New To Dis Boards, Need Help With Park Strategy


Earning My Ears
Feb 24, 2005
I have never been to wdw and as the days get closer I am getting very excited. I have planned a trip to wdw on march 27 for 5 nights with 6 day hopper ticket. I plan on going to each theme park for atleast one day each.I would like to know what are the must see's at each park. I know that 6 days is not enough time to visit everything, so I would like to plan on getting the most out of each park in the limited time I have. If anyone can share some tips it would be greatly appreciated. :banana:
Welcome to the DIS. The first thing to do is make a list of the things you think you would like to see in each park. Then I think people here could help you fit it all together.
If you've never been, and you don't have unlimited time to spend on this site (like some I could name), get Bob Sehlinger's 'Unofficial Guide to WDW', the most recent edition that's in press, he adds the calendar year to the title. I could only tell you what is a 'must see/do' for me which is great, provided you're just like me, heaven forbid. The book describes all the attractions. major and minor, as well as offering restaurant ratings and giving the lowdown on all the WDW resorts. It was invaluable in planning my first trip.

If, like me, you have no life, then read these forums, post questions and you'll do OK that way.

Bill From PA
You didn't mention what ages are in your party, but since you have never been to WDW, I would say that 2 days at MK are a "must". AK and MGM can each be done in one day or less, and your other two days can be spent at Epcot. I personally like MGM more than Epcot so I would do 2 days at MGM and one at Epcot, but I think I am in the minority, and since Epcot is so large, with two separate areas, that you would probably need 2 days for it.

Just remember that you can't do it all, so do try to squeeze in some breaks, and remember that whatever you don't see this time is just an excuse to go again :earsboy:

Have a great trip!

:earsboy: WELCOME to the DIS bm612!! :earsboy:

Hang around the DIS and read,read read! I also have several travel guides I like to look through.Birnabums and Bob Sehlinger's 'Unofficial Guide to WDW' are a couple of my favorites.Figure out what are "must sees" for your trip.Then start posting question if you need more help.There are LOTS of "Disney nuts" here just waiting to help you!!! :cool1: ::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo
since this is your first trip make sure you do the fastpass it is a lifesaver for some of the major rides like mission space, test track, tower of terror, rockin roller coaster, space mountain, buzz lightyear and also several rides in fantasyland. To do a fastpass you go to the ride they have little machines you put your ticket in and it gives you a ticket with a time on it. You then go do whatever ride another ride or whatever then you just simply go back during the time that is on your pass. However you can only hold one fastpass at a time so this is an example of what we do. At MGM when you get there go straight to either tower of terror or rockin roller coaster grab a fastpass then while you wait for that time to come around go ride the other ride whichever ride you did not get the fastpass for. It will save you alot of time. The rides with fastpass are marked on the park guide map most of the major rides have it now.
I learned so much from these boards, more actually than what was in the guidebooks. My advice is to spend every waking moment(and the ones when you should be sleeping) here looking over everything, you will eventually become addicted to it and be here every night even when your vacation is over.
Once you start reading these boards, you will be hooked. Here it is at 11:15 pm and I am posting on the board. I look on it everynight, and don't leave till next Nov. You will learn so much just by reading everyone's questions. Its great.


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