Mickey's Very Merry Holiday WEIGHT LOSS Party! December 2016

Today I am celebrating my Birthday! Not really too much different than a regular day but we are getting Mellow Mushroom pizza for dinner. It is also a rest day for running so that worked out nicely. I am also woohooing that my daughter's riding instructor told me that I look like I have lost a ton of weight!!

Hi! Happy Birthday!

Isn't it awesome when you work towards something and people notice the good results! Well done
update... so i am over budget 550 calories after 10 days of this month. Not big deal really, it will be dealt with today! :).
Modest deficit for the next 10 days, consistently would make scene to help with the month end balance! easy peasy!
I'm going to check in at 22% for the week. I got 4 work outs in which was a total victory. I was really having an emotional week. I struggle with PCOS and it came to a head this week with some frustrating symptoms and I was just feeling really miserable and hopeless. That threw me for a loop with some binging on Thursday and then not great lunch choices on Friday. But I was going to skip my Friday workout and decided against it! And chose to eat well for dinner and then ate well all day today.

I was talking to a friend and complaining about how large I felt and like I couldn't control my eating and that I'd just binge that night and then wake up the next morning and start over. But I know it's a cycle and the next morning I'd be angry at myself and it would start all over again. So I decided to say eff that and got to the gym instead. I can't say I'll always make the healthy choice but it's nice to know that sometimes I will.

I'm SO proud of you for stopping the downward spiral by hitting the gym on schedule! And I'm sorry you've been dealing with an emotional week..... sending some prayers and pixie dust in your direction!

Oh dear!!! Will I still have to deal with this when my son is in collage! I use preventive spray on DS age 9 but would have thought this won't be necessary by the time he is in collage...

It's only head lice, nobody dies from headlice. They are just super annoying! It will be all good very soon


You are right.... nobody dies from head lice... but it sure is yucky!! And FWIW, DS's girlfriend is still in high school.... they aren't sure if she got it from him or if he got it from her. I am tending to think she gave it to him.... but who knows. His roommate is never around (like LITERALLY.... DS hadn't seen him since the Thanksgiving two weeks ago), so we don't think it came from him. He hasn't shared a pillow or hat or hairbrush with anyone.... but he and girlfriend had been doing some cuddling last weekend. Didn't know there was a preventive spray! There is a treatment spray to use on big things like mattresses. I bought some and used it in his dorm room, but left it there. I plan to bring it home and empty it here at home... on the sofa, mattresses, rugs, etc! DD and I both have waist-length hair.... treating us would be a nightmare! DS's hair is really long as well.... OY!!


Morning all! Well.... one bit of good news is that DS got my laptop working properly! PHEW!

DS is heading back to school this morning and I will hit the grocery store and do some Christmas shopping when I am in the "city" to drop him off.

Yesterday's appetite was weird.... and I ended up having popcorn and Halo Top ice cream for dinner. I don't think I went over my SmartPoints for the day, but the salty popcorn made me thirsty all night and while I love the Halo Top, it tends to cause some belly gurgling and rumbling. Back to my normal healthy eating today... I know I'll feel better! Of course.... the fridge is nearly BARE of healthy options. so I will need to be creative for breakfast. The only fresh produce left on hand is 5 carrots and a head of cabbage! Not a single apple or grape or banana or onion or leaf of spinach to be had here! And not a drop of lowfat milk for DS's smoothie or for my coffee. I am also nearly out of egg whites, yogurt, low carb flatbread.... you name it! I usually leave yogurt for work mornings, but it may be my only option today.... I could do oatmeal, but I love it with fruit and I don't have any.... not even a jar of applesauce!

Okay.... time to watch the weather report! It looks like we are firmly in the 4" - 6" belt for a snowstorm coming in later tonight. Want to check out the timing and "predict" whether we will have school tomorrow! TTYL...................P
it happens! We all picked them up in a theme park in Spain last October (2015). It was horrible, but also funny. We treated it same day and that was the end of it.

I am still not eating much. between the antibiotic making me sick to my stomach and the Sudafed suppressing my appetite I have only been forcing myself to eat twice a day. last night was a rough night of coughing and I didn't sleep much and then had to do the grocery shopping and then get my daughter ready for her winter dance recital. thankfully I was able to rest all day yesterday except for an hour and a half. I am really missing working out. more so for the "me time". soon enough.

We are getting some snow now. hubby said it was coming down pretty good. it is supposed to keep up all night. we will see if the kids have school and if I have work. my work tends to close too if the schools close. it will be nice to have the day off.
Sorry I have been MIA lately I am having a rough December, at least eating wise. Ever since my bday things are just off the rails. But I am determined to make this week better. I got a new running watch from DH and it does so much more than my old watch including tracking my steps and sleep. It is exciting to see that data everyday. I am checking in this week at 100% by some miracle I have not gained any weight!

Morning all! Here is your (belated) QOTD for Monday, December 12, 2016:

The holidays all have their their own color palette..... blue and white for Hannukkah,

hannukah colors.jpg

red and green (traditionally) for Christmas,

christmas colors.jpg

black and red and green for Kwanzaa.

kwanzaa colors.jpg

Speaking of colors..... how do you get yours? Greens (spinach, kale, broccoli)? Reds (grapes, apples, pomegranate)? Blues (blueberries, blackberries)? Yellows (bananas, yellow apples, onions)?


Do you eat a wide variety of fruits and veggies year round?
Speaking of colors..... how do you get yours?Greens (spinach, kale, broccoli)? Reds (grapes, apples, pomegranate)? Blues (blueberries, blackberries)? Yellows (bananas, yellow apples, onions)?

Today so far I had

banana with my breakfast (yellow)
green peppers, onions, courgettes, tomatoes in my lunch dish (green, yellow, red) and mandarins for dessert (orange)
(with Greek yogurt) with blueberries and raspberries (blue)

So I hit them all before dinner time. I am big believer that if you want to be slim, and not starved you need to have a lot of veggies ALL THE TIME! I always loved them, but only when I thought of them as necessity so I can feel satisfied on each meal it happened for me! I want to eat veggies as I want to feel satisfied and not go overboard. I crave them now. Pizza - fine, no problem. Half plate salad, half pizza and I am good.

At least half plate of veggies on each meal is my main stay on course tip. Particularly for lunch and dinner, perhaps less than 10% of my meals don't have at least 300 g of veggies or veggies and fruit
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Favorite holiday tradition... I guess the only thing I consistently do each year is decorate the tree. I have a wonderful collection of odd ball things, going back to a couple that I've had for over 30 years. I think my tree style would best be described as kind of rustic, as I have lots of pine cones, acorns, mushrooms, birds, fish, whales... things of the natural world. Other activities, like going to a concert/play, or driving up to the mountains for snow don't seem to happen every year, and I do miss them when I let the time slide by without getting them done.

Eating my colors... so far this morning I've had my Chai, beige and white, and a bagel and cream cheese, beige and white. Hmmm... might be a problem here. I did stop at the grocery store yesterday and got a container of cut up fruit, plus an apple and a pear, now I need to make certain I eat them.

Had a good and a kind of rough weekend. Saturday morning I drove out to my yarn store which is way out in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, so there was still some snow on the ground. It is such a nice peaceful drive that is turning into a transition buffer, where the further I go the more I relax, kind of like those special trigger points at WDW that tell you you are in the bubble. The class was only about 6 people and it is just so wonderful to sit and knit with others, some times we were quiet and contemplative, some times there was chit-chatter and joy. This class is on color work, which is something new I've been wanting to learn. Sunday I ran errands and did Christmas shopping. The mall posted their hours as being open at 9am, but when I got there the store I needed to go to wasn't opening until 11am, so I went over to Barnes and Nobel and ended up getting odd random little craft kits and games for the adult gifts. Then I had breakfast, went to the store I needed to go to in the mall, then over to another store just across the way and was in and out of the area by 11:30am. So that's the good part of the weekend.

The rough part is trying to get my head/thoughts back to where they need to be, and not stuck in the negative victim stuff. I have identified several triggers, and one of them is the high consumption of sugar, so I'm working on that, and also self correcting when my thoughts start to tank.

I have more shopping to do for my nephew and will try to get that done today, after that it will be collecting the ingredients for the Chex party mix next week. The temperatures here remain pretty cold, at least for us. There was a forecast for some more snow this afternoon, but not likely in the city... we'll possibly get some Thursday. Little bits of white here and there are the ideal scenario.

Happy Monday everyone - here's to a healthy week.
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The rough part is trying to get my head/thoughts back to where they need to be, and not stuck in the negative victim stuff. I have identified several triggers, and one of them is the high consumption of sugar, so I'm working on that, and also self correcting when my thoughts start to tank.


Sometimes thinking about what you want, not what you don't works better. For me anyway. For example if I think I don't want to be stuck in traffic, I hate traffic, traffic is so bad in December when I am in traffic I would feel so grumpy. Compared to - oh I can't wait to get home and put my crazy Christmas trousers (that I only wear home, they are crazy!) and look at the tree, and it's warm and cosy and have a nice dinner. When I am focusing on this, even being stuck in traffic feels ok

Not sure if this makes much sense at all!
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I am really bad at eating different colors. I will have carrots and celery and potatoes for lunch today though. We made beef stew yesterday so it is left overs. this is something I do need to work on.


Today is the best I have felt in a long time. still a little congested but so much less then I was last week. YAY!!!!!!!!!

The meeting I was supposed to have with my computer worker and boss got moved to today and then now tomorrow. I also noticed that it is in the conference room too. my boss has an office that is a cubicle. I think this is going to for us to air out everything. the only problem with this is I will feel trapped and will shut down. it wont get us anywhere. I am not looking forward to this. I am already nervous.

On top of this I got a call from the nurse at my son's school and there is a possibility my son broke his finger playing dodge ball this morning. it feels like if it is not one thing it is another this year. I am really hoping next year will be much better.
I'm really bad at just eating veggies and fruits. I try my best. Normally I do carrots with lunch to get them that way. The more that I realize that if I don't eat them then the more starving I am definitely helps! Tonight I have some asparagus planned with dinner. Lunch today had onions, red and yellow bell peppers but I could have had a lot more. So this is something that I really want to work on! My problem is that I don't do a great job of eating them before they go bad. So I'm trying to adjust the way I buy groceries.
Sometimes thinking about what you want, not what you don't works better. For me anyway. For example if I think I don't want to be stuck in traffic, I hate traffic, traffic is so bad in December when I am in traffic I would feel so grumpy. Compared to - oh I can't wait to get home and put my crazy Christmas trousers (that I only wear home, they are crazy!) and look at the tree, and it's warm and cosy and have a nice dinner. When I am focusing on this, even being stuck in traffic feels ok

Not sure if this makes much sense at all!
Thanks HappyGrape... this is exactly the type of internal dialog "re-framing" exercise I'm going thru.
Speaking of colors..... how do you get yours? Greens (spinach, kale, broccoli)? Reds (grapes, apples, pomegranate)? Blues (blueberries, blackberries)? Yellows (bananas, yellow apples, onions)?

I try hard - mostly my colours have traditionally come from vegetables as my fruit consumption dropped off but I am working on that again.

Today at lunch I had green - lettuce and cucumber as well as red tomato with chicken on a multigrain roll and for dinner I had white - potato, green - zucchini and orange - carrots with roast beef in the slow cooker.

I have some cherries in the fridge to finish tomorrow so red there. We eat a lot of broccoli.

I had no idea there were YELLOW apples!

Do you eat a wide variety of fruits and veggies year round?

Not really a wide range - I need to do better at changing things up to include the rainbow more consistently.

Today is the best I have felt in a long time. still a little congested but so much less then I was last week. YAY!!!!!!!!!

The meeting I was supposed to have with my computer worker and boss got moved to today and then now tomorrow. I also noticed that it is in the conference room too. my boss has an office that is a cubicle. I think this is going to for us to air out everything. the only problem with this is I will feel trapped and will shut down. it wont get us anywhere. I am not looking forward to this. I am already nervous.

On top of this I got a call from the nurse at my son's school and there is a possibility my son broke his finger playing dodge ball this morning. it feels like if it is not one thing it is another this year. I am really hoping next year will be much better.

Yippee for feeling a bit better. Hope your meeting goes ok and you can speak up for yourself when needed - that can be hard to do sometimes. I hope his finger is ok. I am kind of ready to bring on 2017 also.

My problem is that I don't do a great job of eating them before they go bad. So I'm trying to adjust the way I buy groceries.

I used to be much worse at this - I still do it but not nearly as much - I have found that meal planning helps and then only getting enough of the fresh produce for a few meals/snacks for a few days at a time - yes it can mean more trips to the shop - but at least is fresher and less gets wasted.


I am officially off on break from work as of today - :cheer2: - I don't go back until January 23 so that is almost 6 weeks of relaxation and family time - except for 3 days in January where I work for a friend in her private practice doing handwriting workshops as a 'back to school' refresher. I am so ready to be on vacation even though we are not going away anywhere - now we just have to plan our first local tourist day out.
Good morning all and welcome to your QOTD for Tuesday, December 13, 2016:


Emotional eating..... if you are an emotional eater, you eat when you are happy, when you are sad, when you are stressed, when you are bored.... there is always a reason to eat! And of course, you aren't eating raw carrots..... emotional eating (from my personal experience) usually involves chocolate, chips, pizza, ice cream, and cookies. Emotional eating is one of the hardest LIFESTYLE changes to make! Sometimes the food is in your mouth before you even realize you're mad (or sad or stressed or bored). As a Weight Watcher member and leader, I know that we talk a lot about this kind of eating and how to tackle it. But if you aren't a WW, how are you working on this? How are you making sure that all of your eating is MINDFUL eating? How are you preparing yourself for that day when life throws you a curve ball and the easiest path out seems to be paved with cupcakes?

BONUS QOTD: If the emotional eating is already in progress, how do you pull yourself out of it and change your mindset?
Good morning all and I'm SO SORRY I didn't get results posted last night.... we had a snow day that threw my thinking off and I kind of forgot that it was Monday! I'm getting it done NOW and I'll be happy to add you to the list if you didn't get a chance to post your results....P
Reporting In: 19% - I am doing well so far I think - and last night when picking the kids up from my parents my mum was trying to send home left over hotdogs and my DS12 said no we don't need them we have a dinner plan for the next few weeks so they won't fit. Although I did remind him he could have them for lunches instead - so they came home with us after all.

I went back to look at my goal specifics this morning and noticed that our hosting schedule is looking empty for the next few months - sooo - if no one else wants it I will volunteer for January - I will be on leave for most of it so that will give me time for hosting duties before I head back to work and what I think is going to be a super busy term 1 in schools for me. Now to start thinking about a theme :confused:

WOW! Thank you so much!! Glad you will have time off because traditionally the January WISH challenge is super busy! Good for you for thinking ahead about a theme! It's always fun to see so many knew motivated faces in January. THANKS!........P


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