Love is “Universal”: Our Awesome Anniversary Adventures in Orlando (May 2015 TR)

Now Carrabbas is somewhere we have never been. I like Olive Garden, DH doesn't rate it - so maybe an alternative for us?

Sorry to hear you had noisy neighbours, I always find noise a problem in the hotels which is why I prefer a condo (top floor) or Townhome.
I love, love Carrabba's. I also really like Macaroni Grille- I think both are better than Olive Garden. I recently ate at Olive Garden again for the first time in a while and it was good but the other two are just even better! As soon as I saw the mozzarella sticks I thought of Jake and all the pictures of him stretching the cheese. I am really thinking we will drive next February and have our car there so we can do some dining offsite when we go to Disney- so many amazing choices.
Mmm....all looks so good.

I'm not a fan of the Olive Garden anymore but I will have to try Carrabba's, I think we must have one around here. Looks like somewhat normal portion sizes too?

Very surprisingly, the portion sizes were spot on. Not ridiculously huge like seemingly almost everywhere else, but just perfect....even for a more substantial eater like Steve.

we like Carrabba's. Though we are not frequent. Never had a bad meal, and the wait staff and food are very good at the one we do go to. Since working in a very Italian neighborhood for many a years, I have a fondness for homemade red gravy and noodles. I am not a fan of Olive Garden either, but we love the salad and go for the soup and salad combo only. My kids eat several bowls of the salad.

Wahoo! USO is on tap next. I am still heavily thinking about a solo October trip to USO. Airfare and car rental seem reasonable, but the hotel rates not so much. I may still pull the trigger though, as a late birthday gift. Hm... Thinking 11 to 16.

Yes, yes, yes!! We're there the 10th to the 17th! We're even meeting up with macraven for a Butterbeer at some point that cool would it be for you to be there too??? Pull that trigger, Lynne!! :cheer2:

Carrabba's is my favorite chain Italian restaurant. Good choice! The bread is awesome and I love their penne with scallops.

I still insist you try 4 Rivers on another trip, though. It absolutely blows those chain barbecue places out of the water.

Noisy neighbors? Yikes.

4 Rivers is on the tentative itinerary for October....and if that doesn't work out for any reason, we still have December to play with :thumbsup2 . So many awesome places to try, so little time!! (first world problems, I know! :o )

Now Carrabbas is somewhere we have never been. I like Olive Garden, DH doesn't rate it - so maybe an alternative for us?

Sorry to hear you had noisy neighbours, I always find noise a problem in the hotels which is why I prefer a condo (top floor) or Townhome.

Definitely give Carrabba's a try if you can. It really is a good step above Olive Garden (a little pricier, but not anything ridiculous.....I am happy to pay for quality).

We were, indeed, on the top floor....the issue was unfortunately coming from beside us. Ugh, people can be so inconsiderate!! :mad:

I love, love Carrabba's. I also really like Macaroni Grille- I think both are better than Olive Garden. I recently ate at Olive Garden again for the first time in a while and it was good but the other two are just even better! As soon as I saw the mozzarella sticks I thought of Jake and all the pictures of him stretching the cheese. I am really thinking we will drive next February and have our car there so we can do some dining offsite when we go to Disney- so many amazing choices.

We saw a Macaroni Grille in Kissimmee, and wondered how it compared to OG. Might have to add that one to a future trip, too!

I really disappointed my boy with the lack of cheese stretching with our only mozzarella sticks of the trip. I should have had Steve pull the old stretcheroo and snapped a pic, just for tradition's sake.

All of your food pictures make me hungry:)

The day I'm about to write about was filled with food, food, food....almost embarrassingly so! Stay tuned popcorn:: .... and have a snack ready!
macaroni grill and carrabba's! both excellent choices! i'm not sure i can choose between those two to determine which i like best...

sorry to hear about the neighbors! my husband would be storming off to bang on their door to tell them to please quiet down!!! i have to stop him from doing that sometimes, because you never know what mindset people are in. :mad:
I love Carrabba's but it's been years since we were there, think we might put this one on our list for August! I am loving the restaurant reviews almost more than the park reports! When you have done the parks before, it's lovely to hear other peoples plans and how much they enjoyed it but seeing the pictures of the food and to have genuine reviews its a great help with planning - Thanks Gina, now get some more reviews on there! LOL :thanks::yay:
Serves you right for abandoning us to galavant around the great Canadian north :snooty: . Didn't you realize how dull my report gets without your perfectly timed spurts of wit and sarcasm?

Don't leave us again, young lady.
It was only the Great White Niagara Falls....not that exciting. Last dance comp of the year and boy was it filled with DRAMA!!!!! I should have stayed home and stayed up to date with my summer vacation. Now I've got a ton of reading to do. I'll get started on it later with my afternoon tea.

Sarcasm...yes! Wit....not so sure, I'm more of a half wit.
macaroni grill and carrabba's! both excellent choices! i'm not sure i can choose between those two to determine which i like best...

sorry to hear about the neighbors! my husband would be storming off to bang on their door to tell them to please quiet down!!! i have to stop him from doing that sometimes, because you never know what mindset people are in. :mad:

Steve was of the same mindset as your DH....but like you, I worried what might result from an encounter with people who had so little consideration for those around them that they had no problem causing that much chaos in the middle of the night. Hard as it was to wait it out, security are the ones who are best equipped to handle such issues.

I love Carrabba's but it's been years since we were there, think we might put this one on our list for August! I am loving the restaurant reviews almost more than the park reports! When you have done the parks before, it's lovely to hear other peoples plans and how much they enjoyed it but seeing the pictures of the food and to have genuine reviews its a great help with planning - Thanks Gina, now get some more reviews on there! LOL :thanks::yay:

Slave driver!!! :rotfl: More reviews (especially food) with lots of pics are coming up :) . I will try to keep those posts comin' as quickly as I can!

It was only the Great White Niagara Falls....not that exciting. Last dance comp of the year and boy was it filled with DRAMA!!!!! I should have stayed home and stayed up to date with my summer vacation. Now I've got a ton of reading to do. I'll get started on it later with my afternoon tea.

Sarcasm...yes! Wit....not so sure, I'm more of a half wit.

Oh no! Sorry to hear about the issues at the dance competition. And here I thought drama only happened at the hockey rinks!! :rotfl2: Please don't tell me a fight broke out between the moms.......:eek: .

At least you got to spend some time at the Falls. I simply love that place. We just bought new furniture for our rec room and paid Jake's year 2 tuition, and with three expeditions southward this year, I fear our customary pilgrimage to Niagara is off the table for 2015. Unless I win the lottery this weekend. In that case, I hereby reconsider.

Umm....when did we take this picture together?

See? This is why I miss you when you're gone. You're definitely the whole wit ::yes::.
Wednesday, May 6th: part 1

So, our “day” started MUCH earlier than we had either intended or anticipated :(. Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, all hell broke loose in the villa next door to us.

We heard the occupants return to the unit…..from the sound of the drunken slur of their argument, one can only assume from last call at one of the local drinking establishments :sad2:….and it only got worse from there. The cursing, the banging, the screaming all progressed into what sounded like furniture being turned over and …. No word of a lie … someone walking on the roof. Now, I have no proof that there was someone on the actual roof, but we could hear sharp, deliberate noise coming from above us, and we were on the top floor :scared:. After more than a half hour of this chaos, Steve called down to Guest Services and they promised to send security up. Eventually, there was a brief respite…..and then it started up again (but this time, it was even worse). Another 40 minutes later, with no apparent end to the fracas, I called down to Guest Services….during which they apologized profusely, and vowed that security would be dispatched a second time to remedy the matter once and for all.

Eventually, peace was mercifully and finally restored, and our unbridled annoyance gave way to restless slumber. When we roused ourselves at a semi decent hour (so we could arrive at the parks early enough to enjoy them before the mid-day crowds descended) we were (not surprisingly) feeling the negative effects of the disturbed sleep from the night before.

We showered, dressed, and grabbed a very light breakfast at the villa. Neither of us was hungry…..just tired. Coffee would be our saving grace this morning.

We arrived at the parking garage, secured ourselves a spot again in preferred parking, and though we were planning a day at Universal Studios today, we entered via Islands of Adventure with the plan to take Hogwarts Express in the opposite direction from our first ride to ensure we got to have the two different experiences.

IOA had early entry (which we qualified for as a special perk for AP holders during the month of May), and we arrived just a smidge before park opening. As we passed into Seuss Landing it was about 8:55 am, so we only had a five minute head start over regular day guests. No matter, though, as we were hoping for fairly light crowds again today if the crowd calendars were at all accurate.

Hogwarts Express was a walk-on, and we were delighted to have a peaceful ride with considerate fellow passengers. The first time we rode going in the opposite direction, we sat near alongside the door. This time, we got seats right on the window so we had a great view of the scenes as we travelled from Hogsmeade to London.





[URL='']We arrived at Kings Cross Station, disembarked, and headed into Diagon Alley.



[URL='']We opted to take a pass on Gringotts this morning, as neither of our stomachs had been feeling quite right since we awoke. Multiple days of too much gluttony combined with a lack of restful sleep was physically manifesting itself in irritable tummies. Having already experienced it twice earlier in the week, it was no big disappointment to either of us, though. We very much looked forward to the chance to just stroll around and take in even more of the wonderful details hidden in each little corner of this magnificently themed area. It was wonderfully uncrowded, and I was able to capture some of my favourite Diagon Alley photos of the trip.











[URL='']More Diagon Alley, including Gringott’s Money Exchange and Butterbeer ice cream at Florean Fortescue’s is next up!
Ugh hate interrupted sleep! That's crazy. We've had issues with people staying up later than us and making noise but to get woken, yikes.

Very nice DA pictures! Hopefully we'll get a nice uncrowded visit one morning this August!
From left to right....
I just had a face lift...does it look good?
I think I forgot my Depends.
I'm way too cool for this Hulk thing...a nap might be in order.

Ha ha! And to think....Mr. I'm-too-cool-for-the-Hulk wouldn't ride Cat in the Hat with me :rolleyes:.

That guy in the middle is stinkin' hilarious.

Gina....did you know you have a T-Rex hanging over your head? Once again the fearless Canadian. The bubble over his head says....'I always wanted to try Poutine'

No worries there....Florida dinos have no idea what poutine is. Neither do the servers in their restaurants. Sweetie tried ordering some last year at Steak & Shake and we spent 20 minutes trying to explain what it was :rotfl2: .

Ugh hate interrupted sleep! That's crazy. We've had issues with people staying up later than us and making noise but to get woken, yikes.

Very nice DA pictures! Hopefully we'll get a nice uncrowded visit one morning this August!

Fingers crossed for you!!! Will you be staying on site and have early entry?
You're a horrible forgot your 'sons' seat belt. In fact, car seats are required in the state of Florida for all yellow, googley eyed children.

ETA: Not sure where the quoted picture went....well that just ruins it doesn't it? So imagine a picture of Bob, wearing a hat, in the backseat of the car. :car:
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Oh no! Sorry to hear about the issues at the dance competition. And here I thought drama only happened at the hockey rinks!! :rotfl2: Please don't tell me a fight broke out between the moms.......:eek: .

At least you got to spend some time at the Falls. I simply love that place. We just bought new furniture for our rec room and paid Jake's year 2 tuition, and with three expeditions southward this year, I fear our customary pilgrimage to Niagara is off the table for 2015. Unless I win the lottery this weekend.


Very long warped story. There was no physical fighting but lets just say that someone needs a good spanking....and it sure isn't me. There were lies, an ambush and a bunch of pouting. It's still going on, so the next week is going to be really special. Aside from all that BS, we had a great on Saturday night that went until 2am at the hotel. When I got back to the room my DD said "you know those people that are always out in the hall that drive you nuts.....well that was you last night'.

If you're going to the falls this summer you had better let me know so that we can come and meet up with you. Promise me that if you win the lottery you will put me in your will.

Alright, I've finally caught up on the TR....thanks for adding another page today. Loads or fun and food. That chicken and waffles looks like it was as big as Steve's head. Carabba's (SP?) is really good. Didn't they give you the pizza dough to play with at the table?

All the Harry Potter stuff has changed since we went. I think it was about 5 years ago. The day we went it was took us about 4 hours to do 3 things and by that point we were so tired of standing in lines that we ended up leaving the park. We did manage to walk right into a show on the way out and tried to go on the Seuss ride but we stood in the line for 5 minutes and it didn't move even 2 feet so we left. That was our only time going to either Universal park.

Did you know that if the light is on at Krispy Kreme you get a free donut? I've been to the one in Mississauga a few times(it's only 15-20 minutes from my house) but it's not as good as the ones in the US. I have to say the best ones we've had were in South Carolina....don't know what the difference is.
Caught up again! Great pics of DA-looks almost as if you guys had the place to yourselves.
Carrabba's is one of the better chain Italian places-like it better than Macaroni Grill. Love Italian Soda-know what is even better? Italian CREAM soda! Yep - take something delicious, add cream, and make it double delicious and decadent! And Krispy Kremes-we have one here-strategically located 2 blocks from a High School...that place has to be one of the highest profit places in the chain:laughing:. As a bonus - their light seems to be on all the time as the teens eat them up so fast.

I always request top floor of places too-so many people seem to put on elephant boots when they walk. Too bad about sideways neighbors-thank goodness for security though...
Missed a few days!!! Think I'm all caught up........

Glad you had some Lush love that word!!!

Love your eye pictures......we cannot wait to get on that this year, I hate heights but will do it.......I just cling on to something all the should see my pictures of me at the top of The Empire State Building......I am gripping on for dear

Will give the skeleton place a miss I think though.......but will add hash house to our list for this year I think. I'm glad you had a good experience in Finnegans......ours was awful and we won't go back.....too many other options, but that's why I give a place a try despite some not liking it......everyone can have different experiences.

Love your minion!!! And Steve just looks far too cool in the Hulk picture.........looks like he's sat in front of his TV and not being flung around!!

Pictures are so good..........::yes::
I am so enjoying your TR! The Eye looks cool, but I'm not sure that all six of us would survive to see the end! LOL! I can see my son trying to bounce off the walls! The skeleton museum looks cool also!

I love Olive Garden but we don't have one nearby. Their salad and Capellini Pomodoro is my favorite! We used to have a Macaroni Grill in Louisville and I ate there a few times years ago and remember it being good. They had this grilled Portobello Mushroom Sandwich that was really good. I've seen Carraba's before, but haven't tried there. I'm not sure if there is one in Louisville or not; I will have to look it up. I know that there is one up in Indy though. We don't have a decent Italian restaurant that is really close by. They opened one here in town, small locally owned place that I had high hopes for, but the food was awful.

I am very sorry about the bad experience with your neighbors at the resort! What a bummer! I can never understand how anyone can argue when you are on vacation.. but I guess too much alcohol can bring out the worst in people. I rarely drink in excess because it makes me sleepy. Hubs is actually very sweet when he drinks, but I have known people who become belligerent and mean. I'm just sorry that it interrupted your sleep and threw off your day. I wonder if those people were mortified when they sobered up in the morning!


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