My SO needs to stop fiddlin' with my truck....


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 2000

It's bad enough when he drives it and moves the seat back (he's 1/2 foot taller than I am), or moves my mirrors. Those things I automatically know to look for when I get in the driver's seat. But this morning! Last night he turned off my dashboard lights and it took me forever to find the knob to turn them back on.:rolleyes: I think I need to retaliate.:p Or he might be getting even with me for putting the coffee smell in his car the other day (my coffee cup was a tad too full:p ).

What does your SO/DW/DH do to your vehicle? Or is mine the only one that can't keep his hands to himself?
Other than the seat & mirrors my DH changes the tilt steering wheel and he resets my radio stations.
My SO learned a long time ago NOT to change my radio stations. He'd rather walk on broken glass than hear me complain about him putting country stations on my presets.:mad:
the pockets on the doors are for garbage:mad: :mad: It's funny though - his car never has any garbage in the door pockets! :rolleyes:
my wifes care has an automatic seat belt thingie, os i allwasy remoive seat belt when i get in her car, she gets so mad
Originally posted by Tony-NJ
Nice typing Jason LOL!
I understood him, Tony.

Hey Tony, doncha know you're supposed to put the garbage in your SO's doors. That's what he's hoping for.:p
Other than my DH puts the seat UP!, not much

(We are about the same height, but I am a *TAD* taller) He always brings the seat way up, and I am all cruched up!
LOL, browneyes. I tell my family that country music does not exist on my radio!! my dh knows to stay out of my van.
The only thing my DH does is move the seat WAY up close to the steering wheel (he's taller than me, but has really short legs, and I have long legs), so when I get in I am all crunched drives me nuts!
Yes My DH is ALot taller then me (Im 5'3 he is 6') /so the seat is allways moved!!
TWINNIE!:wave: I've missed yah! LOL! I'd love to have seen (or heard) McLeach's expression when he found a rooster on board.:p :bounce:
Heather, I'm thinking one of us is Lucy and the other is Ethel. Or perhaps we're both Lucy?;) Freaky things like that happen to me sometimes, too.:p Never my fault either.;)
He moves the seat and the mirrors. The thing is, he moves the seat further away from the wheel, which I don't understand because he's shorter than me.
Oh he moves all the usuall things BUT he tried but was almost banished forever...for TRYING to remove my suction cup Tink thats on my windshield. She spreads PD on us while were driving:smooth:
Originally posted by Chipperdini

;) ;) ;)

And it WASN'T my fault (one of the rare times, LOL)!! The tie-rod end (??) broke. Kinda scary, actually. But anyway.

My favorite episode, howdja know?:)

I used to have problems with guard rails jumping up in front of what I was driving. Stupid things need to stay on the side of the road instead of in front of my car.;)
Moves the seat all the way up and has the (*&^(*& sunvisor down and the tilt wheel all the way down :mad: I am little, but i can never manage to get in without moving the seat back & adjusting the tilt wheel first..
Gene is 15" taller than me. Not only does he move the seat way back, but he also reclines it quite a bit. I get into the seat after he's adjusted it and I'm laying down. But it's just as hard on him to try to get into a seat adjusted for me. :D


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