New CP'er not too happy....


Earning My Ears
Dec 4, 2004
hey guys,
i arrived here on monday and i haven't met too many people. only one roommate is here and she's leaving february. the rest are supposed to show up today. it's weird, i'm very social and outgoing, but i haven't really met any people. everyone is paired off with their roomies or whatever. i don't know how i feel about the dis program right now. the apartments at vista way suck. mine was filthy yesterday and had to get the cleaning people to come in and clean it. they never cleaned after others moved out. we have no privacy. i've already been to college and culinary school. even living in apartments then, i stillhad a form of privacy. i just don't know if i like this too much. i am waiting it out. i really want to do this program to build my resume. another thing, i have to live with 5 other people. i could have lived with one other person, but all of the culinary people have to be together. i don't know who to talk to about this whole thing. i'm not homesick at all, i've been living away from home. i'm just dissapointed i guess. any previous cp'ers have any advice???

just wait it out...when everything actually starts like traditions class and stuff ( which to me was so boring) youll find a change in the atmoshpere there... and as for living at vista cant help you there i lived at chatham... itll get better... as for roommates i lived with 5 others but we went through 5 others as well people kept going home two of our roomates got into a fist fight... youll be fine just give it a little while

most of all just remember to have fun! :wizard:
I'm sorry to hear that your first few days on the CP aren't going as you had hoped. But stick it for a little while and things will get better. You haven't been there to long, you will meet people once you start working, and taking classes.

Introduce yourself to you neighbors if you haven't already. There could be someone that feels the same way as you in the next apartment.
thanks for the "pick me up" advice. i hope it will get better and i'm sure it will. i am positive about it when we get rolling with work and class. i'm taking marketing u class. any more helpful advice or info is always GREATLY appreicated. also, has anyone dined at the artist's palette at the aratoga springs resort? i just found out that i'm working there.
I say wait it out..once your roomies all show up an you get to your traditions and work location, things will start to fall into place. PM me if you need to talk...

Jungle Josh
I didn't like ANY of my roommates when I first started which made it quite boring. It wasn't until I actually started working that I developed bonds with my co-workers whom I still keep in contact with these few years later.

I had two weeks(!) of nothing scheduled before my work/class started, so I often went to the parks by myself and did all the rides and explored all the atmosphere. That was, I think, my favorite memory from the experience.
If you're looking for someone to go to the parks with until you start to know some other people, give me a call. (I spend a LOT of time in the parks, and although I still love it, I do get tired of being there on my own)

Not sure if I've already given you my cell phone #, but I'll shoot you a PM with that info.
I met a whole bunch of people at the bus stops and on the buses going to where ever... don't be afraid to just start randomly talking to people, remember that they are in the same boat that you are, looking for people to hang out with. Also, go knock on random doors in your building and introduce yourself as that "crazy person" down the hall ;-)
wait it out, you'll be glad you did. so the living conditions aren't're at the happiest place on earth....

i was a senior and 22 when i did the program and felt out of the place with all the younger folks, but I hung on and had a great time and still keep in touch with my 5 roomies almost 10 years later now. You'll end up having a blast and yes, it was a big help on my resume once I started looking for a job after school.....good luck!
I'll be there on Tuesday (checking in the next morning, the 19th), so if you want to hang out or anything let me know... I'd love to meet as many new people as possible :)

I actually hated my roomates! I was a lot older than them and all they wanted to do was drink and smoke pot.

I really made great friends with the people I worked with. I spent all of my time with them...hang in there - it will get better!!!

Let us know where you will be working and we can come visit. My DH and I work during the week but we are normally aruond the parks on the weekends.



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