Need help quick! re. Ecuador/Galapagos and immunizations


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 2004
My dd leaves in 3 weeks on a school trip (college) for few days in Ecuador and a couple weeks on a boat in the Gal. Islands.

So TODAY I get an email forward from her (originally sent by univ. staff)where they mention immunizations, but say they can't give medical advice, and refer to a gov't website.

Please, if you went to the Gal. Is. with ABD, did you find it necessary to get immunizations??? Quito is 8,000 ele. so supposedly malaria is not an issue???

Many, many thanks.
We went to Ecuador and Galapagos with Tauck 2 years ago and did not require any extra immunizations. The basic immunizations that kids get here with the boosters should be adequate. I did take along diarrhea meds, nausea meds, Tylenol and Motrin as things are hard to come by in Galapagos -including memory cards for cameras!!
Hi Wem3212--
Just Curious--how did you enjoy your Tauk trip to the Galapagos??? Would you take Tauk again?????
You guys are great! Thank you for the info and now there's one more thing I can cross off my worry list.

I'll be sure she packs some meds though.

According to the CDC and WHO web sites, the is no risk of yellow fever or malaria in Quito or the Galapagos Islands, although they are present in other areas of Ecuador. See (sorry I don't have enough posts to post the direct URL link) The CDC website is a good resource for up to date information, or you can see a Travel Medicine specialist.
You guys are great! Thank you for the info and now there's one more thing I can cross off my worry list.

I'll be sure she packs some meds though.


When we did the Peru trip (similar elevation and diseases) we didn't get special vax's . Made sure our tetanus was up to date, but hers must be since she's in college.

Our MD did give us a z pack (quick antibiotics) to have with us in case we came down with anything bacterial. He said he wouldn't trust the quality of South American pharmas. You might want to see if you can get a filled Rx for that just in case....

Also have her take some aspirin in addition to the motrin/tylenol. It's good for altitude issues.
We went in March/April and we didn't need any additional shots other than making sure that we were all updated on our tetanus. They were having an outbreak of denge on the mainland but when we were there we just made sure we put bug spray before venturing out at night.

She'll have a blast. My DDs are still talking about the trip (& so are we :rotfl:)


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