Marathon Weekend 2020

Thanks for the updates about photos. My sister’s bib number must not have worked yesterday because I linked on the website and they popped up. I’ve got a few Epcot and MK action shots and the finish line. Still waiting for all poses and character photos.
Hope everyone had a great time DATW. We did the family thing at AK today. :)
Did anyone do the runner's square yesterday and/or today? Looking for reviews...

i did for both days -

Food - bagels (already toasted which I thought was a nice touch) with PB, butter and cream cheese available, apples, bananas, coffee and water
Photo-op with photo pass photographer
Walk out took you to Corrals from the left rather than the right - honestly if you were in the late corrals this might be a longer Walk
Med tent available
Note: I only made it before the marathon due to the traffic but I found it not crowded at all, lots of bathrooms available and I really could have sat at a table if I wanted to share with other solo runners but I sat on the green

Food: chocolate milk (!!!!) and Odwalla smoothies (a green and a strawberry one)
Photo-op but when I was there only volunteers there no photopass photographer
The commemorative gift was a towel and a Rice Krispie treat
Med tent available

I don’t feel like it was worth the $$ but honestly I’ve wasted money on worse things (lol). I did it more as peace of mind in case it rained but it was nice to have a not crowded space to just sit down. Hope this helps but let me know if you have any other questions
Congratulations to everyone!

A huge thank you to everyone on this thread all your advice and information helped my daughter complete the Dopey challenge.

Yesterday was by far her her least favorite and most difficult marathon to date. The accumulated mileage plus the weather slowed her down to a walk by the end.

When I saw her at mile 9 she already knew the humidity was going to knock her down. By mile 13 she knew she couldn’t keep pace with her previous marathon times and slowed her self down.

I was able to catch her again at Expedition Everest- which she got to ride thanks to the Fastlass CM that let her in line. I got there in time to see her get off and grab a quick photo.

She got a bit nervous she was going too slow when she saw the balloon lady’s in the distance heading into the AK as she headed out but she knew she could stay in front of them even at her much slower then normal pace ....until the course cut off situation.

She was literally one of the last people to run Blizard Beach. She was running along and then looked behind her to see only the bikes and no runners. This freaked her out. The staff on bikes just told her to keep running.
When she met up with the runners who had been diverted all of a sudden people that had been behind her were now in front of her - this unsettled her.

Luckily thanks technology we could stay in touch and I could help keep her calm as she thought her pace was safe but became terrified it wasn’t by that point.

It all ended well as she finished but she admits that was way to stressful.
She did amazing!!!! And great job mom spectating and being able to see her I. So many places. Spectating is stressful. I was not there this year but followed along from home. What a huge accomplishment for her. I would encourage her to keep at it and do it again another year, this was a tough year.
i did for both days -

Food - bagels (already toasted which I thought was a nice touch) with PB, butter and cream cheese available, apples, bananas, coffee and water
Photo-op with photo pass photographer
Walk out took you to Corrals from the left rather than the right - honestly if you were in the late corrals this might be a longer Walk
Med tent available
Note: I only made it before the marathon due to the traffic but I found it not crowded at all, lots of bathrooms available and I really could have sat at a table if I wanted to share with other solo runners but I sat on the green

Food: chocolate milk (!!!!) and Odwalla smoothies (a green and a strawberry one)
Photo-op but when I was there only volunteers there no photopass photographer
The commemorative gift was a towel and a Rice Krispie treat
Med tent available

I don’t feel like it was worth the $$ but honestly I’ve wasted money on worse things (lol). I did it more as peace of mind in case it rained but it was nice to have a not crowded space to just sit down. Hope this helps but let me know if you have any other questions
Thanks! Was it covered?
Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and answers to my first-timer questions!

I loved the race, and am outrageously excited about finishing my first full! I had a great race despite the heat, and smashed my A goal of coming in sub-3:30. Finish time 3:24:43, which is >10 minutes below my BQ cutoff, so I should be heading to Boston in April 2021! I placed 3rd in my age group!

DH struggled with the heat and came in at 6:36. He did get to run Blizzard Beach. He's already planning a return trip to do Dopey.
Congrats everyone!!
Thanks to everyone that answered my newbie questions, you guys rock!!
It was absolutely the best meeting you guys and DATW with you! My face still hurts from all the laughing and smiling!!

Question: I'm not seeing any of my character pics from the half or full. Totally bumming about that... Any advice?
Congrats everyone!!
Thanks to everyone that answered my newbie questions, you guys rock!!
It was absolutely the best meeting you guys and DATW with you! My face still hurts from all the laughing and smiling!!

Question: I'm not seeing any of my character pics from the half or full. Totally bumming about that... Any advice?
My character pictures from the half did finally show up yesterday, but I’m still missing the ones from the full. I would give them another day to load.
My character pictures from the half did finally show up yesterday, but I’m still missing the ones from the full. I would give them another day to load.
Does anyone have a list of which characters were out for the half and full? I cannot remember them all. Also, there were many spots with nobody out (presumably on a break) and I am curious who I may have missed.
Does anyone have a list of which characters were out for the half and full? I cannot remember them all. Also, there were many spots with nobody out (presumably on a break) and I am curious who I may have missed.
I don’t have a list, but there were several characters that were walking back out as I was running by. So I could see it working out to where you could run by several in a row that were on break.
As I suspected, the days at Marathon Weekend blasted by and now I am home again. I look out the window to snow and ice missing that Florida heat already! Just wanted to share that I really appreciate these threads and all of you!

I went into this weekend with the goal to simply finish, no time goal, just finish and be present. Well I did! I am excited to have met my goal, I was very anxious about the full, but I pulled it off. The funny part, although my times were incredibly slower than the last time I did MW in 2018, these races are the first after restarting my PR’s post surgery and rehab (also turned 50). This seemed a good time to start over. So that means I walk out of MW 2020 with three new PR’s. I ran a faster 5K in October. Looking forward to next year and doing this all again!
Contgrats, everyone on this past weekend!

Looking for pics of official runDisney participants shirts for each event & challenge. Any out there?? Are they posted on Disney Blogs?
Congrats to everyone from this weekend! Man that was a tough one on Sunday. As I was coming into HS that morning, a cast member was saying good morning to all the runners and someone just shouted back "Welcome to hell!" Mile 6 was where I new I was going to have to change my pace up if I wanted to to get across the finish line in decent shape. Still managed to stop for a lot of characters and ride Everest. It was such a great time this weekend. I'm sorry that I was only able to make it to the meet up the morning of just the 10k. I was with a good friend from college for the weekend and we got in line for photos with characters before both races and she wanted to be as close to the front of the corrals as we could.

She had two major accomplishments this weekend. She ran the 5k without doing intervals and completed her first half marathon. She tripped and fell on one of the guard rails at the TTC just past the Duffy photo stop but she got back up and kept moving. Was so pleased to see at least three people get to her before I could because she was behind me. It was a great example of how awesome the running community can be. At least three people ran up and made sure she was okay after she got up too.

Like the pain of childbirth, I will most likely forget how miserable Sunday was and find a way to make sure I'm back again next year. My neighbor did the 10k and we are already talking about an adults only trip to Wine and Dine. Hoping the issues with transportation on Sunday can get fixed before next year. My bus driver decided to head to Hollywood Studios first then quickly made his way back to Epcot but I heard some real horror stories from people that day. I think I enjoyed the new marathon course but it looks like they've got to figure something out if your course is going to run right through where the buses drop off the runners.


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