Not digging the “no carpeting” new trend


Maniacal Disney Addict!!!!!
Aug 17, 2005
Hey I get it. More sanitary, lasts longer so more economical for the mouse. Makes sense.

Unless comfort if your thing. I’ll take an old carpet for my feet (even one where millions of feet have been before, so long as it’s maintained) instead of a fake wood one or the “concrete” that’s on the floor of the AOA. So sterile, spartan, and uninviting.
Hey I get it. More sanitary, lasts longer so more economical for the mouse. Makes sense.

Unless comfort if your thing. I’ll take an old carpet for my feet (even one where millions of feet have been before, so long as it’s maintained) instead of a fake wood one or the “concrete” that’s on the floor of the AOA. So sterile, spartan, and uninviting.
Most people are skeeved out by the carpeting in hotels. I’m not one of them. Lol. I like carpeting too, though I’m getting used to being in rooms without it as more and more hotels get rid of it.
I hate carpeting in hotels. Years and years of numerous human bodily fluids seeped into those fibers. Ugh. Sometimes I would wear 2 pairs of socks just walking around the room. Give me a floor that I can wipe down with a Lysol wipe any day of the week.
I like the cleaner open look between the floor and refurbish. But I’ve seen people say they miss the sound absorption of carpet because now they can hear ppl upstairs.
This definitely is the only reason we miss the carpet. Staying at OKW a few times over the past few months, if we didn’t get the 3rd floor, it sounded like a herd of horses staying above us. Everytime.
Hey I get it. More sanitary, lasts longer so more economical for the mouse. Makes sense.

Unless comfort if your thing. I’ll take an old carpet for my feet (even one where millions of feet have been before, so long as it’s maintained) instead of a fake wood one or the “concrete” that’s on the floor of the AOA. So sterile, spartan, and uninviting.
Yup, Disney's selling out to the no carpet, no bath (only shower) trend and turning their resorts into college dorimitories.
This definitely is the only reason we miss the carpet. Staying at OKW a few times over the past few months, if we didn’t get the 3rd floor, it sounded like a herd of horses staying above us. Everytime.
We only stay on the top floor at OKW for that reason. One year we had children above us who just seemed to run from one side of the room to the other over and over, it drove us crazy! I'd rather climb all those stairs to our room that listen to that again.
I prefer carpeting, as well. I don't spend any time on the carpet and always pack my slippers. I wear them at home, too, so I have to have them on vacation. No bare feet for me unless I am literally entering the shower or the pool. I agree about the sound absorbing quality of the carpet. Even though we always stay on the top floor at Pop, I still think it absorbs sound even inside the room.
I really like the concept that the floors will be cleaner but on our last stay at Coronado Springs, our socks were filthy after walking around our room!

We have not been since covid started so maybe they are cleaning better now?!
This is a Florida thing. There is this fine black dust? sand? that gets all over everything. The only way I keep it down to a reasonable level is to never have the windows open in the house. If I open the windows for a change of air, I will be wiping up black stuff for days afterwards. In a hotel with any exterior opening, whether the main door to the outside or a balcony door or a window that opens, you will get that stuff in the room. I always take either my HM Crocs or flip flops to wear in the room.

With housekeeping coming less often, you actually have more black stuff on the floor during a stay now than you did before when it was cleaned every day. My last stay they only swept the floor once in ten days (there were some crumbs by the table that were kind of obvious). The rest of the time they just took out the trash and left fresh towels.
Hey I get it. More sanitary, lasts longer so more economical for the mouse. Makes sense.

Unless comfort if your thing. I’ll take an old carpet for my feet (even one where millions of feet have been before, so long as it’s maintained) instead of a fake wood one or the “concrete” that’s on the floor of the AOA. So sterile, spartan, and uninviting.
I like the no carpeting trend. Less chance of my allergies being triggered and it just seems more hygienic. I bring a pair of slippers for comfort anyway.


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