Losing faith in humanity

I would have hoped that the cast member taking the order would have intervened and asked him to get in line.

That should be what happens but think of the CM/people still in the queue. The people who are more then happy to shove their way to the front of a queue to get to the front aren't likly to care what is said to them. All you'll get is a mouthful of abuse and an arguement, not fun for the CM and you have to wait even longer whilst they argue (which is also not fun for your children to watch either).

The line cutting at WDW is out of control. They do nothing about it, which is why it is out of control.

The people who cut will push, shove and do whatever they want in order to cut...and Disney lets them. The official line from Disney management is, "We cannot control guest behavior."

I keep waiting for someone to file a lawsuit.

Yeah, I've noticed no matter where I am in Disney I encounter line pushing alot. Too many self entitled people walking around for my liking and sadly it's not just in Disney, it's a world wide epidemic lol
I was hoping the same thing. I even told her, he just cut in front of 15 people. And she just gave me a sympathetic look and took his order anyway.

I'm guessing they'll try to avoid confrontation at all costs.

In hindsight, I felt sorry for the guy more than anything. He didn't seem to be having fun, he had two kids screaming in a stroller and a wife/girlfriend/spouse that didn't look very pleased. I said a little prayer for him and wished some pixie dust would come his way, but it still didn't change the fact that he had no regard for the others in line.

I had a slightly different experience last year at Wilderness Lodge. I had gone down to the Mercantile to buy a cold drink, was waiting in line behind one other lady who was having her purchases wrapped. Just as she finished and walked away, I was about to step forward when a young guy (late teens/early 20s) stepped up and cut right in front of me. The CM just looked at him and said 'I think you'll find that young lady is nxt in line sir'. He protested, saying that he had been stood off to the other side (he hadn't) and then tried saying because he had food going cold (he was carrying a take-out box), he couldn't wait. The CM refused to serve him and just carried on with my purchase as if he wasn't there. Then,, when I finished up, sweet as anything, she just turned to him and said 'How can I help you sir' :)

I agree that a lot of time it is just easier for the CMs to get on and serve the person stood in front of them and not worry about whether they cut and not risk getting into a confrontation (I am fairly sure that is what they are taught to do) and I can understand why. People can be nasty. I'm sure a lot of us have experienced that, even at the Happiest Place on Earth :sad2:

OP, I'm sorry about your rude experiences on your trip and I'm glad you didn't let it affect you. Oh, and if you can give me some tips on how to bring up well-mannered boys, I would appreciate it :laughing:
Different sort of, because it was an emergency, but still irritating (as well as funny): You know how when you get off the plane after a 2 or 3 hour flight, you really, really have to go to the bathroom and that very long line forms at the first restroom as you get off the plane, with everyone squirming trying not to pee on themselves? I was in one of those long lines once at MCO and really, really had to go, just like everyone else, when this older Asian lady suddenly came charging in, cutting in front of all of us and just rushed into the handicapped stall that had just opened. She literally pushed the lady coming out of the stall out of her way. All of us yelled 'wait, there is a line lady'. She just yelled back, "no wait, no wait".:rotfl: I guess she thought she had to go worse than the rest of us.:rotfl: What was bad though, was that after urinating, she then decided to open her carry on and change out of her jeans and sweatshirt into shorts and tshirt, while we all waited. She came out smiling, saying "couldn't wait, couldn't wait".:rolleyes1 A lady with a squirming little girl sarcastically said, "neither could we, but we are".
I am tiny and get pushed, cut off, stepped on, ect when walking - I deal with it but I don't tolerate line cutting. Being an elementary teacher, I am very much offended when adults do this because my grade 1s can figure this out. I have no problem pulling out the teacher voice in public and embarrassing them.
What a horrific little man, with deplorable manners. I do hope that one day he cuts line in front of someone bigger than him!

I'm a tiny person (like 5ft tall tiny) and am so used to being pushed around, however I have perfected the "look". I just turn around, give them a look, and say "no need to apologise" and walk on

It really astounds me how some people think they are more important than others!!
Did he have an East coast accent? :rolleyes1
Right because only people from the east coast are rude :rolleyes2

What a horrific little man, with deplorable manners. I do hope that one day he cuts line in front of someone bigger than him!

I'm a tiny person (like 5ft tall tiny) and am so used to being pushed around, however I have perfected the "look". I just turn around, give them a look, and say "no need to apologise" and walk on

It really astounds me how some people think they are more important than others!!
I love the look! I have what a former boss called the look of death. It stops people in their tracks.

I will say DH has it easy in these case. He's 6'7" and usually people don't bother him and if they do he just say hey and they stop. He's actually a ***** cat and has never been in a fight etc.
I think you did the right thing. And that you were even so nice to say a prayer for that man and his family says a lot about you.:goodvibes

But what else pops into my mind is that we are all teaching these people that the world revolves around them at a young age. There are so many posts about how Disney is for kids, or how can you can't expect a kid to behave and have manners while they are at WDW. They are taught early on that bad behavior is fine, so they end up rude adults.
Oh heck no! I wouldn't have stood for that. I would have blocked him somehow. Used elbows to "shove" him aside. I do not tolerate line cutters.

THIS!!,...I would NOT have stood for it...you stand up to bullies especially in front of your kids. The CM did NOTHING????...Just served him???

I would NOT let that happen...no way..no how!
To the OP - I feel your pain. I could NEVER cut in line and it drives me crazy when others do it. The only way it is EVER acceptable is if someone were to ask and get permission from all those in line.

Good for you for trying to do the right thing!!

We tend to be overly polite - probably the Canadian in us :)
What a complete ******! I don't know what else to say. Wow. It would have been great if security was around to walk him out of the store.
Why didn't you call the police and report that! No way would that have gone unanswered for, if it had been me and my kids!!!! Holy crap!!

I agree with a phone call to the PD! That is completely unexcusable! This guy is amongst the idiots that give dogs like pits a bad rep!
Again totally not Disney related but people like this get me LIVID. :mad: I am a HUGE animal lover and I love pitbulls. It angers me till no end that irresponsible owners can treat these pitbulls like killers. Like I've said and will always be saying...all dogs should be kept on a leash no matter how big or small they are.

When I was a child I was chased by a pitbull who was loose. I was riding up and down my street I wasn't bothering him and the dog chased me barking and snapping at my heals. I raced home on my bike and yelled for my dad who chased him off. Looking back he was probably playing but he shouldn't Have been loose like that.

I blame the owners not the dogs. As for Disney I think the parks are a small sampling of what is out there. There is more me, me, me and mean spiritness in the world. Or I'm getting older and noticing it more.
The problem is that everyone is giving in to people who want things right now...like a song from the Black Eyed Peas...it says "We are the now generation and I want it now." Its a vicious cycle, unless people start saying no, especially to children-ending the cycle has to start early, they are always going to feel entitled to things. BTW, I have encountered plenty of rude people at Disney, sometimes it is just not worth the fight-they have the bigger issues, the rude people, but when someone steps in front of someone who is deaf and is trying to follow a sign interpreter, that deserves something to be said.

And I am not rude, from the east coast and proud to say New York City!
That should be what happens but think of the CM/people still in the queue. The people who are more then happy to shove their way to the front of a queue to get to the front aren't likly to care what is said to them. All you'll get is a mouthful of abuse and an arguement, not fun for the CM and you have to wait even longer whilst they argue (which is also not fun for your children to watch either).

My family friend was in the CP this year and the amount of verbal and physical abuse she took from guests is mind-boggling and definitely caused me to lose whatever faith in society I had heretofore possessed.

The worst job was merging FP and stand by lines in a location at the MK. The number of people who don't know about FP is really shocking (and the number of people who get incensed and crazy angry that "those people get to go first" is actually quite scary for our society. I mean if you lose your marbles over waiting in line to get on a child's ride at the MK, how do you handle the annoyances of daily life?) She was called the worst names you can imagine for letting FP people go first -- all in front of children. She also witnessed shoving, pushing, hitting and name-calling in the standby line as people cut lines or tried to. The problem was that the CM in that merge position is alone and has no phone to call for security or the manager. The CMs were basically told to use "their best judgment" but to avoid leaving their actual post to get to a phone to call for help. And when it is bad enough to leave their post and call for back up, it seldom arrives in a timely basis and if it does, nothing happens to the badly behaving guest. This was true even of the guest who SLAPPED my family friend -- absolutely nothing happened to her. (And my friend ended up with a hand-print shaped bruise on her arm for two weeks.)

So why should the CM do anything? It's easier and safer to let a guest behave badly and just get them thru the line asap. A significant part of the problem is that the way Disney is run, bad behavior is rewarded.

My advice is that if you see guest behavior that is upsetting and harms your enjoyment of the park, report it to guest services. If enough people complained, maybe they'd increase the number of CMs, give them communication devices, and have the managers back them up instead of placating the bad guests.
You kind of have to, unless you are bigger, stronger and willing to fight.

Disney management does nothing. They contend that they don't have the authority to do anything. It is up to you to hold your place in line or call the cops.

They cannot control guest behavior.


I have the name of the manager, the date, time, everything. I am seriously waiting for someone to file suit. And I'll happily sit and be deposed.

"We have no authority. We cannot control guest behavior."

I have many times seen CM's step in and stop bad behavoir....but not often enough. I dont think it that they dont think they have the authority, as I have been told by CM's its a matter of trying not to cause a bigger issue......yet they often do that by letting the practice go on!

It's not just Disney........its almost aALL entertainment venues and theme parks all over the country...........everyone is so afriad to insult any one , they do nothing......

I have only once recently had someone push in front in line at Sea World. Some younger teens.......they were amazed when they couldn't get by us.......the parents were especially upset when I called back to them and loudly told them to maintain control over their teens! Seems the guy (I will not call him a parent, since he had no idea what being a parent meant) got red faced and gave me a dirty look and then told the 2 teens to get back with them.

I really think, (but cannot prove) that the parents put up the teens up to to try and sneak ahead in pieces.

The line employee just stood watching.

This really comes down to *bullying/rude/ entitlement minded people*.......doing what they want becuase the venue/theme park employees/CM,s can't or wont stop them and the other guests being abused.....trying to be polite and civil don't stop them.

This seems to be happening more and more all the time and on every trip.

On our last trip we were at MNSSHP and our 2yo DGD got scared when the fireworks were going off. So we moved to a great spot to watch the parade away from the fireworks. We had front row seats for all 10 of us, 3 were under 3 years of age. Where we were standing was an easy place to cross the street. We would move and let people through. Shortly before the parade started I went and got water for our group. When I returned, there was a lady standing where we had been. I was told my group moved to let them through and the lady stopped and said this was a great spot. My DW said something to her, so the lady PUSHED my wife out of her way. I did something I regret now, I pushed her out of the way and got our places back. Her husband now joins the debate and the screaming started. This family was from Scotland and I was told I was the reason that American economy was so bad. The lady found security and complained to them the whole parade. Afterwards, security asked me what happened and I was honest, end of story.

The trip before we had great seats for the MSEP, been sitting over an hour. Adults standing in the rear, kids up front. Right before the parade started, a lady put her daughter right in front of our little ones. A few others and myself asked the lady to move and she said we were rude. REALLY...we are the rude ones?

We are taking some time away from Disney and don't have another trip planned until Dec 2014. I'm afraid I am getting to the point of not enjoying myself because of others.

I am sorry you had this experience - can I just say that all Scottish people are not like that! We always try to be as polite and courteous as possible. I hope this hasn't tarnished your view of Scottish people as a whole:wave2:
wow! I wouldn't have stood for that & would've said something. You are better than I.

Being a past cast member I used to deal with cutters ALL the time. They did not like me one bit but that is one thing I did not tolerate! It is a HUGE pet peeve of mine!
You kind of have to, unless you are bigger, stronger and willing to fight.

Disney management does nothing. They contend that they don't have the authority to do anything. It is up to you to hold your place in line or call the cops.

They cannot control guest behavior.


I have the name of the manager, the date, time, everything. I am seriously waiting for someone to file suit. And I'll happily sit and be deposed.

"We have no authority. We cannot control guest behavior."

I don't understand it either..I see line cutters ejected from other themeparks/amusement parks ..When I worked for Six Flags, we didn't put up with it, and Hershey park doesn't either. I went to Universal and was so pleasantly surprised to see that not only are they aware of the lines, they STOP line cutters.I saw it 3 occasions when I was at Universal in January where an entire tour group tried to cut the HULK line and the Universal employees were ALL over it.Same thing at Spiderman and Forbidden Journey only it was individuals at FJ that were trying to cut.IF other themeparks can address it, so can Disney.They choose not to


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