A Pink Pixie Princess - Complete!


Maybe he wasn't *peeling* well that day (okay, that one was pretty bad)

These horrendous jokes are driving me bananas

Also pleased that I have woken up without that back pain on Sunday, Monday AND this morning! That’s a streak, people!! :banana:


How awesome would this girl be at Twister?!

Running with the HydraQuiver went better today. I didn't make the straps as tight and while they still dug into my armpits, it wasn't as bad as last week. I think I just need to find that perfect adjustment where the straps are tight enough that they don't move around (because moving around = chafing) but not too tight that it hurts. Today it felt much better than last week, good enough for me to decide to keep the HydraQuiver and likely ditch the Camelback for good.

I just started running with a backpack too, it's also a hydration bag but I just use it to run to work with so I just have a change of clothes in it. I'm also struggling with the underarm chaffing!!

I'm in the Hyatt in the Orlando airport and tomorrow is embarkation day!

YAH!!! Hope you have a fabulous trip!! Can't wait to hear all about it... JEALOUS!!!
Congrats, Cleveland! I don't follow NBA, but happy for you and your city!!

Have an amazing cruise and I'm looking forward to hearing about it on your return.
Well having grown up in Northern CA (I actually got married in Oakland!), you can imagine who I was rooting for, BUT I was legitimately moved and touched to see how happy Cleavand fans were. And to see how emotional all of the players were! I really like Lebron (he was so funny in Trainwreck); he is an AMAING player. Sooooo if Golden State had to lose, I'm happy it was to such a deserving team. What a way to end a series!!

I apologize for not responding to comments and I promise I will next week (though quick answer for @camaker got the single barrel and it's taken some getting used to but I am fully onboard with it! :thumbsup2) - right now I'm in the Hyatt in the Orlando airport and tomorrow is embarkation day!

But I'm all about...CLEVELAND!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
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I can't even explain what this means to Clevelanders. I'm stunned that it actually happened...and I can't believe we aren't home for it!! :sad:

I promise I am not whining that we're cruising tomorrow (!!), but what timing to be away from home!!

Have a great week, I'll be back next week! :)


There weren't enough Like buttons for this. That game was the best.
I was watching Game of Thrones instead of the game. But I could literally hear Cleveland from my house when you all won. Or maybe that was just my husband yelling? One of the two :)

I'm not a basketball fan but I'm a fan of happy sports people piling up on each other and going crazy when they win. Which is why I can't wait for the Olympics!

And @dancingtodisney - I am going to get in trouble at work the next time your gifs make me laugh and snort at my desk!
Got behind on your journal-caught up now!!! Have a fantastic cruise!
Also wanted to let you know that you have officially converted me to InknBurn...just treated myself to an early B-day present of both the new ZEN singlet and skirt...such beautiful colours, I can't wait!!!
Got behind on your journal-caught up now!!! Have a fantastic cruise!
Also wanted to let you know that you have officially converted me to InknBurn...just treated myself to an early B-day present of both the new ZEN singlet and skirt...such beautiful colours, I can't wait!!!

I'm thinking about buying those too. I really.really.really do not need more running clothes. BUT, my birthday is coming up soon, so ya know. :) I haven't tried one of their skirts yet either, but am so tempted with that set. The colors really are gorgeous.
I'm thinking about buying those too. I really.really.really do not need more running clothes. BUT, my birthday is coming up soon, so ya know. :) I haven't tried one of their skirts yet either, but am so tempted with that set. The colors really are gorgeous.
Because it is my birthday, because I can always use another running skirt with pockets, because the colours are gorgeous and I do actually need more running tops, I totally talked myself into it! LOL! But seriously, this is my last running clothes purchase until Wine & Dine....maybe...
I'm glad to hear the Harveys bags are easy to clean - definitely a point in their favor!
Yes, definitely! It's really nice to just be able to throw them in the washing machine.

Right now I'm having trouble with one though - I received it before we left for our cruise and I was hoping to take it with me, but it has a small. A little bit of smoke (which I sort of knew before I got it, but I think that's mostly gone now) and right now it smells like dryer sheets, so really perfume-y. I've washed it quite a few times and the smell is still there...I guess the seatbelts really hold in the odors. :scared:
(Also ... here's a weird Sarah fact: unless I'm really "about to fall over" tired, I refuse to drink coffee while wearing a white shirt. There was a point in my life where all of my white shirts had coffee stains on them. If I'm wearing white, I'm gonna spill my coffee, no matter how careful I am)
That's not weird, that's just smart! :thumbsup2
Yay for booking Mr. A's flight! And yay for summer vacation! My dad has been home since last week (although he had to go in once last week for a meeting or something and then this week for graduation) ... not so fun for me, but I'm sure he's enjoying it more than being in school.
For sure. The fun is going to be over for Mr. A soon though - he has to start his own classes (grad school) in a couple of weeks! :faint:
Yay for waking up with no back pain so many days in a row!!
(wow, lots of yays in this update!)
I've had good mornings and not-as-good mornings, but mostly good! The yays are warrented!
Looking at that Birds of Paradise thing ... I might be able to do step 1. Maybe. On a good day. Maybe.
Right?! That's a super crazy one!!
So ... I guess it's a good thing that I didn't buy the bun maker. So far I've been okay just putting my hair up in a bun all by myself. If I do it tight enough, it doesn't fall out.
Really, save your 5 bucks. Sometimes the simplest solution (i.e. NOT using the bun maker + pins) is the best one. :headache:
My problem now is hair in my face, but thankfully that hasn't been too bad (headbands don't seem to work for me, so I'm basically SOL on that one).
I hope the new hairstyle works out better for you!
I do like SweatyBands for keeping hair out of my face. They work really well and stay in place, but unfortunately, they are pricey!!
Also ... I've been meaning to tell you this for like 2 weeks ... I finished Jessica Jones. It wasn't bad, but I didn't enjoy it. I'm watching Daredevil season 2 now, and I'm liking that, which is good.
"It wasn't bad, but I didn't enjoy it" - hahaha! Very honest review!!
I'm actually really excited for Luke Cage to come out in a few months - I really liked his character on Jessica Jones.
I'm excited for Luke Cage too - I think that comes out in September!!
Shannon - I had a baby and missed so many updates! I am glad things are going well! Love the C-3PO shirt! I hope you have an awesome time on your cruise!
YAY!! Congratulations!! :yay:
I'm so behind on all things dis-board but have to just say OMG THOSE GYM gifs...bwahahahahaha!
I just know somewhere exists me falling and landing like a turtle at Planet Fitness...I just pray it doesn't exist or see the light of day.
Seriously - I have wiped out on a treadmill before. Thankfully it was back when I was 19 or something, so before smartphones were a thing...it's possible a video DOES NOT exist of that. :thumbsup2
A) I want that pink tank top. Even though I hate showing my arms...I would for that.
:) One of my favorites!! That was a top contender for my Tink half outfit this year, guess I'll have to save it for next year.
B) Did you see the new Mickey coach purses? With the ears? No? Google them, but don't google the prices. Unless you already bought one.
NO...NO I DO NOT KNOW OF THESE PURSES *puts fingers in ears and shuts eyes* LA LALALALALALALA LA LA

(I do in fact know of these purses. I have perused the Coach x Disney site many times...I have gone to my local Coach store, which does not have them. If they did, there's a good chance I would have caved. Probably with one of the saddle bags...but $495!!!!!! :faint:)
C) I envy your bun even if it's a messy annoying bun. My hair is so thin that any attempt at a bun ends up looking like a sad limp mini-donut.
:( You need to look on Pinterest for some cute hairstyles!!
@Ariel484 thanks again for the InkNBurn recommendation! I love the shirts I got and they are going to be my go-to race shirts. Super comfortable and they seem to stay cooler than other shirts on the hot runs, too.
Yay! I'm so glad that you're happy with them!! :)
Quick question on the HydraQuiver. Did you get the Single Barrel or the Vest Pack 1? It looks like something I may need to try out. I've been struggling to find a hydration option that works for me. The Camelbak has the capacity and is pretty comfortable, but the cleaning is an absolute pain! I've got a Nathan Trail Mix Belt, but the bottles are a bit small and tend to rotate around while I'm running and the pocket is WAY too small for my phone. I've also got one of those Nathan holsters that holds a full size bottle, but it is awkward to get to on my lower back, tends to bounce and also has a too small pocket.

Any further HydraQuiver experiences you can relate? Thanks!
I got the single, and I know @ZellyB husband Chris has the double. I did not get the vest model, this is the one that I have: http://www.orangemud.com/products/hydraquiver?variant=402522413

I've run with mine twice now - the second time I was able to take my iPhone 6+ with me in the large pocket (you can see the zipper to the left of the bottle in the main picture) so it definitely fits a phone. I agree with your thoughts on the Camelback, ESPECIALLY the cleaning. So far the HydraQuiver wins hands-down in that regard...cleaning the bottle is easy obviously, and I threw the pack in the wash last week and that seemed to come out fine (I put it in a pillowcase and tied the pillowcase shut because of the zipper pulls...washed in cold water on delicate cycle and hung to dry).

I think the toughest thing with the HydraQuiver is adjusting the straps to be just right - tight enough that they don't move (because they would chafe) but not too tight that they really dig into the armpits. I think I had them too tight the first time I ran with it, and the second time I had them better adjusted. Both times I have worn sleeveless tops and have had NO chafing.

Getting the bottle in and out is pretty easy once you do it a couple of times. You do hear the water sloshing, which is something I didn't have with the Camelback, but all of the other trade-offs make it worth it. Their return policy is supposed to be really good and I think if you register on their website they give you a 10% off code, and when I got mine I also got free shipping. :) I definitely think it's a good product.
Yeah, you Cleveland people are going to be unbearable this week.

Hey...this only comes along in our city once every 50 years or whatever!! :teeth: THANKS!
Congratulations - LeBron was a monster! I'm just happy I didn't buy tickets to game 7. Phew!
OMG right?! I would have had a heart attack!! :faint:
I was stunned Cleveland pulled it off too. I'm not a big NBA fan at all but good for you guys.
:teeth: Stunned is exactly how I felt. YAYYYYY


These horrendous jokes are driving me bananas
Sounds like it's time to...split!
I love lamp.
How awesome would this girl be at Twister?!
She would rule.

Seriously though, how good must a person feel if they are THAT flexible?! As someone that has felt sore and stiff almost daily for the past 6 months, I am jealous of her!!
I just started running with a backpack too, it's also a hydration bag but I just use it to run to work with so I just have a change of clothes in it. I'm also struggling with the underarm chaffing!!
Nooooo that's the worst! Maybe the straps can be adjusted??
YAH!!! Hope you have a fabulous trip!! Can't wait to hear all about it... JEALOUS!!!
:) We had a lovely time. We didn't do much (which is EXACTLY what we needed) so I'm not sure it would make for a great report or anything, but it was a great cruise. The last couple of times we have gone out of town it's been rough, so we needed a good one!
Congrats, Cleveland! I don't follow NBA, but happy for you and your city!!

Have an amazing cruise and I'm looking forward to hearing about it on your return.
WHEEEE Thanks! I've seen so many people wearing championship gear since we've been home...I think people are really reveling in it!
Well having grown up in Northern CA (I actually got married in Oakland!), you can imagine who I was rooting for,
:mad: Fine, I'll allow it.

:hug: :teeth:
BUT I was legitimately moved and touched to see how happy Cleavand fans were. And to see how emotional all of the players were! I really like Lebron (he was so funny in Trainwreck); he is an AMAING player. Sooooo if Golden State had to lose, I'm happy it was to such a deserving team. What a way to end a series!!
I'm not gonna lie...I shed some tears. :) It really does mean a lot.
There weren't enough Like buttons for this. That game was the best.
For me...it was and it wasn't. My neck and shoulders were sore the next day because I was sooooo tense watching that game! But obviously the outcome was what I had been hoping for, :)
I was watching Game of Thrones instead of the game. But I could literally hear Cleveland from my house when you all won. Or maybe that was just my husband yelling? One of the two :)
I will tell you that it wasn't me - no yelling here. My mouth was hanging open and I was just in shock. And then I cried a little. :)
I'm not a basketball fan but I'm a fan of happy sports people piling up on each other and going crazy when they win. Which is why I can't wait for the Olympics!
YES!!! The Olympics, cannot wait!! I was a gymnast/diver in a former life and this is basically the only time I get to watch those sports (though I think gymnastics is televised more...diving almost never though).
And @dancingtodisney - I am going to get in trouble at work the next time your gifs make me laugh and snort at my desk!
You know she's going to take that as a challenge, right? :rotfl:
Got behind on your journal-caught up now!!! Have a fantastic cruise!
We did, thank you!! :)
Also wanted to let you know that you have officially converted me to InknBurn...just treated myself to an early B-day present of both the new ZEN singlet and skirt...such beautiful colours, I can't wait!!!
Woohooooo! I'm glad you got your order in, did you see that the singlet is sold out?!
I'm thinking about buying those too. I really.really.really do not need more running clothes. BUT, my birthday is coming up soon, so ya know. :) I haven't tried one of their skirts yet either, but am so tempted with that set. The colors really are gorgeous.
IF you decide to try a skirt, just know that it'll be an adjustment from SparkleSkirts (speaking of SparkleSkirts - what is with their bad PR lately?! :confused:). The shorts are way different.

Did you pull the trigger on the singlet?! It was a really fast sell-out for them!
Because it is my birthday, because I can always use another running skirt with pockets, because the colours are gorgeous and I do actually need more running tops, I totally talked myself into it! LOL! But seriously, this is my last running clothes purchase until Wine & Dine....maybe...
If you can stick to that, you are a better person than I am! :thumbsup2
Pre-10 Miler Training - Week 6
Monday, June 13 - Sunday, June 19, 2016
16.5 miles completed

Monday, June 13 (3-mile run)

Last week before vacation! Normally weeks like this drag on, but I’ll be pretty busy all week at work, so I’m hoping it’ll fly by!

Easy run today on the treadmill - 1.5 miles @ 12:00/mile, 1 mile @ 11:45ish/mile and 0.5 miles @ 11:30ish/mile. Total time for this run was 35:45, 11:55/mile pace.

The new camera was delivered today (per Mr. A), so that is exciting! I found a case that I am hoping will work for it at Best Buy (on sale for $7.99, woot). Only thing I potentially will need is a second battery...MAYBE a little table-top tripod. We’ll see...not sure I want to get that fancy.

Also, I got THIS in the mail today:

Yep, a BB-8 tech shirt. After trading mine away for a unicorn a couple of months ago, I saw The Force Awakens and decided that yep, BB-8 is adorable. So I wanted that shirt back (NOTE: I definitely do not regret originally trading the BB-8 shirt away - I freaking love that Current pullover, and it is uber rare and will need to be pried from my cold, dead hands). I posted a couple of trade offers for the BB-8 tech shirt in the INKnBURN Fan Facebook groups I’m in late last week and got an offer less than a day later! My contribution was the denim camisole I got around Christmas time - a shirt I LIKE, but don’t love. I just don’t wear the camisoles a ton, especially this one (oddly enough I feel like it doesn’t go with many bottoms, which...it’s “denim,” so shouldn’t it go with everything?!), so if the trade hadn’t happened I probably would have sold it. I’ll get way more use out of a (somewhat Disney-ish) tech shirt, and just like with the purses and the camera, if I don’t love something and someone else will, may as well pass it on!

And lastly...so far I am feeling REALLY good about my decision to switch from lifting to yoga. I have really been enjoying the classes a lot and feel like I have improved a decent amount already. And I think I just feel better physically and mentally at all times - like I feel looser and more calm, I guess? So that has been very nice. In the past I have gone through these periods with yoga where I either feel like I am totally addicted to it, or like I cannot summon up the motivation to make it to class - I am definitely in an “addicted to it” period right now. :)

Tuesday, June 14 (3.5-mile run)
Today was a weird day. :(

I got up, got my running clothes on and looked downstairs out the small window on our front door to see what looked like some trash in our driveway. Today is trash day and we always put our cans out the night before, so I thought maybe a can tipped over last night and the wind had blown stuff around. NOPE...turns out our house got toilet-papered over night! What??

So I headed back upstairs to wake up Mr. A (which I felt bad about doing - since he’s on summer vacation he probably would have kept sleeping for another 2-3 hours - but the mess was too big for me clean up alone) and we spent 1-1.5 hours cleaning up toilet paper, shaving cream (pictures of…”organs” and some vulgar words were sprayed around - including an alternative word for “cat” right across the front of our house - so those got hosed off first :(), canned cat food (??! The smell was so awful I almost threw up - and we know it was cat food since the can was tossed in the yard), rubber bands (the most annoying thing to clean up - I must’ve picked up 100-200 of them), yarn (which was strung around our trees...we have 4 trees in our front yard, a TP-er’s dream!), plastic forks (???), maple syrup (??!?!?! again, we know it was maple syrup because the bottle was tossed in the yard) and glitter. The glitter is still around but I’m just hoping it’ll, I don’t know, absorb into the grass or something.

Neither of us were very mad about it...mostly bothered and confused. It was only our house that got it, and I don’t understand why - we don’t have kids (the first thing the cops asked us when they came by - we figured we should call it in even though we knew nothing could really be done about it) and as far as I know,* no one wants to “seek revenge” on us or anything like that. We both just sort of feel violated, especially since they came up pretty close to the house (shaving cream on our front windows and mailbox, an entire bottle maple syrup mixed with glitter on our front porch - later it occurred to me that the syrup/glitter pile was right in front of the door, so they must have wanted someone to step in it. I came out through the garage so I didn’t step in anything). The cops were nice about it - they wanted to walk around the entire house to make sure it was just the front (something that hadn’t occurred to me) and that a window hadn’t been popped out or anything like that. They were very professional and told us that we had been right to call them - they took it seriously. I don’t think there’s any permanent damage or anything - Mr. A lost some sleep and I wasn’t able to run this morning because I ended up leaving late for work. Sigh.

*My first thought was that stupid kids had just picked out some houses up and down the street, but when I saw it was just us, I thought they must’ve been targeting someone else and got the address wrong. Then I was really wondering if it was a student of Mr. A’s. From what I can tell he is a VERY well-liked teacher, but he HAS had to fail kids...I thought maybe report cards had just been mailed this week but he said it was the previous week. When I told my brother what happened, the first thing he said was, “sounds like a group of girls.” All along I was assuming it was boys for some reason, but I have to think he was right. The glitter (purple and silver), the yarn (hot pink), the girly-looking handwriting...I mean, that doesn’t really TELL us who did it, but it seemed like a big realization at the time. Plus...girls can just be really mean like that. After thinking about it more, I do feel like it was specifically meant to target someone, since it was a very thorough job (seriously, my one TP experience in middle school was just TP and possibly shaving cream - whoever did our house brought in many more materials!) and it seemed like there was some angst behind it (the “cat” word on the house, wanting us to step in the glitter/syrup mixture, etc.).

At any rate, we’re both glad it happened today and not while we’re out of town :eek: so that it was cleaned up quickly. In fact, everything was totally cleaned up by 7AM since I’d been up early to go to the gym, so I don’t think many neighbors saw it. And I’m pretty sure they didn’t see the most vulgar word across the front of the house since I hosed that off almost immediately. And we’ll be making some changes to the house...we’re getting some motion-sensor flood lights to add to the front and back of the house (probably something we should have had since we moved in). Not sure what else we’ll do just yet, if anything. Maybe it seems like an overreaction, but again, we both feel a little violated - this was just completely out of the blue. We live in a really quiet, nice suburb where not a lot happens, and our street is super quiet - we do have kids that live here, but the oldest ones are in elementary school. I’m just surprised and confused that this happened, more than anything.

So after that, like I said, I didn’t have time to run this morning. Thanks for messing up my schedule, stupid kids! I changed into work clothes, headed into work and stopped at the rec center to grab my running shoes, which I keep in my locker during the week. And even though I have washed my hands many times today, they still smell like shaving cream and latex (I was wearing disposable gloves while cleaning up). Sigh. And Mr. A ended up scrubbing the driveway and porch all day because, while we’d hosed off the words they’d written and the glitter/syrup, the concrete was still a little stained. Double sigh. I definitely appreciate him doing that.

Anyway, after work, I came home and changed into my running clothes before I could talk myself out of it. And apparently my body is REALLY used to running in the morning, because this run SUCKED! After a day of sitting at work and being tense the entire time (due to workload and the TP-ing), and the drive home, my body just felt stiff and sore. At least it was somewhat cool out. Total time for this run was 40:54, 11:40/mile pace. A positive split (as in, I got slower as the run went on - not what you want to do!). Oh well.

And dang, sorry for the novel today! Yikes. :(

Happier note: picture with the new camera. Would have been really cute if I'd focused on Archie's face instead of the grass, but I still like it. :)

Wednesday, June 15 (3x800 @ 5K pace/yoga)
Bad news - got up late today. Good news - no TP-ing overnight! :yay: Not gonna lie, I was a little nervous when I woke up and first looked out the window. Which is silly, because what are the chances it would happen twice in a row? Then again, if you’d asked me what the chances are of this happening AT ALL, I would have absolutely said zero. :rolleyes2

Anyway...because I got up late today, I decided to cut down my warm-up and cooldown. Instead of 0.5 miles for each, I did 5 minutes for each. Speedwork is always tough for me, even with my less-than-speedy pace I’m using right now, but I was proud to get all of my intervals in. Total time for this run was 31:49 and I ended up going 2.5 miles.

When I got home, I had some new INKnBURN waiting! The Rose hoodie and Wing Shorts (and a new singlet, not pictured)! I love all of it, and I’m happy it arrived in time to take with me on the cruise. :)

And then...yoga! I’d like to add in this Wednesday night class each week so that I’m going to yoga 3 times. Wednesday seems like the perfect day to do it so that yoga is evenly spread out over the week (Wednesday/Friday/Sunday), and since Thursday is my rest day, I get to sleep in a bit, so no big deal if I go to bed a little later than usual. The class started at 7:30, so that was enough time to come home, make and eat dinner, and digest a bit before class. I have been SUPER busy at work and have stuff I’m trying to finish up before I leave for vacation, so I really felt like I needed this class to take some time for myself and relax. It was a GREAT class. No super crazy poses today to tell you all about, but I just felt really strong and fluid, I guess, the entire time. I felt like I kept up really well, and I also felt like the Wednesday night class wasn’t that big a pain to go to at all. So I think I can keep up with that regularly! This was another “hot” class (studio heated to 100 degrees) with the same teacher I have on Sundays, whom I like a lot.

Thursday, June 16 (rest)

Friday, June 17 (1.5-mile run/yoga)
So remember how I said the TP-ers were thorough? Well, I discovered another "surprise" they left for us today. I was watering our front flower bed and noticed that some of our grass looked dead. Looking closer...it wasn't just a random spot. It was a *shape* and a *word*...the *shape* being an...organ, so to speak, and the *word* being, well, another word for "cat."


Seriously, they actually went through the effort to spell that out in our grass using something that would take days to show up. Because we sure as heck hadn't noticed it before. WHO DOES THAT?!

I debated not telling Mr. A, but in the end I did. Might be among the most angry I have seen him in the 10+ years I've known him. :(

Anyway...run was at 10:42/mile pace. Yoga I think was fine (it's been long enough that I don't remember).

Saturday, June 18 (6-mile run)
Really good run today! I took my HydraQuiver again and didn't make the straps quite as tight this time...felt better than last time and I still didn't chafe. I guess getting the adjustment just right is key.

Mile 1 - 11:55
Mile 2 - 11:37
Mile 3 - 12:25 --> 1-minute walk/water break
Mile 4 - 11:32
Mile 5 - 11:44 --> 1-minute walk/water break
Mile 6 - 11:18

Total time for this run - 1:10:31, 11:45/mile pace

Sunday, June 19 (yoga/travel)

But first, yoga. I think this class was just okay.

We had a 3:30ish flight booked, so we had time for me to go to class, eat lunch at home and pack. The monster was dropped off at doggy camp in the morning. :sad:

Both flights were fine (we connected in Baltimore) and we landed in Orlando a few minutes after 8:00. After collecting our bags, we checked into the MCO Hyatt and headed right to the lounge/bar area to watch the game.

NOTE: I do not recommend the MCO Hyatt's hummus appetizer. Most bland, flavorless hummus ever!

At halftime, I headed up to our room and took my bags up. We had a nice corner room on the 8th floor.

And we just watched the game...I was really sad that we weren't at home. We actually had family fly in from out-of-state to watch the game (my brother came in from Boston and my cousin and her husband came in from Colorado) all together at a bar. Seriously, if I'd known that Cleveland would be in Game 7, I would have scheduled the cruise for the next week! And since the Cavs won, we missed the parade downtown, too (although maybe it's good we missed that?).

BUT...we won!! Cleveland, I love ya. :lovestruc

Needless to say, we had a late bedtime! But it was worth it!

Continued in Next Post
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Wow, I am so very sorry about the crazy front yard destruction. I never could understand teenagers who thought it was OK to do stuff like that! (I have a memory of watching "Can't Buy Me Love" with my older sisters- I was probably like 7- and crying when Ronald and the other cool kids put dog poop on Ronald's friend's front porch. This kind of stuff is just so mean spirited!) I think if I were you, I would just assume that it was meant for a different house. I mean, unless they like confess or whatever, you will probably never know who did it. Anyway, that just really sucks and I'm sorry it happened to such nice people! At least you had something to do to get it off your mind, like a . . . DISNEY CRUISE! ;) I can't wait to hear more about your vacation!

Your new InkNBurn stuff is awesome! That rose hoodie is just too gorgeous! If I hadn't already spent way too much on summer sandals this month, I would be all over that!

I'm sorry that you missed the Cleveland festivities. Like I said before, it really has made me happy to see how important this championship was for Cleveland. When I kept hearing that Cleveland had had a championship drought since 1964, I didn't realize that was for all sports until I read it later on NPR. How exciting!

I'm happy your increased yoga is working well for you!
Oh geez, so sorry about your house, they really did a number. Really sad someone would do it, hopefully it wasn't targeting at you guys but random, still awful to happen. Love that rose hoodie, I'm still holding off on Inkburn buying as I know it will lead to an addiction. Can't wait to hear about your cruise. Glad Yoga is going well too, I'm impressed with anyone who can do yoga!
Wow, I am so very sorry about the crazy front yard destruction. I never could understand teenagers who thought it was OK to do stuff like that! (I have a memory of watching "Can't Buy Me Love" with my older sisters- I was probably like 7- and crying when Ronald and the other cool kids put dog poop on Ronald's friend's front porch. This kind of stuff is just so mean spirited!) I think if I were you, I would just assume that it was meant for a different house. I mean, unless they like confess or whatever, you will probably never know who did it. Anyway, that just really sucks and I'm sorry it happened to such nice people! At least you had something to do to get it off your mind, like a . . . DISNEY CRUISE! ;) I can't wait to hear more about your vacation!
I think you are totally right that we will never know who did it, and I also think that they got the wrong house. At this point I am really curious as to how the TP-ers were wronged or whatever was done to them to make them do this! It was all totally mean-spirited, for sure. At least they didn't poop on our property (which is what I first assumed the cat food was...that was the grossest part but at least it wasn't poop).

Right now we just have the glitter left over...I'm consoling myself by choosing to think it makes our driveway sort of like Epcot, where they have the light-up tiles and whatnot. :)
Your new InkNBurn stuff is awesome! That rose hoodie is just too gorgeous! If I hadn't already spent way too much on summer sandals this month, I would be all over that!
Ahhh me too!! I think it'll be perfect for cooler fall days, I will be LIVING in it. :)
I'm sorry that you missed the Cleveland festivities. Like I said before, it really has made me happy to see how important this championship was for Cleveland. When I kept hearing that Cleveland had had a championship drought since 1964, I didn't realize that was for all sports until I read it later on NPR. How exciting!
Yeah, it's nice to NOT be the butt of everyone's jokes for at least a little while. :) It's VERY exciting and I think it's made everyone really happy. I seriously thought I would never see Cleveland win a championship in my lifetime, so I am very happy to have been proved wrong.
I'm happy your increased yoga is working well for you!
Me too! There's a part of me that fears I'm setting myself up for injury by giving up the lifting, but for now I think it's working out well!
Oh geez, so sorry about your house, they really did a number. Really sad someone would do it, hopefully it wasn't targeting at you guys but random, still awful to happen.
I'm choosing to think it was random...the thought that we did something to someone to make them that angry is pretty upsetting, and I'd like to think we're nice people. :) Having said that, it still sucked to get randomly TP'd like that.
Love that rose hoodie, I'm still holding off on Inkburn buying as I know it will lead to an addiction.
Totally, totally addicting!!
Can't wait to hear about your cruise. Glad Yoga is going well too, I'm impressed with anyone who can do yoga!
It is! I need to get out of vacation mode and get back to it, though! :eek:
They either got the wrong house or your husband upset one really vindictive girl who planned it after report cards came out. People suck! Sorry for you to feel violated like that! Floodlights are definitely the right thing to get installed! Good for you at least running that day! I think I would have used that as an excuse.

Hope you keep up with the yoga the 3x a week! Its such a nice workout!
Pre-10 Miler Training - Week 7
Monday, June 20 - Sunday, June 26, 2016
11.21 miles completed

Monday, June 20 (rest - embarkation day)
It's embarkation day!! SQUUEEEEEE

We were up and out of our room by 8:15 or so. The MCO Hyatt has online checkout, so we didn't even have to stop at the desk! We grabbed breakfast from the MCO Starbucks and headed downstairs to the DCL bus area. We were on the first bus to Port Canaveral around 9AM!

There she is!!

We were among the first people in the terminal, and for the first time ever, I was hoping we could try for a stateroom upgrade. Alas, it wasn't meant to be - ours was a full sailing! Oh well.

We got a picture with the Big Cheese and he was excited about our Cavs shirts. :) We met a few other Cleveland-area families in the terminal, which was really cool!

Just after 11, it was time to board!!


Squeeeeeel. On the ship! We've only sailed on the Fantasy and the Dream so far, and while I think the Fantasy is my favorite ship overall, the Dream's chandelier is my favorite of the two. Yes, it's important. I like shiny things.

We headed up to Cabanas for lunch and checked Vanellope's Sweets & Treats, a new addition since we'd last been on this ship.

This is a place where you can pay extra for gelato and whatnot. After this initial walk-through we never made it back here.

We headed to Royal Palace to confirm a couple of things with our dining arrangements and, from there, just walked around trying to get reacquainted with the ship.

We quickly stopped for a drink at Bon Voyage...

...before heading to the kids areas for open house.


Before heading to our stateroom, we signed up for Mixology and I signed up for the Castaway Cay 5K. We were in our stateroom just before 2 and I changed out of my CLE shirt. The building in the background is Disney's cruise terminal.

We had the late dinner seating on this trip (8:15PM) and weren't planning on seeing the shows, so we caught Finding Nemo on FunnelVision instead!

Dinner tonight was at Enchanted Garden. Everything was very good!!

Cucumber Garden Roll..

Salad (never quite got the hang of focusing on the new camera...maybe I need to read the instructions?)

I got the prime rib for my entree...no pictures. Apple cinnamon crunch sundae for dessert!

The motion of the ship was pretty bad tonight. Normally this first night is when I feel it the most, because we're booking it to make it to port, but this was worse than I'd remembered. The family at the table next to us was struggling and it was their first cruise! I felt bad for them. Mr. A and I coped well, though - we both acknowledged that we could feel it, but it didn't really both us. I was really stumbling around when we were looking in the gift shops later though! Speaking of gift shops - I only bought 1 thing on this cruise! A $25 t-shirt. I am so proud.

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They either got the wrong house or your husband upset one really vindictive girl who planned it after report cards came out. People suck! Sorry for you to feel violated like that! Floodlights are definitely the right thing to get installed! Good for you at least running that day! I think I would have used that as an excuse.
Haha, yeah, I asked him if he had any students that he thought could have possibly done this - he swears it's not one of his students! Hmm...

I was really tempted to skip that run, but the TP-ers had screwed my day up enough and I didn't want them to have screwed it up THAT much. :mad:
Hope you keep up with the yoga the 3x a week! Its such a nice workout!
Ahhh, me too! I went a whopping zero times this week. :( Oops!!
Pre-10 Miler Training - Week 7, Part 2

Tuesday, June 21 (25-minute tempo run)
Not a lot of pictures today...?? :confused3

I was in the gym onboard the Dream by about 9AM for my run - 2.05 miles today!

I got an iced latte at Cove Cafe (morning tradition) and took a shower before having breakfast at Cabanas. We didn't do much today, except that, for the first time ever, we got off the ship in Nassau. This is the 3rd time I have gone on a cruise that stopped at Nassau. We walked around the port area and stopped at Starbucks to use their wi-fi. We were NOT impressed with the port area! I guess if we ever decide to do anything in Nassau we'll need to make sure to go straight to Atlantis.

Not much else going on today, except that we saw Finding Dory! Really cute movie, and I cried a couple of times. Baby Dory was a-DORY-ble. :upsidedow We also had Mixology today, and it was not my favorite line-up of drinks - a cosmo, Bahama Mama and a B-52 shot (all really good, though I think I've had that B-52 shot at EVERY Mixology I've done - mix it up a bit, DCL!)...and a mojito and some other spicy lime drink. Didn't like those! Mixology is always a fun time though.

Other than that, we just sort of hung out and took a nap! Dinner tonight was at Royal Palace, and it was really good. But we were starting to not like our late dining time. We found we were just hanging around waiting for dinner beforehand, and then after, we'd just go to bed. I think we were both more stressed out leading up to this cruise than we realized, and we were in bed early every night. We barely got to take advantage of the nighttime adult offerings. :(

Wednesday, June 22 (Castaway Cay 5K)
THE WORST RACE EVER!!...but in the best place ever.

I told Mr. A I was doing this race and he was all, "BYE FELICIA."

We met up in Evolution at 8:15 and debarked. The race started at 9...sigh. Too late for a race in a tropical climate. Having said that, I think this was the best conditions I've had during this race (the 4th time I've done it). 84 degrees and full sun, but it didn't seem as humid out.

Seriously, though...this is what it's like almost the entire time. Just surrounded by trees.

Down the airstrip, toward the halfway point...

This time was the closest I've gotten to having my Garmin actually count it as a full 5K - 3.06 miles in 34:49, 11:32/mile pace.

And voila, the only reason I do this run...the free medallion.

I won't be doing it again in December, since I assume they won't change it again until 2017.

And compared with the 2015 medallion.

#twinning with Castaway Cay...you know, umbrellas and water? I feel like that didn't quite come through in the picture, sadly.

At least I got a character picture...

I headed back to the ship to have breakfast and shower. I collected Mr. A and we headed back to Serenity Bay, #twinning all the way.

One of the worst things about the Castaway Cay 5K is that I feel like it just cooks you - I still felt pretty fried, so we didn't stay out for very long. Plus, the skies were looking ominous (it never actually stormed though). We got a Konk Kooler and lunch before heading back to the ship.

Dinner tonight was at Palo...NOMS. It was all so good, I almost ate myself sick.


I had the beef tenderloin and it was PERFECT.

Mr. A had the lamb and wished he'd ordered the tenderloin...noted for next time!

I got the chocolate souffle for dessert and he went with a new souffle that is so new it's not on the menu yet.

Amaretto/almond/vanilla! It was really good!


We also tried the vanilla panna cotta - pretty good!

We went back to the room to recover from that amazingness and watched the pirate fireworks from our verandah. :)

Continued in Next Post
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