NEW dear teen board!!

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<font color=red> Katie's mom loves me, more then T
May 28, 2008
the other one is 2 pages away form being closed!
you know what to do!!
Dear Billy,

She beat you to it

Dear classmates,
What am I doing that makes you think I'm depressed?
I mean REALLY!?
Do I send off a bad vibe, is it my horribly sad social skills, my expression, or is it just because you're guessing what my life is like, friends I have, or just don't realize that you can't base what I am off the couple times you see me.
I'm so tired of all of you asking me why I don't smile, why I don't laugh, or why I'm never happy and give me a strange look and say I'm lying when I tell you that I do all of those things.
I'm sorry my social skills are low on the success chain and I probably act like a witch somtimes when I'm talking but I don't mean to be.
-Slams face against wall-
That was not a depressed action, ya'll are driving me insane.
dear chevelle,
i don't like you. you piss me off. majorly. i mean. every single time i start to like somebody you and your "hoish" ways make it impossible for them to even notice i like them. and even if they do, they're gonna like you because they know your more "open" to things. and the funny thing is, you admitted to doing it last year, but you won't this year. i would really love to hit you. and i might just do that. i just ugh. :headache: you honestly piss me off more then alvin. yeah...that's possible, but i don't know why. argh

dear mother,
i don't like you at the moment either. you must think i'm a machine. i can't do all of this, and all of that in this amount of time. it's not possible. i can't be perfect. and if you don't tell your hubby to stop movin my **** i'm gonna hurt the man. honestly.

dear people of reynolds,
tomorrow is gonna be a bad day. do not tick me off. so far tonight has sucked, and i just have this little feeling inside of me that tomorrow will too. so, if i say stop you'd better stop. and if i tell you not to talk to me, you better keep your lips zipped. and to you unsuspecting incilents (sp) and the ones that are as nice as can be...sorry if i'm a little hostile.

dear kiddos,
i have an urge to hit something. i need a punching bag, or a little brother. i'm not even kidding on this one. i'm not usually this hostile, and i'm not usually seeking this much pain to others, but there is just one kid...well...a lot of kids that are really ticking me off. i don't mean to be a female dog to you but i just can't help it. i'm upset, i'm moody. i may be bipolar. but i doubt it...expecially if it's just been for like a week or two. i hope i don't hurt your feelings.

dear teachers,
i have a feeling that i'm going to fail all of your classes, except you ms. latini, i suck at math. i have a c. a low c. i hate science and it's early in the morning. i have a c. a middle c. foods....ugh. thats just another subject. i don't suck at it, and i don't hate foods. i just....don't like you. you give too much work, and you think we're all robots. maybe if you lightened up a little and was actually nice you may have more kids doing their work. i need to do a lot of crap for your class. and i need a bigger binder.
Dear M...,
Your trying to be all nice now. Telling me my best friend looks gay because of a picture he took of himself, was not nice at all. Especially coming from you. I told you he was my best friend and was definitely not gay, and your response "Hahaha, he still looks gay." I'm offended. A... was right about you. Your a jerk now-a-days.

Dear Mom,
I'm sorry. I love you. I know we go back and forth, but I'm praying this time it's good.

Dear Kid,
This is getting awkward. If your getting at what I think your getting at, I don't like you in that way. I don't believe I have ever gave you a reason to believe that, other then saying your funny. Friends?
Dear me,
I think you should go to bed, you have school tomorrow
dear god,

thanks for all you do for me.
please just help me with everything.


dear mark henry,

leave matt hardy alone.
his brother is amazing.

dear week,

please go by faster! i know tomorrow is wednesday, but please...

Dear rain,

flood the school..
i hate this year

Dear self,
I'm glad everything is pretty much figured out. We needed this night to set everything in the right perspective.
Dear me,
I've learned that I can't really do anything on my own anymore. This includes making decisions, making plans, ect. I need more.

Dear Blank,
You're over-dramatic and full of bull and I just don't want to hear it. I'm fed up of pretending to care and giving you more bull in return. I should get paid for it. I'm not looking forward to the end of this, who knows how long you can fish for attention and sympathy on something that really isn't major. I don't personally think you're special in anyway at all. I'd be quite happy if you never returned, in fact I'd probably throw a party. The deal is not many people actually like you. So here's to wishing you the worst of luck in life.

Dear Boiler,
What do you not understand about fricking hot water??!!
dear cute boy in my english class who loves the office and is totally cute and smart and omgz making me into a high school girl,

...hi :D
you make me listen to bleeding love and think cute thoughts.
i wanna make you a mix tape and make you fall in love with me.
i see the cute little glances you give me, and I know when we're waiting outside for lerma to open the door you scoot to stand closer to me.
you honestly, and seriously, make 1)my heart soar, and 2)me excited to go to class.

...I just wish I could get the nerve to talk to you.
- the shy indie girl who you probably don't know her name but she knows yours and thinks it's cute.

dear mommy,
yay! we watched all the office DVDz and now you can watch the show with me!
lovez your boogala.
Dear Life,

Why do you have to be so dull and BORING?
I actually WANT to do something with my life.
I want to act.
I want to be an entertainer.
I want to be KNOWN.
For the reason, because it's my passion.
My dad's all like, "Well send off your picture soon."
"I understand!"
No matter how many letters I write on these threads, I will NEVER express my REAL feelings.
All because it will all lead to being called emo again.
I'm not emo.
I'm just sad.
Sad because I know I might never get to live out my dream.
A dream that ive had for YEARS.

Man, I just want to make something of my life.
I want to make money.
This sounds pathetic, but im gonna say it anyway.
My family is in debt of OVER 400,000 dollars.
My dad told me not to tell anyone, but i dont care.
He said were gonna finance..bankruptcy..or something, i dont know!
I want to make a gazillion dollars than give it all to my dad.
So we can pay off all our debts, and so my dad can have things he has always dreamed of having.
I want to make my dad happy.

I want to act.

Dear Aunt Flo,
Why did you have to come this week?
what about next week instead.
Dear Rachel,
Billy called making the new thread...

Dear God,
I love you and you're amazing.
Love, Alyssa.

Dear self,
It'll be okay. Whatever happens, you'll be closer to Him and it'll be alright.
Love, yourself.
Dear me,
Deep breaths.

Dear friends,

Dear English class,
If it wasn't for the paper I had to turn it today, I would totally skip you.
I have a feeling this class is gonna be super boring. Yippie.
dear parker,

thanks for being a senior... NOT give a freshmen a chance huh? thanks for taking my breath away, for being totally hott, and thanks for making my life a little better.
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