Make a Wish (and other organizations) - Wish Trippers UNITE! Volume THREE! :)

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I recieved the best gift EVER today...
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers!!

That is awesome!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day.. and I'm sure you did! :goodvibes

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful day with your families!!!! :santa:
It's a Christmas miracle!:hug:

Im just glad everything's okay...for everyone. I was so scared yesterday night(Christmas Eve) because an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 hit. It was so scary even though it's the second earthquake I experience.( the second one was a 5.8) Im just glad nothing serious happened.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Oh my! I am glad you are alright! I have never been in one and would like to keep it that way. ;)
Oh my! I am glad you are alright! I have never been in one and would like to keep it that way. ;)

Thanks! :laughing: Yes, keep it that way! :thumbsup2 I saved my computer from falling! :laughing: But anyway, it's no joke. It is a really intense experience when you start hearing he doors rumble and see everything shake. You feel powerless and hopeless.
On the side note, you feel WONDERFUL when it's over.

Hey, please pray for my family and I 'cus I think I'll be heading to my pediatrician tomorrow as I'm developing this werid rash on my neck(photosensitive) and knuckles(on the knuckles, it's like red spots). Sometimes, when the rash on the knuckles is "active" , the skin gets hard and it's harder to make a fist. So maybe, we'll head out to the doctor tomorrow ro see what we should do....but i really anted to go see Narnia I don't know.

Sending pixie dust to everyone!
Thanks! :laughing: Yes, keep it that way! :thumbsup2 I saved my computer from falling! :laughing: But anyway, it's no joke. It is a really intense experience when you start hearing he doors rumble and see everything shake. You feel powerless and hopeless.
On the side note, you feel WONDERFUL when it's over.

Hey, please pray for my family and I 'cus I think I'll be heading to my pediatrician tomorrow as I'm developing this werid rash on my neck(photosensitive) and knuckles(on the knuckles, it's like red spots). Sometimes, when the rash on the knuckles is "active" , the skin gets hard and it's harder to make a fist. So maybe, we'll head out to the doctor tomorrow ro see what we should do....but i really anted to go see Narnia I don't know.

Sending pixie dust to everyone!

Well technically I was in one when I was 12 but it was seriously small scale and I didn't feel anything. Some people said they felt a lot. I'm glad I didn't. Think I would have looked like :scared1: I think it would be on the same scale as the tornado's we get. Not a fan of those either. ;)

Praying for you. Hope all goes well. :hug:
Well technically I was in one when I was 12 but it was seriously small scale and I didn't feel anything. Some people said they felt a lot. I'm glad I didn't. Think I would have looked like :scared1: I think it would be on the same scale as the tornado's we get. Not a fan of those either. ;)

Praying for you. Hope all goes well. :hug:

Well, Im glad you didn't :) The 5.8 one in May was at 1:16 am so it woke me up. Then, soem a re just heavy sleepers lol

And thank you!
We are still here. No going home tomorrow. Kylee finally got a PICC line in. She was going through IVs. They did it bedside(yes.. I said I would never do it again)but they gave her versed this tome. She had no clue it happened. TPN is running without blowing IVs. I'm praying we will be out on Tuesday.
Me.... I caught a horrible cold. Stupid ER. This is no fun being sick and being here. I just want to be in my own bed.
Judy had a PICC line inserted shortly after she was hospitalized. Over the next ten months it had to be replaced twice which was a fairly easy procedure.

From a mental standpoint, it was the best thing they could have done for her. All blood draws were from that line, as well as any infusions of anything. After doing any procedure with her that involved the line they flushed it with 10ml of Saline and 5ml of heparin (sp?) solution.

When she was home on a day when there were no procedures I had a supply of pre-filled sealed syringes and would administer the two solutions once a day to keep the line from getting clogged.

The big thing was there were no more needles for anything.
We are still here. No going home tomorrow. Kylee finally got a PICC line in. She was going through IVs. They did it bedside(yes.. I said I would never do it again)but they gave her versed this tome. She had no clue it happened. TPN is running without blowing IVs. I'm praying we will be out on Tuesday.
Me.... I caught a horrible cold. Stupid ER. This is no fun being sick and being here. I just want to be in my own bed.

So sorry to hear you and kylee won't be going home today, but aleast she won't have to be poked anymore.

We are buried here with snow...even work is delayed opening.

Being stuck inside has given us a chance to web surf and look into SW and Universal to check for must dos since none of us has been there.
Does anyone have recommendations for these two parks or eating ideas any suggestions would be appreciated since we do not know anyone who has been to Universal?
We are still here. No going home tomorrow. Kylee finally got a PICC line in. She was going through IVs. They did it bedside(yes.. I said I would never do it again)but they gave her versed this tome. She had no clue it happened. TPN is running without blowing IVs. I'm praying we will be out on Tuesday.
Me.... I caught a horrible cold. Stupid ER. This is no fun being sick and being here. I just want to be in my own bed.

Sorry you're still there :(

We're praying too, for the both of ya!:hug::hug:

Well, today I went to the pediatrician and he ordered some bloods because he thinks I may have vasculitis or something similiar. We went the lab right after the appt. and 7 tubes of blood samples were taken from me. Good thing I have an awesome nurse! Didn't hurt a bit!
Sorry you're still there :(

We're praying too, for the both of ya!:hug::hug:

Well, today I went to the pediatrician and he ordered some bloods because he thinks I may have vasculitis or something similiar. We went the lab right after the appt. and 7 tubes of blood samples were taken from me. Good thing I have an awesome nurse! Didn't hurt a bit!
I hope it all comes out well... glad you had a good nurse, they really make a differece. Kaleb always insists on a butterfly needle. He seems to do better with it, so I can't complain. 7 tubes are a lot of tubes.... I think today they took 5 from Kaleb....I guess you get used to it. ( I always have to turn my head!)
Sorry you had to experience an earthquake. I've experienced many of them and the worst ones seem to hit in the middle of the night. But they are scary no matter when they happen.
Tke care and I hope things go well....
I hope it all comes out well... glad you had a good nurse, they really make a differece. Kaleb always insists on a butterfly needle. He seems to do better with it, so I can't complain. 7 tubes are a lot of tubes.... I think today they took 5 from Kaleb....I guess you get used to it. ( I always have to turn my head!)
Sorry you had to experience an earthquake. I've experienced many of them and the worst ones seem to hit in the middle of the night. But they are scary no matter when they happen.
Tke care and I hope things go well....

Thank you so much for your kind words. :goodvibes Yes, great nurses make it a relatively enjoyable experience. I also insist on a butterfly needle, but this time i didn't have to mention it..she was like: "Butterfly Needle, right?" Me:" Yep!"
Yeah, the nurse and I were joking about the amount of tubes 'cus I thought it was only going to be like 4...I told her, " Is it 4 or something like that?" She laughed and said, "No..more." Me:" 5?" Her: "Seven." So it almost lasted a whole minute for every tube to be filled so the nurse and I started talking about Christmas day and just laughing...I actually looked at hte needle this time and thought it was cool. After everything was done, I got myself some hot coco! yuummy

Yeah, earthquakes always seem to hit at night, when everyone's calm...making it all the more frightenign and traumatizing.

We are still here. No going home tomorrow. Kylee finally got a PICC line in. She was going through IVs. They did it bedside(yes.. I said I would never do it again)but they gave her versed this tome. She had no clue it happened. TPN is running without blowing IVs. I'm praying we will be out on Tuesday.

So sorry you are still there.:sad2: Will pray for going home on Tuesday.

Me.... I caught a horrible cold. Stupid ER. This is no fun being sick and being here. I just want to be in my own bed.:hug:

I remember one time Abby was in the hospital with rotovirus and broken vertebrea and as soon as she quit throwing up, I came down with it. Nothing like being in the hospital with your children and you end up sick. It was horrible. Hope you feel better soon.:goodvibes

Well, today I went to the pediatrician and he ordered some bloods because he thinks I may have vasculitis or something similiar. We went the lab right after the appt. and 7 tubes of blood samples were taken from me. Good thing I have an awesome nurse! Didn't hurt a bit!

Glad you had a good nurse, it makes all the difference.:goodvibes

I haven't been on much lately. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that everyone has a HAPPY NEW YEAR!:thumbsup2
The kids want to do the ice cream parlor, but I wasn't sure that was allowed...let me know the "scoop" lol, on returning to GKTW!

I would ask at the House of Hearts (where you checked in) for an ice cream coupon. I was told a few weeks ago that welcome back families couldn't eat at the ice cream palace, but yesterday some families had a coupon. I didn't think at the time to ask where they got it.
I hope everyone had a very good Holiday!!!! I posted on my thread already but I wanted to share this here as well because I just think it shows the true meaning of the holiday.... :santa: ( to those of you that may have read this on my thread I apologize if you are reading it twice..)

So sorry that I have been gone for so long.... Taylor had chemo last week then last min Christmas things then Samantha is sick :sick: & they think that she may have the flu!!! YUCK!! we are waiting for the flu test results.

Last week was a better week for Taylor during her chemo, she didn't actually get sick but she was still nasueous. She also spiked a 103 temp :sick: so we were in the ER all night one night.

The Radio City Rockettes came to the hospital one day to read a book to the kids and they came around to say hello.... that made her day :). I will post a pic when I upload it to photobucket.

We also had a couple of suprises last week that really showed us what the Holiday Season is all about ~
While Taylor was getting her chemo last week her teacher called my cell phone on Thursday afternoon & asked to speak to Taylor. When I put Taylor on the phone the whole class said hello, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. The class & her teacher then sang like 4 or 5 Christmas :santa: songs to her over the phone. Taylor had a smile :) on her face the whole time. I, of course, was emotional & started to cry, so did one of the nurses, so I didn’t feel so stupid. Taylor was like “Why are you crying? This is so mice of them, they made me so happy.” I told her I was just very touched by it & she laughed at me & said, “No you are just to emotional.” On Wednesday of last week I spoke with a gentleman who is the head of the Boy Scout troop from Taylor’s school & he said that the boys had a little something for Taylor & would love to come by and drop it off before Christmas so we made arrangements for them to stop by on Thursday night around 7:30. So Thursday night around that time Johnny looks out the door to see if he sees anyone so they know what house it is & he says to us “Come here & look outside”, when I walked over to the door there was a line of cars coming down our block & when they stopped in front of our house we all were outside. There were at least 50 people there as well as Santa, Rudolph, a Christmas Tree, Christmas Bear & a Wooden Soldier. They all got out & gave Taylor a snowman & a card with the money they had collected for our family. Then they sang Christmas :santa: songs to all of us & gave us a Peace Candle from Bethlehem to keep lit until after the New Year. When we went inside I broke down, I just didn’t expect so many people or for them to do all of that for our girl. It was very emotional & I can’t put into words what this meant to us.

It was an amazingly emotional & exhausting week.... I am now going to try to focus on Samantha getting better & then on planning, planning, planning for an amazing time on Taylor's wish trip.... :wizard:

I am going to go catch up on some threads now that I have been missing out on... I can't wait to see what everyone has been up to.... :).
I finished our trip report tonight. It was a quick one, but it's done at least. Hope you all enjoy it.
Last Call!

It's that time again!

Fairy Grandma Linda is going to Disney world and Disney Land in January.

If you would like post cards sent to your wish kids, please pm me with your wish child's name and SNAIL mail addy - if I have time, I will also send to their siblings. Please put wish postcard in the subject line!

Deadline for sign up - Sunday, January 2nd!

(Even if you've already had your wish trip, your child can still have a post card - just let me know you've already been so the message will be appropriate.)
I need your help...

For those of you guys that have already gone to GKTW...

I want your pictures to make a video...I could pull them off the DIS, but I want your permission before I do if you have pictures posted in your TR that you are ok with me using in the video that I am about to make, then please let me know. :)

I need your help...

For those of you guys that have already gone to GKTW...

I want your pictures to make a video...I could pull them off the DIS, but I want your permission before I do if you have pictures posted in your TR that you are ok with me using in the video that I am about to make, then please let me know. :)


I know Kylee PTR wasn't on here but I did post some pictures on Korissas PTR you can use. Not sure what page it's on.
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