losing weight on the way to Mickey!

I want to join on in! Last trip I wanted to lose. I ended up staying the same. We had a lot of stress happening and I just wasn't motivated. Then I gained a bit when we got back to even worse stress. So here I am...about a year before our trip...and wanting to lose at least 60 lbs. Fingers crossed.
Oh no! You have to input the food? :( I hate doing that! That's what gets me every time and I get frustrated and just quit. Is that optional or you absolutely jave to do it in ordernfor it to work?
NO, you don't have to input your food, but you do have to watch your food. I am the same way about actually putting it into a program it takes so long. BUT if you choose to eat clean unprocessed foods and you monitor that you are eating sensible portions, the fit bit will help you with your activity level. I used to wear the body bugg (the one biggest loser used to wear) and it would tell me I burned 2600 calories in a day, so I knew I had to stay under that. IF you just look at what you've eaten for a day or two you'll kind of have an idea about how much you can have !!!

Ladies, I'm thinking about opening a facebook page for us? Do most of you go on facebook? I find that I miss messages here and when you reply they don't go just under the message? Thoughts? I'd love to check in more regularly, but I know that's not for everyone... if anyone is interested, reply and I'll form the group :) it will be private and closed so no one on facebook can see anything we post :)
Ladies, I'm thinking about opening a facebook page for us? Do most of you go on facebook? I find that I miss messages here and when you reply they don't go just under the message? Thoughts? I'd love to check in more regularly, but I know that's not for everyone... if anyone is interested, reply and I'll form the group :) it will be private and closed so no one on facebook can see anything we post :)

I would like a fb page..... I'm really struggling to get in my exercise while my kids activities r so demanding....my trip is 40 days away....but this doesnt stop after the trip is over....im actually logging more and being stricter with my eating due to not getting my cardio in :)
I too would love a Facebook page. I need daily accountability otherwise I find I do the "I can always start tomorrow" or "I can have a sweets day" and then I do the same thing over and over and never start.
I would like a fb page..... I'm really struggling to get in my exercise while my kids activities r so demanding....my trip is 40 days away....but this doesnt stop after the trip is over....im actually logging more and being stricter with my eating due to not getting my cardio in :)

I too would love a Facebook page. I need daily accountability otherwise I find I do the "I can always start tomorrow" or "I can have a sweets day" and then I do the same thing over and over and never start.

Ok ladies, I totally agree, I love this place, and we'll continue it too, but I need a bit more and I don't get notifications here until the next morning :) I'm going to put my facebook link here... for me... then I can form the group if I just have one person to add, so find me and friend request...then I'll make the group and then I can post the info back in here for the others to find :)
What's the Body Bugg?
body bugg is the activity tracker that they used to wear on the biggest loser (up on the arm) it was extremely accurate with calories burned and sleep, BUT jawbone bought them out 2 years ago (or so) so they now create the up.... they kept the software for us to keep using them, but finally stopped in January, so I've got to find a new device :) problem is I'm so picky now I can't decide
I'm down 13.4 since mid Feb. it's a little slower than I'd like, but it's steady. People have started to notice which is great! We leave 7 weeks from today. I'd love to lose 16 by then, but I'll be happy with 10.
ok, so I've created a group on faceobook, which is private so no one can see the posts, unless they are in the group. It's https://www.facebook.com/groups/1013289545385461/edit/

This group will be for anyone who just wants to post more frequently or maybe even photos of food and recipes... maybe I'll post a little thing about exercise and everyone can post under what they did for the day? to keep accountable to do something :) and we can help each other along with snack ideas or foods that are good tasting! I'm almost at the 180 mark, so I'm also starting to look for solo dining ideas we can talk all things Disney.
New here and jumping on board.

33 (for another couple of weeks) and stay-at-home Momma to a 5 and 2.5 year old. I'm 5'0" and carry the bulk of my weight in my stomach and face. Started at 133.4 and last weigh-in (Thursday) I was at 126.6 pounds. My overall goal is 110, but I've got a Disney trip coming up (June 4) and I'm hoping to hit 120 by then.

I'm on week one, day 5 of the 21 day fix workout program. This is the third time I've started it and have never finished it :(. The previous two times I started the eating plan along with it and both times on day 4 I got incredibly, incredibly sick. I'm talking couldn't keep any food down, could barely sit up, stayed in bed for 3 days type of sick. Not sure if it was my body detoxing, coincidence or what, but it has me really scared to start the eating program again.

For now, I'm going to focus on cutting the Diet Coke habit (3-4 cans a day), increasing my water intake (pretty much only drink the bottle I go through working out right now :( ), sticking to the workout schedule and hitting 10,000 steps a day on my Fitbit.

Happy to be here, get to know y'all and have some accountability :)
New here and jumping on board.

33 (for another couple of weeks) and stay-at-home Momma to a 5 and 2.5 year old. I'm 5'0" and carry the bulk of my weight in my stomach and face. Started at 133.4 and last weigh-in (Thursday) I was at 126.6 pounds. My overall goal is 110, but I've got a Disney trip coming up (June 4) and I'm hoping to hit 120 by then.

I'm on week one, day 5 of the 21 day fix workout program. This is the third time I've started it and have never finished it :(. The previous two times I started the eating plan along with it and both times on day 4 I got incredibly, incredibly sick. I'm talking couldn't keep any food down, could barely sit up, stayed in bed for 3 days type of sick. Not sure if it was my body detoxing, coincidence or what, but it has me really scared to start the eating program again.

For now, I'm going to focus on cutting the Diet Coke habit (3-4 cans a day), increasing my water intake (pretty much only drink the bottle I go through working out right now :( ), sticking to the workout schedule and hitting 10,000 steps a day on my Fitbit.

Happy to be here, get to know y'all and have some accountability :)

Hi, and welcome!!! I'm a 21 day fixer myself :) and you'll hear a lot of people claim the "detox" bit but truth is it might have just been coincidental. OR if you eliminated the diet coke at the same time, you might have suffered a migraine or something to trigger being sick? who knows... but glad you are on day 5 right now :) I am a beachbody coach, so happy to answer any questions you have about that program, I'm a bit more of a "real life" one though so some things I suggest to my challenge group to adjust so it can be long term. You absolutely can finish it! So exciting that your trip is coming right up!

We've made a facebook page too, so if you need more daily chit chat... follow us there!
Thanks for the welcome @tonya george!

I do have a couple of questions, and if we need to move to PM so as not to turn this into a Beachbody discussion that others don't care about I totally get it :)

At what points should I be incorporating the 10 minute ab fix (I think it's called?). Since my stomach is my biggest problem area I definitely want to utilize it, but not sure with which workout days it would work best with. Is it just personal preference?

Also, is Shakeology really all that they claim it is? It's soooooo expensive that I haven't jumped on the bandwagon with it, but I'm still curious...

Now onto the non-21DF stuff ;)

Yesterday was a mix of good and bad for me. The workouts? Good! Got the cardio fix out of the way early on in the afternoon and reached my 10,000 step goal (plus a few extra) before going to bed. The food? Eh, not so good. Had 3 Diet Cokes and a few too many moments of snacking. I notice that if I'm home all day I eat mindlessly, so definitely need to work on getting out of the house more now that the weather is starting to warm up!

How's everybody else's week going?
Thanks for the welcome @tonya george!

I do have a couple of questions, and if we need to move to PM so as not to turn this into a Beachbody discussion that others don't care about I totally get it :)

At what points should I be incorporating the 10 minute ab fix (I think it's called?). Since my stomach is my biggest problem area I definitely want to utilize it, but not sure with which workout days it would work best with. Is it just personal preference?

Also, is Shakeology really all that they claim it is? It's soooooo expensive that I haven't jumped on the bandwagon with it, but I'm still curious...

Now onto the non-21DF stuff ;)

Yesterday was a mix of good and bad for me. The workouts? Good! Got the cardio fix out of the way early on in the afternoon and reached my 10,000 step goal (plus a few extra) before going to bed. The food? Eh, not so good. Had 3 Diet Cokes and a few too many moments of snacking. I notice that if I'm home all day I eat mindlessly, so definitely need to work on getting out of the house more now that the weather is starting to warm up!

How's everybody else's week going?

Hey, my body was used to snacking all day too :) so I had to incorporate certain snacks that I looked forward too and loved. i.e. banana with natural almond butter... greek yogurt... or my shake...

I know you're still trying to cut the soda... it's going to be KEY for you! Try to flavor your water naturally if you have to, with lime or lemon or even watermelon or strawberry pineapple. Do what you must to get off the soda (in the nicest tone possible) :) then you can use less fruit as you go on. Try to avoid going with the commercial flavored waters, they have splenda and other things in them too, so even though better than Diet Coke, you're just replacing it with something else you'll have to ween from....

I'll pm you about the details of the program :)

I had a good day until the mini ice cream at 8:45 :( :( boo Sadly I keep doing that when my girls and I are on the road and out WAY past their bedtime and I'm ready for the down time and it doesn't come.... I feel the need for a treat! Did get 3.5 miles in today, so hopefully that cancelled it out, because other than that I had a good day for nutrition. How did everyone do this week?


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