Necessity of stroller for 6 year old in November?

We just returned 2 weeks ago and took a stroller for my 5 1/2 year old. She hasn't used one at home since she was 2 but I think its a must as there's nothing worse than a kid who's whiney about being tired. The best part I find is that after the night time entertainment she'd fall asleep and I'd get some piece and quiet to wander around, look at the shops, eat something I didn't have to share, etc. Plus I didn't have to carry around all the bits and pieces we'd need for the day.
We just returned 2 weeks ago and took a stroller for my 5 1/2 year old. She hasn't used one at home since she was 2 but I think its a must as there's nothing worse than a kid who's whiney about being tired. The best part I find is that after the night time entertainment she'd fall asleep and I'd get some piece and quiet to wander around, look at the shops, eat something I didn't have to share, etc. Plus I didn't have to carry around all the bits and pieces we'd need for the day.
That was the benefit of using one on our WDW trip. We were in the same boat - DD had not used one since she was 2 as well, but sure did she appreciate it during those long days when we were zipping from one place to the next across the parks. Also loved using one to hold our stuff :)
We were there in November last year and we hit some pretty hot weather. We wore shorts and t-shirts. I tried to wear a light sweater in the morning out the door and it was way to hot! So, you never know about the weather. My daughter will be just shy of 6 by about a week when we go this November. I'm still bringing a stroller. I like it for the walk to and from the parks, park hopping, any really long walking period all the way across the park. We will be there multiple days too. They get more worn out the longer the trip lasts. We just park it in one spot and come back by for it when we are ready to leave to move to a different land/area. My daughter is a pretty slow walker and that is another reason why I want to use it. So, our whole group isn't stuck at her speed, and I'm not trying to rush her all day. You know your child best though!
3 years ago, our kids had just turned 4 and 6. I no longer owned a stroller at home, but we rented one for that trip from Anaheim City Strollers. I am SO GLAD we did this! Our kids took turns riding in it when they were tired and it helped immensely on the walks back to the hotel at the end of the day.

I would totally do that again if I had children in that age range.

However, this is a very individual thing. Your mileage may vary. :)
Everyone is going to have different opinions about this, and it really depends on your child, your touring style, etc. Our first trip (in Nov. 2013, we brought two... one for our just turned 5 year old and one for our 2.5 year old. They both needed them quite a bit, but we pretty much stayed in the parks the whole time they were open, and were there for five days. This time (Aug 2015), we brought one stroller for our almost 4.5 year old. The almost 7 year old rode in it a few times, and the 4.5 year old rode in it a fair amount. Once again, we were in the parks a good chunk of the day (we did take a short mid day break this time, but were still in the parks for a long time most days). We also went 5 days this time. I know some people think older kids shouldn't be in the strollers, but those same people would probably give the side eye if your kid threw a temper tantrum from getting tired. To me, it makes much more sense to prevent the meltdowns by putting kids in a stroller (even if they never use them at home)
We went to DL in August with a 4-year old and 5-year old, both in umbrella strollers. It was a lifesaver. Crowds were crazy and navigating the crowds after the parades and fireworks was insane. There was no way we would have been able to carry them in that crazy heat and no way they would of been able to navigate the crowds without getting trampled.

And as its been stated multiple times, you know your child the best.

November is just around the corner, have a great time
We just returned from a trip where my DS5 (will be 6 in Oct) didn't use a stroller for the first time. He is tall for his age and just looks silly riding in the stroller now. He did fantastic all day! We wore a fitbit and walked about 13 miles that day. We got there before opening and he made it until after the 8:30 Pain the Night parade. He never complained once about walking or his feet hurting and never asked us to carry him. It was SO freeing to not have a stroller! I was nervous about not having a place to store all our stuff, but we just carried a backpack with snacks and a change of clothes for the kids and took advantage of the free water at counter service places and we were fine! The stroller thing is such a personal decision. You know your child better than anyone else. Good luck with your decision!
I am tall for my age and I look silly sitting in a pink elephant. 13 miles a day x 5 days, some adults would struggle with that week. We stroller our 5 year old on day 3 of five days
I am tall for my age and I look silly sitting in a pink elephant. 13 miles a day x 5 days, some adults would struggle with that week. We stroller our 5 year old on day 3 of five days

There is no need for your snarkiness. You could have said your piece without mocking me. That's why I clearly said the OP knows her child best and I'm sure will make the best decision for her family. And, BTW, we only were in the parks one day. Have a great day :sunny:
unfortunately ...part of the stroller debate on this site and other sites and countless threads is that parents force their children to walk because it looks silly to be pushing stroller children, that by the non-parent society, such comfort looks to be abnormal and some what silly sitting in a stroller. That it looks silly, in light of the culture of Disneyland, we are all looking silly! so who are folks to judge you or me for letting a child ride in a stroller, especially if the mileage for a day could you have you on top of Mt. Hood and back.

I have read time after time about the emotional and the "silly' concept" struggles that parents have of over aged and over sized children being pushed in a stroller. Discard the 'silly" and what others think, it makes for a better trip when your children are rested and comfortable.

usually a good parody is a compliment and sorry that you felt not complemented. But that is what I was informing other readers.....that we are all looking silly at Disneyland, let that not be a deterrent to the health of your child.
Get the stroller!! We found that even when our kids were older they could just chill out in the stroller eating a Mickey lollipop while we shopped. You can always park the stroller and walk for an extended time if you want to, then pick up the stroller when feet get tired. We never regretted having a stroller... just easier for everyone! (Side note, it was also an "extra pair of hands" to hold drinks and rain ponchos...)
It all depends on your child. We took a stroller when she was 3 and she only used it for 1-2 hour to sleep during a parade. Have never needed one since then. Last year we took our almost 7 niece and i wish we had a stroller. She is not a fast walker or a walker at that lol. We took many many more rest with her that i wished we had a stroller.
Like others stated, you know your child. Our youngest two stopped using the stroller at Disney at 5. We went to DL that year and they did great. You have to maybe adjust expectations a bit, maybe sit on a bench a bit longer but honestly, going without the stroller is AWESOME! I thought we would miss it for sticking stuff in, but we didn't. It is so much easier not having to go back and get it, move it to the next spot, fit it into places. (Of course we had a double because they are twins, but still). Also being forced to slow down to their pace every so often is a nice reminder that this time is for them too. Some of my happiest memories are not of my commando style touring, but actually of taking that break with my kids on the bench. It forced my older two at the time to slow down a bit too. Ironically, now that they are all older, those are the sweet moments I miss. Now there is no option other than running to each ride, because they are in control! lol. Take the time, enjoy it and if you really want a stroller...take one. But also don't be afraid to let it go either. :). Enjoy your trip.
We did no stroller in June 2016 when our kids were a younger 4 and 5.5. Last summer, at 5 and 6, they were fine in WDW for 9 nights. So, for us, no way do we need one now at 6 and 7. They’ve never complained about walking. I guess we are lucky! It’s totally doable. My kids just don’t even consider the stroller an option at their ages, so they don’t know to whine for one.
No stroller for my 6 year old. With two younger brothers he was kicked out of the stroller pretty quickly. We expect him to walk and it hasn’t been a big issue for him for a few years now.

Ive offered to let him sit in the stroller and he says it’s for babies. I probably couldn’t force him in if I tried.

We set up the expectation that when we go to Disneyland our feet are going to get tired and we are going to feel sore after walking and he’s been ok with that. Since he’s our only non stroller kid so far we let him tell us when/if he needs a rest. Having two younger ones I honestly couldn’t even imagine pushing my 6 year old around all day lol.
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I struggled with this on our last trip kids were 5 and 8. We ended up bringing the double stroller anyway and we were so glad we did! It held all our stuff and we could just park it in each land and walk. We have been going every year since they were 2 and 4 and have stayed at the grand and we still find the stroller very useful. Neither of my kids have ever had a Disney melt down and I fully believe it’s because if they need a break they get one either in a stroller or in the room. We do the parks for 6 days straight with 2 Halloween parties. So usually by the end I’m wishing someone would push me in the stroller
This is an old thread, but to parents with kids, do what makes YOUR vacation work best for your family. My granddaughter was out of the stroller by 2.5 yo, but she was always better at walking. She is the kid who ran her first 5K at 4yo, and now at 7yo runs 5Ks in 30 mins, and is bugging me to let her run a 10K. But her same aged cousin was in his stroller until he was almost 7 because it was easier for his family. Do what works for you, and heck with what anyone thinks.

It really is up to you as you know your child. For me, my first trip to Disneyland was when I was 4 and I didn't use a stroller. My mom specifically waited until she felt I was old enough to handle the walking and I did fine! Never used a stroller at Disneyland ..ever! My littlest cousin is currently 5 and she doesn't use a stroller at the parks.
I agree that it's up to each family. We have 4 kids and last year at their 1st DLR visit they were 9, 6, 4 years old and 11 months. We brought our double stroller for our non mobile 11 month old and rotated big kids who needed to rest. Yes my giant 9 year old looked ridiculous but she ended up with a stress fracture in her right leg from overuse right after our trip. We are going again this summer and we'll bring the same double stroller. I'm sure they'll all take turns and it'll be a relief to have a place to rest tired little legs.

I think it's important to do what works for you and have a great trip!


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