Medical things you didnt know until recently?

AV dissociation difference from third degree heart block. You seldom see either but I had two patients and each had one of the rhythms.
Pharmacists are absolutely supposed to be checking your medications when you get a new prescription. If yours isn't doing that, I would go to a different pharmacy
Our 24 hour Walgreens has become a nitemares. We have 3 Walgreens in our city and the other 2 close at 7 and are not open n weekends and holidays, so everyone has switched to them..
I actually switched to my clinics pharmacy. They have your meds ready in 20 minutes.
That SSRI antidepressants can all too often result in the patient becoming asexual, sometimes permanently!
I’d like to see some back up on this. Yes they can cause sexual side effects, including low libido but asexuality is very different than just not wanting to have a sex. It usually involves having no sexual attraction.
Our 24 hour Walgreens has become a nitemares. We have 3 Walgreens in our city and the other 2 close at 7 and are not open n weekends and holidays, so everyone has switched to them..
I actually switched to my clinics pharmacy. They have your meds ready in 20 minutes.
Walgreens has been a mess all over. My boyfriend is a pharmacist and worked for them up until about 2 months ago. The company as a whole is in bad shape. The Walgreens location he was at went from being 24 hours to only open for 8 hours 3 days/week.

I’d like to see some back up on this. Yes they can cause sexual side effects, including low libido but asexuality is very different than just not wanting to have a sex. It usually involves having no sexual attraction.
It's amazing, isn't it? But there's been a huge outcry about this recently and the NHS has requested this be printed as a warning on the PI sheets. Not that the drug companies have consented...


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