Lots of Completed Trip Reports....Nov 2009 - April 2014

What great pictures Deej! Great fence pic- it's our new quest right?

You may have squealed a bit when you saw the DL entrance, but I'm smiling looking at your TR pics as it brings up happy memories for me too.

Love the waving shadows! So fun to have a sisters trip! I went to WDW once with my sister who is almost a year older than me. We were there to see Donald March in the parade but since his time was planned out ended up having a great girls trip. Even had breakfast with the princesses. Never did THAT with my family!

Laughing at Sherry's synopsis of TMWTOTY! I too have Let It Snow still on my DVR. DH wonders why. What does he know about excellent cinematography? He did last through about 40 min of 'A Ring By Spring' until his testosterone forced him to go watch ESPN.

Yes Deej my hubby retired last June. We are grateful for the timing as my 91yo MIL has had health challenges and this fall/winter was spent between hospitals, rehabs, and now blessedly we have her happily in a senior apartment about a half hour from us.

Looking forward to more of your trip! I can't believe we are planning our own this summer.

Thanks TK!

"A Ring By Spring" sounds like a good one. I haven't heard of it. Sounds like there would be lots of obstacles involved before the ring is given. :)

I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. But yes, good timing with DH's retirement. She's not too far away, either. As I mentioned earlier, my DH's job ends at the end of June. There is a possibility that we might move halfway across the country. Not a good time to be picking up and making a move like that when our parents' health is such as it is. We are kind of right in the middle between both sets of parents right now.

deej -

A really nice round o' photos -- my favorites are the shadow picture and the back of Cars Land!

I'm glad to read that no actual barfing occurred!

So your brother is the one who is eventually going to be looking in on your parents regularly? Thankfully he lives in close proximity.

Thanks Sherry!

I liked that shadow picture, too.

Yes, my brother will be able to easily check in on my parents. My older sister who is single and has grown kids has talked about the possibility of staying with them long term as well.

I'm glad for you TK that you will be able to go to the DLR in July and be staying at PPH. I will respond to your post on my trip report thread from this morning.

Nice to see that you have started your post from your last month trip report Deej. The Candy Cane Inn room looks very nice. I have heard great things about the Candy Cane Inn from other DISers. The location is okay and the shuttle helps a lot but as you know that it is easier if you are closer to the entrance then relying on the shuttle to pick you up. Mimi's Cafe is a very nice place to eat when you are off-site. That restaurant and Tony Roma's are one of my favorite off-site restaurants.

A lot of nice photos from the Candy Cane Inn until you arrived at the DLR.

Thanks Bret! I forgot how much I liked CCI. It's been a few years since I've stayed there. The breakfast is nice. It's nice to have the option to walk or use the shuttle. The walk is very doable and not crowded. Riding the shuttle back at night after 14 hours straight in the parks is nice, too.
So we are officially in! We headed to the right and through the tunnel. And guess what I forgot to do? Take a picture of this:

It's kind of a thing. I always do it. But I forgot this time, so I had to pull this one from my April 2010 trip.

We headed down Main Street and were able to grab a locker before rope drop.

I thought this was funny...Goofy just blended into the crowd that was making their way down Main Street!


Did I mention that the weather forecast was low to mid 90s? And I'm not a hot weather girl? And that I'd rather it be 60 degrees? My ideal is right around 70 degrees, probably. So Spring Break crowds mixed with 94 degrees...we'll see how that panned out.

I had to take a picture of this window display and send it to my trumpet-playing 14 year old son.

The rope dropped and we were off. Off to get FPs for my favorite mountain ride... :woohoo:

I was SOOOOO excited to ride this again. I had avoided reading/watching anything in relation to the changes made to the ride itself.

It was time for our first bathroom break. Yeah, Disneyland's been open for 15 minutes and we're already hitting up our most-used restroom facility in the park. The one between Adventureland and Frontierland by the Tiki Room. This is what it looks like 15 minutes into park opening.

No one else was in there. We had our pick of toilets that still had the seats up from being cleaned. OK, enough bathroom talk!

We were in mosey mode. Not rush-to-get-in-line-for-Space-Mountain mode. We headed over toward the Castle and decided to hop aboard one of the Main Street vehicles and ride back down Main Street. (Who does that? Heads that direction on Main Street, 15 minutes after the park opens? Well, us. :)) We wanted to take our traditional round trip ride around the park on the Disneyland Railroad.

We had just missed one of the horse-drawn streetcars (that had no one in it), so we took a few pictures while we waited. SIL took a selfie in front of the Castle and posted it on FB. She was at Disneyland on her birthday! I took some flower pictures.

OK. This was weird.

A bunch-o-blooms here...

And then right across the path, not so many blooms...

It was the same type of flower, same area with a walkway in between. It was odd that the one side was so bare. Is it just me???

Here's the Mickey-esque grouping I spotted:

Our horse-drawn streetcar arrived to carry us down Main Street. The 3 of us sat in a row toward the back. One of the CMs took our picture. I then stood up to check out our horse's butt. More specifically, I stood up to see if Eddie's tail was donning any Spring-time decor.

I have pictures of a horse butt with Halloween decor:

And Christmas decor:

Naturally I assumed they would sport some kind of Springy-looking ribbon for the Easter season. So I stood up to check out the horse's butt and take a picture. I promptly got reprimanded and was told to sit down. Yes, I got in trouble at Disneyland. In my defense, I didn't know we were going to pull away from the curb right after the other CM snapped our picture. I thought we were going to sit there for a couple of minutes to allow other guests to board. Not so.

So here is a picture of me trying to see what the horse butt had to offer in the way of Spring decor...and being reprimanded in the process.

We all had a good laugh.

More pics from our ride down Main Street:

Hoping to have a chance to chat with Oscar during our Carnation Cafe lunch in a couple of days...

We have arrived at our destination.

Bert walked by. We made an attempt to talk to him but he kept walking. :rotfl: So within a matter of minutes I got in trouble at Disneyland and was dissed by Bert. :rotfl:

Bert stopped to visit with these guests after dissing me.

View of Main Street before heading into the station.

It does seem odd that the flowers were abundant on one side and sparse on the other side of the walkway. I wonder if that was a simple oversight on the part of the horticultural experts/designers at DLR, or if there was some reason why the flowers just wouldn't grow/bloom on the other side of the walkway.:confused3 Maybe that empty spot was being reserved for more flowers. It might have been a good blank "hiding place" for one of the big, obvious eggs on the Easter egg hunt, though!

(And, by the way, side note: I don't know if you did the egg hunt in both parks, or one park, or neither park, or whatever, but let me just say that the egg at the Little Mermaid ride location in DCA did not look like the character it was supposed to look like, according to the stickers! That is all.)

You did mention before that the heat didn't bother you and the crowds were not as bad as October 2012 crowds (and I agreed with that), so you spoiled your own "So Spring Break crowds mixed with 94 degrees...we'll see how that panned out" teaser!:rotfl2::rotfl2: See? You've got to remember to not reveal anything in advance if you want to keep some mystery/suspense because people (or at least I) will remember it!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

The horses seem to still have some sorts of adornments for the holiday season and Halloween Time, but I don't think it's necessarily the same every year. The derriere decor and butt baubles seem to change slightly, or at least it seemed that way to me.

It seems a shame that you were reprimanded for innocently standing up to look at the horse, but so many people all over the park get away with being blatantly rude and obnoxious. Case in point: The little monstrous demon child who hurled a handful of It's a Small World canal water in my face back in 2009 -- and nearly on my camera and cell phone -- escaped the boat unscathed. He was trying to hurl the water in the face of the woman behind him, who was presumably his mom, but she ducked out of the way and it hit me. She apologized for him, but she didn't seem all that concerned with whether or not my camera and phone were doused. They merrily went on about their business after getting water all over me, and Cast Members did nothing.

Something I noticed in DLR last month was that a lot of people were just flat-out rude or they were just not concerned about anyone around them. There are many inconsiderate and/or unaware people out there. If I realize I have bumped into someone or gotten in their way I will apologize repeatedly. Some other folks are not so polite.

While doing the egg hunt in Disneyland, I approached the egg that was sitting in a Main Street window display. I was bending and stooping down to take a picture of it. I placed the corresponding character sticker on the map and I stood up to walk away. A family -- who was also on the egg hunt and had zeroed in on the window display -- could not wait the TWO SECONDS that it would take for me to walk away. Instead, they began trying to burrow their way in between me and the window AS OPPOSED TO WALKING AROUND ME OR WAITING FOR ME TO MOVE. I stepped an inch towards the window to walk around them, which prompted them to stick their arms and hands out to push their way closer to the window.

Did they think that the egg was going to get up and walk away in the 2 seconds it would have taken to wait for me to move? Why did they have to push past me to get to it? This was not a timed hunt or a race. I almost said all of that to them, but I didn't. I was thinking it, though.

On another occasion last month (same day) I was walking through the Adventureland gridlock zone, past the stroller parking. I tried to stay as close to the stroller side as possible and not get myself stuck in the middle of the crowds. Along came a couple of women who apparently spotted their stroller and -- you guessed it -- began burrowing and pushing past me in the inch of space between the strollers and me, to get to their stroller. Why they couldn't have waited for me to pass them or simply walk around me on the other side and access the stroller that way is beyond me. It's not as if the stroller would have vanished into some sort of Bermuda Triangle of Strollers if they had gone around the other side of me or waited the TWO SECONDS for me to pass.

So I have to wonder -- and can't wait to read about -- whether you observed or came across any rude fools such as the ones I mentioned on your trip last month. I can't be the only one!
I only recall one LARGE 'shout out' from a CM at WDW. I was reviewing my digital photos on my SLR camera while waiting for the Carousel of Progress to start, "MAM, MAM, put your camera away. You can't take photos in here. MAM" Much to the delight of Sarge, Donald, and Grumps. I think that was 10 years ago and every trip they bring up the Disney Po Po giving me the shake down over the camera!

Deej now you and Sherry will have me focusing on the rumps of the Mainstreet horses for butt baubles and derriere decor. :goodvibes

I'm amazed at people who feel the need to trample others on their way to attractions. I am glad like Sherry I'm apt to hold my tongue and in my head think of several instructive things to say.... :groom:
It does seem odd that the flowers were abundant on one side and sparse on the other side of the walkway. I wonder if that was a simple oversight on the part of the horticultural experts/designers at DLR, or if there was some reason why the flowers just wouldn't grow/bloom on the other side of the walkway.:confused3 Maybe that empty spot was being reserved for more flowers. It might have been a good blank "hiding place" for one of the big, obvious eggs on the Easter egg hunt, though!

(And, by the way, side note: I don't know if you did the egg hunt in both parks, or one park, or neither park, or whatever, but let me just say that the egg at the Little Mermaid ride location in DCA did not look like the character it was supposed to look like, according to the stickers! That is all.)

You did mention before that the heat didn't bother you and the crowds were not as bad as October 2012 crowds (and I agreed with that), so you spoiled your own "So Spring Break crowds mixed with 94 degrees...we'll see how that panned out" teaser!:rotfl2::rotfl2: See? You've got to remember to not reveal anything in advance if you want to keep some mystery/suspense because people (or at least I) will remember it!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

The horses seem to still have some sorts of adornments for the holiday season and Halloween Time, but I don't think it's necessarily the same every year. The derriere decor and butt baubles seem to change slightly, or at least it seemed that way to me.

It seems a shame that you were reprimanded for innocently standing up to look at the horse, but so many people all over the park get away with being blatantly rude and obnoxious. Case in point: The little monstrous demon child who hurled a handful of It's a Small World canal water in my face back in 2009 -- and nearly on my camera and cell phone -- escaped the boat unscathed. He was trying to hurl the water in the face of the woman behind him, who was presumably his mom, but she ducked out of the way and it hit me. She apologized for him, but she didn't seem all that concerned with whether or not my camera and phone were doused. They merrily went on about their business after getting water all over me, and Cast Members did nothing.

Something I noticed in DLR last month was that a lot of people were just flat-out rude or they were just not concerned about anyone around them. There are many inconsiderate and/or unaware people out there. If I realize I have bumped into someone or gotten in their way I will apologize repeatedly. Some other folks are not so polite.

While doing the egg hunt in Disneyland, I approached the egg that was sitting in a Main Street window display. I was bending and stooping down to take a picture of it. I placed the corresponding character sticker on the map and I stood up to walk away. A family -- who was also on the egg hunt and had zeroed in on the window display -- could not wait the TWO SECONDS that it would take for me to walk away. Instead, they began trying to burrow their way in between me and the window AS OPPOSED TO WALKING AROUND ME OR WAITING FOR ME TO MOVE. I stepped an inch towards the window to walk around them, which prompted them to them stick their arms and hands out to push their way closer to the window.

Did they think that the egg was going to get up and walk away in the 2 seconds it would have taken to wait for me to move? Why did they have to push past me to get to it? This was not a timed hunt or a race. I almost said all of that to them, but I didn't. I was thinking it, though.

On another occasion last month (same day) I was walking through the Adventureland gridlock zone, past the stroller parking. I tried to stay as close to the stroller side as possible and not get myself stuck in the middle of the crowds. Along came a couple of women who apparently spotted their stroller and -- you guessed it -- began burrowing and pushing past me in the inch of space between the strollers and me, to get to their stroller. Why they couldn't have waited for me to pass them or simply walk around me on the other side and access the stroller that way is beyond me. It's not as if the stroller would have vanished into some sort of Bermuda Triangle of Strollers if they had gone around the other side of me or waited the TWO SECONDS for me to pass.

So I have to wonder -- and can't wait to read about -- whether you observed or came across any rude fools such as the ones I mentioned on your trip last month. I can't be the only one!

Nothing gets past you Sherry! You have an incredible memory. (Right now I'm referring to having already mentioned the crowds/weather before I even started the report.) People are sometimes surprised by the random things I remember as well, but I can feel that ability begin to fade as I'm aging.

"Derriere decor and butt baubles..." :rotfl2:

I didn't know anything about the egg hunt before we got there, so I'll share how we came across that later.

It seems like there have been plenty of recent experiences floating around regarding rude and inconsiderate guests. We'll see if I have anything to add to the pot...

I only recall one LARGE 'shout out' from a CM at WDW. I was reviewing my digital photos on my SLR camera while waiting for the Carousel of Progress to start, "MAM, MAM, put your camera away. You can't take photos in here. MAM" Much to the delight of Sarge, Donald, and Grumps. I think that was 10 years ago and every trip they bring up the Disney Po Po giving me the shake down over the camera!

Deej now you and Sherry will have me focusing on the rumps of the Mainstreet horses for butt baubles and derriere decor. :goodvibes

I'm amazed at people who feel the need to trample others on their way to attractions. I am glad like Sherry I'm apt to hold my tongue and in my head think of several instructive things to say.... :groom:

I loved your story TK! That one gave me a good laugh. You are my fellow camera-toting-trouble-maker on Disney property! :stir: That's funny that your guys continue to bring it up each trip.

If the horses weren't showcasing any Spring decor on their butts, they probably won't in the summer, either. Unless you're there around the 4th of July. I can totally see a red white and blue butt bauble.
deej --

I haven't done a TR for December 2013 so you and TK wouldn't know this, but I, too, am a camera-toting troublemaker who got reprimanded by a CM.

I was trying to get a very specific photo of Main Street (framed in a certain way) through the Castle, and I was on the FL side of the Castle -- but standing in the shadows. I will stand in one spot for a long time until I get something I am satisfied with. Apparently, some CMs had roped off an area behind me, which I didn't see or hear. Apparently they also did not see me.

As I took a couple of steps back (into a more well-lit spot) the CMs saw me, and one of them rushed over to me with urgency, scolding me and telling me I was not supposed to be there (as though I had sneaked past them to commit some nefarious deed). She then sternly lifted up one of the ropes, telling me I had to go under it. Her snappy tone was so pointless and ridiculous. However, I am not one to take snark from someone without serving it back.

As I ducked under the rope I sarcastically said, "I was JUST trying to get a photo. I didn't see that you had roped off anything. Horror of horrors. And I didn't get the photo....so THANKS!!!"

So, you, TK and I are in the same club -- a reckless gang of outlaws and rapscallions out to do damage and wreak havoc with our cameras at DLR. We've been found out. We can no longer hide our dastardly agendas.
A very busy morning at DL when the rope drop happens. It is nice to get to the parks early but sometimes it can be very insane. Even during your trip in April that the crowds were high. Very nice pics from the horse drawn street trolley ride.
deej --

I haven't done a TR for December 2013 so you and TK wouldn't know this, but I, too, am a camera-toting troublemaker who got reprimanded by a CM.

I was trying to get a very specific photo of Main Street (framed in a certain way) through the Castle, and I was on the FL side of the Castle -- but standing in the shadows. I will stand in one spot for a long time until I get something I am satisfied with. Apparently, some CMs had roped off an area behind me, which I didn't see or hear. Apparently they also did not see me.

As I took a couple of steps back (into a more well-lit spot) the CMs saw me, and one of them rushed over to me with urgency, scolding me and telling me I was not supposed to be there (as though I had sneaked past them to commit some nefarious deed). She then sternly lifted up one of the ropes, telling me I had to go under it. Her snappy tone was so pointless and ridiculous. However, I am not one to take snark from someone without serving it back.

As I ducked under the rope I sarcastically said, "I was JUST trying to get a photo. I didn't see that you had roped off anything. Horror of horrors. And I didn't get the photo....so THANKS!!!"

So, you, TK and I are in the same club -- a reckless gang of outlaws and rapscallions out to do damage and wreak havoc with our cameras at DR. We've been found out. We can no longer hide our dastardly agendas.

:rotfl: Maybe they need to use a bit of that "energy" to get after the people who really need it. The first thing that comes to mind...and I can't even remember where I read this on the DIS...is the parent that changed their child's dirty diaper right on top of one of the tables at a counter service restaurant. :sick:

A very busy morning at DL when the rope drop happens. It is nice to get to the parks early but sometimes it can be very insane. Even during your trip in April that the crowds were high. Very nice pics from the horse drawn street trolley ride.

Thanks Bret. So have you ever gotten in trouble with your camera like Sherry and TK and I have? With as many pictures as you take?

OK, another post coming right up...
Time to take the traditional round trip train ride around the park. A great way to begin any trip!

Here comes our ride...

Say hello to our driver...

Not sure if I've ever noticed this fire bucket before.

This was interesting. I don't remember ever seeing the rafts sailing on this side of the island. I've only seen them go back and forth between the main land and the island. Here we have a few CMs taking what appears to be a leisurely sail on a raft around the island. Friendly CMs, at that. :wave2:

Can't help but think of my dad during this scene. "That dinosaur's been chewing on that for a looooooong time..." Every time. I'm sad he'll never get to see it again.

After our round trip on the railroad, Sis and SIL went to City Hall to get SIL her "Happy Birthday" button. I tried to find a quiet spot off to the side to call Disney Dining and try to get us in for lunch at the Big Thunder Ranch BBQ. I knew SIL would enjoy that as her birthday lunch. Sis and SIL were back in a flash, before my call had been taken. I stayed on the phone while we walked over to use our BTMRR FP, but I still wasn't able to get through so I hung up when we got in line. The plan was to ride BTMRR, and then just walk up to the BBQ and make the reservation in person.

The gates got a bit of a makeover. They look even more rustic than before.

Now for my thoughts on the newly refurbished BTMRR... I loved it! I never thought it was rough or jerky before the refurb...but I could sure tell a difference after. It was so smooth. So smooth that it deserves more "o's"...so smooooooooth! That was one of the first things we commented on when we got off. I also have to say that I'm not big on change. I'm kind of nostalgic. So I wasn't crazy about the idea of any change being made to the ride itself. But...I really liked the results of this refurb. I did find myself wondering, however, "Why did this take so long?" Anyway, this one got a :thumbsup2 from us.

By the way...we waited 3 minutes in line. 3 MINUTES. Translation: "Spring Break crowds dying to ride the just-barely re-opened BTMRR...Where are you???" Yeah, I know. We had FPs. And the park had only been open a little over an hour. But still.

OK. Time to take care of some lunch reservation business. Off we headed to the BBQ.

We walked up and asked the CM about getting in for lunch that day. No problem. We made a reservation for a bit later.

The CM was very friendly. I remember her being excited about her upcoming 1st trip to WDW. She was very excited about seeing the Electrical Parade. So we swapped fond memories of the good old days when the home of that parade was Disneyland's Main Street. I remember the last time I saw it. The summer of 1996, when it ended it's Disneyland run. I remember the guy on the speaker using the words "never to return again" as they announced the beginning of the parade. And yes, I remember crying during the parade. I didn't want it to go away. I didn't want a change. And that music. I had no idea what was in store for me the first time I watched the Remember Dreams Come True fireworks show. I didn't know I was going to be transported back to the 70s in the same way that the Tiki Room moves me when I watched that fireworks show. I gotta have my Kleenex handy for sure during that portion of the soundtrack, when that very synthesized voice says "The Main Street Electrical Parade..." (It's funny...if I heard that voice for the first time today, I would find it very creepy. But since it is attached to such wonderful childhood memories, I cry instead of get creeped out. :))

Apparently I took this picture after we were done talking to the friendly CM.

We decided to head over and get Splash FPs. We were going to be ready to cool off later. I had to remind myself that I wasn't going to get to use the FP any old time I wanted to...when the day was at its hottest and I would still have time to dry out. I was at the mercy of the FP window.

Taken as we walked toward Critter Country:

This FP was going to be awfully lonely in the designated FP pocket in my purse...

This was funny. Check out the FP return time window (vs. what it says on the FP itself).

Next stop: Haunted Mansion.

We were pleasantly surprised. Another 3 minute line. :cool1:

(I am currently listening to the Main Street Electrical Parade soundtrack on You Tube right now as I type. I just have to say that there are other creepy-sounding noises. If there were alien bugs...I know what they would sound like. :rotfl:)

I've always wanted a picture of this, but my camera has never been able to capture it in such low light. I decided to give it a try with my phone and this was the result. Can you even tell what it is?

By the way, this time I took a lot of pictures with my phone. The photos were pretty evenly split between phone and camera this trip.
Fellow DLR photographic mayhem-instigator checking back in here...

I think the CMs are probably sailing around the other side of the island because they're scouting for other nefarious ne'er-do-wells causing mischief with their cameras!:rotfl: We cannot be the only ones!

Another good set o' pics. I especially like #1, #3, #10, #11 and #17. And yes, that gate looks really (faux) rusty!

Speaking of photos, I have been trying to teach myself a few basic steps in Photoshop Elements, as it didn't come with a manual (nothing does anymore) and I have to Google all of my questions these days. One of my main reasons for getting PE was to watermark some of my photos, and I haven't even figured out that process yet!:rotfl2:

I told you before that I have never once used the One-Touch Color (or whatever it is called) feature that is actually built into my camera -- which would be 100 times easier, I suspect. Instead, I did those 2 photos that I showed you by using Photobucket's Color Splash feature, which was very tedious and time-consuming.

I decided to try to figure out how to do a One Touch Color/Color Splash effect in Elements, thinking it would be easier. I first took a photo and did the Color Splash technique in Photobucket so the process would be fresh on my mind for comparison's sake, and then I instantly went over to Photoshop Elements and attempted to do it there. And... it was not easier, nor did it save me any time!:rotfl::rotfl: I looked up the instructions online, and there were so many steps. Then I still had do all of the detailing (such as making sure the colored part didn't go way outside of the lines, or that I didn't pull up another color from the background that I didn't want). To be honest, I don't think I could remember the steps to do that again if I tried. I'd have to go back to Google.

So, the bottom line is, I suspect that the fastest and easiest way to do a One-Touch Color effect is to use the feature that is in the camera...which I might finally do one of these days!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
Thanks Bret. So have you ever gotten in trouble with your camera like Sherry and TK and I have? With as many pictures as you take?

I had a few times where CM's told me not to take pictures in certain areas and unexpected places. I believe it was back during the January 2011 trip which Sherry had a quest for me to try to do. It was the sign quest where any letter heads or signs around the whole resort. That was a daunting tasks of getting every sign around the whole resort from the parks, hotels, stores, restaurants, etc. After I took some pictures at the GCH and I was outside at DTD, some CM security asked me why I was taking pictures in the hotel and around the resort. I told them that it was a scavenger hunt of finding signs for the quest. After that, they had no problem with it. There were times where I got in trouble with the camera but nothing significant. I'm always being cautious of where I can take pictures or not.

It is always nice to ride the DLRR around the park. It's nice to see pictures of the Ernest S. Marsh Engine #4 on the tracks. As always, you have nice pictures of BTMRR When I rode BTMRR last month, the ride experience was dramatically improved over the old version but I also like the old version as well. As you said that it did felt smooth to ride on BTMRR with the new tracks.

Very nice update.
Dick Dastardly DIS photographer TK checking in... :rotfl2:

Love the trip report installment Deej. I too am sad your dad won't be commenting on the chomping Dino too. Now I will think of your dear dad when we ride around the park. Nice memory that will always be associated with your dad for you.

I'm happy the spring break crowds aren't slowing you down! I'm hoping in July I can get my guys on Splash. They've never been on it. Sarge doesn't care for rides that get him wet but I'm thinking a refreshing splash may be welcome on our next trip.

Hope all goes well with your lunch at BTMBBQ. In December we skeedaddled over from DCA for our dinner reservation to find they had closed for some reason :furious: We made do with the Plaza.

I can't figure out what your pic is of at the HM....the floating head lady??

Sherry I have a two page cheat sheet on how to watermark in PSE (I batch process through the editor) would you like me to send it to you? If so, PM me your email.

Bret - I enjoyed your story of when your photography motives were questioned by CMs. :goodvibes
Fellow DLR photographic mayhem-instigator checking back in here...

I think the CMs are probably sailing around the other side of the island because they're scouting for other nefarious ne'er-do-wells causing mischief with their cameras!:rotfl: We cannot be the only ones!

Another good set o' pics. I especially like #1, #3, #10, #11 and #17. And yes, that gate looks really (faux) rusty!

Speaking of photos, I have been trying to teach myself a few basic steps in Photoshop Elements, as it didn't come with a manual (nothing does anymore) and I have to Google all of my questions these days. One of my main reasons for getting PE was to watermark some of my photos, and I haven't even figured out that process yet!:rotfl2:

I told you before that I have never once used the One-Touch Color (or whatever it is called) feature that is actually built into my camera -- which would be 100 times easier, I suspect. Instead, I did those 2 photos that I showed you by using Photobucket's Color Splash feature, which was very tedious and time-consuming.

I decided to try to figure out how to do a One Touch Color/Color Splash effect in Elements, thinking it would be easier. I first took a photo and did the Color Splash technique in Photobucket so the process would be fresh on my mind for comparison's sake, and then I instantly went over to Photoshop Elements and attempted to do it there. And... it was not easier, nor did it save me any time!:rotfl::rotfl: I looked up the instructions online, and there were so many steps. Then I still had do all of the detailing (such as making sure the colored part didn't go way outside of the lines, or that I didn't pull up another color from the background that I didn't want). To be honest, I don't think I could remember the steps to do that again if I tried. I'd have to go back to Google.

So, the bottom line is, I suspect that the fastest and easiest way to do a One-Touch Color effect is to use the feature that is in the camera...which I might finally do one of these days!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Thanks Sherry! I like how the chandelier picture turned out. That was taken with my phone. It just does so much better in lower light than my camera.

I hope you get the watermark thing figured out. Yes, it sounds like the one-touch color thing is easier with the camera. I always have to look it up before I do it to remind myself how, but it isn't nearly as complicated as the instructions to do it after the fact.

I had a few times where CM's told me not to take pictures in certain areas and unexpected places. I believe it was back during the January 2011 trip which Sherry had a quest for me to try to do. It was the sign quest where any letter heads or signs around the whole resort. That was a daunting tasks of getting every sign around the whole resort from the parks, hotels, stores, restaurants, etc. After I took some pictures at the GCH and I was outside at DTD, some CM security asked me why I was taking pictures in the hotel and around the resort. I told them that it was a scavenger hunt of finding signs for the quest. After that, they had no problem with it. There were times where I got in trouble with the camera but nothing significant. I'm always being cautious of where I can take pictures or not.

It is always nice to ride the DLRR around the park. It's nice to see pictures of the Ernest S. Marsh Engine #4 on the tracks. As always, you have nice pictures of BTMRR When I rode BTMRR last month, the ride experience was dramatically improved over the old version but I also like the old version as well. As you said that it did felt smooth to ride on BTMRR with the new tracks.

Very nice update.

Thanks Bret! I can imagine security might ask you what you are up to with all your picture-taking.

Riding the train around the park is so relaxing. So is riding the Mark Twain. I could just go around and around all day. Almost. I like to do other things too. :)

Dick Dastardly DIS photographer TK checking in... :rotfl2:

Love the trip report installment Deej. I too am sad your dad won't be commenting on the chomping Dino too. Now I will think of your dear dad when we ride around the park. Nice memory that will always be associated with your dad for you.

I'm happy the spring break crowds aren't slowing you down! I'm hoping in July I can get my guys on Splash. They've never been on it. Sarge doesn't care for rides that get him wet but I'm thinking a refreshing splash may be welcome on our next trip.

Hope all goes well with your lunch at BTMBBQ. In December we skeedaddled over from DCA for our dinner reservation to find they had closed for some reason :furious: We made do with the Plaza.

I can't figure out what your pic is of at the HM....the floating head lady??

Sherry I have a two page cheat sheet on how to watermark in PSE (I batch process through the editor) would you like me to send it to you? If so, PM me your email.

Bret - I enjoyed your story of when your photography motives were questioned by CMs. :goodvibes

I hope you can get your guys on Splash too. If they do...get them in the back. I come out pretty dry when I sit in the back 2 seats. :thumbsup2

Bummer about the BBQ being closed! Are you going to try again in July? It seems like it would be pretty hot sitting out there in the summer sun but it is so good.

OK, that mystery picture...It is the top of the posts (that have chains going from post to post to keep you in line) right before you enter your doom buggy. It's so dark in there, it's hard to see the spookiness of them.

Did you get to be with your boys for Mother's Day?
We rode Haunted Mansion and then headed to Pirates.

It's been a while since I've zeroed in on a light fixture:

We set sail through the bayou in less than 10 minutes from the time we got in line.

Seeing this scene got us excited for our lunch the next day!

When we met up with my sister at Mimi's our first night, she surprised me and SIL with the news that she made lunch reservations for us to eat at Blue Bayou on Tuesday...her treat! :cloud9:

Time to go use those Splash Mountain FPs. But first...we listened to the pirates sing for a bit. (The guy in the back on the far left in the bright pink shirt was one of the Waltons.)

We passed this lonely flower on our way over to Splash Mountain. I have to say...I noticed quite a few sparse areas in the flower department, as well as tired and droopy flowers.

We waited in the Splash FP line for less than 10 minutes. We were the first 3 people in the log...I was in the 3rd seat. I didn't get very wet, but SIL and Sis sure did.

After Splash we went across the way and rode Pooh with a less than 5 minute wait.

I forgot to look for my old CBJ friends Max, Buff and Melvin...so I knew I would need to ride again sometime this trip.

We decided to look around Pooh Corner for a while before our BBQ lunch. A few of the things I spotted while browsing:

I would be picking up one of these for DS8 on our last morning.

A few Easter treats. These were cute, but since I don't like coconut, I didn't want to try one.

Also cute, but since I don't like Disneyland's cupcakes, I didn't want to try one. :)

I was in the market for a new cutting board. Now I wish I would have bought this one.

More cuteness.

This is what I really wanted to delve into. But I refrained. ;)

Up next...SIL's birthday lunch at the BBQ!
Was the singing pirate really one of the Waltons? I'm thinking 'Jason'. So glad all is right with the world and Deej posted a light fixture photo!

Excited that you and your sister will be having lunch at BB. We liked it but the low light situation made eating a bit of an adventure.

One of my sons was home for Mother's Day. The other sent me an adorable card. :lovestruc

Was the singing pirate really one of the Waltons? I'm thinking 'Jason'. So glad all is right with the world and Deej posted a light fixture photo!

Excited that you and your sister will be having lunch at BB. We liked it but the low light situation made eating a bit of an adventure.

One of my sons was home for Mother's Day. The other sent me an adorable card. :lovestruc


Yes. Jason Walton. :)

I noticed that the lighting situation in BB wasn't quite as low as the last time I ate there 3 1/2 yrs ago.
Off to the BBQ for lunch! The restaurant was very Springy looking. Very pretty, but I do prefer the Autumn look over the Spring look.

The BBQ is "all you care to enjoy," as they put it. The food is served family style, and they replenish whatever you want as you go along.

My plate. I especially love that vinegar-based cole slaw.

Everything is soooooo good.

After lunch our server brought out a birthday cupcake for SIL. She thought we put him up to it. We let her know that it was the birthday button that gave her away. :goodvibes

We sat there for a long while. Eating. Resting. Resting and eating. Finally, we waddled on out of there.

Some Springtime Cheer:

(The bunny face creeps me out. It looks like it was run over and smashed or something.)

I LOVE this one.

A leisurely ride on the Mark Twain was in order.

We timed things just right (which we never seem to be able to do for Mark Twain) and basically just had to wait for a group to disembark.

One disembarking guest in particular comes to mind. She looked to be about 12 years old, at least. She was digging and digging around in her nose as she came down the stairs, and then ate her treasures as she walked past those of us waiting to get on the boat. :sick: We were all glad we didn't lose our BBQ lunch after that display.

Views from our sail down the river.

Can you spy the Disneyland Duck in this one?

How about a close up...

And one more just to be sure...

It looked so cute perched up there.

Kicked back and chillin'.

It was hard to believe almost 6 hours had passed by this time.

I think we headed toward the locker for something on our way over to DCA.

Main Street mid-afternoon:

And a view toward the Castle:

While SIL and my sister went to the locker I decided to check out whatever display case resident kicked out my sewing machine.

The culprit:

Uhhh...the sewing machine display was so much better.

This display was right next to it. Or maybe this was the sewing machine spot. I didn't stand back far enough to know for sure, now that I am looking at the pictures.

While we were standing in that spot, I noticed the Main Street Cone Shop was closed.

A CM happened to come out from the backstage area right there by the lockers while I was commenting on it being closed. He told me that it had closed at least 5 years ago, which I knew wasn't true. I wondered if it had been closed when I was there in October 2012. I couldn't specifically remember getting a cone from there that trip, or noticing that it had been closed. Oh great one, Sherry, with the amazing memory...did I make any comments about buying a cone from the Main Street Cone Shop in my Oct. 2012 TR?? :rotfl2: Or comment that it had been closed?? I had a mystery to solve.

We left Disneyland and hopped over to DCA.
So much to comment on....

YUM for the BBQ! We're booked for July.

We've never taken a ride on the Mark Twain. It's on my bucket list for July.

Glad you zoomed in on the DLD. I didn't see him perched on top of the umbrella until you pointed it out.

HEY - We too missed the ice cream window. I know in January 2012 we got a cone from there.

LOVE the pictures. Keep 'em coming. :goodvibes
I missed a few of your updates these last few days and catching back up.

I know that you had to get some light fixture pictures during your trip. The treats at Pooh's Corner look very appetizing.

Very nice pictures from Big Thunder Ranch BBQ. Eating at BTRBBQ was nice when I ate in June which was hot but the food was nice. It is always nice to ride on the Mark Twain down the RoA.

Great updates Deej.
Thanks TK and Bret! It's good to know the Cone Shop was still there in Jan. 2012. I wonder why that CM thought it had been gone for 5 years. I'm glad you enjoyed eating at the BBQ, Bret. I think TK and her men will enjoy it, too.


We just hopped from Disneyland to DCA. Our first stop was to watch Five and Dime for a little bit.

We enjoyed this bit of entertainment. The man and woman chosen from the bystanders to participate were really great sports. You could tell neither of them really wanted to join in but they did a great job and provided lots of laughs. Afterward, the man said to me, "I'm never doing that again."

Hello "Artist Formerly Known As Billy." ;)

From here I would guess we got FPs...maybe for Soarin'? Then we headed over to Mickey's Fun Wheel.

Can you find the bird in this picture?

Still making our way to MFW.

Had to get a picture of this for my P&F fans at home.

We had a less than 10 minute wait to ride in a non-swinging gondola. All of our ride lines have been less than 10 minute waits up to this point.

Views from the ride:

We rode Toy Story next. Our first more-than-10-minute-wait of the day. But 20 minutes is not bad at all.

I believe we got Screamin' FPs when we got off Toy Story.

My FP Stash:

The most number of FPs I had in my FP-designated purse pocket at any given time this trip.

It was time to go ride Soarin' Over California. We saw the cutest sight on our way over.

A mama duck was leading her babies through DCA. She was accompanied by her own private security team. :)


Let's do a quick check on the weather:

We made it to Soarin' and had yet another less than 10 minute wait. Maybe that should have been my TR title... The Trip of Less Than 10 Minute Waits.

Soarin' is still my favorite DCA ride.

When we got off, it was already time to go use our Screamin' FP. It was just me and SIL for this one. My sister can't do Screamin' anymore. It isn't worth the motion sickness that tends to linger.

This is the scene we passed on our way to Screamin'. Check out the Toy Story line at 6pm. I've NEVER seen it this short before. Of course I thought of TK and how much she'd enjoy hopping in that short line. :goodvibes

And that brings this installment to a close. :)


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