
Okay, I was staying out of this, but I'll bite: the earth warms and cools based on activity on the sun. Scientists know this. Man's impact is little to nothing. Want proof? Look at New England. The mountains of New Hampshire (and Vermont, and New York...) were created by glaciers melting. That means that, at some point, New England was covered with ice. OTOH, in Connecticut, there are dinosaur "remnants"--tracks, fossils, bones. THAT means that, at some point, New England was warm enough to support dinosaurs--sub-tropical or similar.

Obviously, both of these event happened eons ago. But, it shows that the earth has been warming and cooling to extremes for millions of years--and long before man ever walked upright. Only man would be arrogant enough to think that HE caused this--and worse, that HE can change/fix it.

That said, I think we should be good stewards of the earth, and be mindful about using her resources and treating her wisely. I don't think that creating global panic and spending billions of resources are the way to do it. I'm also old enough that I've been through any number of climate panic fads, from "global cooling" to "the ozone layer is disappearing" to "greenhouse gases". They are meant to create panic so people "do something!!!" It's funny how they always say "we only have 10 years to fix this before we hit the tipping point!", and then 10 years go by, and...crickets.
Yes, earth's climate has gone through cycles - no real scientist denies that. It's the rate at which change is happening that is alarming. The planet itself will survive, but species that cannot adapt fast enough will not.
Yes, earth's climate has gone through cycles - no real scientist denies that. It's the rate at which change is happening that is alarming. The planet itself will survive, but species that cannot adapt fast enough will not.
Did you pay attention to every weather event 20 years ago…before social media and internet?
That's shortsighted - earth cycles take much longer than that, and can fluctuate during the cycle. There's also a difference between weather and climate. Weather can be affected by climate.
You didn't answer the question, but my guess is the answer is no. So your concern for the climate is new.
You didn't answer the question, but my guess is the answer is no. So your concern for the climate is new.
An Inconvenient Truth was released in 2006. Climate awareness has definitely increased since then, as we can see the changes due to climate change—less polar ice, more severe weather, higher ocean temperatures, and higher average global temperatures.

People showing concern once they learn about something is not something to shame them about. I don’t know how old that poster is, but teenagers and young adults have known about climate change their whole lives, but 20 years ago might not have been old enough to realize the impact or had the capacity to understand
An Inconvenient Truth was released in 2006. Climate awareness has definitely increased since then, as we can see the changes due to climate change—less polar ice, more severe weather, higher ocean temperatures, and higher average global temperatures.

People showing concern once they learn about something is not something to shame them about. I don’t know how old that poster is, but teenagers and young adults have known about climate change their whole lives, but 20 years ago might not have been old enough to realize the impact or had the capacity to understand
I find that on this and many other topics, people are projecting when they charge that others are recently aware of something. When in reality, they are the ones who are new to the discussion.
An Inconvenient Truth was released in 2006. Climate awareness has definitely increased since then, as we can see the changes due to climate change—less polar ice, more severe weather, higher ocean temperatures, and higher average global temperatures.

People showing concern once they learn about something is not something to shame them about. I don’t know how old that poster is, but teenagers and young adults have known about climate change their whole lives, but 20 years ago might not have been old enough to realize the impact or had the capacity to understand
I find that on this and many other topics, people are projecting when they charge that others are recently aware of something. When in reality, they are the ones who are new to the discussion.
Not shaming anyone. Curious why the answer is avoided. It was a pretty simple yes or no question.
Are we going to do this again today? Can't we go back to empathy for Maui and ways to help?
In getting back to the people of Maui. The Mayor of Maui said yesterday that the "FBI vetted" list of missing was whittled down from nearly 2,000 to 850 people. So far, 114 have been confirmed dead. And as the days have gone on, it makes me sick to think that there are possibly hundreds more dead. I surely hope that they are somehow able to locate some of those missing, but it's been nearly two weeks now and you'd think that most of those people would have turned up by now.
Yes, I actually rewatched it the other day. There may be more than one....the one I'm talking about is Hawaii Life, Season 10, episode 1 "Dreams Do Come True in Maui". I wanted to see what the town looked like. Wish I'd had the opportunity to visit....such a quaint and cool little town.
In 2021 we spent 2 weeks on Maui. It is such a beautiful place. I'm glad I got to see it when I did as it will never be the same. I have pictures of so many things that will never be seen again. :(
I just can't comprehend that 850 are still considered missing. is there an actual published list of names that the officials are working on? I keep hearing about hundreds of missing children. Is that accurate? If so, that should still be headline news.

A horrible, unbelievable tragedy.
I just can't comprehend that 850 are still considered missing. is there an actual published list of names that the officials are working on? I keep hearing about hundreds of missing children. Is that accurate? If so, that should still be headline news.

A horrible, unbelievable tragedy.

Yes, it’s a terrible tragedy. I believe they’ve narrowed down the missing list to 385 people. 115 are confirmed dead. So if that’s true thee are up to 500 souls lost.

Sadly, the national news has mostly moved on, which honestly isn’t all that surprising. On to the next tragedy/disaster.
Maui tourism organizations are begging for tourists now since their economy is tanking. People are losing jobs (and possibly their homes) because of a mistaken belief that tourists should stay away.

State tourism officials, after initially urging travelers to stay away, are now asking them to come back, avoid the burn zone and help Maui recover by spending their money. Airlines have started offering steep discounts, while some resorts have slashed room rates by 20% or are offering a fifth night free.​
“I know what a terrible disaster that was. But now we’re in crisis mode,” Olsten said. “If we can’t keep the people that have jobs employed, how are they going to help family members and friends that lost everything?”​
The number of visitors arriving on Maui sank about 70% after the Aug. 8 fire, down to 2,000 a day.​
Olsten’s Air Maui Helicopters now operates one or two flights a day, compared with 25 to 30 before the fires.​
As Air Maui’s director of operations, Olsten said his company has laid off seven of its 12 dispatchers. Pilots have been spared because they only get paid when they work. Typically, they fly eight times a day, four to five days a week. That has fallen to one day a week, and only one or two flights.​
Maui tourism organizations are begging for tourists now since their economy is tanking. People are losing jobs (and possibly their homes) because of a mistaken belief that tourists should stay away.

State tourism officials, after initially urging travelers to stay away, are now asking them to come back, avoid the burn zone and help Maui recover by spending their money. Airlines have started offering steep discounts, while some resorts have slashed room rates by 20% or are offering a fifth night free.​
“I know what a terrible disaster that was. But now we’re in crisis mode,” Olsten said. “If we can’t keep the people that have jobs employed, how are they going to help family members and friends that lost everything?”​
The number of visitors arriving on Maui sank about 70% after the Aug. 8 fire, down to 2,000 a day.​
Olsten’s Air Maui Helicopters now operates one or two flights a day, compared with 25 to 30 before the fires.​
As Air Maui’s director of operations, Olsten said his company has laid off seven of its 12 dispatchers. Pilots have been spared because they only get paid when they work. Typically, they fly eight times a day, four to five days a week. That has fallen to one day a week, and only one or two flights.​

I understand why some of the residents of Maui were upset about tourists visiting directly following the fire. They'd just lost their loved ones, friends, pets....their entire town. If it was shocking for those of us who live on the mainland and elsewhere, imagine what it was like for the residents who actually live and work there.

But this was bound to happen because they're so tourist dependent and now many tourists have shifted to visit other islands. Most people plan their vacations a bit in advance. Hopefully things will return to a more normal situation (other than the Lahaina area itself) so that everyone stays employed. They'd be smart to do a "Maui is open for Business" campaign.
We were on Oahu a week ago - while I cannot speak for how tourists are seen on Maui, I'm nearly certain it would be similar to what we encountered on Oahu (ie: outside the directly affected areas)... Everyone was very, very grateful for the tourists who continued to come, which supports the economy. There has always been a bit of a disconnect between Locals and Mainlanders (read up on US-Hawaiian history before you go - what we consider "history" they often see as recent events), but I found simply being friendly and respectful goes a long way. Like people affected by Any tragedy, emotions may be raw, so coming as a visitor - just be MORE friendly and MORE respectful and MORE forgiving. The "Aloha" is there if you are willing to give and receive it.

Aloha is the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy, that is commonly used as a simple greeting but has a deeper cultural and spiritual significance to native Hawaiians, for whom the term is used to define a force that holds together existence. Wikipedia


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