tomorrow I will mention it now - since you asked!

I don't know for sure, but I think that the CP (or CC) is about 40 or 45 minutes. That could be an overestimating, but it seemed like it was about that long.

I think that Disney added in more seats this year than they had in previous years, and, to me, some of the seats seemed pretty far back. But, if everyone stays seated (and they usually do) it would probably be a better way to see the show than standing. I got 4th row, center, for the first night, and then I ended up seeing the CP again the following night. For the second night I had seats over to the right-hand side, closer to the podium.

The crowds were mainly moving in or out of Disneyland, I suppose, but they didn't really have to do specifically with people watching the show. As long as you get inside the roped area, you're fine. There were no crowds around me. There were a lot of last minute arrivals in the roped area.

However, next year the CP might possibly relocate to the Hyperion in California Adventure - and if so, it probably won't even be free at that point. Who knows what will happen with the seating, but it won't be as intimate as the seating was for this show in Town Square!
HI Sherry,
You had an outstanding seat for the CP/CC. The staging was very nice. Similar to Epcot's CP but even more magical with the trumpeters on the RR station.

I am so glad you were able to have this wonderful experience and share it with nice seat mates!
As you have said that there are lands at the DLR should not get Holiday decorations. Adventureland would be a very interesting one to have since they do have Holiday decorations at Animal Kingdom.

Very nice view of the CP. Glad that you had a nice time watching it that night. I thought that there would be a lot of AP holders that won the lottery to be in the seats. But it was nice that there were seats available during your day during the CP. It just shows you with multiple nights that there are seats available like the CP at EPCOT like TK said that they hosts a lot during the Holiday season.

Thank you for sharing your experience during the CP with Lou Diamond Phillips as the narrator.
HI Sherry,
You had an outstanding seat for the CP/CC. The staging was very nice. Similar to Epcot's CP but even more magical with the trumpeters on the RR station.

I am so glad you were able to have this wonderful experience and share it with nice seat mates!

Thank you, TK!:goodvibes

I was really lucky to get the seat I got on that first night. I don't think the seat for my second CP (the following night) was quite as good because it was off to the side and not in the center, but it was still great. Both of my seats were fairly close to the stage. I was glad to have not been seated in one of the back rows of seats! Heck, I was glad that I got a seat at all - and that quickly!

Also, it should be noted that it makes sense to me that I got a better seat on Monday night than on Tuesday night - this supports what I have observed for the last two holiday seasons. Mondays are less crowded in the parks than Tuesdays are. I don't know why that is - you would assume that Mondays would be tacked onto the end of extended weekend visits - but I have definitely noticed that Mondays in early December are less crowded than Tuesdays.

The people who were sitting with me were lovely people - singing all the words to the songs as they went along. They were so happy to have such great seats and to be able to see this elusive CP that they had thought would be impossible because of the way the AP lottery was set up.

I actually think that the CP being held in Town Square attracts a lot of viewers who are just passing by and happen to catch sight of the ceremony as it's happening. They benefit from the foot traffic on Main Street. Otherwise there would be a lot of empty seats. Because the ceremony is so religious, I actually wonder if moving it way over to the Hyperion would end up being a detriment. People who are die hard CP fans would still see it, but it would not have the benefit of people just happening to catch it as they walk by. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

I have one more CP installment from Monday night to post, and then I will move on to the Castle and IASWH. I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can resize the Castle/IASWH photos IN my camera that changed size on their own. Since I have no idea why or how they resized in the camera to become narrow, I don't know how to fix it. But I am poking around in the camera to see if I can fix them before I post them here.

As you have said that there are lands at the DLR should not get Holiday decorations. Adventureland would be a very interesting one to have since they do have Holiday decorations at Animal Kingdom.

Very nice view of the CP. Glad that you had a nice time watching it that night. I thought that there would be a lot of AP holders that won the lottery to be in the seats. But it was nice that there were seats available during your day during the CP. It just shows you with multiple nights that there are seats available like the CP at EPCOT like TK said that they hosts a lot during the Holiday season.

Thank you for sharing your experience during the CP with Lou Diamond Phillips as the narrator.

Thank you, Bret!

That's what I was thinking! It seems like DLR could put something up in Adventureland - even just a few decorations here and there - because Animal Kingdom is decorated! Some of the AK rejects - the things that mysteriously 'disappear' - could be sent to Disneyland for Adventureland!

I am guessing that a lot of AP holders just entered the lottery for CP seats because there was hype around it, hoping to "be chosen." Many of those AP holders probably asked for the maximum number of guests, such as 5 or whatever it was. And then, when the CP rolled around, the AP holders either changed their minds and decided not to go - it was a free event, after all - or their guests didn't show up. Whatever the case, there were many empty seats at both of the shows I saw - especially on Monday night.

I think that if the CP moves to the Hyperion, there may still be a lot of seats available but because it's a big theater it will be harder to see the stage and the performers. In other words, I would much, much rather have the seats I had on Monday and Tuesday evenings - which were close enough to the stage to see the faces of the singers and see Lou Diamond Phillips and the Conductor - than to be sitting in the balcony in the Hyperion, or way, way in the back row of the Hyperion. I wouldn't be able to see a thing!
Okay, I have been trying to tinker around with various things to fix the size issue of those specific nighttime Castle and IASWH photos that mysteriously resized and got narrower (because those photos are going to be coming up very soon in this TR - within the next 2 or 3 installments).

Even though I may be able to resize them in the camera, I am afraid to tinker with them because I may irreparably mess the pictures up. Since I did not change the sizes of the photos to begin with, and since the weird sizing problem only happened with a small group of photos out of of all of the photos I took, I don't know what happened.

Because the photos in question are already set to this weird size in the camera, I wasn't sure if I would be able to make them larger in Photobucket. Many times you can't take a photo that is smaller and make it larger in Photobucket - at least in my experience. So I tested one Castle photo in Photobucket - I tried the size that I usually load all my photos to, I did the next size up from that and I did an even larger size.

The good news is that it seems to have been successful! It appears that these larger sizes will work for these specific photos, even though they are small and narrow in the camera! Now I feel better! It was bothering me that all of my pictures were one particular size except this small group! :rotfl2:
Good luck with that Photobucket thing ;) I thought of you as I am still watching my Hallmark Christmas movies I stored on my DVR. A Bride for Christmas was adorable! Next up - It's Christmas Carol.

Sherry, I am repeating that you should be employed in Disney promotions because I think you have moved the Candlelight Processional from "would be nice to do someday" to "how can I make this happen next Christmas?!" I adore Christmas music and the season in general, so it would be a great fit.

Loving your TR! I for one am glad of your close ups of the masks. When I used to go at Christmas, I would go to soak in all the details so it's great to have some photos so I know what to watch for this December! As for the table sitting, uh, yeah, odd and honestly, if there was another table unoccupied nearby, I might have moved with a quick "I'll let you all enjoy this table in peace" or would have carried on and just eaten my cone as quickly as possible. So odd though.
Good luck with that Photobucket thing ;) I thought of you as I am still watching my Hallmark Christmas movies I stored on my DVR. A Bride for Christmas was adorable! Next up - It's Christmas Carol.


TK -

I'm glad that Photobucket is allowing me to take a smaller size photo and resize it to a larger size, but I wish I could figure out how my camera got the idea to resize a particular group of photos to smaller than all the other ones in the first place. I never intentionally set it to do that (I wouldn't have known how), so if I knew how it happened I could make sure it doesn't happen in the future. But, alas, I cant quite figure out why everything became narrow on its own!:rotfl:

About the Hallmark Christmas movies - "A Bride for Christmas" was cute - and that lead actress is beautiful! She has gorgeous eyes.

I think I might go into withdrawal this weekend, TK!:lmao: Starting today, this will literally be the first weekend in 2 entire months that I will not be watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel! That marathon started on the first weekend in November and just ended 3 days ago. This is the same thing that happened to me last year after New Year's Day - suddenly there were no more Hallmark holiday gems to enjoy, and I felt the void because it had become such a habit. I was looking at the calendar, saying "How far away is November again?" That's what I'm saying now, too. Ten more months!

I suspect that Hallmark will do what they did last year and suddenly spring a "Christmas in July" marathon on us in the summer.

In the meantime, I think I have some different movies saved on the DVR than what you have. My Hallmark favorites are "Farewell, Mr. Kringle," "Mrs. Miracle," "Trading Christmas" and "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year." I got all of those saved, though I will hold off on watching them until a time when I am really missing Christmas. I also saved "The 12 Men of Christmas" from Lifetime (I know you said you own that DVD). I wanted to save "Naughty or Nice" from Hallmark - that one was good - but I didn't.

I also watched some other good Christmas movies on random channels like Ion - a movie called "Christmas Town" and "The 12 Wishes of Christmas." There was another good one called "Christmas Angel." They seem exactly like Hallmark movies - except somehow they wound up on another channel! Maybe Hallmark had too many movies and passed those on to Ion? But I didn't get any of those on the DVR.

Did you watch "Matchmaker Santa"? I kept trying to watch it but I never saw it all the way through because I would get distracted or something else would be on TV that I wanted to see.

I've got 2 TR installments coming up right after I post this reply!

Sherry, I am repeating that you should be employed in Disney promotions because I think you have moved the Candlelight Processional from "would be nice to do someday" to "how can I make this happen next Christmas?!" I adore Christmas music and the season in general, so it would be a great fit.



Thank you - that's good, I think! That's what I've done in the Christmas Superthread, for the most part - talk about the Christmas season at DLR until I have everyone convinced that they have to visit during the holidays! I put them all under my spell!:rotfl:

Hopefully Disney's marketing/PR/publicity dept. will overlook the fact that I also just called their Toon Town tree hideous, horrible and an "eyesore" in this TR, before talking up the Candlelight Processional!:rotfl:

I think that you would enjoy the Ceremony. I think that as long as most people know what they are getting when they see it and are not taken aback by the religious nature of it, they will enjoy it. It's not a spectacle with all kinds of crazy special effects like other Disney shows, but it is quite beautiful and definitely worth seeing!

Loving your TR! I for one am glad of your close ups of the masks. When I used to go at Christmas, I would go to soak in all the details so it's great to have some photos so I know what to watch for this December! As for the table sitting, uh, yeah, odd and honestly, if there was another table unoccupied nearby, I might have moved with a quick "I'll let you all enjoy this table in peace" or would have carried on and just eaten my cone as quickly as possible. So odd though.

Hello, Pesky!

Welcome! (For those who don't know, Pesky has been on the Christmas Superthread here and there.)

Thank you so much. Not only did I kind of fulfill my personal goal to get much better pictures of those masks than what I'd gotten a couple of years ago, I also realized that taking all of those photos was a great way for me to examine the details up close. I normally look at details in general, but my focus seems to shift from one thing to another on each trip and I had never really studied those masks too specifically. It was interesting to see the different types of mask faces, as well as the different color schemes, different beads and enhancements, etc. I think they're a really fantastic addition to New Orleans Square's decor and I hope Disney doesn't start slowly taking them away, little by little (as they have a habit of doing with other decorations).

That table situation - the more I think about it - was odd, and funny! Just one of those strange little moments in life. I could be wrong but I don't think there was another open table at the moment. I was so fixated on trying to scarf down that cone and wipe up the dripping peppermint that all I could think about was, "Must...hurry...up...and...leave..."

I've got two trip report installments I am just about to post after I post this reply!


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