Love is “Universal”: Our Awesome Anniversary Adventures in Orlando (May 2015 TR)

Hey! Joining in! Late, but I'm here! :yay:

I'm really enjoying this trip report and have been lurking around your TRs for awhile now (creepy, huh?), because this year my family and I are going to do Universal instead of wdw for the very first time! We'll do wdw resort restaurants in our non park days, so I'll get a little mouse magic, but I have to be honest--I'm really excited about going to Universal! More than I originally thought I would the more I learn about it! And hey--we're gonna be there at the same time in December! Maybe we'll run into each other! That would be so cool--me meeting a bonified Diser. Never have before, and my husband is beginning to think everyone on the Dis is an imaginary friend or something...:rolleyes2
Finally getting around to reading your report and as usual, it is very entertaining. I had no idea about the extent of Simpsons activities at Universal. As your son and husband are , my son and myself were Simpsons fanatics in the 90's and this sounds to good not to miss on our next family vacay. I am not sure if I will get my wife to ride Jurrasic Park ride as she got totally drenched last time and of course, it was my fault. You are giving me so many ideas on non Disney related sites and restaurants to visit. I am glad that this advice is free. Thanks and look forward to reading more !!
What a great trip, seems like mostly everything went so smoothly. I'm glad Steve got on hulk after the RRR issue. Spider-Man is a fav of mine, but it took a slight back seat to transformers. With just a month until we go, Im loving reading how much fun you had. Trying to keep up this weekend but we are away.

There were a few moments of the trip that didn't go as smoothly as we planned, but they were rare. When the unexpected cropped up here and there, we tried to just roll with it. Our "schedule" (or lack thereof) made it pretty easy to re-direct or re-do where needed, so that flexiblity was nice.

Its a long weekend for my American friends, isn't it? I had forgotten about that! Happy Memorial Day to everyone south of the border who's celebrating the start of summer. No holiday today for us Canucks. We had last Monday off in celebration of our Canadian "Victoria Day" instead.

Hey! Joining in! Late, but I'm here! :yay:

I'm really enjoying this trip report and have been lurking around your TRs for awhile now (creepy, huh?), because this year my family and I are going to do Universal instead of wdw for the very first time! We'll do wdw resort restaurants in our non park days, so I'll get a little mouse magic, but I have to be honest--I'm really excited about going to Universal! More than I originally thought I would the more I learn about it! And hey--we're gonna be there at the same time in December! Maybe we'll run into each other! That would be so cool--me meeting a bonified Diser. Never have before, and my husband is beginning to think everyone on the Dis is an imaginary friend or something...:rolleyes2

Welcome aboard! Glad to have you joining in! :goodvibes

If we happen to cross paths in December (probably a long shot, but never know!), don't hesitate to come up and say hello!! I have only had the chance to actually meet another Diser face-to-face once....last August, at the Fountains pool at our resort....but this past trip I was spotted by another Dis member at the Vistana, and a couple of trips ago, a Diser saw me at Downtown Disney (but was too shy to come over and say hey). I am also up for planned Dismeets if anyone is ever interested. I could be easily swayed to meet for a drink at Margaritaville or an ice cream sundae at Ghirardhellis!

Finally getting around to reading your report and as usual, it is very entertaining. I had no idea about the extent of Simpsons activities at Universal. As your son and husband are , my son and myself were Simpsons fanatics in the 90's and this sounds to good not to miss on our next family vacay. I am not sure if I will get my wife to ride Jurrasic Park ride as she got totally drenched last time and of course, it was my fault. You are giving me so many ideas on non Disney related sites and restaurants to visit. I am glad that this advice is free. Thanks and look forward to reading more !!

Welcome, welcome! Thanks for joining in :) .

If you and the family are Simpsons fans, then Universal is not to be missed. Springfield is incredible, right down to the music being piped in (I had to restrain myself from groovin' and singing along to "Do the Bart Man" as we walked down the street ... I am so lame! :rotfl2:).

Glad to hear that my trip reports are providing some useful inspiration for others. Its cool to know that I'm not just rambling on aimlessly to myself.....not all the time, anyway :laughing: .

Really enjoying your report.

Thank you! :goodvibes Glad to have you along!
Hi Gina, I think in July we will struggle to cover the ground at Universal without express passes but am really enjoying reading about your trip. Any tips welcomed :goodvibes
Hi Gina, I think in July we will struggle to cover the ground at Universal without express passes but am really enjoying reading about your trip. Any tips welcomed :goodvibes

I am terrible at efficient touring plans.....while I'm highly organized in real life, when it comes to hitting park attractions, we're usually all over the map! That's why we usually end up blowing the budget for Express Pass at Universal or Quick Queue at Seaworld. It lets us be all willy-nilly with our plan of attack.

That said, getting there early (before rope drop) will help tremendously, especially for the most popular rides. And as an added bonus, it should be cooler then for you, too ::yes::.

I fear October will be MUCH busier than our May trip, and I'm going to have to have at least a loose touring plan in order to maximize our time. With our AP's, our Express Passes don't kick in until 4 pm each day, and with having to cough up the money for an RIP Tour for HHN, I'll be darned if I'll buy daytime Express on top of that. You might be able to teach me a few things after your trip is over!

You must be getting excited, though.....your trip is roaring up quickly! :cheer2:
Monday, May 4th: part 3

Refueled and recharged from our Three Broomsticks lunch, we poked around Hogsmeade for a while longer (there is just so much to look at there…..the little details always amaze us!) then we continued our circle around the lagoon, making our way toward Seuss Landing. We meandered slowly through the Lost Continent, but other than snapping a quick pic of this guy….

…..we didn’t stay very long in that section (but we would be back again later in the week, where we’d devote a little more time to some of the finer features this specific “Island” had to offer).

A small aside….has anyone ever watched the Muppet’s Christmas Carol? It’s a holiday favourite of ours, and we watch it ever single year without fail. The statue above reminds me of Ebenezer Scrooge’s Headmaster….and every single time I see it, the first thing through my head is “It’s the American Way!”.

Anyhoo, onward to Seuss Landing. I love this particular area off the park: it’s bright and colourful and fun. It makes me feel like a big kid, and in a way that I don’t have to make any apologies :teeth:.

Dr. Seuss was a huge part of my childhood, and an integral part of Jake’s too. Even with that kiddo all grown up, I can still recite some of those books by heart… can’t read something 1000 times and not have it permanently etched in your brain for all of eternity. Universal has captured the essence of those books so beautifully in this area, down to every last colourful detail.

Our first stop was the Caro-Seuss-El, and even Steve (good sport that he is) joined me for a ride. I am always happy to see the multitude of adults in this section of the park that just let their inner child loose and join in the fun (with their children in tow, or like Steve and I….just themselves, children at heart :)).

Just as we exited from our ride on the Caro-Seuss-El, we spotted the Cat in the Hat moseying over for a meet and greet next to his ride. We couldn’t pass up the chance for another character pic! :banana:

And then.... as we were waiting behind a couple of other families to meet the Cat in the Hat, we saw the Grinch and Sam I Am come strolling out and set up to meet visitors just on the other side of One Fish Two Fish. So, we went there next! :cheer2:

The Grinch was especially playful, tickling the tops of our heads and making everyone laugh with his crazy antics.

After making the acquaintance of characters, we opted for a ride on the High in the Sky Trolley Train. I was a little disappointed that we didn’t go through Circus McGirkus Café Stupendous (and confession time: I didn’t realize, before today, that the two different tracks on opposite sides of the loading area take you on two totally separate loops….I just assumed the trains ran along the same track at staggered intervals). Even without the tour through the gigantic circus tent, though, the ride was fun as always (albeit enough to make me almost faint, in places…..I don’t know why, but the heights always get me, especially as the train turns on the track over the water in the center lagoon) and the views of Seuss Landing were spectacular.

We were pleased to see another Photoconnect opportunity in the Trolley Train queue, so as we made our way through, we took the time to stop for a picture on the Star Card:

Next up was a ride on One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. Adults? Who? :rolleyes1 Us? :rolleyes2

The only other ride we hadn’t done was Cat in the Hat, which Steve HATED on our first trip to IOA three years go. I swear, when he has nightmares in the darkness of night, the spinning of that ride is smack dab among the horror he’s enduring. Seriously, he despised that ride. Today, we opted to skip it (even though relatively recent reports said that the incessant spinning has been tamed substantially) but I vowed to ride it later in the week…..probably while Steve waits contentedly outside….when we return for another day of fun at Islands of Adventure.

Instead of a spin on the Cat on the Hat, we toured a couple of the bright and colourful gift shops that are scattered throughout Seuss Landing.

I was sorely tempted to buy a pair of Thing 1 and Thing 2 t-shirts for the big guy and I, but talked myself out of it. Steve would have happily worn them on our next park day….he’s such a good sport about that kind of stuff….but honestly, other than on our trips to Universal, I couldn’t see myself wearing it at home (and thrifty girl that I am, the fun for a day didn’t seem to justify the cost). I did love the Mother of All Things t’s, but since I only have a singular Thing and not at least two to warrant the plural of the shirt, it didn’t really seem fitting. 10 years from now (and hopefully not a day sooner) perhaps I’ll be able to buy the Grandmother of All Things shirt when I tour with Jake and his future brood.

By the time were finished up in Seuss Landing, we had worked off enough of our lunch to have made room for a sinful, sweet snack. Steve had spied a tantalizing array of cheesecake (his most coveted indulgence) at the Beverly Hills Boulangerie the day prior, and speculated as we passed by Croissant Moon Bakery in Port of Entry upon our arrival that they, too, probably offered similar treats there. So that, not surprisingly, is where we headed.

Deciding what to have here was almost as difficult as deciding on a name for Jake when he made his way into the world way back in 1996. So many options….so many good choices…..but only room for two. Their cakes (cheese and cheese-less), cookies, dessert bars, squares, and funnel cakes all looked spectacular. I think we may have drooled a little on their display cases as we perused the selection :o.

Eventually, Steve made his executive decision and ordered the caramel cheesecake (not a surprise….I knew he would pick a cheesecake of one variety or another, the only question was which flavour) and I had a Napoleon bar.

I am going to use schumigirl’s phraseology here, because (a) I just love saying the word and (b) it describes our selections so very perfectly.

They were LUSH. Oh. My. God :worship:. I hated to even offer Steve a bite of my Napoleon bar, because I wanted every last calorie and crumb for myself (for the record, though, my love and devotion eventually won over my selfish tendencies, and I gave him a generous taste of that sweet pastry wonderfulness……I will consider that selfless act as falling into the latter half of the “For better or for worse” vows that we pledged 22 years prior…..sharing has never been so hard in my life!!).

The cost of our snack totaled $8.50 including tax and our AP discount. We shared a cold bottle of water (free with our AP entitlements) and then Steve bought a bottle of milk once his cheesecake bit the dust.

Wheeeeeeeeeeee! :hyper: Were we on a sugar high when that was said and done. Steve was feeling like a Super Hero himself, so we headed back to the Marvel area hoping to catch a meet and greet with some of the characters that make that part of the park their home. And score! Our timing was awesome, because who was out and about? None other than the gigantic Dr. Doom. Even better, there was a Photoconnect photographer there too :thumbsup2.

Pictures like this always make me smile. There’s not too many folks who make Steve look small, but Dr. Doom is enormous. I would love to see the person underneath that costume. I bet he has even more trouble finding shoes to fit his big feet than Steve does!

With caramel cheesecake coursing through his veins and a chance encounter with Dr. Doom adding a little spark of awesomeness to his afternoon, Steve suddenly announced he had some important business to care of. I thought perhaps he was ready for another ride on the Hulk (to which he gave me the “are you out of your MIND?” look, considering the amount of cheesecake and milk that was currently swirling around his stomach) but no, he headed in the opposite direction…..all the way through Marvel to the spot just before Toon Lagoon where the carnival style games are featured.

Earlier in our day, as we were on our way to Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls, he had spotted HUGE Minions at the strong man game. He turned to me then and said “I am going to win you one of those before the end of this trip”.

Mmm, hmm :scratchin. Sure.

The Minions (and the other options for prizes at IOA’s strong man game…..NBA teddy bears a few other choices) were much more substantial items, in my opinion, than the stuffed Duff merchandise at the Sledgehomer game in Springfield. It had to be harder to win at this location. The man was just setting himself up to be disappointed.

Despite my assurances that I was more than thrilled with the Lisa and Santa’s Little Helper that he won me the day prior, he was not to be deterred. His wife loved Minions, and he was going to win one. Plain and simple.

He paid the attendant the $5 fee, and she handed him a hammer. Swing #1, with all the power of the cheesecake exuded, yielded him a mid-90’s score :cool:. This was not going to be easy.

Gina, hold my hat. And keys. And wallet. And lanyard.

Swing #2 was a tad better at 97, but still not a winner. So close :eek:. And he was giving it all he had.

He turns to me and says, Don’t worry, you’re not leaving here without a Minion. (Did I look worried? :confused:) A tiny group had clustered around the game at this point, as a few folks in the vicinity had seem him come so very close on his first two swings. He had a small cheering section assembled when he wound up for that final attempt, which came crashing down amidst a huge yowl of energy that I think even surprised Steve. Lol, did that sound really come from him??

DING! 100! Winner!!! :jumping1:

And that, my friends, is how Bob the Minion officially joined our family :love2:.

By this point in the day, once again the excitement, the fresh air, the sunshine, the culinary indulgences, and all the walking was starting to take their toll. And again, we were smart enough to listen to our own internal cues and know that it was soon time to call it a day (as far as our park activities were concerned) and leave the rest of our must-do’s until later in the week. We had nothing but time at our disposal, so there was no rush to cram anything else in. Ah, we love the beauty of a Universal vacation!

Making our way through Marvel again on our way back to the park entrance, Steve topped off an already incredible day with a chance meeting with the Green Goblin who was dashing from guest to guest, wreaking havoc and hardly standing still long enough for a photo to be captured. I swear that the person who plays this character must be fed a steady diet of Red Bull.

He dang near pushed my limit, though, when he took his leather belt and gave poor Bob a good lashing. Nobody, not even the Green Goblin, has permission to assault my Minion! Steve thought it was great that he was so “in character”. I resisted the urge to kick him in the shins :littleangel: .

On our way out of the park, one of the Photoconnect photographers was excited to see us walking with our arms wrapped around Steve’s prize. She called out to Steve and said, WOW, did you win that for your wife? Way to go! with genuine enthusiasm, and then motioned us over so she could take some photos of our special moment. She took several pics of us here, including a few “fun” ones with us each holding Bob’s hands, and I have to say…..I loved the backdrop. It was the perfect location for photos!

Eventually, we made our way out of the park, through CityWalk, back to the car, and down the I4 to the resort. We made Bob comfy in the back seat, but he insisted on wearing Steve's hat:

Back inside the villa, I called my mom for a quick chat (making sure all was well on her end of the world, and keeping her abreast of the excitement of our day), and Steve grabbed a nap on the sofa. Once we were ready, we headed off to dinner….it would be Steve’s pick tonight.

Red Robin, and the end of our Monday, is next.
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Way to go on the new family addition!! I hope Bob is fitting in well and Jake not too jealous :rotfl:

Gina, the last time we went to Universal was in October 2013 and we found it very manageable and got on everything we wanted, even HP, although the new bit was under construction then. I think the minion ride was the longest wait we had.
I am terrible at efficient touring plans.....while I'm highly organized in real life, when it comes to hitting park attractions, we're usually all over the map! That's why we usually end up blowing the budget for Express Pass at Universal or Quick Queue at Seaworld. It lets us be all willy-nilly with our plan of attack.

That said, getting there early (before rope drop) will help tremendously, especially for the most popular rides. And as an added bonus, it should be cooler then for you, too ::yes::.

I fear October will be MUCH busier than our May trip, and I'm going to have to have at least a loose touring plan in order to maximize our time. With our AP's, our Express Passes don't kick in until 4 pm each day, and with having to cough up the money for an RIP Tour for HHN, I'll be darned if I'll buy daytime Express on top of that. You might be able to teach me a few things after your trip is over!

You must be getting excited, though.....your trip is roaring up quickly! :cheer2:

have no fears, i'll hold your hand and walk you thru what to expect in october...

i go october every year due to hhn.
first oct stay was 1999.

what are you estimated dates for october?
I love reading your updates! I am getting so excited for our trip in less than 2 weeks now! So many characters and I think now I will purchase the photo connect card, I was iffy on it but those are some great pictures!!!
I am finally caught up! We were out of town for the Indy 500 and I got behind! Lol!

I love that Steve was so good at the strong man games! How sweet that he got you Bob! ❤️ That does stink about RRR though.. Seems like he took it all in stride though.

Love your pics and I am so glad that you were able to retrieve the ones on your memory card! I am considering the photo card. The girls and I have the sneetches photo but we paid a ridiculous amount for it. It's still a favorite though. I have it on my dresser mirror in my bedroom! We opted to be star bellied sneetches! We also love the Seuss area! I want to get thing shirts for all of us! We would wear them all the time. Lol! A friend of mine has Thing 1-7 shirts for her kids and a Mother of all Things shirt for her. They wore them when her husband got home from a deployment!

Can't wait to go back! We are hoping to in 2 more years!
Watching "Despicable Me" on the Disney Channel while reading your trip report......(Just happened upon it.) :rotfl:
Way to go on the new family addition!! I hope Bob is fitting in well and Jake not too jealous :rotfl:

Gina, the last time we went to Universal was in October 2013 and we found it very manageable and got on everything we wanted, even HP, although the new bit was under construction then. I think the minion ride was the longest wait we had.

Ha ha! We have Bob sitting on our mantle in the rec room, and Jake says he freaks him out when it starts to get someone's watching him....:magnify: .

I am happy to hear the positive reports about October. I am super excited to see the parks in their Halloween finery for the first time!!

have no fears, i'll hold your hand and walk you thru what to expect in october...

i go october every year due to hhn.
first oct stay was 1999.

what are you estimated dates for october?

We are there from the 10th to 17th....dates are firm as flights are bought.

I will be gladly accepting any tidbits of knowledge that you are willing to pass along to an October newbie :) . Hey, better idea yet: you could always meet us there! Dismeet! :banana: The butterbeer would be on me :drinking1 .

I love reading your updates! I am getting so excited for our trip in less than 2 weeks now! So many characters and I think now I will purchase the photo connect card, I was iffy on it but those are some great pictures!!!

We really, really liked having the Photoconnect card. We got the annual pass version crazy cheap ($49.95) but we would even have considered it a good value for the current pre-order price ($89.95). I love the way you can switch out the borders, and even download in different sizes for printing (4x6, 5x7, 8x10). If you make a point of seeking out the various photo opportunities, its well worth it!

I am finally caught up! We were out of town for the Indy 500 and I got behind! Lol!

I love that Steve was so good at the strong man games! How sweet that he got you Bob! ❤️ That does stink about RRR though.. Seems like he took it all in stride though.

Love your pics and I am so glad that you were able to retrieve the ones on your memory card! I am considering the photo card. The girls and I have the sneetches photo but we paid a ridiculous amount for it. It's still a favorite though. I have it on my dresser mirror in my bedroom! We opted to be star bellied sneetches! We also love the Seuss area! I want to get thing shirts for all of us! We would wear them all the time. Lol! A friend of mine has Thing 1-7 shirts for her kids and a Mother of all Things shirt for her. They wore them when her husband got home from a deployment!

Can't wait to go back! We are hoping to in 2 more years!

I was so relieved about the memory card, too. A good lesson learned: we'll take a spare on future trips, just in case. They're not very expensive to buy.....certainly less than the $50 I paid to recover the corrupt data!!

Awesome to hear that you guys still have a plan to return some day.....two years goes by quickly for young families, so I bet it won't seem as long to wait as it sounds. It will be a whole different trip for you guys then, as your kiddos will be at totally different stages from when you visited the first time. So cool!

Love the updates, I'm all caught up!

Winning you that Minion is just adorable :love:

Welcome back!

My Steve was mighty proud of that Minion ::yes:: . For a minute, as we loaded ourselves into the car to return to the resort, I thought he wanted me to take the back seat and Bob to ride in the front!! :rotfl2:

Watching "Despicable Me" on the Disney Channel while reading your trip report......(Just happened upon it.) :rotfl:

I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!! :teeth: What spectacular timing!

that movie is a hoot!!!
i start smiling just thinking about it.
My boss said he tried to watch it, and it was too boring to finish :scared1: :confused: .

What planet is he from, anyway? :confused3
Ok I've looked everywhere. Some one mentioned a camera that is good for under water. What is it?
gina, put me in your calendar.
i'll be there the 3rd thru the 16th, night flight out.
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Aw! He won you a minion! :love:

So romantic! And yes, I could be coaxed out for a Dismeet in December to Margaritaville, surely! When it gets closer to those dates, we can see if we can coordinate!
Ok I've looked everywhere. Some one mentioned a camera that is good for under water. What is it?

Just a guess, but was it maybe a Go Pro?

gina, put me in your calendar.
i'll be there the 3rd thru the 16th, night flight out.

Seriously!?!??! Woohoo! :banana::cheer2::cool1:

How cool is this going to be? :teeth:
Aw! He won you a minion! :love:

So romantic! And yes, I could be coaxed out for a Dismeet in December to Margaritaville, surely! When it gets closer to those dates, we can see if we can coordinate!

That would be awesome!

Christmas is only 212 days away :santa: .
Monday, May 4th: the final instalment

Once Steve woke himself from his short slumber (oh, who am I trying to fool? That man didn’t awaken willingly....I finally roused him from his sleep or he would have been there all night! ;) ) we freshened up and headed out in search of our evening meal. Since I had chosen Finnegan’s the night before, I insisted that Steve pick this evening’s venue...just to keep things fair. I don’t like to make ALL the vacation decisions.

Being your typical guy, burgers are not only considered a food group for Steve, but also a necessity of life (kind of like chocolate for women ::yes::). Enough so that when Red Robin announced several months back that it would be opening a location in the new IDrive 360 complex, it vaulted to the top of my big guy’s must-try list on a future trip. He has watched the commercials on the US TV stations for years, but we’ve never crossed paths with one on our travels in the northern states. With an unscheduled evening stretching out before us, he asked if I’d be interested in giving it a whirl for dinner. Of course, I was happy to oblige.

Parking was ample and we secured a spot not far from the building itself. It was another fine, sunny, breezy, moderate evening so the stroll from the parking lot to the restaurant was super pleasant (other than our legs were still a bit weary from all the park walking earlier in the day).

It wasn’t busy inside, so we were seated immediately by a greeter and soon attended to by “Chris”, our server for the evening. He took our drink order (Steve got some prickly pear soda made me giggle because it seemed like a very feminine drink, all pretty purple and fizzy.....while boring me got a Coke Zero) and returned a short time later to take the balance of our requests. We were feeling indulgent, so we ordered an appetizer to start (a half stack of onion rings). For entrees, Steve (not surprisingly) went with one of their hamburgers, while I thought chicken was a safe bet (I’m not the burger connoisseur that my better half is). One of the entrees sounded quite good (“Buzz Clucks and Mac ‘n Cheese”), but also being spice averse (I hate anything hot), I had to inquire.....what is Buzz sauce? Spicy or no? (if it was spicy or hot, I would order the chicken plain). Chris assures me it’s not hot at all, it’s just a barbecue sauce. Alright then, I will give it a try. So we settled back to enjoy our beverages and wait for our first course to arrive.

Within 10 minutes, we had a hot, fresh half stack of onion rings delivered to the table, and I must say....they were excellent. They were really nice and crisp, perfectly cooked, and had a great flavour. We devoured them all. Two thumbs up from both of us :thumbsup2.

After the appetizer plates were cleared away, we waited for the entrees to arrive. And we waited. And we waited. And we W-A-I-T-E-D. I was certain they had sent someone out to the farm to kill a chicken and a cow in order to prepare our meal. We were mighty grateful we had the good sense to order an appetizer to tide us over, or else Steve would have collapsed from malnutrition right there on the floor :faint:.

At long last, Chris appears with food in hand. Steve’s burger and side salad looked pretty darn nifty:

My meal, however, had me concerned. Those chicken strips were looking Which generally means hot and spicy :(.

While Steve tucked into his burger (which he said was awesome....”his third favourite burger of the trip, after Hash House A Go Go and the Clogger”) I tentatively tried the chicken.

And it was awful. I felt like my tongue had caught fire :scared:.

I tried the mac and cheese, and it was okay....nothing spectacular (it was the noodle size......the pasta was just too big) but edible. I was so annoyed with our server, though, about the chicken that I no longer felt like eating anything at this point and even most of the pasta was left in the bowl. I gave a piece of the meat to Steve and asked him to sample it (he enjoys a good dose of hot and spicy on a semi-regular basis) and even he couldn’t eat the chicken. Our server could easily see that there was an issue with my meal (assuming he was permitting a sly glance in our direction without us noticing) but never once came over and asked how everything was, if we needed anything, etc until Steve’s plate was empty. Let me tell you, I felt badly for Steve too.....he was feeling super guilty about the fact that he was enjoying his meal while I couldn’t bring myself to eat mine (and sharing wasn’t an option...I didn’t like the toppings on his burger nor am I a salad fan). Finally, mercifully, Chris came over to clear away Steve’s plate and says “is there something wrong with your entree?”. :furious:

Um, yeah!

I tell him (courteously) that despite his reassurance that the sauce wasn’t hot, the chicken was just too spicy for me to eat. To his credit, he awkwardly apologized and offered to have them re-prepared plain....but after waiting soooooooooo long for the first ones to arrive, it would have been midnight before we got out of there. I declined the offer, trying my best to keep my annoyance to myself, but probably not succeeding very well....I was tired, and rather disappointed, and just wanted to get going. He seemed pretty successful at deciphering my non-verbal cues, didn’t even bother to inquire about whether or not we wanted dessert (we didn’t), and promptly brought us the bill. He noted that he removed the cost of my entree from the cheque (a gesture that I appreciate), so we paid the charges ($23.40 taxes included, plus tip....and yes, we left the customary tip even though it wasn’t deserved....our mommas taught us better than that) and left.

Ah well, you win some, you lose some. The onion rings were good. And Steve enjoyed his dinner very much. So rather than class this one as a loser, we’ll give it a 6.5/10. We’ll lay the blame for the low points on Chris’s shoulders ::yes:: . I bet he eats jalapeno peppers for breakfast :mad:.

Steve offered to get me something else to eat en route back to the resort, but I declined. I wasn’t hungry anymore, and heck.....after that Napoleon bar earlier in the day, it was probably better that I didn’t eat anything else for the day anyway.

The resort was oddly quiet that night....we had the hot tubs to ourselves at the Fountains pool. We enjoyed a wonderful private soak under the stars, some nice couple’s time together, and eventually headed to bed.

Tomorrow would be a little more relaxing....sleeping in (assuming our internal clocks allow it), breakfast at Hash House (chicken and waffles, baby! :cool1:) and then our much-anticipated ride on the newly opened Orlando Eye.

Our Tuesday adventures are next!

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