Need to vent!

I was just in walmart for the second time in 4 months. We had just done a grocery pickup, but I wanted to run in and check on clorox wipes that according to the website was in stock. (none were there)

First of all the walmart person bringing out our groceries........wearing bandana under her nose. Went into store, saw both employees and shoppers.....about 30% not wearing a mask correctly or not at all. Mask hanging off ear, under chin, under nose. One guy had a t shirt bunched around his neck with the neckline hanging off his ears, but his nose and mouth was not covered at all. This was at about 7:30 in the morning. Not that many people in the store but still........
I am so sad about the number of people in this country who can't stop blathering on about their "rights" without understanding that in a democracy you also have responsibilities. To each other in a civil society. To your country. And at the very least, to bother to just vote, for cripes sake.

As long as we're in a pandemic it's as reasonable to require people to wear a mask when they are in public as it is to require people to wear other forms of clothing. Indecent exposure is indecent.
Ok, just putting this out there. I believe in wearing masks. It’s the decent thing to do and yes I understand there are some people who can’t physically wear them. I wear a mask every time I go out of my house. Here’s my rant: My brother called me and was talking about my sister-in-law’s trip to Walmart, this was before the mandatory masks, where she got fed up with how long the elderly lady, who was wearing a mask, in front of her was taking in the aisle. So she walked up behind her, stuck her tongue out and coughed! 😤 My sister-in-law is very anti-mask and thinks that the whole COVID issue is a hoax. 🙄 Plus my brother told me that she actually laughs at people in public who are wearing masks. This is a 59 year old woman! My brother was laughing about it the whole time! I am so disgusted with both of them that I could care less if I ever talk to them again. Thanks for letting me vent.
I haven't read all the responses but I would let my Bro and SIL know what I thought of their behavior,and that would be my last conversation with them. Ever.
This isn't a mask/no mask issue - this is a people problem. People are rude and feel entitled to push their views down your throat - you are not allowed to have your own feelings or views that are different from theirs. Human decency has gone by the wayside. Manners and politeness and common sense has gone by the wayside.
Thanks for letting me know about something that is obvious, but I am not going to deal with Ad Blockers on a site that gets postal if any of us state a political preference, but still take money for them to publicly state one side. It isn't which side they are allowing it is that they are allowing ANY AT ALL. We can't do it but it is OK to do it as long as they get paid. Hypocrisy isn't good no matter who is displaying it. I come here to escape the crap that is going on outside my bubble, not have to look at it with no chance to respond one way or the other.
Enjoy your ads.
I've got Home Depot, PayPal and a time-share resort in the Caribbean. I'm at work and run adbocker on all my devices at home so I never see any ads - they're actually kinda fascinating!
I know off topic, but my ads always seem geared to something I've searched on google. I have an ad for a clothing store, round up, NEJM, masks and Dreams unlimited.
I know off topic, but my ads always seem geared to something I've searched on google. I have an ad for a clothing store, round up, NEJM, masks and Dreams unlimited.

Yup - targeting. That's why Goofierthanmost may be seeing political ads...the ads you're fed are usually based upon your past activity and cookies - not this specific DIS site. He/she or someone else in the household may have been viewing news, political material or something connected to a political topic that is then tracked as he/she visits here.

I usually don't mind ads, as the revenue generated makes quality, well-monitored free discussion groups possible, but I was having major problems with the videos on DIS freezing my computer, so reluctantly had to install AdBlock. Works great.
I just see Disney ads. I've never seen anything political.

And as far as "rights" go, mask mandates do not violate anybody's "rights", any more than telling people they have to wear shoes and shirts in stores, or use seat belts, or obey speed limits do. Nobody has a "right" to endanger somebody else's health by refusing to do something that would make things safer for everybody.

If anybody says it does violate their rights, just ask them exactly which Constitutional right it's violating.
Yup - targeting. That's why Goofierthanmost may be seeing political ads...the ads you're fed are usually based upon your past activity and cookies - not this specific DIS site. He/she or someone else in the household may have been viewing news, political material or something connected to a political topic that is then tracked as he/she visits here.

I usually don't mind ads, as the revenue generated makes quality, well-monitored free discussion groups possible, but I was having major problems with the videos on DIS freezing my computer, so reluctantly had to install AdBlock. Works great.
::yes:: Yep - this DIS was practically unusable for me because of the video-ads until I loaded adblocker.
I know off topic, but my ads always seem geared to something I've searched on google. I have an ad for a clothing store, round up, NEJM, masks and Dreams unlimited.
I haven't googled any of the topics and I have an adblocker. Weird.
Thanks for letting me know about something that is obvious, but I am not going to deal with Ad Blockers on a site that gets postal if any of us state a political preference, but still take money for them to publicly state one side. It isn't which side they are allowing it is that they are allowing ANY AT ALL. We can't do it but it is OK to do it as long as they get paid. Hypocrisy isn't good no matter who is displaying it. I come here to escape the crap that is going on outside my bubble, not have to look at it with no chance to respond one way or the other.

The DIS isn't buying political ads or controlling the ads much at all beyond age-rating. Your browsing history in addition to the page content drive the ads you see from a third party. Close to elections politicians buy a lot more online ads so if you are only seeing one side of the political spectrum your browsing history is seeding the algorithm that decides what to show you.

It isn't hypocrisy, it is the design of the online ad ecosystem.
My mom once logged into Facebook on my PC. She logged out, but because I don't have an account, the cookie was still attached to her email. I went to visit her, 6 months later and found ads on her computer that all reflected MY searches. It was embarrassing, because they were things I had gotten her for Xmas and we hadn't opened presents yet.

So... check what's passively watching you, whether you've consented or not.
The DIS isn't buying political ads or controlling the ads much at all beyond age-rating. Your browsing history in addition to the page content drive the ads you see from a third party. Close to elections politicians buy a lot more online ads so if you are only seeing one side of the political spectrum your browsing history is seeding the algorithm that decides what to show you.

It isn't hypocrisy, it is the design of the online ad ecosystem.
I never said that they were buying them. They, in fact, are getting paid to run them. I don't have anything against them making money, what does bother me is taking money and displaying ads that they would not allow any of us to do in our posts. That is the hypocritical part. I'm pretty sure that they can block those ads if the wanted to but, they don't want too. OK, I know they need the income, but it must be hard to say don't drink when one has a bottle of beer in their hand.
As long as we are venting... I am getting very offended by the number of anti-Biden ads that are currently showing up on just about every Disney message boards I have visited. We are not supposed to talk politics, but I guess it's ok to profit from them. I'm very close to finding some other pass time. Probably should anyway.

Ad blocker! They are free and oh so very very very nice!


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